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Chapter 762 The fox pretends to be the tiger's power

Xu Ying had heard that bell once before, when he made the Chaos Oath with the Lord of the Ruins of the Yuan Realm. After making the oath, the bell rang in their ears.

The sound of the bell is exactly the same as the bells in the long river of time!

He heard this kind of bell three times in total, and once in the Chaos Sea. That time he imprinted the wrinkles from the big bell on the big bell.

The deaths of these practitioners in the spiritual universe should be the result of the Avenue of Chaos cleaning up its own fluctuations!

Xu Ying thought quickly and hurriedly walked out with the big clock, thinking, Most people in the spiritual world have sworn an oath, but ended up breaking the oath, causing abnormal fluctuations in the Avenue of Chaos, causing the practitioners to be wiped out... …wrong!

All practitioners made a Chaos Oath at the same time?

At the same time, he violated the Chaos Oath and was adjusted by the Chaos Avenue?

This is somewhat incredible and even more difficult to achieve.

Because there are new practitioners all the time, and new practitioners who have not made a vow of chaos will naturally not be wiped out by the avenue of chaos.

Unless someone can control the avenue of this universe and make an oath in the name of the avenue. However, the person who swears the oath must be at least the level of the avenue master... The question now is, is this chaos oath still there?

Xu Ying thought of this and had a cold war.

Even if all the people back then are dead, and even if 28 million years have passed, who can be sure that the Chaos Oath has been broken?

If this oath is still there, wouldn't it mean that whoever survives the catastrophe will die?

No matter what, the spiritual world and the universe are not suitable for staying any longer! Xu Ying said flatly.

He feels that he has some cultivation strength now, but facing the Chaos Oath, he is afraid that he still has no power to resist.

I will return to the other side now and will not stay in this world!

He escaped from the long river of time, came to the outside world, and suddenly froze.

Aying, what's wrong? Dazhong asked.

Xu Ying's eyes widened and he murmured: My avenue of cause and effect has suddenly improved a lot... Master Zhong, there is an extra cause and effect on my golden wheel of cause and effect!

In just a short moment, Xu Ying's power of karma doubled, and the golden wheel of karma became thicker and brighter than before, and all kinds of wonders came one after another!

The cause and effect cave abyss has also skyrocketed, and the fairy mountain in the cave abyss has formed on its own!

A line of cause and effect that had never been seen before appeared inexplicably and wrapped around his body. This line of cause and effect was thick and inexplicable, and then it was rolled up by the Golden Wheel of Solving Disasters, and wrapped around the golden wheel of cause and effect.

Xu Ying stared at this line of cause and effect, his face as sinking as water. Ever since the golden wheel of cause and effect wrapped around this line of cause and effect, his cultivation on the path of cause and effect has continued to skyrocket!

In just a short moment, his cultivation of the Cause and Effect Avenue was directly upgraded from the Nine Realms of Dongyuan to the Ascension Realm!

Moreover, his cultivation became more and more vigorous, and he headed straight for the Great Perfection of the Ascension Realm.

Aying, your karma cultivation can't be improved any more. If you improve it again, you will survive the tribulation!

The big bell noticed the change in his cultivation and said quickly, After passing through the tribulation, I'm afraid you will also hear the sound of the bell and turn into ashes!

With Xu Ying's current strength, it would be easy to survive the Leize Tribulation. Although his Cause and Effect Avenue is weak, his cultivation of Taiyi, Hongmeng, Chaos and other avenues is too strong, and the Lei Ze Heavenly Tribulation is not a problem.

Master Zhong, I just checked and was targeted by someone! This person noticed me and deliberately let this cause and effect wrap around me to improve my cultivation and help me survive the disaster!

Xu Ying thought about the cause and effect in an instant, and said through a message, This person must be a survivor of the bell, and may even be the mastermind who manipulated the Chaos Oath and caused the end of civilization! Let's leave quickly, we can't stay in the spiritual universe. Got it!

He immediately rose into the sky, flew out of Cuixu Continent, and headed straight for Leize.

When he arrived at Leize, Xu Ying found the abandoned Cuiyan boat and tried to activate it, only to find that all the marks on the boat had been wiped out by the spirit patterns and turned into ashes.

Ah Ying, the brand names on this building ship have all turned into ashes! The big bell flew elsewhere, found another building ship, and said.

The consciousness of Zhuxian Broken Sword was heard in the distance, and it also discovered a green rock building ship, and the brand on the building ship also turned into ashes.

Xu Ying frowned, searched for other Cuiyan Tower Ships, and said: If the spiritual transformation is slow enough, it will become a replacement. The original Liwen brand should be able to become a spiritual pattern brand!

One person, one bell, and one sword searched everywhere, but every Cuiyan building ship found had its intellectual and cultural imprints completely erased and turned into ashes.

Xu Ying's heart became heavier and heavier. Standing in the dark starry sky, he suddenly felt that his Karma cultivation level had inexplicably improved a few points.

Hey, it must be my good disciple You Xuan who has added some cause and effect to my master and pushed my fate forward.

In the past, Xu Ying would have been very happy and praised him for having such a great son, but now he feels that it is a reminder that pushes him to overcome the catastrophe.

There is no end to the road, there must still be hope... God wants to end me!

After a while, Xu Ying gradually calmed down and sorted out the cause and effect one by one in the starry sky, looking for the source of the extremely thick cause and effect.

This cause and effect suddenly flew out of Cuixu Continent!

Tie a cause and effect to me, forcing me to survive the tribulation and die in the oath of chaos... I want to see who you are!

Suddenly, Xu Ying stood up and walked towards Cuixu Continent. Da Zhong and Zhu Xian Broken Sword hurriedly followed him and got into his cave.

Xu Ying's steps were not fast, but his speed was extremely fast. It didn't take long before he arrived at Cuixu Continent.

In front of him was a landscape of good fortune.

This line of cause and effect comes from the depths of the Dao Scenery of Creation.

The way of creation, can you avoid the pursuit of Chaos Oath? Your Excellency thinks highly of the way of creation!

Xu Ying smiled and stepped into the Tao Scenery of Creation. This Tao Scenery was extremely vast, and there was a special space inside. The Tao of Creation was endless, creating all things and spirits.

Xu Ying glanced around and sneered: You don't have to pretend to be a ghost in front of me. My attainments in the way of creation are no less than yours. The creation cave abyss!

His Taiyi Cave Abyss suddenly turned into a Creation Cave Abyss, and the power of Creation Tao was surging. The Tao of Creation immediately broke through the Tao Scenery, causing the Tao Creation Scenery in front of him to continue to collapse.

As the Dao Scene of Creation was shattered, a vast mist of purple Qi emerged, and the true Dao Scene emerged.

This is a Hongmeng Dao Scenery, hidden under the surface of the Creation Dao Scenery.

This Hongmeng Dao Scenery is extremely strange. After entering, the Hongmeng Purple Qi inside will generate a space-time, with mountains and water, beautiful scenery, the great road will be transformed, and all the ways will come out.

If you move forward, you will see that the heaven and earth are changing, a new heaven and earth will be created, and ten thousand ways will be transformed.

Keep moving forward, the road is endless and it will never end.

Xu Ying entered Hongmeng Daojing and walked forward while leisurely saying: I summoned the river of time to check what happened in the past, and then I was targeted. It seems that when the bell rang, the strong men in the spiritual world Not dead yet.”

He has reached the end of this world, and new worlds and new roads ahead are constantly creating themselves.

This fellow Taoist is hiding in Hongmeng, using Hongmeng to save his life. It seems that chaos gives birth to Hongmeng, and Hongmeng transforms into ten thousand ways. You practice Hongmeng Avenue, so when the Chaos Oath acts on you, you will be turned into chaos. , but you used Hongmeng Avenue to change yourself back. Therefore, you became a survivor of that year!

Xu Ying looked around, and everything in the world was still evolving, seemingly without end.

Your Excellency's Hongmeng attainments are indeed unfathomable and profound. You can do things that others cannot. You are a little better than me.

Xu Ying exclaimed, But what a coincidence, I also cultivated Hongmeng Immortality!

He suddenly activated the Hongmeng Cave Abyss and fixed the geographical changes in the surrounding mountains and rivers. He continued to walk forward and said with a smile, I don't need to be deeper than you. I only need to be a little weaker than you to fix your Hongmeng. Variety.

When he just said this, the causal line in front of him trembled slightly, as if the other end of the causal line was connected to some terrible existence, which was offended by his words.

Yingzi, be open-minded!

The big bell and the Zhuxian Sword were hiding in the martial arts cave, listening to Xu Ying's voice outside, and couldn't help but secretly sweat for him.

Dazhong shouted: Hongmeng is not the strongest avenue, open-mindedness is! Yingzi, don't show off!

Xu Ying turned a deaf ear and said with a smile: Your Excellency is able to avoid being chased by the Chaos Oath. It is remarkable. However, the bell in the Chaos must still be chasing you, right? So it scared you to the point where you have been hiding in the vast mist, not daring to show up. body.

Suddenly, a powerful and boundless aura came from the depths of Hongmeng, like an extremely majestic giant stretching its body, and a vast and profound spiritual consciousness surged, causing the surrounding frozen mountains and rivers to change again.

The big bell trembled.

Chaos restrains Hongmeng, but Hongmeng can open up the world and create chaos. Therefore, it can be said that Hongmeng also restrains chaos.

The divine consciousness said lightly, My survival depends entirely on this. However, your Hongmeng is only superficial, and you have never understood the opening and transformation of Hongmeng. You cannot suppress my Hongmeng changes at all.

Xu Ying also knew that his Hongmeng attainments were 99% low, so he didn't take it seriously. However, the Master of Divine Consciousness allowed Hongmeng to continuously evolve into ten thousand ways and all things, which really made his eyes light up.

He observed these scenes, which reflected his own attainments of the Grand Meng. Various principles became self-evident, and all kinds of Grand Meng supernatural powers were at his will and at his ease.

Xu Ying walked forward and said calmly: Brother Dao noticed that I was looking through the past and tied the cause and effect to me. What is your intention? You should give me an explanation.


The voice was extremely majestic, and the boundless purple energy in front of Xu Ying suddenly surged and changed. In the purple energy, an extremely majestic figure stood upright, tall and burly, with a light in the center of his eyebrows, forming the shape of a third eye.

Why should I explain it to you?

The sound rumbled and vibrated, and the world around Xu Ying was suddenly annihilated in pieces, turning into the energy of the grand mist, with a terrifying momentum!

Xu Ying snorted coldly, and quietly activated the big bell in the martial arts cave, activating the big bell. However, a loud sound came from his body, and suddenly the Hongmeng Purple Qi surging around him continued to annihilate, turning into chaos. Qi!


Another melodious bell sounded from Xu Ying's body, and he stepped forward, approaching the figure in the mist step by step, ringing a bell with each step.

The figure in the Hongmeng Qi seemed to have seen the most frightening thing for him. Once the bell rang, he took a step back, terrified.

What is your relationship with the Chaos Lord?

His horrified voice came from the purple air, and he shouted sternly, You came to kill me on his order, right?

Xu Ying stopped and the sound of the bell stopped immediately.

The figure in the purple air also stopped.

Xu Ying did not answer his question and said: Your Excellency has not given me an explanation yet.

The figure in the purple air was silent for a moment, really afraid of the bell, and said: Cause and effect are difficult to control. It can be said to be one of the most difficult avenues to achieve enlightenment. I practice Hongmeng intensively and don't have much research on cause and effect. The reason why you and I Establishing a causal connection is actually because you explored the past. There was me in the past, and you saw me in the past time, so you established a causal connection with me.

Xu Ying blinked, feeling a little weak.

This person's explanation is consistent with the logic of cause and effect, and it does seem to make some sense.

In other words, I established a causal connection with him, and I scared myself half to death, thinking that this survivor was trying to assassinate me.

Xu Ying wanted to understand the cause and effect, and thought to himself, I was born in Yuanshou, and the simple and kind folk customs of Yuanshou made me think that this survivor used cause and effect to improve my cultivation and let the disaster kill me.

Then, with no way to escape, he decided to look for the survivor and use the big bell to scare the survivor.

Aying, why don't we stop practicing the Great Path of Cause and Effect?

Da Zhong said cautiously, Those who play with cause and effect will surely perish under cause and effect. I think other avenues are much safer than the path of cause and effect.

Xu Ying laughed loudly, Zhuang Yi Zhuang was timid and said with a smile: Misunderstanding! Brother Dao, it turns out this is a misunderstanding!

The murderous aura of the figure in the purple qi became stronger, and Xu Ying continued: ...I came to this world under the orders of my master, not to kill you, a fish that slipped through the net.

The murderous aura in Zi Qi disappeared immediately, and the survivor immediately asked honestly: Why did you come here on the order of the Chaos Lord?

Xu Ying secretly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: Of course there are big things to do.

He looked incomprehensible, but his mind was blank and he didn't know how to get through it.

The figure in the purple Qi was silent for a moment and said: I know! There was a strange wave in the Avenue of Chaos. The Lord of Chaos noticed it and discovered that the Taoist Master Zuo Lian who swore to the Avenue of Chaos was not dead, so I ordered you to come. , check the truth, right?”

In the Martial Arts Cave Abyss, Da Zhong suddenly became nervous and said: Ah Ying, you haven't understood the Dao of Cause and Effect yet, so don't talk nonsense! The Lord of Chaos is unpredictable, don't have anything to do with him, be careful not to provoke him. The presence!

Xu Ying smiled slightly and said: Your Excellency has noticed it. I admire it, I admire it.

He held out the big bell and said leisurely: Yes, I am here to find out the truth about that year.

As soon as he finished speaking, the wrinkles formed by the bells of the Chaos Sea on the surface of the big clock suddenly brightened, and the halo circulated, appearing mysterious and abnormal.

Master Zhong cooperates so well! Xu Ying secretly praised.

It's not me! the big bell said tremblingly.

Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat, as a melodious bell sounded in his ears, and the chaos in his body rippled slightly at this moment.

It seemed that along with the lie he just said, his Avenue of Chaos established a connection with a certain mysterious existence in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

It's too big. Xu Ying said to himself with a stiff smile on his face.

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