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Chapter 708 Harvesting the Immortal Realm

On the other side, ancient and powerful consciousnesses awaken.

Yin Yuanzi, what happened to make you so embarrassed? A great consciousness said with a smile.

Yin Yuanzi looked ashamed and said: The Celestial Realm is out of control. If you harvest it early, you can still earn some interest, but if it is too late, things will change. I will explain the reason to all fellow Taoists after the harvest is over.

One by one, the magnificent spiritual consciousness locked the location of the three realms of the immortal world from the vast universe of the Chaos Sea, and gained insight into every cave and abyss related to them.

The harvest has finally begun.

In the world of immortals, Xu Ying couldn't help but sacrifice the remaining sword of Zhu Xian, slashing through the supreme caves and abyss of the Dragon Clan, severing the connection between these caves and the strong men of the Dragon Clan. Kill!

Ming Dao Emperor also flew up and issued an order: All dragon clans, listen to my order and cut off the summoned cave abyss!

Some dragons listened to his orders and took the initiative to kill Dongyuan, while others ignored him and attacked him instead.

The Ming Dao Emperor activated his magical powers and sacrificed to the Longting Imperial Capital. Immortal palaces, fairy palaces and fairy bridges flew out to suppress them. The Ming Dao Emperor cut down their caves and said loudly: Xu Daozu, you kill the stranger first, You don’t need to interfere with anything else!”

Xu Ying heard this, concentrated his energy, and rushed towards the stranger. There were more than a dozen powerful strangers among Yin Yuanzi's disciples. Seeing his menacing approach, they killed one of their fellow disciples with just a few swords and hurriedly ran away.

Yuanzu and Zulong saw that Ming Dao Emperor and Xu Ying had cut down the caves and abyss in just a short moment. They each woke up and rose into the air. They suppressed their injuries and chased those dragons to help Ming Dao Emperor kill these dragons. The cave abyss.

In order to avoid Xu Ying, the strangers fled back to the underworld one after another. Xu Ying fought back to the earth, only to see the figure of Ming Dao Emperor returning to the world of immortals. The loud roar of the dragon echoed through the sky and spread in all directions.

All the people of the Dragon Clan, listen to your orders. I am the Dragon Emperor. The situation is critical, and I must immediately kill the cave that I summoned!

His consciousness was even more agitated, spreading to even more distant places!

The true king of the other side will invade through the cave and abyss, and harvest your lives. Quickly kill the summoned cave abyss!

He shouted continuously, spreading his voice to every corner of the heavenly world.

On this day, the world of immortals encountered great chaos in a row. First, it encountered a drastic change in the way of heaven. The alien way of heaven resurrected, which interfered with all Taoism and cultivation. Many dragons were in a position where the two ways of heaven were competing, and were transformed by the conflict between the ways of heaven. strange creatures.

Secondly, Xu Yingyuan Ancestor God and others plotted against the Immortal True King Yin Yuanzi and dragged the entire Immortal Court Emperor to the underworld, causing great shock.

Now, Emperor Mingdao sent a message to all the dragon clans, asking them to cut down the cave he summoned, saying that the other side was about to be harvested, leaving them confused.

However, most Dragon Immortals are full of admiration for Ming Dao Emperor. After all, this Dragon Clan Emperor saved the world from danger, led the Dragon Clan out of the predicament of extinction, found the other side, and sought the Holy Dharma from the other side.

He is the resurgence master of the Dragon Clan and the symbol of the Dragon Clan.

Many people followed his orders and chopped down the caves they had summoned. But there are also many dragons who are hesitant. After all, Dongyuan is the holy land for their cultivation. If they are killed and Dongyuan returns to the other side, wouldn't it be a delay in their own cultivation.

At this moment, the voice of True King Cangzhu came: Emperor Ming Dao betrayed the Dragon Clan and plotted to kill the immortal True King Yin Yuanzi on the other side. All the people of the Dragon Clan must not obey the orders of Ming Dao!

His voice also spread throughout the world of immortals with spiritual consciousness, causing many dragons who were originally hesitant to stop.

Emperor Ming Dao was furious and immediately searched for True King Cangzhu. He continued to transmit his spiritual message and warned his people to kill him immediately. Xu Yingze, the distant ancestors, and the ancestor gods flew up to kill the cave abyss of those dragons.

Many dragon clan strongmen were unwilling to kill Dongyuan themselves and fight with them. Both the distant ancestor and the ancestral god were seriously injured, and they managed to help them kill them, but were injured by them instead.

On the other side, Xu Ying chased the stranger, but was also blocked by many powerful dragons.

After all, only a few can save people like them. The real way to save people is to rely on people to save themselves.

King Cang Zhuzhen was found by Emperor Ming Dao. When the two disagreed, they immediately started a war.

King Cangzhu Zhen was seriously injured by Xu Ying and Lu Yiren before. Facing the attack of Ming Dao Emperor, he was soon in danger. He shouted: Ming Dao boy, you are trying to lead my dragon clan to a dead end! You have disobeyed the immortality on the other side and our dragon clan will be extinct. Soon!

Emperor Ming Dao said angrily: Yin Yuanzi has been beheaded, and you are still dreaming about the Spring and Autumn Period! If you don't abandon Dongyuan now, all the dragons will be harvested by the other side!

True King Cangzhu sneered: Harvesting on the other side? If you want to harvest, you are also harvesting unfaithful and unjust ministers like you. They will not harvest good people like us! The True King on the other side will know our loyalty and will not harvest us. He will only harvest us. Harvest all of you rebels!

Emperor Mingdao shouted: True King, the caves and abyss are the passage connecting the two banks. The arrival of the True King on the other side relies on these caves and abyss. Destroy them quickly and still save them! Without the caves and abyss, they will not be able to come!

Cangzhu Zhenwang was injured and was not as strong as him, so he was quickly suppressed. He smiled and said: Mingdao, you must be prepared with both hands when doing things. You will be your rebel, I will be loyal to my other side, and we will each choose a path. A group of tribesmen can always survive, right?

Emperor Ming Dao hesitated when he heard this.

He and King Cangzhu Zhen couldn't be called enemies. On the contrary, they were more of friends.

King Cangzhu was a contemporary of him. After arriving at the other side, Cangzhu was shocked by the prosperity and prosperity of the other side. He told him that he must fully study the other side and bring the knowledge here back to the three realms.

They compete with each other, desperately learn the knowledge of the other side, often compete, and win or lose each other. After completing their studies, they returned to the world of immortals. At that time, there was nothing in the Celestial Realm, only the Daohui Snow that had fallen for millions of years, and everything was in ruins.

The new Dragon Clan Heavenly Court needed to elect an Immortal Emperor. There was a competitive relationship between the two. In the end, Ming Dao became the Dragon Clan Immortal Emperor because he was the son of Emperor Ming Xun.

However, there were also many tribesmen who supported Cang Zhu at that time. If Cang Zhu did not recognize him as the Dragon Emperor, then there would be a civil war among the dragon tribes.

In order to prevent the Dragon Clan from being divided, Cang Zhu took the initiative to declare himself a vassal, thus resolving a civil war.

Later, Cang Zhu achieved immortality before him. Many people believed that Cang Zhu was more capable of becoming emperor. However, Cang Zhu did not take the opportunity to force Ming Dao Emperor to give in, but continued to respect him. Later, Ming Dao Emperor also became immortal and encountered a powerful enemy, Lu Yiren. It was Cang Zhu who joined forces with him to defeat Lu Yiren.

There is always a tacit understanding between the two of them. What they often say is that you will be the bad guy and I will be the white face, or they will make two preparations, you surrender and I will resist, both of which can save the life of the Dragon Clan. All kinds of things.

What Cang Zhu is doing now is what they often do between them, one is black and the other is white, one surrenders and the other resists.

In the past, when they encountered any difficulties or dangers, they relied on this method to protect the dragon clan.

Brother Cangzhu Dao, things are different now.

Emperor Ming Dao stopped Cang Zhu's offensive and said earnestly, The distant ancestors have found a new dragon pattern that can resist Huanhua. The other side will never allow this to happen, and will definitely come to clean it up! Now one black and one white can't get through. Got it!

Cangzhu Zhenwang was suppressed by him and said with a smile: Even so, there are two choices on the other side. One is to get rid of you, and the other is to get rid of all the dragons! I choose the first option, the first option can also save the lives of some dragons!

Emperor Mingdao was furious: Cut off all the abyss and cut off the connection to the other side, so that we can protect ourselves! Today, there is no need for a white face or a black face. You listen to me for once today!

On the other side, Prime Minister Yuan Heng, Yuan Bugui, Meng Santong and others also found out that Emperor Ming Dao was fighting against King Cangzhu Zhen, and heard the transmissions from the two Immortal Realm beings, and each of them hesitated.

Prime Minister, do you want to kill Dongyuan yourself?

Yuan Bugui said, Your Majesty said the situation is serious. If we don't kill Dongyuan ourselves, I'm afraid it will be taken advantage of by the other side. Let's make a quick decision!

Yuan Heng hesitated for a moment and said: Beheading ourselves in Dongyuan will cause great losses. If we all kill ourselves, how can we resist foreign enemies?

He glanced at Xu Ying, who was flying around with his sword to kill strangers, and then looked at Yuan Ancestor, Ancestral God and others, and said: Now, we must consider the matter in the long term. It is better to persuade His Majesty and the True King to let them truce. Let’s hold a meeting of dragon clan elders and vote at the meeting...

Before he could finish speaking, suddenly from the Dao realm of an elder of the Dragon Clan who had not beheaded Dongyuan, the Ancient God Yuanshen who had practiced diligently stepped out and crushed the elder's head with a click!

The elder had no idea what had happened, so he died and disappeared. All his cultivation turned into surging true energy, and the great path that had been tempered for thousands of times became the property of others.

That Ancient God Yuan Shen walked out of his eighth-level Tao realm, and even the Dao realm where the elder practiced hard had turned into something belonging to the Ancient God Yuan Shen!

As for Dongyuan, it hangs high behind the head of the ancient god Yuan Shen.

He turned his head, glanced around, suddenly rose into the air, and killed a dragon who was practicing his technique!

The strong man from the dragon clan had developed a lot of skills, but the techniques were all his own. Although he was cut off from Dong Yuan, he had a flaw in his body and was killed by the ancient god Yuanshen in one encounter.

It wouldn't matter if he died. The key is that his physical body and soul exploded one after another and were absorbed by the ancient god's soul. The Tao realm was also integrated into the Tao realm of the ancient god's soul, increasing the opponent's strength!

When Tian Prime Minister Yuan Heng saw this, his scalp went numb, and suddenly he saw another Zun Yuan Shen in the distance walking out of the realm of the powerful dragons. The bodies of those powerful dragons exploded one by one, turned into blood mist, and merged into Into the soul!

In just a short moment, hundreds of dragon masters died, and their souls became the tools for the arrival of immortality from the other side!

Surprisingly, these dragons who were used as tools of descent had never cut off the cave abyss. As for those who cut off the cave abyss, they were not swallowed up by the ancient gods!

Obviously, the cave abyss is the passage through which the immortal will of the other side descends!

Prime Minister Yuan Heng trembled and said in a hoarse voice: Everyone, quickly kill the cave...

Before he could finish speaking, the face of Yuan Bugui beside him changed dramatically. When he looked back, he saw his ancient god Yuanshen walking from the Tao realm.

Yuan Bugui roared, urging Shentong to kill the ancient god Yuanshen.

The next moment, the palm of the ancient god passed through the flaw in his magical power, directly piercing his head. The strong man of the generation died on the spot!

Tian Prime Minister Yuan Heng was horrified, screamed, jumped into the air, cut off his cave, avoided the ancient god Yuan Shen, and fled in haste.

He looked back in a hurry and saw Meng Santong, Ying Wudi, Long Tingyu, Yu Wendao and other dragon clan's geniuses. Some were suddenly killed by their own ancient gods, some killed themselves in Dongyuan, but Being killed by other ancient gods, Yuanshen killed him in two or three moves!

Prime Minister Yuan Heng was frightened and fled in a hurry.

There was chaos all around. An ancient god, the Yuan Shen, broke away from the control of his physical body and ran rampant nearby. After the powerful Yuan Shen devoured other practitioners, his cultivation strength became stronger and stronger, and his body became taller and burlier. He walked on In the world, like the most terrifying ghosts, they are harvesting the dragon cultivators with indifferent expressions.

They were very orderly when harvesting, and only harvested those dragons who practiced their own skills, and did not touch the dragons who practiced other people's skills.

The bodies of the powerful dragons exploded one by one, turning into blood mist and flying around, integrating into their souls and Tao realms, increasing their power.

Prime Minister Yuan Heng heard his cry and sobbed, as sharply as a woman.

He wanted to stop the crying, but he couldn't. He wanted to fight the enemy like those brave dragon immortals who were not afraid of death, but he couldn't control his legs.

His legs seemed to refuse to obey him, running forward desperately, trying to escape from this horrible hell.

Xu Ying! Xu Daozu!

When he saw Xu Ying fighting with two strangers, he immediately rushed towards Xu Ying as if he saw a life-saving straw and shouted, Xu Daozu, think of a way to save my life!

With one against two, Xu Ying had the upper hand. He pierced the forehead of an alien with a sneer of a sword. In an instant, the sword of extinction struck his brain, shattering all his consciousness. The sword cut off the soul and destroyed the Tao realm. .

He was about to take advantage of his momentum to kill another stranger when he was rushed towards him by the Prime Minister Yuan Heng. He could not continue the killing move and immediately lost his momentum. He couldn't help but flew into a rage. He kicked Yuan Heng away and then turned into a monster. A flash of sword light chased the fleeing stranger!

Tian Prime Minister Yuan Heng was kicked by Xu Ying, and he rolled and rolled thousands of miles before he stopped.

He seemed to have forgotten that he was a cultivator and that he also possessed earth-shattering supernatural powers, and he was unable to block Xu Ying's kick.

When he got up, he saw all around him a majestic ancient god Yuanshen walking between heaven and earth, catching people and killing people everywhere. Big hands poked out from the swirling clouds and grabbed the dragon immortals who were eager to fly away.

People around him kept exploding, turning into clouds of blood mist.

I have to run for my life, I have to survive!

Prime Minister Yuan Heng rushed forward with tears in his eyes. He thought of a place where he might be able to save his life, which was the passage between heaven and earth that Chao Yuandao and other dragon clan elders were trying to open, the one between the heavenly world and the earthly world. Gel channel.

This passage has not yet been fully opened, but it is not too far away. If he gets into it, maybe he can open this passage and enter the earthly immortal world to save his life.

He flew with lightning speed and flew towards the gap in the world of immortals with all his strength. Along the way, ancient gods and souls continued to arrive, slaughtering the dragon cultivators. There were also more dragon cultivators attacking those ancient gods and souls, trying to shake the trees. Seek a chance of survival.

Prime Minister Yuan Heng saw this and hesitated, but his desire to survive overcame all honors and responsibilities, forcing him to continue running.

I want to live, I must live, even if I live like a dog!

He finally came to the gap in the Celestial Realm and saw the passage between heaven and earth made by the strong dragon clan. Before this passage was fully opened, he rushed in.

The chaotic and cruel heavenly world is getting farther and farther away, and the earthly fairy world is getting closer and closer, and the Prime Minister Yuan Heng smiles.

I can survive! He was filled with joy.

At this time, he saw at the end of the passage, an ancient god crushed the head of a strong dragon clan man. The body of the dragon clan powerhouse turned into blood mist, and his Taoism and cultivation turned into the other person's Taoism and cultivation. For, integrate into its body.

Someone actually came to my door. This kid is practicing my technique.

The ancient god Yuanshen showed a surprised look, suddenly took steps and rushed towards him.

Prime Minister Yuan Heng was shocked, he hurriedly stopped, turned around and rushed upwards. However, in confusion, he accidentally rushed out of the passage and entered the gel zone.


A soft sound came. Prime Minister Yuan Heng was like a mosquito rushing into the amber that had not yet solidified. He was wrapped in gel. He struggled hard, but he felt that the gel around him was getting thicker and thicker. .

He looked back with difficulty and saw the smiling face of the ancient god Yuan Shen getting closer and closer.

Prime Minister Yuan Heng's body exploded, and the avenue he had practiced all his life suddenly became the opponent's avenue and was pulled out of his body!


His body exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist. His soul flew out involuntarily and was swallowed by the ancient god's soul.

Prime Minister Yuan Heng's consciousness fell completely into darkness.

————Second update! There is another update today to make up for the chapters that Kavin missed yesterday!

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