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Chapter 776: Exile the good man

Xu Ying looked hopeful: After avoiding the limelight, can the disciple come back to honor the master?

Taiyi Daodaojun considered whether the filial piety he spoke of was filial piety or torment. After thinking for a moment, he said: As long as you are alive, you can come back.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief.

Taiyi Daojun immediately started arranging for Xu Ying to leave. To leave from the cave abyss, although he did not have to cross the sea of ​​chaos, he had to cross the gel material between the two universes.

This gel material, similar to solidified time and space, does not seem dangerous, but in fact it is extremely dangerous. The stronger the cultivation level, the easier it is to be imprisoned.

The gel material between the Earthly Immortal Realm and the Celestial Immortal Realm in the Three Realms is actually just a thin layer, while the gel material between the two universes is extremely thick.

Xu Ying's cultivation strength has been extremely advanced. Although he has not broken through to the immortal realm, he has cultivated various avenues to the immortal realm.

It is almost impossible for him to pass through the gel material. He will definitely be fixed in the gel and unable to move until disaster strikes and his body dies.

But there is also a shortcut through the gel material, and that is the target universe making a sacrifice, and coming through the power of the sacrifice.

When Yin Yuanzi came to the world of immortals, it was through the sacrifices of the elders of the Dragon Clan that his incarnation of the Great Dao came.

If Xu Ying wants to come to another universe, Taichi must first ask the descendants of his lineage in that universe to prepare a large number of sacrifices. The large number of sacrifices requires Taiyi people to prepare for a period of time.

Now that things have gotten into trouble, involving a dispute over Taoist masters, Taiyi has only two options, either to hand over Xu Ying, or to send Xu Ying away.

Outside She'an Palace, the three Dao Lords of Gods and Demons, Life and Death, and Yin and Yang, together with Dao Shengzi, Yu Xuantong, Hunyuan Dao Lord and others looked at She'an Palace.

Lord Dao of Life and Death said: Send Xu Ying away, I will feel relaxed and free myself. Master Hua will not embarrass Taiyi because of this trivial matter.

Lord Yin Yang Dao said: Tai Yi was stabbed by Tong Tian back then, and they can actually join forces. It's really unusual.

Lord Dao of Gods and Demons said: Shouldn't Tongtian's disciple Sun Shenghai be sent to Taiyi's sect and let Taiyi teach him? Now that Tongtian has become the Taoist master, he took the disciple back. Therefore, Taiyi is considered to be half Tongtian.

Dao Shengzi said: Three Tao brothers, to which universe will Taiyi send Xu Ying?

The three Dao Lords looked at each other, shook their heads and said: It's hard to guess Taiyi's thoughts, but we don't need to guess his thoughts. To send people to other universes, a large number of sacrifices need to be prepared in advance. As long as these sacrifices are used, It will be noticed by our descendants in various universes. It is not difficult to know where Xu Ying went.

Everyone nodded one after another and passed on their orders, asking the successors in charge of each universe to pay close attention to the unusual movements of the Taiyi Clan.

A few days later, news came: Master: Chi Yuanzhou, the Taiyi Sect is preparing a large number of sacrifices!

Master: Canaan Zhou, the Taiyi Sect has prepared a large number of sacrifices!

Master: Chao Zhangzhou, the Taiyi Sect has prepared a large number of sacrifices!

In just a few days, Taiyi Sect members from dozens of universes, including Dipin, Bailiang, Xiaowu, etc., started to move around, collecting and purchasing sacrifices, and collecting Taoist blood from masters as an introduction to the sacrifices.

For a moment, the three Dao Lords, Dao Shengzi, Yu Xuantong and others looked at each other, wondering which universe Taiyi planned to send Xu Ying to.

Xu Yingnai is a rebel in the Three Realms. His rebellion is dazzling and bright. But Taiyi worked so hard to protect him. I think it was not Hao Yi who died 600,000 years ago, but Taiyi!

Lord Yin Yang Dao was so angry that he cursed loudly and shouted, The real Tai Yi was taken away by Hao Yi 600,000 years ago!

When everyone heard this, they all felt that it made sense.

In the sky above She'an Palace, Li Xiao and Changsun Shenghai on Qionghua Island had been confronting each other for several days. Li Xiao smiled half-heartedly and said, Junior brother Shenghai, both your master and mine are going to take Xu Ying away, but this matter has nothing to do with it. We have nothing to do with each other, and we are not harmonious.

Changsun Shenghai smiled and said: Senior sister is right. Confrontation here is not an option. It is better to go back and do business separately. What do you think, senior sister?

Li Xiao smiled and said, That's what I meant.

Even so, neither of them moved. Because as long as one party leaves, the other party will immediately take away the promise.

The two stared at each other.

Xu Ying also noticed Taiyi Daojun's handiwork and couldn't help but feel moved. He came to see Jiuhen and asked, Master is always so kind to his disciples?

Jiuxing said: Master was the same way towards Hao Yi back then. He cared deeply about him, taught him the true biography, and introduced Hao Yi to other true kings and Taoist monarchs. If Hao Yi had not wanted to betray the other side, even if Master was defeated by him, he would not be able to do anything. I will still treat him as before.

Xu Ying was silent for a moment and said, Taiyi has a big belly.

Jiushen said: The same is true for Hao Yi. When Hao Yi became successful in cultivation, he taught on behalf of his master. He is half a master of our disciples. However, his heart cannot belong to the other side and always wants to go back. Junior Brother Xu, Will you become another Hao Yi in the future?

Xu Ying smiled and said, I am different from Hao Yi.

Jiu Hate glanced at him and said, Why are most of the talented people that Master likes to be rebels?

Finally, Taiyi Daojun was ready, and then he sent an order to let the Taiyi sect members from the forty-five universes sacrifice themselves to open a direct passage to the other side.

When the forty-five passages were opened, forty-five caves gradually became brighter in the darkness behind Taiyi Daojun. The other end of the caves had picturesque mountains and rivers, each connected to a universe.

Xu Ying bowed and said, Thank you so much, Master.

Taiyi Daojun said: You are my disciple. If I can't protect you, how can you convince everyone? However, this still can't protect you, and people will still find your whereabouts. At that time, I can only rely on you. By myself.

Xu Ying said yes.

Taiyi Daojun asked the others to leave and allowed Xu Ying to choose a cave. In this way, no one knew which cave Xu Ying entered.

Xu Ying rose into the air and sank into one of the caves. The cave rotated and became deeper and deeper, like a passage connecting different time and space.

In the sea of ​​chaos, different universes are far apart. There is no time and space to connect different universes in the sea of ​​chaos, but the emergence of the cave abyss breaks this point.

When a monk from one universe summons Dong Yuan from another universe, the passage has been established. There is some kind of strange extra-distance and ultra-chaos connection between the creator of the cave abyss and the summoner.

This kind of passage does not need to go through the sea of ​​chaos, it is a passage across chaos. Therefore, when passing through this kind of passage, you will also encounter the obstruction of chaotic time and space, and this obstruction is the gel substance.

Xu Ying was passing through these gel substances at this time, and the sacrifice from another universe was like a replacement of spiritual energy. How much spiritual energy was sacrificed, how much spiritual energy was obtained in exchange.

Replacing a great master like him would require an absolutely terrifying amount of spiritual energy.

It was the first time that Xu Ying went to other universes through the cave abyss. He felt that everything was very strange. He saw a strange force surrounding him, leading him through the gel material, and there was a strange world all around him. There is light, and outside the light is darkness, and nothing can be seen.

But gradually, he lost interest in these.

The power of the sacrifice was still taking him towards another universe, but it never came to the end.

I wonder how long it will take to reach another universe from the cave abyss? Xu Ying thought to himself.

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Ying simply understood and practiced the Dao of Chaos. His attainments on the Avenue of Chaos are still lacking.

After Taiyi Daojun sent Xu Ying away, he walked out of She'an Palace and said to Changsun Shenghai and Li Xiao: The evil disciple Xu Ying is not in She'an Palace. He heard about what happened and fled to other universes overnight. Two envoys please Come back.

Changsun Shenghai looked gentle and said: Xu Ying is an old friend of my family, Mr. Tongtian. There must be some misunderstanding here. In the future, Mr. Tongtian will definitely clear his name.

Li Xiao said: Does Lord Dao know which universe Xu Ying escaped to?

Taiyi shook his head and said, I don't know.

Li Xiao said regretfully: I don't know which universe he escaped to. It will be troublesome to find him. Since Xu Ying is not here, I won't bother you. Say goodbye.

Taiyi Daojun sent each other off. Upon seeing this, the other Immortal, True King, Daojun and Daojun also knew that they could not get the promised information from Taiyi Daojun, so they had to leave separately.

The Lord of Life and Death said: Taiyi sent Xu Ying away, but it is only a matter of time before we find Xu Ying. If we test these universes one by one, we will always find him!

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Hunyuan Daojun, Yu Xuantong and others knew that Xu Ying had obtained Hongyuan and Dazhong, and they were even more eager: We will conquer Taiyimen with others, even if Taiyiyijun hands over Xu Ying, we can't get it. The biggest benefit. Now that Xu Ying has been exiled to other universes, our chance will come!

For them, finding Xu Ying before everyone else is one of the few opportunities they have to seize Hongyuan and the big bell.

Taiyi Daojun settled the dispute and returned to Yaoguang Hall. Just as he was about to practice in seclusion, Jiuhen Daojun came and said, While Master was in retreat, Junior Brother Xu helped Master accept a disciple.

Taiyi was extremely shocked: Can you help me accept a disciple?

Jiu Hate agreed and said to the outside of the hall: Junior Brother Qingxuan, come in.

Waste Qingxuan said yes, walked into the palace, and paid homage to Taiyi.

Taiyi looked him up and down, couldn't help but be moved, and said: Fellow Taoist is already immortal, why do you want to be my disciple?

The waste Qingxuan said: This disciple comes from the three realms and has no place to stand, so he takes refuge under the master's door.

Taiyi Daodaojun was silent for a moment and said slowly: Are you also a person from the Three Realms?

Waste Qingxuan said yes.

You turn around.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan turned around as he was told.

Taiyi Daojun carefully looked at the back of his head, and Jiuhen whispered: Master, I've seen it, and there is no backbone.

Taiyi: Turn around.

The useless Qingxuan turned around.

Tai Dao: Although you and I are different in cultivation, we are at the same level. It is unreasonable for you to worship me as your teacher.

Waste Qingxuan said: When my disciples started in the Three Realms, they cultivated Taiyi Enlightenment and summoned Taiyi Cave Abyss. It was only by relying on Taiyi Avenue that they successfully rebelled in the Three Realms.

When Taiyi heard this, he glanced at Jiuhen.

Jiuhen scratched his head and whispered: I think he is lazy and has a lot of stinky problems. He doesn't look like a rebellious person.

Taidao: Since you once practiced the harvesting method taught by me back then, you can be considered to have some fate with me. As long as you are under my sect, I will treat you as my disciple. But since you are my disciple, you don't need to learn the harvesting method in the past.

He asked: You must remember that when you reach the other side, you will be the saints of the other side and no longer people from the Three Realms.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan said yes and said: After a disciple enters the school, will his ranking be above Xu Ying or below him?

Taidao: You are already immortal, so naturally you are above him.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan was happy in his heart and asked: Master, has Junior Brother Xu arrived in other universes?

Taiyi heard this, looked carefully, couldn't help but be stunned, shook his head and said: Not yet. Weird, there should be something else on him, causing him to need more spiritual energy to enter another universe.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan said: He also has a big bell on his body.

Taiyi shook his head and said: Even if he carries a mouthful of the Immortal Treasure, the spiritual energy from the sacrifice is enough for him to reach that universe. There must be something else in him, which is stronger than the Immortal Treasure, and requires a lot of spiritual energy!

He paused and said, You go down first. We'll see again in a few days.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan and Jiuhui agreed and retreated.

Six or seven days later, the two came to see Taiyi again and asked Xu Ying if he had reached another universe. Taiyi checked it out, his face was a bit solemn, and he said: We are still on the way. The disciples on the opposite side have sacrificed all their wealth and plan to sacrifice some strong men!

The two said in succession: Weird! Weird!

Taiyi Daojun said: The things on his body require spiritual energy many times greater than his! It is almost equivalent to replacing a Daojun in the past! The disciples of that universe simply do not have enough wealth to replace him.

The useless Qingxuan and Jiuhen looked at each other: What should we do?

Taiyi Daojun muttered: The only plan now is to see if he can walk through it by himself. With his current ability, it is not difficult to pass through my cave and enter that universe, but it will take some time.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan quickly asked: How long?

Taiyi Daojun said: He himself has Daojun's cultivation, but he only has immortal strength. Based on Daojun's cultivation, it will take about a hundred thousand years. But fortunately, the other side has sacrificed most of the spiritual energy , he has already walked most of the distance. With his strength, it will probably take another 20,000 to 30,000 years to reach the other side.

He was quite melancholy, as it would take another twenty to thirty thousand years for him to realize the Taoism.

It's strange, what is it on him? He is so strong, not inferior to me!

In the Taiyi Cave Abyss, Xu Ying was still moving forward in the gel material, but the speed was getting slower and slower, and sometimes he simply stopped. After ten days and a half, there was another sacrifice, which continued his spiritual power, allowing him to I was able to take a few steps forward.

Then the sacrifice ceased again.

Repeatedly, Xu Ying couldn't help but get anxious, urged Wu Ji to achieve enlightenment, and tried his best to move forward. However, the resistance brought by the gel material was unexpectedly strong. He was like a mosquito solidified in pine resin, struggling hard, But it's getting sticky.

Any of his movements became extremely slow, and it would take him several months to even take a single step!

Master Zhong!

With a call, the big bell flew out and made a clanging sound, finally loosening the surrounding gel material. Xu Ying took the opportunity to move his body and took a step forward after a while.

Dazhong soon felt that it was getting more and more difficult, and he quickly shouted: Master Lian, come out and help!

From the promised Chaos Cave Abyss, the Chaos Lotus Pond flew out. The Chaos Lotus held the flood source, floating lazily in the gel zone, and then became unable to move.

The Chaos Lotus struggled hard and could only shake the lotus leaves, the petals shaking like convulsions.

Master Zhong, join me in offering sacrifices to Master Lian, and work together to open a road! Xu Ying shouted.

One person at a time was about to sacrifice the Chaos Lotus to activate its power. There was only a buzzing sound, the lotus trembled, and countless spiritual lights swarmed forward, blasting forward to create a channel in the gel zone!

Xu Ying immediately noticed that the pressure was greatly reduced, and quickly walked forward with the big bell and lotus pond.

Before he had gone far, he was immobilized by the gel substance again. Xu Ying and Da Zhong followed the same method and once again urged the Chaos Lotus to blast forward, and they were able to move forward a certain distance.

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Ying and Dazhong exhausted their mana and stopped to rest. When their cultivation levels recovered, they activated the Chaos Lotus again. The speed was not slow, and they gradually approached another universe.

On this day, Xu Ying and Dazhong once again activated the Chaos Lotus, and just as they were about to blast forward, the Chaos Lotus suddenly pulled out a lotus root and poked Xu Ying, pointing to one side.

Xu Ying looked around and saw a person not far away who was fixed in the gel material.

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