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Chapter 775 Taiyi Style

As soon as he finished speaking, there were horrified screams from the beings in the Immortal Realm outside She'an Palace, as if they had encountered great terror!

Then came the chaotic sounds, some were the sound of the Taoist power erupting, some were panicked shouts, some were the sound of magic weapons being sacrificed to protect the body, and some were the sound of magic weapons bursting out, and some were strange noises flying through the air!

Others clamored for Xu Ying to destroy that strange Dao pattern immediately.

They also heard the sound of the human body being cut open. It should be that the beings in the immortal realm immediately dug out their own eyes, or cut off the parts of the body where the ash appeared!

All kinds of sounds were mixed together, which was very scary.

Jiuhen and others could not look back, unable to see the scene, and felt even more terrified in their hearts. They wanted to look back to see what happened, but they did not dare to look back, lest they also lose their lives.

I saw the fluttering snow getting bigger and bigger.

Gray snow is floating and falling from the sky. In fact, many people have seen this scene. This scene will occur when the higher avenue structure invades the lower avenue structure.

But most of the time, the other side is in a higher position.

However, this time it was reversed.

The Taoist pattern of the new universe can easily replace the Liwen of the other side. Even a being in the Immortal Realm is unable to fight against this Daoist pattern structure. Its own Taoist pattern continues to disintegrate and lose control!

Their magical powers to protect the body are rapidly disintegrating and turning into ashes, and the imprint of the magic weapon is also rapidly evaporating and no longer exists!

Their soul, Dongyuan, collapsed at an alarming speed.

Xu Ying looked at this scene and thought of the time when he first entered the spirit world. He was so frightened and helpless.

Youdao Lord activated his magical power from afar, trying to kill him, the culprit, but the magical power would turn into overwhelming Tao ashes halfway through, scattering everywhere.

Xu Ying watched this scene quietly. The cultivation levels of these immortals were high or low, and the avenues they practiced were also strong or weak. The performance of several of them made his eyes light up.

The Avenue of Reincarnation! It is really rare to practice this avenue to the realm of immortality!

His eyes fell on Dao Sheng Daojun, and he saw that this man's own Dao Dharma was constantly rotating to resist spiritual transformation, and his cultivation was not depleted as quickly as others.

In addition, there is Hunyuan Daojun who practices the Avenue of Chaos, and his spiritual transformation speed is also very slow.

Another person should be good at refining magic weapons, and sacrificed various body protection magic weapons at will to delay the speed of his spiritual transformation.

There are several others who each use their own magical powers, which are also extraordinary and can withstand the speed of spiritual transformation.

Especially for Tao Lords with strong cultivation, the stronger their resistance to spiritual patterns, the slower their spiritual transformation will be.

How presumptuous! If you dare to hurt anyone in Dao Jitian, I promise that you deserve death!

Suddenly, the three great masters of gods and demons, life and death, and yin and yang came hand in hand, suppressing the world with their aura. Even the spiritual patterns were suppressed, and the spiritual patterns were destroyed one after another and ceased to exist!

The spiritual patterns on those rotting parts of the immortal body also exploded one after another, unable to change more of the scientific and cultural structure!

Seeing this, Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat: The Dao Lord is too tyrannical. He has reached the edge of surpassing the structure of the Dao. If he goes further, he will be the Dao Master who has no structure in the Dao!

The three Dao Lords arrived and instantly removed the spiritual patterns from all the immortals present. Their methods were astonishing.

Xu Ying's heart sank, and he suddenly knew the intention of these three Dao Lords. Back then, in order to compete for the Xuan Huang Dao Realm Sutra, the three Dao Lords intercepted Tai Yi in the starry sky. As a result, all three of them were seriously injured by Tai Yi. Not only did they lose their face, but their injuries were difficult to recover from.

But more than a hundred years later, these three Dao Lords must have recovered from their injuries, and their cultivation strength has improved to a higher level. They heard that Taiyi Dao Lord was still in retreat, so they launched an attack at this time.

Obviously, Taiyi has been in seclusion for so long, and it must be difficult to break through and prove the master of the Tao. At this time, Taiyi launches an attack. If Taiyi does not come out of seclusion, he will take away the promise and obtain the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra. If he escapes from seclusion, all his previous efforts will be wasted and Taiyi will be unable to attain the Tao Master!

Best of both worlds!

Xu Ying, you released the New Era Dao Mark with ulterior motives and intend to kill all the immortals here!

Lord Dao of Life and Death arrested Xu Ying without any explanation, and said solemnly, You are too ambitious to be tolerated! Come with me to Qionghua Island for trial!

He reached out with one hand, and everything, whether living or inanimate, was under his control. If he wanted to live, he would live, and if he wanted to die, he would die!

With this arrest, Xu Ying felt trapped between life and death, unable to escape.

He deliberately offered sacrifices to Hongyuan, but found that his physical body was dead, his soul was withering, and the caves and abyss seemed to be moving away from him, and he seemed to be gradually falling into darkness.

As soon as the Lord of Life and Death took action, he saw that the gap in realm was so huge.

In front of Yaoguang Palace, Jiuhen heard the voices of the three Dao Lords and knew something was wrong. He hurriedly turned around and ran out of the palace, shouting loudly: Dao Lords, please show mercy!

Just as he said the word love, he suddenly heard the sound of the door opening behind him. Jiuxian was startled and saw a tall figure coming from behind, passing him and heading out of the palace. The speed was so fast that He only saw a shadow!

He looked back and saw that the door of Yaoguang Palace had been opened. Apparently it was Taiyi Dao Lord who just passed by him!

Master! He couldn't help but exclaimed in shock.

At this time, Taiyi Daodaojun was at a critical moment of seclusion, but he didn't expect that he would suddenly come out of seclusion at this time!

The moment the Lord of Life and Death was about to catch Xu Ying, a palm suddenly came from one side and gently intersected with his palm. The face of Lord of Life and Death changed drastically, and he immediately felt that his power of Life and Death was being crushed back!

He heard the sound of his bones breaking, and immediately pulled out his hand, urging life and death to return together.

This kind of finger power actually mobilizes the power of the Great Way of Life and Death, turning the opponent's power of the Great Way lifeless, causing the opponent's physical body, soul, gods, and humans to decline, falling into a state of old age and death.

However, what greeted him was Taiyi Daojun flicking his sleeves. The Grandmaster of Life and Death suddenly felt that time and space collapsed in front of him, and everything disappeared. His own Dao of Life and Death had no place to rely on, and his figure continued to fall into the darkness!

Taiyi is stronger than before. Has he already attained Taoism?

He was frightened in his heart, and felt that his shocking move was useless and could not land on Taiyi at all.

The next moment, he was hit by Taiyi Yiyi. He was seriously injured and coughed up blood. He fell and flew away, but he was relieved: He has not yet attained the Taoist master! If he has attained the Taoist master, I will kill him with this blow. already dead!

The moment the Lord of Life and Death flew out, the Lord of Gods and Demons and the Lord of Yin and Yang all attacked Taiyi. The two of them had gone through the hardships of the year and reached a higher level.

However, before the two of them could attack, Taiyi Daojun's attack had already arrived first. The two people's magical powers were instantly broken. They hurriedly used life-threatening attacks, risking their lives to attack forward, trying to take Taiyi's blow. , We must each repay Taiyi's ruthless actions.

This kind of fighting style is really rogue and should not appear on big men like them, but the two of them had no choice but to do so.

If they don't do this, they won't even be able to receive Taiyi's blow, and they will each suffer heavy losses, which would be too embarrassing.

Boom! Boom!

Two dull and astonishing sounds came, and the Divine Demon Dao Lord and the Yin Yang Dao Lord each vomited blood. The magical powers that the two attacked Taiyi failed to live up to their expectations. Before they could get close, they were broken by Taiyi and failed to injure them. to him.

The Great Lord of Life and Death was falling backwards, and before he could stabilize his body, he saw the two Great Lords of God and Demon and Yin and Yang also flying backwards towards this side, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

He noticed that over the past hundred years, the gap between them and Taiyi had not narrowed, but had become wider and wider.

Taiyi's cultivation and Taoism are already infinitely close to that of the Taoist Master!

He staggered to the ground, stepped back dozens of steps, stabilized his figure, and said silently in his heart, He is one step further than the Dao Lord Hao Yi back then. Hao Yi was very close to the Dao Lord back then, and he has surpassed Hao Yi back then. , almost the same as Tongtian before the attack!

A strong feeling of jealousy arose in his heart. Taiyi Avenue was higher than the Avenue of Life and Death. Taiyi was able to get infinitely close to the Taoist Master before him, which showed that the gap between the two was not only a gap in cultivation. It is also a gap in talent and understanding!

My skills are not as good as others, and even my disciples are not as good as his disciples.

The Lord of Life and Death had just thought of this, and the gods, demons, and Yin and Yang each stabilized their bodies. The Lord of Yin and Yang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shouted: You two, join forces!

It is unprecedented for the three Dao Lords to join forces to deal with Taiyi. But now there is no room for them not to join forces, otherwise there will be no benefits from this trip!

Taiyi Daojun stood in front of Xu Ying. Behind him, Jiuhen, Yuquan, and Zongyi led a group of immortals to rush out. Zongyi shouted: Everyone in the world knows that the four Daojuns of Daoji and Tian are equally famous, and they are the four supreme immortals! Today! I didn’t expect that the three Dao Lords were besieging me and they were no match for my master! Now we have to join forces, how shameless!”

The Dao Lord of Life and Death raised his hand to stop the two Dao Lords of Gods and Demons and Yin and Yang who were about to rush forward, and said in a deep voice: Brother Tai Dao got the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra and practiced hard for more than a hundred years. As expected, his cultivation level has greatly improved. It’s a pity that you are still one step away from attaining Taoism.”

Taiyi Daojun said calmly: If the three of them didn't intentionally cause trouble, I wouldn't be able to say that I have attained the position of Taoist master.

Lord Dao of Life and Death snorted coldly and said: We are not here to cause trouble, but for our respective disciples and for the fairness and justice on the other side. No matter what today, Brother Dao needs to hand over the promise!

The Lord of the Gods and Demons Dao said: Xinzhou opened up wasteland, but only two of your disciples survived. Xu Ying borrowed Xinzhou's Taoist symbols and almost killed so many Dao Lords and True Kings! You can't keep this promise!

Lord Yin Yang Dao smiled and said: Tai Yi, there are too many rebels in your sect. Hao Yi is a rebel from the Three Realms, Zhuo Daochun is a rebel from the Heaven Realm, Changsun Shenghai has defected to Tongtian, and now there is another promise. . Your position is very doubtful! Are you also a rebel?

Taiyi showed no expression of joy or anger, his eyes swept over the faces of life and death, Yin and Yang, gods and demons, Dao Shengzi and others, and said: Fellow Taoists, Xu Ying is my disciple. He has never betrayed my Taiyi sect. , he will be my disciple in one day. No one can touch him.

Lord Dao of Life and Death's face darkened, he took a step forward and was about to take action.

Upon seeing this, the other Dao Lords, Dao Lords and True Kings each took a step forward with murderous intent.

After Taiyi, Jiuhuan, Yuquan, Zongyi and others each took a step forward. Jiuhuan shouted violently: She'an Palace is not a place for you to run wild! Taiyi disciples obey the order, who dares to step even half a step into She'an Palace? Kill me without mercy!

Behind them, many members of the Taiyi Sect responded with a loud voice like thunder.

This scene made Xu Ying feel a little distracted.

He suddenly understood why Emperor Haotian worshiped Taiyi Daojun when he was studying on the other side. It's not because he has cultivated Taiyi to become enlightened, or because Taiyi's disciples are more relaxed, but because Taiyi Daojun does have his own unique charm.

These disciples under his sect are united and open to the outside world. When a disciple is in trouble, all his efforts must be directed at one place, and there will be no stumbling blocks or scattered animals.

And this is what Taiyi Daojun did to Emperor Haotian back then.

He was the one who killed Emperor Haotian, and he was also the one who created Emperor Haotian.

Seeing that the two sides were about to start a fight, suddenly there was cloud energy coming from the zenith of Dao Jitian. A woman from the holy race descended from the sky with the cloud energy and came to the top of everyone's head. She said crisply: Four Dao Lords, there is an order from Zhiren Hall on Qionghua Island. : Today there is a member of the Taiyi Sect who has committed many evil deeds, murdering Wu Chen, Hong Xi, Qing Zai, Pan Yan, Gu Daochan and other sixty-two immortals. They sacrificed blood and deserved ten thousand death. They are also suspected of murdering the pioneers of the new universe. Five hundred and forty-seven people. Now in She'an Palace, they are planning to murder more than a hundred immortal people. This is a serious matter. With the help of the Four Dao Lords, Xu Ying is captured and brought to justice, and is taken to Qionghua Island for trial. I hereby express my gratitude.

Taiyi Daodaojun frowned when he heard this, turned back to look at Xu Ying, and whispered: You did it all?

Before Xu Ying could answer, at this time, another cloud descended from the sky, and it was Sun Shenghai, the former senior brother of the Taiyi Sect, who said loudly: Fourth Dao Lord, Biyou Palace has an order: Xu Ying, a member of the Taiyi Sect, You are both wise and brave, and you have made great contributions to supporting the Taoist master. Please promise to be a guest in Biyou Palace.

Everyone frowned when they heard this.

The decree of the Taoist Master Hua of Qionghua Island has just arrived, and the decree of the Taoist Master of Tongtian of Biyou Palace has just arrived. One of the two masters of the avenue wants to escort Xu Ying to trial, and the other wants to protect Xu Ying.

Obviously, this matter has turned into a dispute between the two masters.

Caught between the two great masters, no matter which side they stand on, they are extremely dangerous.

The woman from Qionghua Island, named Li Xiao, said with a half-smile, Junior Brother Shenghai, my master wants to capture Xu Ying, but Master Tongtian wants to protect Xu Ying. Could it be that he wants to go against me, Qionghua Island?

The eldest grandson, Shenghai, was neither humble nor arrogant, and said: Uncle Xu is kind to my master, but Master Hua wants to detain him for trial. Could it be that he is deliberately going against my Biyou Palace?

The two looked at each other with murderous intent.

Lord Taiyi frowned slightly, confessed to the two of them, and returned to She'an Palace. Seeing this, Lord Dao of Life and Death and others did not stop him and still stood guard outside She'an Palace.

Taiyi Daojun called Xu Ying and said: Back then, I was invincible in the world in the Immortal Realm. It was not until later that I was defeated by the sword of Taoist Tongtian.

Xu Ying blinked and said, Master, I really didn't kill those people!

Taiyi raised his hand and continued: After I was defeated by Taoist Tongtian's sword, I learned from the pain and understood the Three Qi of Shixuanyuan. Since then, my cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds. After Tongtian's death, I never met an opponent. Until my disciple Hao Yi Challenge the heroes on the other side, and finally it will be me.

Xu Ying asked tentatively: Then what?

After experiencing that battle, I made further progress, and my cultivation strength far surpassed the other three Dao Lords.

Tai Dao said, I need someone who is comparable to them to help me take another step forward. It's just...

He sighed: The basket you are pushing is too big for me to carry. You'd better leave.

He paused and said: I am not expelling you from the Taoist sect, but sending you to other universes. You should avoid the limelight first.

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