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Chapter 777: Sad for his misfortune, angry for his inability to fight

Xu Ying activated the Chaos Lotus and approached the figure. When he was still dozens of feet away from the figure, he stopped and watched.

The person trapped in the gel material is a woman with long flowing hair scattered in the gel material, as if floating in water.

She was a very sweet-looking girl, with a round face, rosy white, watery eyes, as if frozen in time and space, and a smile on her face.

Xu Ying looked at it for a few times and said, Let's keep going forward.

Da Zhong and Chaos Lotus were stunned, and Master Zhong asked doubtfully: A Ying, aren't we going to save her?

No help.

Xu Ying shook his head and said, The fact that she can reach this far is very important. She doesn't need me to rescue her. I don't know her good and evil, and I may not even be her opponent, so why bother?

Jingjie, Taiyimen.

In the Jingjie Universe, summoning the Taiyi Cave Abyss and cultivating the Taiyi Dao is an outstanding science. However, practicing the Taiyi Dao requires extremely high qualifications and understanding, and it is difficult to achieve. Therefore, Taiyimen is not the largest in scale, but Taiyimen is extremely wealthy.

At this time, the leader of the Jingjie Taiyi Sect, the Heying Sect, frowned slightly and said, You should also sacrifice Liuyi Huanyue...


All the disciples and elders of the Taiyi Sect were horrified, and they all advised, Headmaster, no! The Liuyi Huanyue is the most important treasure of our Taoist sect. Once it is sacrificed, it will be gone!

An elder came out tremblingly, and an old voice sounded, saying: Headmaster, you should sacrifice me. I have lived long enough. If you sacrifice me, you can make the nobles on the other side Go faster...

At this moment, Taiyi Cave Abyss suddenly shook violently. The leader of the Heying Sect and everyone hurriedly looked up and saw a vast and profound energy pouring out of Taiyi Cave Abyss. A young man of sixteen or seventeen years old came to the abyss. At the entrance, look towards them.

Jingjie Taiyi Clan, He Ying, lead the Taiyi Clan to meet the young master! The leader of the Heying Clan hurriedly bowed down.

Other Supreme Elders, elders and disciples bowed down one after another.

Xu Ying walked out of the Taiyi Cave Abyss and his eyes fell on these people. He saw that these Taiyi Sect members were in ragged and dilapidated clothes and looked disheveled. Even if they were harvested from a harvest of leeks, they would not be so miserable.

He looked around and couldn't help frowning. The mountains and rivers here were barren. Although the mountains were majestic and undulating, there was no fairy mountain or spiritual spring. The palace and magic weapon of the Immortal Family were not seen either.

It's too shabby for Taiyimen to be in Jingjie. Xu Ying thought to himself.

My name is Xu Ying, please get up and talk. Xu Ying said with a smile.

The leader of the Heying Sect stood up quickly and said, Master Xu, please come this way. Our Jingjie Taiyi Sect has prepared food and wine, and we invite you to the banquet.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on her body, and he saw that the headmaster of Jingjie seemed to be in his thirties, with beautiful appearance, excellent charm, and outstanding cultivation. He had already cultivated to the immortal state.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Master Heying Sect, I see that your cultivation has reached the realm of immortality. Why is the Taiyi Sect so shabby?

The leader of the Heying Sect forced a smile and said, Let Mr. Xu laugh.

At this time, an elder couldn't help but said: In order to welcome Mr. Xu, our Taiyi Sect has sacrificed all the wealth accumulated by our sect, including fairy spirit energy, magic weapons, and even fairy mountains! These are the treasures on our bodies. , have also been sacrificed, and now I can still cover my body, which is considered good!

Feng Dun, shut up!

The master of the Heying clan had a frosty face, scolded him, and said apologetically to Xu Ying, Mr. Xu, our servants in the backcountry have no rules and make you laugh.

Xu Ying was moved and said apologetically: I didn't know that when I came, I would cause you to lose so many treasures. I am grateful for your help! I will definitely make up for it!

The master of the Heying clan held a banquet to welcome him and wash away his dust. Xu Ying was really tired after fighting all the way. After the banquet, he had to rest.

The leader of the Heying Sect called a female disciple and led him to the Shameful Flower Building to rest. When he arrived at the room, the female disciple turned around and closed the door, and wanted to stay and undress Xu Ying.

Xu Ying was startled and quickly kicked the female disciple out.

After a while, there was a knock on the door from outside. When Xu Ying opened the door, he saw the master of the Heying Sect standing outside, half shy and half resentful, saying: Yan'er has not taken good care of me, so I will be here tonight. I will serve you as a concubine. He Ying is still pretty, I hope you don’t dislike it...

She was round and round, her clothes were thin, and she was half-hidden and half-revealed in the moonlight.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Master Heying, I don't have that kind of intention, so you don't need to worry. I came here just to take refuge. I am extremely grateful to the master for taking care of me.

Upon hearing this, the leader of the Heying Sect saw that he really didn't mean anything, and felt ashamed and guilty. He hurriedly confessed and left.

When Xu Ying saw her graceful back, his mind wandered, and he wanted to raise his hand to keep her, but he put his hand down again.

So I tossed and turned for half the night before falling asleep.

The next day, the leader of the Heying Sect woke up and saw fairy mountains floating on the Lingshan Mountain where the Taiyi Gate was located. The fairy mountains were upside down, forming caves and abyss of various sizes. The aura of the fairy spirits was so abundant that it was unimaginable that the aura actually formed a waterfall. Hang upside down from the cliff.

She looked up and saw huge caves hanging in the sky. Their scale was astonishing, and they were no less impressive than the Taiyi Cave she had summoned.

She hurriedly walked out and hurried to the Shameful Flower Building, only to see Xu Ying standing upstairs. Cave after cave flew out of his body and hung in the sky. Spiritual energy poured out from these caves. Down.

There were two to three hundred of these caves and abyss. For a time, the spiritual energy condensed into clouds, and the spring breeze turned into rain, washing the spiritual mountain!

Master Xu treated our Jingjie Taiyi Sect like this, He Ying will never forget it! He Ying Sect Master hurriedly stepped forward to thank him.

Xu Ying said with a smile: Master, why should you be so polite? If it weren't for your sacrifices, I wouldn't have been able to come to Jingjie so quickly. You sacrificed so many treasures of heaven and earth, so I can only make some compensation, and I feel very guilty.

Hearing this, the leader of the Heying Sect felt uneasy: Why is this saint so easy to talk to? Is he here to harvest us?

Xu Ying took a leisurely stroll among the spiritual mountains, admiring the exotic scenery, and asked: My master, Taiyi Daojun, did you harvest you? How did you harvest you?

The leader of the Heying Sect said solemnly: Here he is indeed! He refused to take soft and hard things before, but now he wants to take a hard bite!

She didn't dare to hide it and said: Master Tai is kind and just asks us to help him comprehend. Sometimes when he encounters something that he cannot comprehend and cannot figure it out for a while, he will ask us to help him comprehend.

Xu Ying looked suspicious.

The leader of the Heying Sect said quickly: Also, if the eldest master encounters a strong enemy, he will also call on our cultivation to help. However, our Taiyi Sect is much better than other sects. Other sects are sometimes inexplicably strange. Then they will be harvested, and a few elders will die. When the saints come, they will also occupy their bodies, or they will pay tribute to resources, treasures and women. Some of them will be used to mend their ways.

When Xu Ying heard this, he flew up to high in the sky and looked around. He saw a vast landscape. There were not many fairy mountains. There were only caves and abyss like huge chimneys floating in the holy places. above.

As for the scenery of the avenue, it is even rarer.

He flew to the starry sky, and He Ying hurriedly followed him.

Xu Ying looked at the starry sky. There were not many scenes in the starry sky, and there were even very few stars and rivers.

He walked leisurely towards the place where there were stars. When he arrived there, he saw several powerful men of the seventh and eighth levels of the Tao Realm with extraordinary cultivation, circling a sun and refining that sun repeatedly.

Their souls were vast, many times bigger than the sun. The sun was made smaller and smaller by them, and finally turned into a bead.

Those strong men put away the sun beads and went to other places to refine the sun.

They are refining star sand.

The leader of the Heying Sect said, The other side needs a lot of star sand. Some people use the star sand to refine magic weapons.

Xu Ying thought of Taoist Hongxi who was sacrificed by him, and there was a tower of sand gathering around the sky. The star sand in it was the sun, and countless star sand formed the galaxies in the tower.

However, after these suns are refined and sent to the other side, your scenery will be gone.

Xu Ying couldn't help but said, At night, you may not even be able to see the stars!

The leader of the Heying Sect said: As long as it doesn't hinder our survival.

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows and said, Have you never thought about resisting? Haven't you ever thought that you don't have to study liberal arts, don't have to learn the skills of the other side, and don't have to be harvested by them? You can fight against them!

The face of the leader of the Heying Sect suddenly changed, and he said quickly: Don't dare! Why did the young master say such treacherous words? The Dharma on the other side is the holy Dharma, and the people on the other side are also the saints. How can we dare to compete with the saints? ? This is the grave crime of genocide!

Hearing this, Xu Ying shook his head and turned back to Lingshan.

There is a mineral vein in the distance of Lingshan Mountain. It is an extremely rare Five Elements mineral vein. It produces Five Elements Black Gold. It is an excellent weapon refining material for those who practice the Five Elements Dao.

It's just that this kind of mineral vein is extremely rare. It can only be formed in places with strong innate avenues. It contains changes in the five elements, so mining in it is very dangerous.

But Xu Ying saw many people at the fifth and fourth levels of the Dao Realm entering the mines to mine. These people had extraordinary cultivation strength, but they were working as miners here.

They are people who practice the Five Elements Dao. If they dig up the Five Elements Black Gold, they can get the magical way taught by the other side. Some people can even go to the other side to study!

Speaking of this, the leader of the Heying Sect couldn't help but look envious.

Xu Ying withdrew his gaze. Taiyi Daojun also exploited the disciples of Jingjie Taiyi Sect, but among these predators, Taiyi Daojun was the more merciful one.

This is the future of the Three Realms. If you don't resist, if you don't have enough power, this is the future of the Three Realms!

Xu Ying's heart beat violently. The three realms must be strong and strong, and they must not be reduced to the next realm.

The other side plunders the universe and seizes their various avenues and scenery, innate mineral veins, various resources, and even human resources. How can we defeat such a behemoth?

He said silently in his heart, Jingjie, a world enslaved by them, doesn't even have the determination to resist, let alone the strength to resist.

He couldn't help but shook his head.

When he was in the other shore, he did not see the power of the other shore. When he came to the scene, he realized the power and invincibility of the other shore.

Master He, if I told you that Dongyuan can be cultivated by yourself, would you believe it? Xu Ying asked.

Without even thinking about it, the leader of the Heying Sect nodded and said, I believe it!

After saying this, she regretted that she should not have said the words I believe in front of Xu Ying. After all, Xu Ying was sent by Taiyi Daojun, so he must be Taiyi's confidant. If he went back to tell Taiyi about this, he would probably not be able to save his life.

After all, she is in the immortal state. Although there are many backdoors hidden in the technique, she is not stupid if she can cultivate to this state. She can naturally see many mysteries of Dongyuan.

Xu Ying added: I can teach you the technique of cultivating Dongyuan, so that you can make Dongyuan yourself without having to summon others' Dongyuan.

The leader of the Heying Sect carefully probed: Master Xu plans to set up his own sect and spread another harvesting method in our realm? Are you here to preach because you have reached a bottleneck in your cultivation?

She thought she had guessed Xu Ying's thoughts and said with a smile: I can make arrangements for you. We have done this kind of thing many times. Young masters from the other side often come and ask us to help spread their skills and find suitable harvesters. The heir of.

Xu Ying shook his head, walked back to the Shameful Flower Tower, and said: What I want to teach is the true method, not the harvesting method. If you want to learn, come and see me.

He stayed in the Shameful Flower Building, calmed down, and stayed here honestly for a while.

He concentrated on practicing, trying to deduce the unique patterns of Taiyi, Chaos, Hongmeng, Karma and Killing.

It took him three years to deduce the Tai Dao Pattern to the Five Dao, and the other Chaos, Karma, Killing and Hongmeng to within the Ten Dao.

This means that his attainments in these avenues have reached the realm of immortality. As long as he is willing, he can prove these avenues at any time!

However, the leader of the Heying Sect never came to see him, either out of distrust or fear of the other side.

He Ying did not come. Although Xu Ying lamented the misfortune of Jing Jie, he would not take the initiative to force them to get rid of the misfortune.


With the sect master, the Taiyi sect has been very prosperous recently!

Peng Wu, the leader of the Hunyuan Taoist Sect, came to visit and looked at the grand occasion of the Taiyi Sect. He couldn't help but feel envious and said with a smile, The Taiyi Sect is more prosperous than before, which is gratifying. I wonder where the immortal spirit of your sect comes from. Come?

The leader of the Heying Sect smiled and said: The elders in our sect have become immortal and have an immortal-level abyss. That's why the spiritual energy is so prosperous.

Peng Wu said nothing and congratulated him repeatedly.

Not long after, Peng Wu got up and said goodbye, hurriedly returned to the Hunyuan Taoist Gate, burned incense and prayed to the Chaos Cave Abyss, and said: Disciple Peng Wu, please inform the Hunyuan Taoist Lord that Xu Ying is very likely to be hiding in the Jingjie Taiyimen! Please tell me. You decide!

After a while, the voice of Taoist Hunyuan came from the cave abyss: Prepare your Dharma body to bear the coming!

Peng Wu said yes, summoned a fifth-level Taoist disciple, asked him to stand under the Chaos Cave, bowed and said, Please come, Taoist Lord!

At this time, a vast force of thought and will came, seizing the disciple's soul, and then invaded his physical body, walked out, and said in a deep voice: I'll go and see if it's true or not!

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