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Chapter 783 The past and future take shape

When Xu Ying saw Dao Shengzi's move, he immediately knew that the magical sky could not resist it.

It's not that the magical power of the sky is not good, it's that he is not good enough.

With this move, Dao Shengzi mobilized the half of the scenery he controlled, using the scenery as the source, to mobilize various avenues of heaven and earth from the source, and to control them through reincarnation.

His magical power is the simultaneous explosion of power from all the heavens and realms!

In terms of using the Great Way of Reincarnation, Dao Shengzi was indeed far better than him.

The magical power of the sky is also extremely powerful. This magical power can be said to be the ultimate magical power in the world. It was the magical power that Emperor Haotian used to defeat Taiyi Daojun.

But Xu Ying did not achieve the same goal as Dao Shengzi, who managed the world of heaven and earth.

However, I can also transport the Jingjie Heaven and Earth Avenue! Not only that, I can also transport the Hongyuan Heaven and Earth Avenue!

The moment the two sides' magical powers collided, Xu Ying's magical sky was crushed by the opponent's powerful power.

Dao Shengzi's reincarnation magical power was suppressed in an extremely terrifying manner, but Xu Ying had already used his second magical power, Sky.

It's not the magical power of reincarnation, it's still the magical power of the sky.

But this time, Xu Ying used reincarnation to adjust the avenues of heaven and earth in the scenery world, and at the same time, thousands of avenues in the flood source also poured out, adding to the power of the supernatural sky!

The magical power of the sky is not a fixed magical power, but Emperor Haotian combines different heaven and earth avenues in each magical power to explore whether different combinations can enhance the power of the magical power.

In fact, after cultivating to the Immortal Realm, one is already a person of the Great Dao, and every move and every move has the magical power of the Dao, so there is no need to further refine the magical power.

However, Emperor Haotian did the opposite and cleverly used different combinations of avenues to maximize the power of his supernatural powers.

The moment Xu Ying and Dao Shengzi's magical powers collided, Xu Ying had the upper hand and pushed Dao Shengzi down, causing Dao Shengzi's energy and blood to surge, and the green rock building under his feet also made a clicking sound. It was shattered into two pieces!

Half of the Green Rock Tower Ship shot out quickly behind his feet, clinging to the surface of the Sea of ​​Chaos, but did not sink into the sea.

The magical powers of the two men wreaked havoc on the Chaos Sea, even affecting the operation of the Chaos Sea, causing waves on the sea surface, and large waves invading the scenery, causing quite a shock.

Xu Ying stepped out, stepped on the other half of the boat, rushed into the strong wind and waves, and headed straight for Dao Shengzi.

Dao Shengzi, on the Great Way of Reincarnation, I only learned your Sutra on Proving Reincarnation through Thousands of Kalpas and your magical powers of reincarnation. I am definitely not as good as you!

Xu Ying still had half of the Jingjie Universe hanging behind his head, as if this half of the Jingjie Universe was hidden in his reincarnation ring, and said with a smile, So, I will not use the magical power of reincarnation in front of you! Karma -

He activated the Avenue of Cause and Effect and turned it into a divine bow. Xu Ying stood on the bow of the ship, pulling the string and bending the bow. At the same time, he used the Avenue of Reincarnation to adjust the Avenue of Heaven and Earth in the scenery. Using this half of the scenery as a flood source, raging Taoist power poured into the bow!

The complete avenue of heaven and earth in the flood source on the other side also gushed out, and the power of the Tao blessed his karma and magical powers!

This magical power was a magical power that he created on his own in order to understand the cause and effect of all scenes. However, when the bow string was pulled apart, countless cause and effect lines in the scene converged and turned into bows and arrows!

These lines of cause and effect are clearly the causes and effects caused by Dao Shengzi's forcible refining of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth in the Scenery this time. There are so many in number, more than hundreds of millions?

There are billions of creatures in the scenery alone, plus Daoshengzi refining various stars, mountains and geography, rivers and lakes, and the avenues of heaven and earth, there are too many causes and consequences!

At this moment, the lines of cause and effect converge and turn into arrow feathers, and their power is truly earth-shattering!

call out!

Xu Ying let go and the arrow shot out. Even the turbulent sea surface of the chaotic waves was split by the power of the arrow, and the waves split into two sides!

While Dao Shengzi was learning new Dao patterns and changing his own Dao structure, he was driving half a building ship, activating the Dao of Reincarnation, and passing through one halo after another!

Every time he passes through a halo, he enters reincarnation and cuts off the cause and effect of his previous life.

However, in the face of the promised arrow, it was completely ineffective!

The Avenue of Reincarnation and the Avenue of Cause and Effect are originally in a mutually restrained relationship. Generally speaking, Cause and Effect is stronger and more mysterious.

The Great Way of Reincarnation can cut off cause and effect, but after cultivating to their level, they know that reincarnation is not about cutting off cause and effect, but rather it can be said to blind cause and effect.

However, the karma between him and Jing Jie was too deep and he could not blind Xu Ying's karma by traveling through reincarnation again and again.

Dao Shengzi had no choice but to maneuver the Jingjie Heaven and Earth Avenue and raise his hand to pick it up.

The arrow light actually pierced his magical power, penetrated his palm, and came to the center of his eyebrows!


Michikatsuko's head exploded!

The headless corpse staggered, fell into the sea of ​​chaos, and was swallowed by the sea of ​​chaos!

Xu Ying was overjoyed, and the Divine Bow of Cause and Effect in his hand was about to disperse. At this moment, he saw that half of the scene was still in reincarnation, floating on the sea of ​​chaos. In front of the scene, there is a vast darkness, with large and small reincarnation caves floating in the darkness.

In the darkness, figures swayed, and someone was walking out.

Without thinking, Xu Ying bent his bow and drew the arrow again, adjusting the cause and effect of all the scenery to turn into arrow feathers, and shot out with a whoosh!

The power of this blow is no less powerful than before, and its power is extremely domineering.

The figure walking out of the darkness was none other than Dao Shengzi. Facing Xu Ying's arrow, he still looked calm and used his reincarnation power to defeat the blow.


His magical power was pierced by the arrow, his head exploded, and his body fell into the sea of ​​chaos. Then another figure came up from the darkness behind and revealed his face, it was Michoshengko!

Xu Ying drew his bow continuously and shot arrow after arrow. He pushed the avenue of cause and effect to its extreme. He could kill Dao Shengzi every time, but every time a new Dao Shengzi would come out of the darkness!

No, no! What I shot was definitely not Doshengko's clone, it was definitely his real body! But why is he still not dead?

Xu Ying bent his bow and drew the arrow again, and shot out another arrow. However, this time, Dao Shengzi found a flaw in his karma. Suddenly, he reversed reincarnation, reversed cause and effect, and caused the scenery to follow. reverse!

With a flick of his finger, the arrow of karma that was shot at him turned around and headed straight for Xu Ying!

Xu Ying stood on the bow of the boat, dispersed the big bow, raised his right hand, spread his fingers, and the arrow of cause and effect exploded suddenly, turning into countless threads of cause and effect, flowing from both sides of his body and up and down, and flowed into his body. In half of the scene enveloped by the Avenue of Reincarnation.

Dao Shengzi's reversal of reincarnation and reversal of cause and effect is of course extremely ingenious, but Xu Ying is the immortal on the path of cause and effect. He can straighten out billions of causes and effects in the blink of an eye, which is why he appears so calm.

The Avenue of Cause and Effect is indeed extraordinary. The only person in this world who can cultivate the Avenue of Cause and Effect to your level is Mr. Hong Dao.

Dao Shengzi put his head and feet on the half-ship, and praised, But even Hong Daojun is not as sophisticated as you in using it. His realm is higher than you, his cultivation is deeper than you, but his magical power is not as good as yours. You very impressive.

Xu Ying adjusted his reincarnation, his eyes flashed, and said: You are also amazing. Faced with my sure-kill arrow, you actually used yourself at the last moment to ward off the disaster. What I shot was just you at the last moment, and the next moment I shot you. You are still alive. Right?

Dao Shengzi was extremely surprised: Did you see it?

In the darkness behind him, a bright light suddenly came, and one Dao Shengzi appeared behind him one after another. The queue was neat and extended, seemingly without end!

This is the reincarnation of time and space brought about by the Great Way of Reincarnation that governs time and space.

In this time and space, there are countless Dao Shengzi, and each Dao Shengzi is the next moment of the previous Dao Shengzi.

In other words, he can die countless times.

After countless deaths, he still has countless next moments!

Although Xu Ying guessed his magical power, seeing this scene, he still felt powerless.

The Dao of Reincarnation has been cultivated to the level of Dao Shengzi, which is even more heaven-defying than Taoist Wukong's flawless golden body!

Daoshengzi, your reincarnation magical power can still be improved.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said, If I were you, I would activate the Great Way of Reincarnation, cut into the time and space of the past and future, and let the past me and the future me use their magical powers towards the present. This would be equivalent to Countless me’s in the past and future will take action at the same time!”

He said in a persuasive way: In this way, you will be invincible in the world, even the Taoist master may not be your opponent!

Hearing this, Daoshengzi was surprised and delighted: The method you mentioned is indeed feasible! It can be done in theory! I am proficient in time and space reincarnation. I was also proficient in time and space reincarnation in the past, and so will I in the future. In other words, The me in the past can activate the magical power of reincarnation and invade the present, and the me in the future can also invade the present!

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and he laughed loudly: At this moment, there can be countless me in the same place...

While he was still excited, Xu Ying had already mobilized half of the ships to attack him brazenly, and without any explanation, he raised the bell!

On the bell wall, the strange folds of the sea of ​​chaos became brighter and brighter, and the big bell made a loud clang and rushed towards Dao Shengzi!

At this moment, he did not simply sacrifice his own cultivation to Lord Zhong, but mobilized the power of heaven and earth from half of the scene and the entire Hongyuan to increase the power of the bell to an unprecedented extreme!

When Mr. Zhong flew out, the Chaos Pond also flew out. The aura was shining everywhere, and the Chaos Lotus in the pond was also promised to be sacrificed!

The same power of heaven and earth from half of the Jingjie and the entire Hongyuan rushed towards Dao Shengzi!

Dao Shengzi was still dreaming about Xu Ying's idea and trying to create this kind of magical power, when the big bell had already arrived in front of him!

Without thinking, he stretched out his hands to block it.


The flesh and blood of his palms and ten fingers all turned into the energy of chaos, revealing the dense white bones. Then his arms, chest, cheeks, hair, and clothes all turned into the energy of chaos!

Daoshengzi turned into a white skeleton and stood there. The next moment, the white bones exploded and turned into the energy of chaos!

The big bell rushed into the darkness and headed straight for the Daoshengzi. At the same time, one after another Daoshengzi walked out.


The next Daoshengzi slapped on the wall of the bell. When he turned into the energy of chaos, he also knocked the big bell upside down and flew away!

Another Daoshengzi walked out of the darkness, only to be greeted by Chaos Lotus flying towards him.

The power of the Chaos Lotus is still far greater than that of the big bell. The layers of petals of the lotus vibrate one after another as if they were blown by the breeze.

Every time it vibrates, a Daoshengzi turns into powder!

The petals of the Chaos Lotus have twelve layers in total, each layer has seven petals. They vibrate eighty-four times continuously, and one Dao Shengzi after another explodes and dies!

However, in the darkness, Dao Shengzi came over again, with a smile on his face, and reached out to grab the Chaos Lotus.

At this moment, Xu Ying rushed out from behind the lotus. In an instant, countless figures changed in a thousand ways, and countless magical powers formed the sky, and they suddenly faced off against this Dao Shengzi.

Xu Ying, are you exhausted? Are there any tricks you haven't used yet?

Dao Shengzi had a weird smile on his face, and his body suddenly exploded, revealing another Dao Shengzi behind him.

That Dao Shengzi's reincarnation path has all been transformed into new Dao patterns, and his cultivation strength is better than before. With one finger, Xu Ying fell backwards quickly!

He thought he was going to fall into the sea of ​​chaos, but found that was not the case, and that he was falling into reincarnation.

Falling into the Sea of ​​Chaos, he will not die for a moment. There are hundreds of green rock tower ships hidden in his body. He only needs to sacrifice one to survive.

But falling into reincarnation made his heart sink, knowing that he had been possessed by Dao Shengzi's magical power.

Xu Ying, you are really a genius.

Dao Shengzi's voice came. Xu Ying was still falling. Looking up, he saw Dao Shengzi's face occupying the entire sky.

He tried to fly up, but found that the various avenues in his body were chaotic and unable to be mobilized.


Xu Ying fell into the first level of reincarnation, and suddenly the avenue of thunder in his body transformed into the path of wind, breaking away from his control and breaking away from his body.

There is also a great way to reincarnation.

Dao Shengzi's face still covered the sky, with a leisurely expression, and explained, The reincarnation of the great road can change the shape and structure of a great road. It originally belonged to you, but after reincarnation, it no longer belongs to you. This is the reincarnation of the great road, I use it to take away the avenue.”

As he spoke, the Golden Dao in Xu Ying's body was transformed into the Wind Dao, and flowed out of his body.

Xu Ying's figure continued to fall, and one avenue after another in his body was constantly being reincarnated into the path of wind, peeling away from his body.

This should be because Daoshengzi has some shortcomings in the Way of Reincarnation and can only transform other people's Ways of Reincarnation into the Way of the Wind.

But even so, the various avenues in Xu Ying's body continued to drain away, and his cultivation level also continued to decrease.

His heart became heavier and heavier, and his body fell faster and faster in reincarnation, and more and more of the avenues in his body were deprived of him.

In the end, Xu Ying fell to the 348th level of reincarnation, leaving only his martial arts intact.

He fell to the 349th floor, but the martial arts remained motionless in his body.

Dao Shengzi let out a light sigh, causing Xu Ying to fall another level. However, the martial arts remained motionless and did not turn into the wind and be taken away by him.

Swish, swish, swish!

Suddenly, Xu Ying fell crazily under his control, falling two thousand floors in an instant, but his martial arts remained motionless.

Weird, really weird! Dao Shengzi was extremely surprised.

Xu Ying fell to the ground, feeling sad in his heart.

Dao Shengzi's face covered the sky and he said: Xu Ying, if you tell me why this great Dao in your body is not in reincarnation, I will let you live.

Xu Ying did not answer.

At this time, a gentle and sweet voice sounded: Probably this kind of avenue was created by his punches and kicks. This avenue does not exist in heaven and earth. It can only be cultivated by people's hard work, so the avenue of reincarnation cannot deprivation.

Dao Shengzi was stunned and looked around, only to see a girl wearing a round crown of thorns coming next to Xu Ying. She had a baby face and looked a little childish.

However, this is the 2350th level of his reincarnation. How did this baby-faced girl get in?

Why didn't I feel anything?

Suddenly, Dao Shengzi remembered someone, and his face changed drastically. The big face that covered the sky became frightened and distorted, and he cried out: I remember! Aren't you dead? Yes, Taiyi has a bone in his head. …”

The baby-faced girl raised her head and pointed towards the sky, and suddenly more than two thousand levels of reincarnation disappeared.

Her finger pointed very clearly at the center of Dao Shengzi's eyebrows.

At the same time, the eyebrows of countless future Dao Shengzi were pierced by a finger.

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