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Chapter 761 I can’t bear it anymore

The Taoism of this world is actually so low-level!

During the battle between You Xuan and Tai Shuxi, Lu He, who was under the sect of Lord Dao of Gods and Demons, was watching the battle in the audience. Seeing the abilities of these two peerless masters, he couldn't help but be astonished.

Is this the peerless master of this universe?

These days, he has traveled to many places in Cuixu Continent, looking for experts outside the world. But I didn't meet any masters outside the world, but found that Xinzhou's Taoist and magical powers were very low. The highest level of cultivation among the monks here is only in the ascension stage, and is not even comparable to any of the universes under the jurisdiction of the other side!

However, such a low-level universe caused them, the pioneers, to suffer heavy casualties. Only a handful of them died before they entered Cuixu Continent.

He even estimated that even if the immortals from the other side came here, it would be difficult to protect themselves. The spiritual pattern structure is really brilliant.

Lu He couldn't help but think: The strength of the two peerless masters is so low. It seems that there is really no strong person in this universe. With such a superb Dao structure, coupled with the Taoism on the other side, I am the master here!

On the other side, Yin Rao, who is under the Yin Yang Dao Lord's sect, is also watching the battle, with a slight movement in his heart: The Dao structure of this world is extremely brilliant, but the Taoism is extremely backward. There should be a fault in the civilization. The monks here suddenly disappeared for some reason. , leaving no inheritance!”

This world-shaking battle between good and evil ended with You Xuan killing the Three Islands, Six Saints and Twelve Demon Lords. Lu He's heart moved slightly, and he immediately caught up with the dejected people in the devil's path, preparing to unify the devil's path and become the ancestor of this place.

You Xuan returned to Taiwei Palace with the power of killing Taishu Xi and killing the Six Saints and Twelve Venerables of Three Islands. He was still pleasantly surprised.

The swordsmanship taught by the old god is really amazing!

The Cuixu Continent was originally in an era where Tao was extinguished and demons were rising. Because no one could survive the Leize Heavenly Tribulation for a long time, countless geniuses died under the Heavenly Tribulation and no one could ascend.

As time goes by, demonic ways are born, and they use alternative methods to seek immortality.

As for the righteous path, it gradually declined.

He didn't have much hope in challenging Tai Shuxi this time. After all, the opponent was a famous figure in the devil's path and had a far-reaching reputation. And he is the number one person in the righteous path of swordsmanship. Of course, there are also the number one person in the 360 ​​sects of swordsmanship, formations, weapon refining, magical powers, martial arts, etc.

But unexpectedly, in this duel, he used the Immortal Sword of Cause and Effect, followed the cause and effect, and killed the opponent in the next moment, without any hesitation.

When the Six Saints and Twelve Masters of Mishima ambushed him, none of them could take his sword!

This time, he is already the first person on the right path.

The old god only guided me for more than twenty days, and he made me become the number one person on the right path! How powerful can the old god be?

You Xuan hurriedly came to see Xu Ying, only to see Xu Ying standing in front of Taiwei Palace, looking at this ancient palace.

You Xuan, is there any record of the origin of Taiwei Palace? Xu Ying suddenly asked.

You Xuan shook his head and said: Disciple I don't know. Taiwei Palace is too old, even older than our sect. There are rumors that it has existed since the beginning of the world.

When Xu Ying heard this, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: Already existed at the beginning of the world? This is not the Yuan Realm? Even if it is the Yuan Realm, it will suffer heavy damage after experiencing the flood, and it will not be preserved so completely.

You Xuan mustered up his courage and said: The disciple has learned the magical swordsmanship taught by the old god, and his strength has greatly increased, but he has no way to live forever. Can the old god teach him the magic...

He was uneasy. After all, he had already received the swordsmanship taught by the old immortal and became the first person in the right path. If he sought the immortal method again, he would be overreaching.

Xu Ying looked at him sideways and saw that his body was entangled with cause and effect, and he was getting more and more prosperous. He couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart, and said: You have great causes and great effects, and you are a good seedling to practice my Taoism. No matter what, I will accept it. You are my disciple, and I will teach you a method that can help you ascend to enlightenment!

You Xuan was surprised and happy. He quickly bowed down and said, Master, can this method of ascension and enlightenment be used to become an immortal?

Xu Ying smiled and said: You can become a Taoist, let alone an immortal?

You Xuan kowtows.

Xu Ying adapted measures to local conditions and made additions and deletions to the Golden Wheel of Cause and Effect to Combat Disasters on the basis of the spiritual patterns. When he first started practicing this technique, it was extremely difficult to get started. He needed to study tens of thousands of different spiritual patterns, but every time his level improved, layer, the number of spiritual patterns will be slightly less.

When cultivation reaches the ascension stage, the number of spirit patterns will only be in the thousands.

After reaching the first enlightenment, that is, the Supreme Realm, the number of spiritual patterns was reduced to only a few hundred. After the second enlightenment, in the immortal realm, the number of spiritual patterns was reduced to only ten.

After the third enlightenment, on the eve of cultivating to the main realm of the Dao, there was only one spiritual pattern left.

A spiritual pattern is a perfect avenue!

The Golden Wheel of Cause and Effect to Save Disasters was originally an immortal-level skill. However, after Xu Ying's improvements, it actually leads directly to the third enlightenment. It can be practiced to the realm of the Great Dao Master. It can be regarded as a Tao Master-level skill. Law!

Of course, as the founder of this skill, Xu Ying himself has not even reached the Tao Master level. Therefore, this technique can only be regarded as an experiment.

Moreover, the spiritual pattern promises of the three realms of certification in the later stage have not been sorted out. You can only complete them slowly when You Xuan attains enlightenment.

Xu Ying taught this skill to You Xuan. You Xuan felt that it was profound and profound, and he knelt down again and said, Can you teach this skill to other disciples?

Xu Ying pointed him carefully and said with a smile: Why not? However, you should not only pay attention to the golden wheel of cause and effect taught by my teacher, but also see the train of thought of the golden wheel of cause and effect. From complex to simple, and then to enlightenment Dao. Not only the Dao of Cause and Effect can do this, but also wind, rain, thunder and lightning, metal, wood, water and fire, the Five Innate Tais, Chaos Yin and Yang, Hongmeng Taiyi, all kinds of Dao can do this. If you understand this, you will be an unparalleled Grand Master. The certificate can be expected.”

You Xuan seemed to understand.

Xu Ying didn't care whether he could understand it or not, he just studied Taiwei Palace on his own.

You Xuan bowed to Xu Ying, stood up and summoned the disciples of Taiwei Palace to teach Xu Ying's improved Golden Wheel Cause and Effect to Prevent Disasters.

This technique extremely tests the disciple's learning ability. After all, he has to learn and comprehend tens of thousands of spiritual patterns from the very beginning. Everyone in Taiwei Palace followed him to practice, but there were still not many who could get started.

You Xuan thought about Xu Ying's words and thought hard, but still didn't understand what to do.

It wasn't until thousands of years later that he finally attained enlightenment. When he was studying other avenues, he suddenly remembered Xu Ying's words. Only then did he finally achieve enlightenment and become a great master in the spiritual world.

This is something.

Xu Ying stood in front of Taiwei Palace, practicing the Golden Wheel of Cause and Effect with the disciples and elders of Taiwei Palace and others. The cause and effect on his body gradually became heavier, and his own Golden Wheel of Cause and Effect became stronger and stronger.

As the disciples of Taiwei Palace get higher and higher in cultivation, their involvement with Xinzhou becomes deeper and deeper, Xinzhou's involvement with his ancestor becomes more and more profound, and the power of cause and effect naturally becomes stronger and stronger. .

Brother Dao, I'm offended!

Xu Ying's eyes flashed, and he suddenly took a step forward, stretched out his hand, and immediately the Taiwei Palace was lifted up by him, and the vast power hidden in this palace was inspired by him!

Everyone in Taiwei Palace noticed that the palace suddenly emitted profound and boundless power, and they were all shocked. Facing this power of nearly countless suns gathered together, they deeply felt their own insignificance!

That is a power comparable to thousands of galaxies, hidden in the small Taiwei Palace!

How could our Taiwei Palace have such a powerful magic weapon? The power of the old god is so majestic! They were deeply shocked.

The spiritual patterns belonging to this palace have been completely activated!

Six spiritual patterns!

Xu Ying couldn't help but be shocked. This Taiwei Palace had a total of six spirit pattern forms, which were immortal-level spirit pattern forms.

Simplifying the types of spiritual patterns to six types, you are already a Dao Lord in Immortality, or even a Dao Lord, and you are very close to the Dao Lord!

How could such an existence disappear?

Xu Ying urged Taiwei Palace and said leisurely, Fortunately, it is not difficult to find the owner of this treasure by following this treasure. Taiwei Palace, let me take a look at your cause and effect and find your owner!

He activated the Golden Wheel of Cause and Effect to the extreme, and in an instant, all kinds of causes and effects entangled in this palace emerged.

As long as the magic weapon is still there, the cause and effect between the magic weapon and its owner will not disappear, so Xu Ying is sure that he can find the owner of the magic weapon.

Moreover, the cause and effect between a magic weapon and its owner is often the largest cause and effect among many.

All the causes and effects of Taiwei Palace emerged, and the thickest cause and effect line was like a hemp rope circling in the air, stopping in one place.

The movement of the causal line is often the movement of the owner. The owner of Taiwei Palace has obviously been to many places and left causal lines in these places.

Xu Ying activated his consciousness and searched all the way. After spending more than ten days, he finally found the end of the causal line.

Ahead is a vast sea of ​​chaos.

This causal line was actually connected to the sea of ​​chaos, causing him to immediately lose the movement of the causal line!

In other words, the master of Taiwei Palace finally walked into the sea of ​​chaos!

Xu Ying pondered for a moment and withdrew his consciousness.

If the line of cause and effect enters the sea of ​​chaos, cause and effect will be lost, and you will fall into chaos, unable to find it.

His consciousness returned to Cuixu along the line of cause and effect. At this moment, Xu Ying saw another line of cause and effect, which also came from the Cuixu continent and entered the sea of ​​chaos.

The two causal lines enter at different locations, but are not far apart.

He was surprised and was about to follow this causal line to check the source when he suddenly noticed the third causal line, which also came from Cuixu Continent and ended in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Then came Article 4, Article 5, Article 6...

As he searched, more and more causal lines came into view. Thick causal lines extended from Cuixu and other places to the sea of ​​chaos here, penetrated into the sea of ​​chaos, and disappeared!

Xu Ying was shocked in his heart. He immediately searched around with his consciousness along the lines of cause and effect. Not long after, his consciousness came to a Taoist scene and found an ancient cave in the Taoist scene. The cave was empty.

Another of his spiritual consciousness came to the hall in the starry sky, and the third spiritual consciousness came to the sea and entered an underwater palace.

His fourth spiritual consciousness entered a large mountain, and a treasure of staggering scale was hidden inside the mountain.

His fifth spiritual consciousness came to a city of three-eyed humans, and he saw a causal line connecting an ancient pagoda.

There are many causal lines extending in all directions, but each causal line corresponds to an ancient place or an amazingly powerful magic weapon!

But its owner often disappears into the sea of ​​chaos.

It's strange that all the enlightened people in this universe have entered the Sea of ​​Chaos... No! If only the enlightened people enter the sea of ​​chaos, there should also be immortals who have not been enlightened. It is impossible for civilization to degenerate to this extent!

Xu Ying thought of this, took a long breath, and thought to himself, With my cultivation, I cannot bring the law of cause and effect to its extreme, I cannot see more lines of cause and effect, and I cannot find the reason for the decline of the civilization of the spiritual world. Now we can only use the unstructured characteristics of martial arts and borrow the power of other avenues to stimulate the power of cause and effect to the extreme!

He activated the Martial Arts Cave Abyss, and Taiyi and other five great powers immediately swarmed in and merged into the Martial Arts Cave Abyss, turning into unstructured Tao power! ,

These Taoist powers poured into the Cave of Cause and Effect, pushing the Avenue of Cause and Effect to an unprecedented extreme!

His cultivation of cause and effect is still very weak, and his attainments on this path are not great, but his power is extremely powerful!

Behind Xu Ying's head, the Cave of Cause and Effect expanded crazily, becoming thousands of miles wide in an instant, allowing him to see more subtle lines of cause and effect.

Xu Ying's consciousness gathered in the sky and turned into a strange eye of cause and effect. He looked towards the Cuixu Continent and saw millions of slender lines of cause and effect swirling around and coming from Cuixu Continent and all over the universe. !

These causal lines flew past him, all plunged into the sea of ​​chaos, and disappeared without a trace!

All powerful beings in this universe eventually entered the Sea of ​​Chaos...

Xu Ying couldn't help but be stunned. The sudden disappearance of these people caused a civilizational fault in the entire spiritual universe!

The big clock flew out, and his spiritual consciousness was connected with Xu Ying's spiritual consciousness. With the vision of Xu Ying's spiritual consciousness, he also saw this scene and couldn't help but be deeply shocked.

The powerful people in this universe moved at the same time... Why did they choose to move and leave the universe that gave birth to them? it wondered.

Xu Ying withdrew his consciousness and said in a deep voice: We will understand if we go back to the past and take a look.

He mobilized the Taiyi Cave Abyss, and in an instant the Taiyi Avenue turned into the Zhouguang Dao, and the Taiyi Cave Abyss also turned into the Zhouguang Cave Abyss.

Xu Ying paused, and a long river of time appeared. It was the past and future time of this universe, flowing under his feet.

The big clock followed him and walked towards the past, promising that the waves were blooming at his feet. Between the waves were the past years, and pictures of the past flowed by.

Xu Ying traveled retrograde in the long river of time and gradually came to more than 600,000 years ago. This was the limit of time that the Immortal Emperor Meng Shanming could reach.

But for Xu Ying, Meng Shanming's limit is already easy.

He continued to walk forward, going deeper and deeper, and gradually came to a million years ago, two million years ago, and five million years ago.

The time in the spiritual world and the universe is as it always is, a history of monks struggling to live longer.

When he came to seven million years ago, Xu Ying gradually became a little tired.

When he arrived ten million years ago, he felt the pressure of time gradually increasing. He continued to move forward despite the pressure. When he arrived twenty million years ago, he still found no traces of prehistoric civilization.

When Xu Ying arrived twenty-four million years ago, he needed help from the big bell to help him activate the Zhouguang Cave Abyss.

The big bell floats in the abyss of Zhouguang Cave, ringing loudly.

Xu Ying continued to move forward, gradually reaching 28 million years ago, and finally couldn't hold on any longer.

At this time, he looked into the long river of time and suddenly saw the Lingxu Continent 28 million years ago. Extremely powerful monks lived there, and some beings were even much more powerful than him!

There is immortality there, and there is something beyond immortality.

Suddenly, a strange bell seemed to ring from all places in the world at the same time. All the monks exploded almost at the same time, and their bodies turned into wisps of chaotic energy, floating towards the sea of ​​chaos outside the sky!

Xu Ying was stunned, and saw that in the waves, even the immortal, even the master of the avenue, his body and soul were annihilated one after another!

No matter how hard you try, it won't help!

In the sound of the bell, all the practitioners turned into the energy of chaos, forming torrents flying towards the sea of ​​chaos!

Xu Ying stood there blankly, with cold sweat rolling down his forehead.

Da Zhong was still a little confused and didn't understand, so he asked: A Ying, what happened?

That bell is the bell of the Sea of ​​Chaos...

Xu Ying murmured, We have heard the sound of the bell imprinted on the folds of your body. When the bell rang, all the practitioners died! Master Zhong, this cause and effect, It’s a bit too big, I might not be able to carry it…”

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