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Chapter 785 The beginning of disaster

My name is Zhong Yuliu, but this was my name when I was in Jingjie. On the other side, my Taoist names are Yuliu Taojun and Daojun. Later I was called Yuliu Taoist Master.

The baby-faced girl raised her hand and pulled out the eucalyptus tree, burned the eucalyptus tree to ashes, and walked towards the scene, saying, However, I no longer need the name Yuliu Dao Master. You can call me Yu. Ancestor Liu!

Mr. Zhong was trembling, and he smiled cautiously and said, Yu Liu... godmother, how about I call you godmother? Is godmother the master of the avenue?

He's not a true master yet.

Zhong Yuliu, the Taoist master of Yuliu, said, I had already cultivated to become a Taoist, until I was chopped off by the Hua Taoist on the other side with an axe, cutting me off from the Taoist state. I almost died, hiding in the east XZ, I was chased by Master Hua. But fortunately, I had some friendship with Master Taiyi, so I escaped into his Taiyi Cave and survived. Also, don’t call me godmother!”

Okay, godmother.

Mr. Zhong agreed with all his heart, but he was confused: Is Taiyi Daojun a spy planted by other universes on the other side? He can actually sneak into the status of Daojun. But if he goes one step further, he will become Daolord. If he doesn't rebel at that time, he will It is the Supreme Being on the other side.”


Xu Ying woke up quietly and saw that she was on a futon in a fairy palace, sitting cross-legged.

The futon floated in the air, and his spirit stood behind him, which made him startled. Since he refined the martial arts Dongyuan into his physical body, his soul has been as close as his body. Coupled with the impeccable golden body, few people can force his soul out!

But now, his soul has actually left his body!

Xu Ying hurriedly put his soul into his body, and then he noticed that his martial arts cave had left his body at some point and was floating in the air.

The cave opened wide, the secrets inside were revealed, and the Tao trees and Tao fruits were also revealed.

Xu Ying felt awe-struck, and hurriedly touched the clothes on his body, and then he breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the clothes were all there.

The sky has eyes, my chastity is still there.

His thoughts moved slightly, and the various Tao fruits on the Tao tree emitted bright light. The Tao rhyme was long, and the Tao movement was endless, and the movement was more agile than before.

There is a Chaos Land in the Martial Arts Cave Abyss, where Chaos Lotus and Flood Source are floating.

Where is Mr. Zhong?

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, he stood up, landed lightly on the ground, and walked out of this fairy palace.

When he arrived outside the temple, he realized that he had returned to the sacred mountain that was submerged in ashes.

However, the original sacred mountain was in ruins, without any vitality, and there were still some traces of ashes on it. However, at this time, the sacred mountain has become lush and green, full of energy, and even the avenue between heaven and earth has become active!

The nearby Dao Hui also disappeared. It seems that the Dao Hui turned into the avenue of heaven and earth near the sacred mountain.

But the ash in other places has not disappeared.

Did Babyface do it? I remember, she seemed to sneak up on me and hit me on the head!

Just when he thought of this, suddenly the surprised voice of the big clock came: Yingzi, are you awake? Godmother, Yingzi is awake!


Xu Ying was stunned when he saw the big clock flying towards him in a hurry, and said quickly, Master Zhong, have you made Baby Face your godmother?

Da Zhong said: What baby face? My godmother's name is Zhong Yuliu, and she is known as the Taoist Master of Yuliu.

Xu Ying secretly gave a thumbs up to Dazhong, full of admiration, and said: She is actually a Taoist master? She doesn't look like a Taoist master at all.

At this time, Zhong Yuliu's voice came: What do you think the Taoist Master looks like? I am the Taoist Master, and my appearance is the Taoist Master's appearance. The majesty of the Taoist Master and the calm and domineering Taoist Master that you imagine, It’s just something you think about.”

This woman, Tingting Pinpin, walked over like a little girl. She raised her head proudly and glanced at Xu Ying with provocative eyes.

Seeing this situation, Xu Ying still found it difficult to connect her with the master of the avenue.

He hesitated and said: Fellow Taoist Yuliu...

Call Godmother! Dazhong was so nervous that his voice broke.

Xu Ying hesitated, then changed his words: Brother Zhong Dao...

Zhong Yuliu originally planned to call him his godmother, so he agreed. Unexpectedly, he changed his name to Zhong Daoyou. He quickly waved his hand and said, You should call me Taoist Master Yuliu.

Xu Ying said seriously: Brother Yuliu, why did you appear in Taiyi Daojun's cave?

Zhong Yuliu sighed and told the story of how he was attacked by Dao Master Hua when he was a Dao Master, and said: I was seriously injured and was cut down by Dao Master Hua, so I had to flee here. I originally thought that I would never have any hope. Stepping out of amber time and space...

Xu Ying said in surprise: Amber space-time? Is it just a gel substance?

You call the solidified time and space between the two worlds a gel substance? We call it amber. It is like amber that is about to solidify. If you enter it, you will be trapped and it will be difficult to walk.

Zhong Yuliu said, I originally thought I would never be able to get out. Who would have thought that someone passing by would refuse to save me. He saw a smile on my face, but he didn't help me. In anger, I fought hard I chased him with all my strength.

Xu Ying was extremely shocked: Who is so heartless? Brother Dao, don't take it to heart. Maybe that person didn't notice you.

Zhong Yuliu glared at him angrily and said, After I came to Jingjie, I gradually recovered some of my cultivation power.

Xu Ying tried his best to change the subject and said, Brother Dao is from Jingjie?

Zhong Yuliu nodded lightly and said: Back then, I was practicing at Taiyi Sect in Jingjie, and I was particularly yearning for the other shore, thinking that I could achieve my life goal there. So I sneaked through the Taiyi Cave Abyss and headed for the other shore.

Her cultivation level was not high at that time, and the resistance brought to her by the amber substance was far less powerful than it is now. Even so, it took her hundreds of thousands of years to sneak over.

But as soon as she arrived on the other side, she was discovered by Taiyi Daojun.

Taiyi saw that she had great perseverance, so he did not send her back and let her practice on the other side. However, Zhong Yuliu was not suitable for Taiyi Dao. Taiyi Daojun thought she was stupid and expelled her from the school.

Zhong Yuliu then explored on his own and participated in various underground fights.

There are races from various universes on the other side, and they often go to war to cut their scalps. Zhong Yuliu is the overlord among them.

When Xu Ying heard this, he couldn't believe it. Zhong Yuliu looked like a baby-faced girl, always with a sweet smile. Was this girl really the scalp bully back then?

Zhong Yuliu continued: Sometimes in order to get money, I even take the initiative to go to the Sea of ​​Chaos to be a scout to find other universes and exchange some money to buy skills. The scouts suffered a lot of casualties, so the other side is very generous to the scouts , every time I go to sea, regardless of whether I find other universes, I will give you a lot of money.

Tens of thousands of years passed in this way. Taiyi Daojun once came to the mortal world on the other side and met her again. He couldn't bear her continued depravity, so he wrote a letter and recommended her to Jiang Feizhen, who was practicing Taichu Dao. king.

True King Jiang Fei was also not very optimistic about Zhong Yuliu. He often only taught exercises and magical powers without explaining them.

Zhong Yuliu then ran to see Taiyi and asked Taiyi to explain his skills and magical powers.

In my spare time, I still often go to sea, control the Cuiyan Tower Ship, and monitor the three pieces of Cuiyan floating in the sea of ​​chaos. If I can find a new universe, I will not hesitate to cause a huge amount of murder.

Zhong Yuliu said, At that time, I just wanted to make money, make more money, and buy better exercises. I made too little money by going overseas. The only thing that can really make money is to find a new universe, and there will be great rewards from the other side. , enough for you to break through and prove immortality! The last time I went to sea, I still failed to find a new universe and make a fortune. However, I met an injured young man in the sea of ​​chaos.

Xu Ying couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

He didn't have a green rock boat to prop up the Sea of ​​Chaos. He relied on his physical body to cross the sea. He was seriously injured and when he couldn't hold on, he fell into my boat.

Zhong Yuliu said, I rescued him, and he was very grateful. He told me that he was from the Dao League and was being pursued by a powerful enemy.

Daomeng? Xu Ying became energetic. This was not the first time he heard this name.

Zhong Yuliu said: He said that I have very good qualifications, but I have cultivated the wrong path. He stayed on the boat and explained the mysteries of time and space to me. I used to practice with Taiyi, and I practiced very slowly. Later, I practiced with True King Jiang Fei. , she said I was stupid. But strangely enough, I followed this young man from the Dao Alliance to practice, but I quickly cultivated the Dao of Time and Space to an extremely high level.

The young man told the story for a month, and then he crossed the sea after recovering from his injuries.

Zhong Yuliu returned to the other side, and soon he realized the Tao of time and space and became immortal.

Since then, she has been on a meteoric rise, becoming a true king, a Taoist king, and a Taoist king step by step!

Later, she even hit the Tao Lord realm.

However, when she was attacking the Taoist realm, she was attacked by Taoist Hua's Luoying Divine Axe, which almost killed her.

Seriously injured and desperate, she secretly escaped to Taiyi Daojun, who allowed her to take refuge in a cave.

Xu Ying was surprised: Taiyi really did this?

Zhong Yuliu said: Taiyi only cares about the other side. He thinks that I am already a native of the other side. Master Hua cuts off my path as a Taoist master and wants to kill me, which violates the principles of the other side. He is particularly principled.

Xu Ying thought about what Taiyi Daojun did, and it was indeed the case.

So, will Taoist Brother Yuliu return to the other side and continue to be a Taoist master?

Xu Ying asked, With your current cultivation strength, it won't be long before you become a Taoist master again. If you go back as a Taoist master, Hua Taoist master will not do anything to you.

Zhong Yuliu shook his head and smiled: My dream of the other side has been chopped into pieces by Master Hua with an axe. I will not go back again. I want to stay in Jingjie.

She looked at a barren and desolate realm and said: I have always regarded myself as a person from the other side when I was on the other side. I didn't expect that Master Hua and the others never regarded me as a person from the other side. When I returned to my hometown, I saw that the scenery had changed. Having become what I am today, I can’t help but feel discouraged. I will never return to the other side.”

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he asked tentatively: Sister, are you interested in overthrowing the other side?

Zhong Yuliu glanced at him with bright eyes.

Xu Ying suddenly felt a chill on his scalp and hurriedly raised his hand to touch it. He was relieved when his scalp was still there.

Zhong Yuliu shook his head and said: The other side is far more powerful than you know. Xu Ying, you are indeed very talented and charming, but you can never shake the other side. I will not be as stupid as you and think about overthrowing the other side. , that is to die!

She said seriously: You accidentally passed out. While you were asleep, I discovered your martial arts...

She frowned slightly, finding it difficult to connect Xu Ying's martial arts with Silly Dahei's martial arts. She calmed down and continued: Your acquired way can certainly integrate various innate ways into one, but Your understanding of the acquired path itself is not enough.

Xu Ying was slightly startled.

Regarding martial arts, it's not that he hasn't comprehended it, but he is comprehending it all the time. In the abyss of his martial arts cave, the ultimate martial arts intention turned into countless of his virtual bodies, performing all his martial arts magical powers!

Every moment, new martial arts powers are developed and created!

It can be said that at every moment, there are countless him pushing the peak of martial arts to a higher peak.

There is no more diligent person in the world than him!

But it's not enough. The path you should take is actually one of nature and nurture.

Zhong Yuliu said, What you call fusion is really just fusion, not cultivation. Are there any mysteries of these innate avenues among the martial arts powers that you have derived from your martial arts ultimate intention? Use your fused innate avenue to cultivate Only by acquiring the great road can we achieve complete integration without distinguishing each other. In this way, even if Dao Shengzi is resurrected, he will not be able to do anything to you.

Xu Ying was stunned, and suddenly he bowed his head to the ground and thanked her solemnly.

Zhong Yuliu hurriedly returned the gift and said with a smile: I just saw your cave and learned a lot, so I am confident that I will become a Taoist master for the second time. I am just repaying the favor!

Master Zhangyu, Xu Ying said in her heart.

He stayed on this sacred mountain and asked Zhong Yuliu for advice on the Great Way of Time and Space, and unknowingly gained a lot.

After all, Xu Ying couldn't get used to living with this baby-faced girl, so he said goodbye and left. Zhong Yuliu took out a jade token and said, This jade token was given to me by the young man from the Dao Alliance who I rescued back then. It is said that in the sea of ​​chaos, if you activate this token, you will receive guidance from the Dao Alliance. Use this card to go to the Dao League. I won't run away. You have fought for Jingjie, so I will give it to you.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment and accepted the Dao Alliance token.

I saw that the token was a green, square sign with no words engraved on the front and back.

Just as he caught the token, Xu Ying's attainments in the Path of Cause and Effect suddenly skyrocketed, soaring like crazy!

Xu Ying was so shocked by the surge of Karma power that his energy and blood boiled. He immediately adjusted his martial arts, calmed down the Karma power, and turned it into martial arts cultivation!

After a while, he returned to normal.

You'd better be more careful when you return to the other side.

Zhong Yuliu hesitated for a moment and said, When I was on the other side to prove the Taoist Master, I noticed that there were fluctuations in luck on the other side.

Risk of luck? Xu Ying showed doubts.

Zhong Yuliu didn't say much and said, I don't know if it's an illusion or not. All in all, you'd better be careful.

She glanced at Xu Ying meaningfully and said: When disaster strikes, there will be killings. Anyone who is not a Taoist master will not be able to protect himself.

Xu Ying bowed to say goodbye in awe.

He returned to Jingtian's Taiyimen and came to live in the Shameful Flower Tower. Not long after, the owner of the Heying Clan came to visit. Xu Ying seemed to have expected her arrival and left a door for her.

The leader of the Heying clan stood in silence for a long time, and finally summoned up the courage to say, Master Xu, I want to rebel!

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