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Chapter 784 Innate Power

Dao Shengzi's Sutra of Proving Reincarnation Through Thousands of Kalpas comes from the realm of heaven. This technique explains the wonders of reincarnation. However, Dao Shengzi developed many wonderful uses based on this technique.

No matter how much Xu Ying killed him, he could not be killed. It was always Dao Shengzi who died in the past. This is a wonderful use of the Samsara Sutra.

Even if a Dao Master wipes out all his inheritance in the universe at the same time, kills all his disciples and successors, and then kills him, he will not die.

Because it is only him in the past who dies, and he is still there in the future.

But now, that baby-faced girl is at the same time, using her finger power to penetrate all his heads in the future and kill his soul body!

This is equivalent to countless Tao Shengzi forming a time and space cycle, forming the Great Way of Reincarnation.

That baby-faced girl appeared in every corner of his time and space cycle at the same time, finding him everywhere.

There are hundreds of millions of Daoshengzi, and there are hundreds of millions of hers.

Suddenly, reincarnation collapsed, and Dao Shengzi's body fell into the sea. Half of his ship also sank into the sea of ​​chaos and disappeared.

Daoshengzi died, and in the darkness behind him, the reincarnation caves collapsed one by one and ceased to exist.

However, those monks in the universe who practiced the Reincarnation Sutra taught by him were not wiped out. Instead, they survived.

They no longer have the Cave of Reincarnation to use, but at the same time they no longer have the Reapers, which is the greatest luck.

Xu Ying cheered up and took the opportunity to take back the Chaos Lotus and Hongyuan. The big bell also flew back and whispered to him: A Ying, where does this woman come from? Didn't you say that she doesn't have the face of a strong person? She seems to be stronger than We are much better.

Xu Ying looked at the baby-faced girl. That woman didn't look like a top expert.

He flew up and took back all the avenues that Dao Shengzi had deprived him of.

These avenues were all transformed into the path of wind by Dao Shengzi using the method of reincarnation, a total of 349 types of path of wind.

He has practiced a total of 350 great ways, but only martial arts has not been transformed into the way of wind by Dao Shengzi. Even the Great Way of Reincarnation was reincarnated as the Way of Wind by Dao Shengzi!

How to restore these avenues to their original appearance is a problem for others, but it is not difficult for him.

He mobilized the Martial Arts Cave Abyss, activated the ginseng and fruit trees, and incorporated all these avenues into the Martial Arts Cave Abyss.

When these wind paths enter the Martial Arts Cave Abyss, they turn into a structureless and sexless state, and then flow into the ginseng fruit tree one by one, being absorbed by the tree roots, passing through the trunk and branches of the tree, and flowing into the path fruits.

These Dao Fruits are the crystallization of his Great Dao. There are exactly 349 Dao Fruits, corresponding to 349 kinds of Heaven and Earth Dao.

And there are thousands of Tao flowers on his Tao tree, corresponding to the three thousand avenues. It's just that it has never been fruited.

The source of these Dao flowers are the Dao flowers that were born when he comprehended Hong Yuan. Because Hong Yuan had not yet grown into a complete universe, Xu Ying was unable to comprehend the complete avenue of heaven and earth, so the Dao flowers could not bear fruit.

This time, Dao Shengzi washed his whole body into the Dao of the Wind, which invisibly helped him solve a big problem.

He has been unable to incorporate the Immortal Level Taiyi, Chaos, Hongmeng, Karma and other avenues into the Martial Arts Cave Abyss. Dao Shengzi used the mysterious method of reincarnation to transform these six avenues into the form of the Way of Wind. Instead, he was able to enter the Martial Arts Cave Abyss. Controlled by the ginseng fruit tree, it became part of the martial arts.

This was a blessing in disguise. Invisibly, his practice greatly increased, and his martial arts also improved by leaps and bounds, far surpassing other avenues!

The baby-faced girl came in front of him and saw that Xu Ying was still a little sad and said doubtfully: Your battle with Dao Shengzi was brilliant. You learned Dao Shengzi's reincarnation control method and you can master it as soon as you learn it. In the first battle, an eighth-level Taoist defeated a ninth-level Taoist, killing the Taoist with a hundred swords. Even though you were defeated in this battle, why are you still unhappy?

Xu Ying glanced at her, still a little depressed, and said: Someone told me that the highest avenue in the universe is divided into nine avenues: Taiyi, Chaos, Hongmeng, Reincarnation, Cause and Effect, Wuji, Annihilation, Luck, and Killing. , each of these nine avenues has its own strengths.

The baby-faced girl heard the words and said: The person who told you this has extraordinary knowledge! These nine avenues are indeed extremely extraordinary. Chaos is the beginning of the universe, Hongmeng is the beginning of the changes of the avenues, Taiyi is the beginning of the ten thousand ways, and Wuji is the origin of the universe. The process of change from one yuan to ten thousand, reincarnation is the evolution of all things in the universe, cause and effect is the unbreakable relationship between various things and even the evolution of the universe. Nirvana is the end of all avenues, calamity is the process of ending, and killing is the means of ending. These nine There are nine supreme avenues, starting from chaos and ending in annihilation.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up. He had always had a vague understanding of the relationship between the nine avenues in the past. He felt that there seemed to be some kind of connection between the nine avenues, but he couldn't figure it out.

Unexpectedly, this baby-faced girl could explain the mystery in one sentence, and her insights were so profound that it was breathtaking.

The baby-faced girl said: These nine avenues, in order, are chaos, Hongmeng, Wuji, Taiyi, reincarnation, cause and effect, disaster, killing, and annihilation. However, you want to cultivate all nine avenues, and all of them If they all have great achievements, then it’s just a bit of a fool’s dream.”

She looked serious, trying to look old-fashioned, and said: If you practice each of these nine avenues to the extreme, you will have unparalleled achievements, and you can cross the sea of ​​chaos! Isn't Taiyi Dao Lord powerful? But Taiyi Dao Lord It has always been difficult for him to break through and become a Taoist master. If he becomes a Taoist master, his strength will immediately equal that of the other three Taoist masters: Hua, Lin, and Luo! In a few years, his achievements will even far exceed this. Three Tao masters! If you want to cultivate all nine kinds of Tao at the same time, how easy is it?

Xu Ying said: I don't just want to cultivate the nine great ways together. When I heard about these nine great ways, I was thinking that I want to cultivate these nine great ways to the level of immortality, and then use my martial arts to unify the nine ways. .”

The old-fashioned look on the baby-faced girl's face disappeared, replaced by dullness.

In her opinion, this is no longer a fantasy, but a baseless rumor!

Xu Ying continued: My idea is that although the Nine Innate Paths are called innate, they are actually people's understanding of the Nine Innate Paths. As long as people understand them, it is no longer innate, but acquired.

The baby-faced girl still couldn't hide the shock on her face. She hummed twice and said: A monk's understanding of the great road of heaven and earth is originally the process of acquiring the knowledge of the innate. This kind of process requires understanding first and then proving it three times.

The process of understanding is the process of cultivating immortality.

Starting from collecting qi and cultivating to the seventh level of the Tao realm, you can start the first certification, imprinting the Tao you practice into the world and confirming that your enlightenment has not deviated from the true Taoism of heaven and earth.

The second proof is that the Tao is the same as the body, and the body is the same as the Tao.

The third proof is that the Great Dao has no structure and the Hunyuan is one.

When you reach the third level of enlightenment, the path you practice is no longer different from the path of heaven and earth. At the same time, you still retain your own consciousness, so you are the master of the path.

This kind of cultivation process is from cultivating the Tao to realizing the Tao, then to attaining the Tao, and finally attaining the Tao.

Fundamentally speaking, the process of attaining the Tao is the process of evolving from nurture to innateness.

Xu Ying said: But what I think is that these are just imitations of the avenues of heaven and earth. In the end, they are all existing avenues between heaven and earth. Even the master of the avenues has not created any of the avenues of heaven and earth. It is said that parrots imitate the tongue, and Handan learns the steps. But that’s it. Do you deserve to be called a master?”

The corners of the baby-faced girl's mouth trembled, wanting to scold him for his treason. It's just that her personality doesn't allow her to do this.

What is Handan toddler? she thought for a moment and asked humbly.

Xu Yingying didn't understand much about this idiom. After all, it was taught by Master Qi, so he said vaguely: It's probably just a parrot imitation. It's not important. I'm very stupid and have a shallow vision. I haven't seen many good things. .Back then, I was being hunted and could not use any magic power, any cultivation, or any magical power. Someone came to see me, picked off a pear branch and held it in his hand. In an instant, the pear blossoms bloomed, the branches grew, and turned into a pear tree. He Planting a pear tree in the soil, it grew into a big tree in just a few moments, blossomed and produced pears. I was astonished that I was a god. (See Chapter 178 for details)

The baby-faced girl smiled and said, It's just the way of creation.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: It's not the way of creation. It's a way that I have never seen before, a pure acquired way. There are a group of muscular men and women practicing this way. They call it martial arts.

The baby-faced girl was a little surprised. This was different from the martial arts she had in mind.

Shouldn't martial arts be about fighting with strength, using fists and kicks, and fighting hand-to-hand?

Why does it show the characteristics of the Great Way of Creation?

Since then, I have been associated with this acquired path. This path has grown with me, but it has never shown anything unique.

Xu Ying recalled the past and said, Once my body died and my Tao disappeared, a glimmer of vitality emerged from death. I grabbed this glimmer of vitality and dug out the grave. I found that I was a disabled person and could no longer practice. So I resumed martial arts. In the end, I regained everything I had lost. Since then, I have discovered that there is indeed something extraordinary about this acquired path. It is naturally unstructured, and it cannot be structured with Tao patterns, Li Wen, Yuan patterns, or runes. . It can only be understood through fighting and fighting again and again.

The baby-faced girl was still thinking about why this kind of acquired avenue can show the characteristics of the avenue of creation. After hearing this, she said: The acquired avenue often shows the characteristics of being unstructured. For example, the way of kendo is also an acquired avenue. But if kendo wants If you achieve something, you have to learn other innate avenues and integrate the innate avenues into the way of swordsmanship, such as learning the way of thunder so that your sword moves can be like thunder... I understand!

She said excitedly: The person who introduced you to martial arts must also be a master in practicing the way of creation!

Xu Ying shook his head and said: In the world he lives in, there is no vitality of heaven and earth, and he cannot practice. He has no way of understanding the way of creation. He developed the characteristics of the way of creation from martial arts.

The baby-faced girl was stunned, shaking her head repeatedly, and said: Nurture is born? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! It can only be born and nurtured! If nature is born after nurture, doesn't it mean that the egg gave birth to the chicken? Ridiculous!

Xu Yingdao: Martial arts is too difficult innately, so I was thinking that with the way they practice, you may never be able to realize, become enlightened, or gain the Tao. That way of practice is too slow. You have to work hard and hone your moves every day. , ignoring the nature of acquired nature and innateness. The real shortcut is actually to take the initiative to learn the innate way and integrate it into martial arts.

He looked at the girl's shining eyes, his gaze fell on her frowning brows, and said: The so-called innate way is also what people understand the day after tomorrow. It is essentially the acquired way, and it needs to be structured with Tao patterns and principles to transform it. It has to be lower than martial arts. Then, it will be possible for me to integrate nature into nurture.

The baby-faced girl gradually understood his train of thought and said: So when you hear about the nine most powerful avenues in the world, you want to learn them and integrate them into martial arts. You want to use martial arts to unify the nine greatest powers. It’s the innate path, right?”

Xu Ying nodded and said: My goal is a bit too big, but I must achieve this step before the immortal realm. Because after reaching the immortal realm, the next step is to prove the Taoist master.

The baby-faced girl hunched her back, put her hands behind her back, and said with a serious face: In the realm of the Tao Master, the Taoist Dao is unstructured, and the nine innate avenues are all in an unstructured state. The martial arts without structure, the nine innate avenues that are unstructured. , it is extremely difficult and absolutely impossible! Therefore, it is the most critical step for you to unify the nine martial arts before the immortal realm! Well, you are indeed a bit clever...

She looked like an old man in her seventies or eighties, pacing back and forth, thinking for a long time, and said: According to your deduction, it is possible. But...

She still found it ridiculous.

It sounds extremely unreliable to combine the Heavenly Dao with the Innate Dao and the nine supreme Dao of Chaos, Hongmeng and Taiyi.

But it’s theoretically possible!

Because martial arts avenues are unstructured, they are naturally Tao master-level avenues, while other innate avenues still need to be structured with Tao patterns and principles, which is a level lower than martial arts!

Therefore, it is absolutely possible for martial arts to integrate other avenues, so that martial arts has the characteristics of chaos, Taiyi, Hongmeng, and even disaster, killing and annihilation!

Xu Ying sighed and said: It's very unreliable, isn't it? I have already obtained the true teachings of the six avenues of Chaos, Hongmeng, Cause and Effect, Reincarnation, Killing and Taiyi. I only need to cultivate the three avenues of Wuji, Annihilation and Tribulation. , it can prove whether martial arts can unify Xiantian. And, I have already done it.

Do it like you are!

The baby-faced girl ignored her old age and jumped up and said angrily, What did you do? You did it? You did it like a hammer... My dear, you really did it!

Xu Ying revealed the martial arts cave hidden in his body.

The six avenues of heaven and earth - Chaos, Hongmeng, Taiyi, Reincarnation, Cause and Effect, and Killing - have been unified by him in the Martial Arts Cave Abyss and have become part of the Martial Arts!

The baby-faced girl looked at this scene with dull eyes and murmured: This is impossible, this makes no sense...

Xu Ying looked gloomy and said, But after this confrontation with Dao Shengzi, I suddenly discovered a problem that I have been ignoring.

The baby-faced girl cheered up and asked, What's the problem?

Xu Ying's face became increasingly gloomy, and he felt lost, and said: Although I have practiced these six avenues to the eighth and ninth levels of the Tao realm, Dao Shengzi can still use the avenue of reincarnation to peel these avenues away from me.

Dao Shengzi was killed by Xu Ying more than a hundred times, and he only got one chance to hit Xu Ying once with the magical power of reincarnation.

As a result, Xu Ying fell into reincarnation, and various avenues were stripped away, including the avenues of Taiyi, Chaos, and Hongmeng that he had worked so hard to cultivate.

But what hit him the hardest were the other lower-level avenues that he had integrated into the martial arts, such as wind, rain, thunder, lightning, gold, wood, water, fire, blue dragon, white tiger, red bird, black dragon, etc., which were also stripped out of the martial arts cave by Dao Shengzi.

I integrated these avenues into martial arts, thinking that if I could achieve no structure or sex, no one would be able to do anything to me. But unexpectedly, I was defeated by Dao Shengzi.

Xu Ying looked desolate and said, Dao Shengzi is just a little person practicing the Great Way of Reincarnation, but he can actually defeat my martial arts innateness. Could it be that I am on the wrong path...


The baby-faced girl punched him in the back of the head, knocking him to the ground and passed out.

Mr. Zhong was shocked and angry. He immediately jumped out of Xu Ying's martial arts cave and shouted, My aunt, why did you attack Yingzi?

The baby-faced girl threw Xu Ying onto the wall of the clock and said, Put him on your back and follow me. I have to study his martial arts, it's so weird...


Mr. Zhong readily agreed, What do you call your aunt?

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