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Chapter 787: Disaster strikes, Taoist master discusses

Taojun Hunyuan tidied up his appearance and immediately summoned a group of disciples to explain that he was going to Jingjie and asked them to keep quiet and take good care of the Taoist sect, and so on.

All the disciples looked at each other. The first disciple boldly said: Master, there is a turmoil in the Jingjie. There are more than twenty immortals who went there, and only six survived.

Daojun Hunyuan was stunned and said quickly: What happened? Did Xu Ying kill them?

The eldest disciple shook his head and said: Probably not. When the Jingjie was in turmoil, the old men planned to harvest the Jingjie. As a result, the old men came to consciousness and took away the souls of those insects. They were all wiped out by an unpredictable and profound force. Even the cave abyss was wiped out. Erased. Now Jingjie has lost contact.”

Daojun Hunyuan was stunned.

Therefore, many masters suspect that a Taoist master has appeared in Jingjie.

Where's Xu Ying?

Who knows? He probably died in Jingjie.



Xu Ying was naturally extremely happy to see the Holy Lord again, but the Holy Lord seemed to be rejecting people thousands of miles away. He said calmly: Xu Daozu, Taiyi Sect, who is the senior brother?

Me! Xu Ying smiled.

The Holy Lord hesitated for a moment. Even after such a long time, he was still not sure of winning the duel with Xu Ying, and said: So, who is the second senior brother of the Taiyi Sect?

Of course it's me. Waste Qingxuan said.

The Holy Lord said proudly: From today on, I am the second senior brother.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan said: Okay, you are the second senior brother.

The Holy Lord has no sense of achievement. If it were the former Emperor Qingxuan, he would definitely not give up his fame. However, the current Qingxuan is the trash that Emperor Qingxuan chopped off, and he has no intention of competing with him.

His eyes fell on Xu Ying again, but he saw that Xu Ying gave people a feeling of humility, not as sharp as before. It’s hard to see how strong Xu Ying is right now.

I will be the second senior brother first. When I see his path clearly in the future, I will think about whether to become the first senior brother. He thought to himself.

Holy Lord, how did you come to the other side? Xu Ying asked.

The Holy Lord said: There is also a Cuiyan Tower boat there in Yuan Weiyang, and I took that boat to the other side. I came here with a mission, to set up my cave abyss on the other side and build a A passage allows people from the three realms to easily enter the other side.”

Yuan Weiyang did have a green rock boat there, but it was left by Yuan Weiyang himself to go to the other side. He didn't expect to lend it to the Holy Lord.

As for the Holy Lord, Xu Ying found it somewhat difficult to use the cave abyss to establish a passage between the two realms.

It is not difficult to establish a channel. What is difficult is how to pass through the amber time and space between the two universes.

Cuiyan can pass through amber time and space, but that is when amber time and space is relatively weak. For example, the amber time and space between the earthly immortal world and the heavenly immortal world has only a thin layer, and it takes dozens of days to activate the Cuiyan building ship. Move over slowly.

But the amber space-time between the two universes is too thick, too viscous, and too stressful. Traveling through the amber space-time on the green rock may not be as fast as one's own.

The Holy Lord said: As long as I have some status on the other side, I can use the method of sacrifice to allow people from the three realms to quickly reach the other side through the gel material.

Xu Ying blinked. In the past, other universes offered sacrifices to allow powerful men from the other side to come, but what the Holy Lord wanted to do was to do the opposite. Sacrifice the wealth on the other side and let the strong men from the three realms come to the other side.

It's a feasible way.

Xu Ying pondered, but with the arrival of so many powerful people from the three realms, where should they live?


It is estimated that no matter how good-tempered Taiyi Daojun is, he will kick them out.

Taoist Wukong suddenly said: Xu Daozu, they can live underground after they come.

He and Shi Tianyang have been hanging out at the bottom of the other side these days, mingling with the locals and being very familiar with the underground.

Xu Ying looked at the two of them and saw several scalps hanging on Shi Tianyang's waist.

Wukong Taoist said: The other side is divided into people who live in the sky, people who live on the ground, and people who live underground. The status of each kind of people is different. Those who live in Dao Jitian are naturally the highest people. Those who live in the other heavens are second, followed by those who live on the ground. Those who live underground are often stowaways from various universes and have the lowest status. Therefore, people from the three realms who live underground will not attract anyone’s attention.

Shi Tianyang said: But one thing is that even the underground people are proud that they are the saints of the other side or are about to become the saints of the other side.

The underground people are more ruthless and devoid of civilization at all, often taking lives with their own hands. And the people who live on the ground kill the people underground if they want, and the folk customs are not much better.

The Holy Lord smiled and said: This kind of place is suitable for us. I came to Taiyimen not to be a senior brother, but to have a name so that I can walk on the other side. Since the underground is suitable for us, then we will go underground. Let the Three Realms gain a foothold there first.

Shi Tianyang warned: The strong underground are respected, and there are also masters. Moreover, some places underground are extremely dangerous and should not be set foot easily.

The Holy Lord was in high spirits and said: Since the new Dao pattern was created, I have rarely encountered an opponent in the three realms. Yuanzu, Mingxun, Mingdao, and Mrs. Daozu are nothing more than this. The old people in the Yuan Realm have also found it difficult to enter my Dharma eyes. . I just need a place to verify my results during this period.

Xu Ying opened his mouth to speak, and the Holy Lord hurriedly said: It can't be further delayed. Qingxuan, Wukong, and fellow Daoist Shi, let's set off immediately and rush to the underground!

The four people set off immediately, leaving Xu Ying where he was.

Xu Ying was worried that his return from exile would be exposed, and he wanted to go to the underground world, but he couldn't lose face, so he had to stay in Taiyimen.

He practiced martial arts in seclusion.

In name, he is practicing martial arts in seclusion, but in reality he is just staring wide-eyed, looking at his martial arts with the ultimate intention of deducing various magical powers of martial arts, and melting the great avenues of chaos, Hongmeng, Taiyi, reincarnation, cause and effect, and killing into magical powers.

The ultimate meaning of martial arts is the evolution of the spirit of martial arts. When the study of the Tao reaches the extreme, you will enter the state of ultimate meaning.

For example, Zhuo Daochun's magical power is the ultimate in his research on magical power.

If Xu Ying had not put his martial arts ultimate intention into the abyss, we would have found that along with his words and deeds, every movement, there were countless spiritual entities of his practicing various magical powers, pushing martial arts to one peak after another. , never ending.

Xu Ying guarded his own cave, watching his martial arts attainments improve greatly, and thought to himself: The one who is proficient in the Wuji Dao is the True King Guangzheng. I have not yet obtained this Dao. In addition, the Hongmeng Certification on the other side Those who teach are Ling Duyu, True Lord Duyu, and Lord Hunyuan of the Chaos Avenue. I need to think more about these two avenues. There is also the Killing Avenue, and I need more guidance from Master Tongtian.

However, regarding the Avenue of Tribulation and the Avenue of Nirvana, no one on the other side has ever witnessed enlightenment.

Xu Ying stood up immediately and prepared to go to find the true king Guangzheng. He thought to himself: Guangzheng is just a true king. He will definitely not be my opponent if he takes action. I have a nice talk with him and say that if he is willing to give me the skills I, I won’t take action, if you don’t want to, then just talk about it.”

Seeing that he was about to go out, Taoist Lord Jiuhen hurriedly stopped him and said: Master is still in retreat, please calm down! Maybe this time, Master will be the master of Taoism. If you commit another crime and delay him, Isn’t it a sin?”

Xu Ying said: I went to the True King Guangzheng to borrow scriptures, not to cause trouble.

Lord Jiuhen Dao said: You stay here and I will borrow it for you!

Xu Ying said: Senior brother, I am also a member of the Taiyi sect. How can I let you take risks alone for my affairs? I will let you go.

Taoist Lord Jiuhen hesitated for a moment and said: You can go, but you have to change your appearance. And I'm worried that you have a bad temper and will fight with King Guangzheng if you don't agree with him when you get there. I am a very reasonable person.

Xu Ying agreed and said with a smile: I am always reasonable.

Jiuhen asked him to change his face, and then took his own clothes and asked him to dress neatly. He looked up and down several times before he was satisfied, and then said: When you go to someone else's place, be gentle and speak in a low voice.

Xu Ying said yes.

The two then headed to the Wuji Palace where the True King Guangzheng lived.

The Wuji Palace is much lower than the She'an Palace in Daoji Heaven, and is separated by the boundless space where the Dao Lord resides. However, this Wuji Palace is extremely strange. There are five avenues of scenery in the palace, which are called the Five Innate Empresses.

They are Taiyi, Taichu, Taishi, Taisu and Taiji.

Each of these five scenic spots has its own unique characteristics and is extremely extraordinary.

Those who are too easy are too insubstantial and boundless. The primordial being is formless and innate. Taishi is tangible and intangible, and is made of one qi. Those who are too plain have form and quality, but have not yet matured. In Tai Chi, matter is formed and yin and yang are not separated.

Lord Jiuhen Dao ordered people to go and inform the True King Guangzheng. While admiring the five innate Tai Tai, he said to Xu Ying: These Five Tai Dao scenes represent the five great ways of heaven and earth. When integrated into one, they are the Great Way. The Great Way is extremely difficult to understand. It’s difficult, you must first master Wu Tai before you can refine Wuji.”

Xu Ying stared at Wu Tai for a long time, only to feel that Wu Tai evolved according to a strange law of change, and suddenly thought of the dispute between Yuqing Taoist Patriarch and Taiqing Taoist Patriarch.

Back then, the two of them summoned the Shangqing Cave Abyss and each understood the mysteries of the Tao contained in the Shangqing Cave Abyss. However, they had differences. Taoist Taiqing understood the Tao of Tai Chi, and Taoist Yuqing understood the Tao of Wuji.

They each founded the Huangting Sutra and the Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing. From then on, Shangqing was divided into two schools, Taiqing and Yuqing.

What they summoned back then was the Infinite Cave Abyss of True King Guangzheng!

Xu Ying suddenly realized it, no wonder the two of them had their own insights. Taoist Taiqing's attainments in the Tao of Tai Chi reached the extreme. Although Taoist Yuqing understood the mystery of Wuji, because he did not comprehend Wu Tai, the skills he understood were not as popular as Taiqing's.

Xu Ying now watched the Five Tai Dao Symbols and compared them with the insights of the two Taoist ancestors, especially the Shangqing Great Cave Sutra, and suddenly various insights came to him one after another.

His heart moved slightly and he asked, Could it be that the law of evolution of the Five Supreme Beings is Wuji?

Before Lord Jiuhen Dao could speak, he heard a thick voice: Is there anyone in the Taiyi Sect who knows something about Wuji Dao?

Xu Ying looked around and saw that King Guangzheng was very majestic, tall and broad-shouldered, with a flame on each shoulder. His face is on the face, but there are five faces that are not on the face, two are floating on the left and right sides of the head, and three are floating outside the back of the head, not next to the back of the head.

These five faces correspond to the five Tai Tais, which seem to be virtual and real, and are full of mysteries.

One Qi transforms into three pure states, which is what I understood from it. Xu Ying thought to himself.

Daojun Jiuhen told him not to talk nonsense and to listen to himself. Xu Ying nodded and Jiuxian said: Fellow Taoist Guangzheng, I am here to borrow your Wuji Enlightenment Book to read. In return, I will also give you the Taiyi Enlightenment that I have practiced. .”

The True King Guangzheng sneered and said: Nine Hate, when Hao Yi was still here, you took him to come to me to borrow my Wuji Dao Enlightenment Book, and today you come to borrow it again, do you think I am a soft persimmon or a frost? eggplant?

Taoist Lord Jiuhen persuaded me with kind words, and said: Hao Yi borrowed your exercises, didn't he also help you understand a lot of things that you have never understood before? It is also very good for you.

King Guangzheng was furious: Back then, I said I wouldn't lend it to you, but you came up and beat me. How could I not lend it to you? Later, when Hao Yi challenged me, you stood aside and saw him defeat me with my Taoist skills. You’re still laughing on the sidelines!”

Hearing this, Xu Ying looked at Jiu Hate with a suspicious look on his face.

Jiuxian looked evil and said, Why are you bringing up these old things? Just tell me whether you want to borrow them or not?

True King Guangzheng laughed loudly, with a serious look on his face: I was defeated by Hao Yi back then. I learned from it painfully. Now I have greatly improved my strength. I won't borrow it!

Daojun Jiuhen rushed forward and shouted: I was able to get you to borrow it last time, and I can get it to you this time!

Xu Ying was extremely shocked and thought to himself: Could it be that Senior Brother Jiuhen protected Emperor Haotian when he traveled around the world?


Dao Jitian, Qionghua Island, Lu Yiren hurried over and said to Li Xiao: Quickly go and report to the Taoist Master Hua that my eldest gentleman is visiting!

Just as Li Xiao was about to report, another Taoist boy, Taishi, came over and said, Senior Sister Li, my eldest father is also here to visit, so hurry up and report!

Li Xiao was about to go to report, but saw that Taoist Master Hua had already walked out of Zhiren Hall and came to greet him, saying: The two Taoist friends are finally here!

There are thousands of strange phenomena in the void, various avenues are wonderful, and various grand scenes have evolved. Dao Master Lin walked out of the grand scene and said: The disaster is about to happen, it has to come.

In the past, we could reduce the calamity by killing several Taoist masters. Now the calamity has returned, which makes me terrified and I have to come to see the Taoist brother.

On the other side, Master Luo was sitting in the car, and behind the car were various scenes of the universe, as if they were hanging on the back of his head.

Taoist Luo nodded slightly to the two of them in the car and said, I have a weak body and cannot stand up to greet them.

It's okay. The two of them returned the greeting.

Master Hua extended his hand to invite them, and the three of them entered Zhiren Hall and took their seats.

Taoist Master Lin said: Do you want to inform fellow Taoist Tongtian?

Master Hua frowned slightly, a little displeased, and said: What do you want to do with an outsider? In those days, I would have skinned him and used his skin to make precious boots! People from the Three Realms are just a kind of human beings. He's just an animal, not as good as the livestock we raise, I don't know why you two value him so much.

Master Luo said: It's just because he proved the Tao through killing, and now he has achieved the Tao through killing. When disaster strikes, killing is the only method. If we exclude him, I'm afraid we will not be able to protect ourselves.

Master Lin said: Back then, we killed the Taoist master and led the calamity to the Jade Realm universe, letting it be destroyed by the calamity and delaying the calamity on the other side. Now the calamity is about to happen, and I am even more frightened than before. I just I’m afraid, we may not be able to get through it easily this time. Why don’t we invite fellow Taoist Tongtian to come and negotiate.”

Master Hua smiled and said: There is no need to invite him. I have already prepared for this. I have recruited talented and intelligent people, and I will use this opportunity to help them achieve enlightenment when the disaster comes. Two fellow Taoists, rather than being robbed, It is better to control the fate than to force!

At this time, Changsun Shenghai's voice suddenly came from outside: Senior Sister Li, go and tell the three eldest men that my eldest brother is visiting!

The three Taoist masters each frowned: Tongtian is here too?

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