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Chapter 760 The greater the cause and effect

Da Zhong was also quite curious and asked: Since you have gods here, why don't you transcend the tribulation and ascend? After ascension, wouldn't it be better to become a god yourself?

You Xuan shook his head and said: Overcoming the tribulation and ascending? How can it be so easy? Lei Ze is so powerful, and if he triggers the tribulation, there is only one way to die.

Xu Ying was stunned: What does it have to do with Lei Ze?

You Xuan said: When we are overcoming the tribulation, Lei Ze will appear and rain down thunder and fire. There are also things like dragons, phoenixes, and crows in it. There is no way we can overcome it. Overcoming the tribulation is asking for death.

Xu Ying thought of the terrifying Leize Dao Scenery. He almost fell into it. If the dragons, phoenixes, unicorns and other Dao creatures in it entangled him, he would have to work hard.

People like You Xuan can overcome the tribulation, and if Lei Ze also appears, then these people will not be able to overcome the tribulation at all with their strength.

He suddenly thought that when the heavenly world controlled the heavenly calamity of the Qi practitioners from all over the world, people were trapped by the super calamity and could not overcome the calamity and ascend. Therefore, an alternative method of immortality such as fishing with leeks was derived.

Could it be that such health-preserving activities also exist in Xinzhou? Xu Ying thought to himself.

However, the star field transportation in this universe is extremely developed, and there are huge rainbow bridges between the galaxies, which communicate with each other, indicating that there should be extremely advanced civilizations here.

Moreover, the Immortal Palace in Lei Zezhong also shows that there once was an immortal-like civilization here. But for some reason, forces like Immortal Court or Dao Jitian did not develop.

Xu Ying carefully recalled what he saw when he entered the New Universe. At that time, he looked at the entire New Universe and did not find any higher places like the Celestial World and Dao Jitian.

What happened in New Universe? Are these powerful existences still hidden in the human world like Cuixu Continent?

Xu Ying's head floated up in a daze, and he looked around and thought to himself, Besides me, is there anyone else who survived? Others dare not say, but Senior Brother Changsun Shenghai is afraid that he can survive.


In Tianjing Mountain in Cuixu Continent, Changsun Shenghai had an elegant figure, walking under the Taoist scenery of Tianjing Mountain, looking up at the Taoist scenery.

I saw a scene in the sky, like the Milky Way hanging down, penetrating from the sky, penetrating the earth and mountains, it was extremely spectacular.

Weird, the great avenues of heaven and earth here are prosperous, but why are there no immortals? And the people's cultivation levels are not high. What's even weirder is that there are some relics that are clearly left by immortals and even the masters of the great avenues!

He was inexplicably shocked, looked at the scenery around him, and thought to himself, The structure of the avenue here is even more advanced than that on the other side. Even the avenue I practice has been restrained! If I hadn't practiced calamity and annihilation, I would have died here. !”

When the drastic change happened just now, he was among them. He also encountered the situation that Xu Ying and others encountered. However, he immediately discovered that the Avenue of Nirvana and the Avenue of Tribulation were not affected by spiritual patterns, so he could save his life.

However, the sight of thousands of strong men dying still shocked him.

Suddenly, he noticed something, and his body flashed into this Taoist scene.

There is a palace deep in the Daojing, which is very pleasant. Changsun Shenghai walked in and said silently in his heart: I wonder how Junior Brother Xu and the others are doing? Good people don't live long, but he will definitely live a long time.

On the other side, the avenue of life and death turned into billowing smoke. Ji Youru activated the cave of life and death, drawing powerful mana and the avenue from the universe, fighting against the spirit, and falling towards the Cuixu continent.

He studied under the Master of Life and Death, and also began to preach in the universe, harvesting practitioners. His cultivation was much deeper than others, and he had more means to save his life.

In the previous battle with Xu Ying, he was injured and had to escape. This time he also fell into a trap and was infected by the spirit pattern, forcing him to harvest the universe in advance.

At this moment, he tried his best to survive.


Ji Youru fell to the ground and screamed. His physical body and soul exploded. The cave turned into billowing ashes and rose into the sky. He died in an instant!

On the other side of the place where he fell, there were two thick smoke falling from the sky and hitting Cuixu Continent.

Among the thick smoke is a young woman standing between the yin and yang chakras. She is the first person in the sect of Yin Yang Daojun, named Yin Rao.

In the other thick smoke was Lu He, the eldest brother of the Lord of the Gods and Demons. Lu He also has a rare treasure that protects his whole body. The thick smoke is all transformed from the immortal treasure.

As for Ji Youru, he shouldn't have died so quickly, but when he went to encircle Xu Ying, the life-and-death contract, the immortal treasure given to him by Xu Ying's master, was pierced, leaving him without the magic weapon to protect his body.

Lu He and Yin Rao fell from the sky one behind the other, and they landed far apart.

As soon as Yin Rao landed, he saw local people flying over. Without thinking, he activated the Yin Yang Avenue and controlled the people.

The woman then searched her soul and searched out all the memories of the future person's life to find out the secrets of various spiritual patterns.

She was extremely decisive and immediately mobilized her mind with all her strength, taking advantage of the fact that the yin and yang chakra had not yet been fully spiritualized to change the structure of her avenue!

The moment Lu He landed on the other side, his spiritual consciousness exploded in all directions, sweeping thousands of miles around and controlling all humans and animals within these thousands of miles!

He gave up his body and took away one of the people with outstanding qualifications. By the time he finished all this, the immortal magic weapon had turned into ashes, and then his body also turned into flying ash!

The two of them each relied on their own means to save their lives, and each had lingering fears.

What kind of world is this new universe?


Xu Ying followed You Xuan to Taiwei Palace. You Xuan was so excited that he hurriedly summoned all his disciples, elders, and supreme elders to pay homage to the old immortal.

These disciples, elders and supreme elders were shocked when they saw that the old immortal had only one head left. However, when they heard that Xu Ying came from Lei Ze and that behind him was the Lei Ze Immortal Palace, they did not dare to neglect and hurriedly took the head. bye.

After they had paid their respects, they were then supported by a great force and slowly lifted up.

Everyone felt that this power was really vast, profound, and unfathomable, and they were filled with surprise and uncertainty. Only then did they believe that Xu Yingguo was really an old god.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on Taiwei Palace. This Taiwei Palace was definitely an extremely ancient and powerful immortal weapon, but for some reason it was covered in dust and landed in the mortal world. It was regarded as an ordinary palace by You Xuan and others.

I'm afraid it's an immortal treasure. He said silently in his heart.

The realm of You Xuan and others is too low to offer sacrifices to Taiwei Palace, and they cannot even activate one billionth of its power. Therefore, they guard this treasure without knowing it is a treasure.

There are indeed experts in this world, otherwise how could there be an immortal treasure?

Xu Ying thought to himself, But You Xuan and others have never seen an immortal. What's going on?

This universe obviously has extremely high spiritual patterns, even surpassing Li Wen on the other side, but it is still at the stage of ascension.

There are obviously no immortals, but there are ancient magic weapons like Taiwei Palace.

It’s so weird!

You Xuan and others took good care of him, taking care of his food and daily life, and also brought various Kung Fu books for Xu Ying to refer to.

Xu Ying learned the spirit patterns from it and also learned their language. Within a few days, he was able to talk to them in the local language.

When Xu Ying asked about the origin of the spirit pattern, You Xuan said: The spirit pattern seems to have existed from the beginning, and its origin cannot be verified.

Xu Ying had no choice but to put this matter aside and concentrate on transforming his runes, Dao patterns, arts and dragon patterns into spiritual patterns.

As his understanding of spiritual patterns gradually deepened, he had to marvel at the power of this avenue structure. This structure can analyze the avenue to a higher level and reach the essence of the avenue!

As his understanding deepened, he gradually discovered that there were fewer and fewer structures in the spiritual pattern. The higher the Taoism, the simpler the structure of the spiritual pattern, and the more advanced the cultivation level!

When he first came into contact with the spiritual structure, there were thousands of avenue textures, and the structure of any avenue was extremely complex.

When he understood deeply and structured one avenue after another with spiritual patterns, there were only four to five hundred types of spiritual patterns left.

When he analyzed the higher avenues such as Taiyi and Chaos, and reconstructed Dongyuan, there were already less than a hundred types of spiritual patterns.

And as he analyzes these avenues, as his realm becomes higher and higher, the types of spiritual patterns become fewer and fewer!

If I raise it to the level of immortality, I'm afraid there will only be less than ten types of spiritual patterns left!

Xu Ying suddenly realized that when there was only one type of spirit pattern left, it was the Immortal Realm. It was only one step away from entering the Great Dao Master Realm!

The main realm of the avenue, the avenue is unstructured, without any structure. With this trend, the immortal realm of Xinzhou has been cultivated to the point where only one spiritual pattern is left, and it will be natural to enter the main realm of the avenue!

Xu Ying was suddenly stunned. Spirit Pattern is not a method of cultivation, but a basic Dao structure. However, this way of cultivation is like a way of cultivation that leads directly to the main realm of Dao!

Taiyi Dao Lord and others are in urgent need of a Dao Master level technique, but they never imagined that there is a universe where the cultivation system starts from the basic Dao runes and reaches the Dao Master level!

Xu Ying couldn't help but marvel: Xinzhou, the Taoist system is so powerful!

His head flew up and he immediately deduced various spiritual patterns, improving Taiyi to the point where only thirty kinds of spiritual patterns were left.

However, for the two avenues of Chaos and Hongmeng, he could only upgrade to about a hundred spiritual patterns. For the two avenues of Samsara and Wuji, he could only upgrade to about 300 spiritual patterns, which was unsustainable.

The fewer types of spiritual patterns, the closer to the essence of the great avenue. However, how to reduce the types of spiritual patterns requires great accumulation and wisdom.

Xu Ying discovered at this time that although his attainments in Chaos and Hongmeng were no worse than Taiyi, he had not used much skill in these two avenues, so that it was extremely difficult to reconstruct these two avenues with his spirit this time. , it is difficult to make great progress.

I need to spend more time on these two avenues. How can I kill the True King or Dao Lord who controls the two avenues and get their skills... By the way, there is also the Avenue of Cause and Effect!

Xu Ying's eyes lit up. He and Changsun Shenghai had already deciphered the Golden Wheel of Cause and Effect to Prevent Disasters. He had been unable to practice it. He had to go to the mortal world to refine the Golden Wheel of Cause and Effect.

Now, am I not in the mortal world?

Xu Ying did what he thought of and immediately mobilized the Golden Wheel of Cause and Effect to Save Disasters and practiced the Path of Cause and Effect. However, his attainments in this path were really shallow. In just a few days, he created nearly 10,000 spiritual patterns.

The structure of the Karma Golden Wheel has also become extremely complex and difficult to activate.

Xu Ying felt that he had achieved a small amount of success and thought to himself: To practice this skill, you need to have great cause and effect. The stronger the cause and effect, the faster your ability will improve! If you stay in the Immortal Palace, you will definitely not be contaminated by cause and effect. Go out for a walk!

He activated the Taiyi Avenue structured by spiritual patterns, and his physical body gradually returned to its original state, and he walked out of the Leize Immortal Palace.

In the abyss of his martial arts cave, Da Zhong and Zhu Xian Can Jian were working hard to learn the various spiritual patterns compiled by Xu Ying, striving to make further progress for themselves.

Outside the Immortal Palace, the headmaster You Xuan was leading a group of disciples to practice swordsmanship. Xu Ying looked around and saw that the swordsmanship in Taiwei Palace seemed rather clumsy. It only focused on power and lacked the agility and agility of the swordsmanship.

Among these thousands of disciples, subtle lines of cause and effect are unconsciously connected to Xu Ying, if they are there or not.

Xu Ying felt that his performance in the Path of Cause and Effect had improved a little, and suddenly his heart moved slightly. He suddenly thought of a sword technique, and thought to himself: I can integrate the Path of Cause and Effect into the sword technique!

Thinking of this, he immediately raised the Zhuxian Broken Sword. Zhuxian Broken Sword was trying to modify its own runes into spiritual patterns. Suddenly it was controlled by Xu Ying, and many runes in his body turned into spiritual patterns. He couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry!

You brat, touch the mark on me...

Zhu Xian Broken Sword suddenly felt very comfortable, and its own power was also rising steadily, becoming more powerful than before, so it did not continue to be fierce, thinking, He is also good for me. I finally understand Master Zhong, and being helped by humans Cultivation is indeed much more enjoyable than practicing on your own.”

Xu Ying didn't know what it was thinking, so he sacrificed the sword to himself and used the magical swordsmanship that contained cause and effect that he had understood.

The light of his sword is like a gossamer, like a golden wheel, like time, like the universe, with a strong sense of fate, moving according to cause and effect, and following destiny, making it impossible for people to avoid or hide!

After performing a set of sword moves, Xu Ying stopped his sword, and the Karma Cave Abyss behind his head was buzzing. Unknowingly, he had improved his cultivation of the Karma Avenue to the level of the Nine Realms of the Cave Abyss!

He sheathed his sword and saw that everyone below had stopped practicing and looked directly at him.

Suddenly, You Xuan bowed down and kowtowed: Please old immortal, teach me the swordsmanship of the immortal family!

Behind him, the thousands of disciples of Taiwei Palace bowed down and said in unison: Please old immortal, teach your disciples the swordsmanship of the Immortal Family!

At this moment, Xu Ying saw that all the causal lines on their bodies suddenly became denser, and all the causal lines were extremely bright!


Thousands of causal lines condensed behind him, gradually forming a golden wheel!

Xu Ying had a clear understanding, bent down, held up his hands, and said with a smile: Get up, I will teach you the Immortal Sword of Cause and Effect!

Everyone was overjoyed and quickly thanked him before getting up.

Xu Ying then opened a forum to give lectures in Taiwei Palace, teaching all kinds of profound spiritual patterns that he had realized in recent days, and then taught the spiritual patterns of cause and effect.

On the twentieth day, he taught all the Immortal Sword of Cause and Effect.

On the 30th day, You Xuan, who had mastered the Immortal Sword of Cause and Effect, challenged the evil master Tai Shu Xi and killed Tai Shu Xi with one move, shocking the world.

In Cuixu Continent, the demonic path is prosperous, and those who enter the demonic path are those who long for immortality.

In the new universe, even those who practice to the ascension stage only have a lifespan of thousands of years, and they will eventually face birth, old age, illness and death. These people were not willing to die, so they turned to the devil's path and used various methods to stay alive.

The Six Saints and Twelve Venerables of the Three Islands of the Demonic Way intercepted and killed You Xuan, and were all killed by You Xuan. For a time, You Xuan had the posture of being the first person in the righteous way.

Xu Ying felt happy when he saw that the cause and effect on himself was inexplicably heavier, and his cultivation level was also rising steadily.

The greater the cause and effect, the faster the practice! It's true!

It won't be long before my Karma Avenue can soar! By then, I want to see what happened to the Lei Ze Heavenly Tribulation!

Kavin, I may not have time to finish writing the second update tonight, so go to bed early.

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