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Chapter 707 Kill the True King and break the situation!

Yin Yuanzi was so frightened that he almost ran away, but he quickly came back to his senses: No, this cave is indeed a cave at the tenth level of the Tao Realm, but the avenue inside is an ownerless thing. This great dragon cultivates on a different path! That being at the tenth level of the Dao Realm should be dead!

He breathed a sigh of relief.

If a being at the tenth level of the Dao Realm comes, then ten of them will not be enough to defeat the opponent, and they will almost be killed in one move.

But now it seems that this being at the tenth level of the Dao Realm should have passed away long ago, leaving only this incredibly large cave. By chance, he was discovered by this powerful dragon and took it for himself.

This dragon can't even exert one percent of the power of this cave!

He was relieved, but at the same time he was extremely puzzled, How come there are ten-level caves and abyss in the Three Realms? Could it be that a ten-level existence of the Tao Realm was ever born here? If such a being was born, how could he die? Moreover, the Taoist magical powers of the Three Realms How can we be so backward?”

He was quite puzzled. If there was such a powerful existence in the Three Realms, when Cuiyan flew through this universe, because the opponent's avenue structure was flush with Cuiyan's avenue structure, Cuiyan would not exert any power and just fly through this universe. Go over there and find the next universe.

If the avenue structure of this universe is more advanced, the avenue structure on the green rock will be replaced. After returning to the other side, it will be taken away and studied by the strong people on the other side. It's just that this situation has not been encountered yet.

Cuiyan directly destroyed the Three Realms without triggering the higher structure, leaving many mysteries behind.

The great dragon from the distant ancestor summoned Yuan Hai, and the Yuan Hai circulated, and the powerful Dao power poured down immediately, almost pouring into his body, making him feel that his cultivation strength had increased several times in an instant!


The dragon's roar shook, and the distant ancestor Great Dragon's confidence surged, and he killed Yin Yuanzi at such a fast speed that he himself was startled.

Yin Yuanzi received his blow forcefully, and was shocked to the point where his energy and blood boiled. The two magical powers collided, and the ancestor's magical powers were immediately broken. Yin Yuanzi defeated the strong with the weak, and was able to break his magical powers, but failed to make any achievements.

The distant ancestor was staggered and was shocked: Immortal magical power? The power of his immortal magical power is far superior to mine!

After he reached the realm of immortality, there was no one else who could compete with him, and it was difficult for his magical powers to advance further.

Yin Yuanzi met the attacks of the ancestors, Emperor Mingxun, Lu Yiren and Shengzun. He used all his moves to fight head-on with the ancestors, without falling behind at all.

Xu Ying then activated the Zhuxian Sword, with murderous intent, and went straight towards Yin Yuanzi's Tianyin Cave Abyss, preparing to break through his abyss first.


The sword light stretched for tens of thousands of miles, piercing into the hidden cave abyss of the sky. It stirred with force, as if stirring the sea. Wherever the sword light passed, the fairy mountains were destroyed one after another.

Yin Yuanzi was shocked and angry. He realized that Dongyuan was damaged and his cultivation was declining, so he immediately abandoned everyone and went straight to Xu Ying.

Everyone hurriedly chased after him, but only the ancestor gods and distant ancestors could keep up with him.

Cave Abyss is Yin Yuanzi's Dao realm, where the Dao marks the world. If Xu Ying breaks his Cave Abyss and destroys his Dao realm, it will definitely be a huge blow to him!

Yin Yuanzi knocked the ancestor god backwards with one palm, and fought the ancient ancestor with a move. Then he activated his immortal magical power and struck him with one palm. He saw the Yin Avenue of the sky rushing forward, forming a brilliant scene of billions of stars bursting out.

Although it is brilliant, this scene represents extinction, and the existence of the immortal realm is extremely powerful.

Yin Yuanzi was really angry and shouted: I said I don't need the second move to kill you, so I will never use it!

Xu Ying felt that the space around him was imprisoned, with nowhere to hide and no way to escape. He immediately used the fourth method of the Eight Immortal Techniques, Zhu Xian, to meet him!

The Zhuxian Remnant Sword also sensed the approaching danger, and the sword's intention burst out. Wherever the edge passed, all the stars were shattered.

At the same time, the distant ancestor came to kill, mobilized the power of Yuanhai, activated his magical power, and attacked Yin Yuanzi's back heart!

Yin Yuanzi had a green face and raised his other hand to meet his attack, but the real power was still on Xu Ying!


The broken sword split Yin Yuanzi's magical power, but then billions of stars came crushing towards him. Xu Ying tried his best to dance with the sword, but it was still difficult to resist. He suddenly stepped on the long river of time and ran away.

Yin Yuanzi's fatal blow still came, Xu Ying stepped on the long river, and used the power of time to consume the power of this blow, but he was still shocked to the point of vomiting blood, and the long river of time shattered!

Xu Ying flew away and hit the ground with a loud bang, making a huge deep pit in the ground and remained motionless.

A worthy death!

Yin Yuanzi was so shocked by his distant ancestor that he vomited blood and sneered.

He met the distant ancestors and the ancestral gods. Lu Yiren, Emperor Mingxun and Shengzun also committed suicide. Yin Yuanzi solved the problem of Xu Ying. He breathed a sigh of relief and showed a fierce look on his face: Kill the ancestral gods first, then kill the Dragon Emperor, in addition to After removing the traitor and leaving only a big dragon and a small barbarian, it will be much easier to deal with!

His magical power is an immortal one, his Taoism is natural, and the power of the Tao is vibrating. He fights while walking to avoid being trapped in a tight siege. In just a few moves, the aura of the ancestral god is scattered.

The Ancestral God's magic power is extremely powerful, comparable to him, but the Ancestral God is the soul of heaven and earth after all, has no understanding, and his magical powers are far inferior to him.

Yin Yuanzi stared at the ancestral god, and launched the nine movements of Tianyin, from the falling of the sky star to the nine fingers of Daoyin, beating the ancestral god until he coughed up blood.

Even if the distant ancestor's cultivation is tyrannical, Emperor Ming Xun's magical powers are exquisite, Lu Yiren's attacks are astonishing, and the holy master's Taoism is subtle, they can't stop the decline of the ancestor god!

At this moment, Yin Yuanzi suddenly felt that his cave was damaged and his magic power was unstable again. He looked around hurriedly, feeling shocked and angry.

I saw that Xu Ying somehow came back to life and activated the Immortal Killing Sword. The light of the sword was like a toothpick stirring a vat. It was inserted into his abyss and stirred hard, splitting the immortal mountains into powder!

Yin Yuanzi was so angry that he forced the ancestor gods and distant ancestors to retreat. He stood up and killed Xu Ying, shouting: Is your kid still alive?

Xu Ying mobilized the Zhu Xian Broken Sword and came towards him, arrogantly saying: Didn't you say you would kill me with one move? If you don't kill me, how will I die?

Yin Yuanzi urged Daoyin's nine fingers, clang clang, a series of finger strikes on the Zhuxian Broken Sword, breaking Xu Ying's magical power, and then a few fingers went straight to Xu Ying's life gate!

Xu Ying's Immortal-killing Remnant Sword was shaken off, and he could only use his magical power to force it back. His martial arts cave abyss unified the other five cave abyss, and mobilized all his power to perform the Eight Immortal Techniques to block the finger forces one after another.

When he reached the fifth method, a finger force penetrated his magical power, and the terrifying power penetrated his body. Xu Ying suddenly lost all power and his body fell down.

Yin Yuanzi breathed a sigh of relief, and was hit by Yuan Ancestor again in the back. He was beaten until he vomited blood, and his face looked a little ferocious. He thought to himself: We must get rid of them completely this time!

He was a little helpless. None of these people were affected by his Dao on the Other Side. Logically speaking, the structure of the local Dao in the Three Realms was relatively low and could not compete with the structural structure and would be gradually transformed. However, these people were not affected by it. Huanhua trend!

The Taoist structure of the Three Realms is growing! These masters have improved the Taoist structure of the Three Realms!

A fierce light flashed in Yin Yuanzi's eyes. In this case, they would not be allowed to survive.

He activated the Tianyin Xuan Gong to bind the Tianyin Cave Abyss. The abyss became smaller and smaller and stood behind his head. Tianyin's nine moves are unpredictable. Although they are nine moves, the moves they perform are different every time, and there is no identical magical power.

This is the true strength of the Immortal Realm of the Great Dao!

Suddenly, Yin Yuanzi's head felt a little dizzy, and he felt that his cultivation level was dropping sharply again. He couldn't help being frightened and angry, and the ancient god Yuanshen appeared and rushed into the Tianyin Cave Abyss.

Sure enough, Xu Ying came to life again, activated the Zhuxian Broken Sword, and was wreaking havoc in his cave.

Yin Yuanzi Yuanshen rushed into the cave abyss and shouted: This time you will not be able to escape!

He went to kill Xu Ying, but Xu Ying was not afraid at all and used the Zhuxian Broken Sword to come forward. The two of them fought in the cave and the abyss until the sky was dark and the earth was dark. Yin Yuanzi's will was unparalleled, and he was not inferior to the killing intent of Zhu Xian's Broken Sword. He fought with Xu Ying, but still defeated Xu Ying.

Xu Ying urged the Six Great Cave Abyss, and under his pressure, his cultivation became stronger and stronger, and his understanding of the Way of Taiyi became more and more profound.

When Yin Yuanzi Yuanshen noticed this, he was frightened and angry. He wanted to get rid of him, but he couldn't succeed for a while.

The battle between the two caused great damage to Tianyin Dongyuan, but also damaged Yin Yuanzi's cultivation strength.

Inside the cave abyss, the battle was fierce, and the battle outside was even more cruel. Yuanzu, Ancestral God, Emperor Mingxun, Lu Yiren, and Shengzun risked their lives to attack Yin Yuanzi. They beat Yin Yuanzi all over with bruises, and they also suffered many injuries.

Suddenly, there was a click, and the Holy Lord fell down and hit the ground. He tried to stand up, but dozens of blood holes suddenly appeared all over his body, and he was bleeding.

His caves were also in tatters, and none of them could function.

The saint fell face down.

The next moment, Lu Yiren was in the six cave abyss, his legs were swept off by Yin Yuanzi, he was vomiting blood and was knocked away with a palm. He didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

Emperor Mingxun turned into a fairy dragon and wrapped tightly around Yin Yuanzi's body, but was caught in the back of his head by Yin Yuanzi's palm and pulled out the dragon tendons!

One of the Yuanzu and the Ancestral God vomited blood, and the other was covered in bruises. Each looked ferocious, and they were still attacking wildly, beating Yin Yuanzi with more and more wounds!

At this moment, the sky in the underworld suddenly brightened up, and the dazzling light shone down, and a crack appeared in the sky. Someone was surprised and happy, shouting: I have found the master!

Yin Yuanzi looked happy and saw figures flying towards this side in the sky.

At the same time, under the city tower of the Xianting Imperial Capital, Ming Dao Emperor who was hanging there slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on the Ancestral God, Yuan Ancestor and Yin Yuanzi who were fighting.

The bright rays of light shone from the sun, illuminating this ancient fairy city.

The Imperial Capital of Longting is a city built by Emperor Ming Dao after he returned to his homeland of the Immortal Realm. It is modeled after the Tianjue City on the other side. The layout here is consistent with the layout of Tianjue City. Every building is in the style of the other side. It is his largest His hard work is also his pride.

He promoted comprehensive humanization. The entire Celestial Realm and all dragon clans learned the culture, civilization and language of the other side, and discarded all past traditions.

His eyes fell on his father who had his dragon tendons removed. The old emperor Ming Xun was still crawling, trying to continue the fight.

He had already seen the scene of Xu Ying and others fighting against Yin Yuanzi, and he also knew the purpose of Xu Ying and others.

You plan to get rid of Yin Yuanzi and his disciples, forcing me to choose a new way and choose the immortal world. It's just that you overestimated your own strength and underestimated Yin Yuanzi.

His face was complicated, and suddenly his body moved and he fell silently from the tower. The emerald green ribbon that passed through his body was like a stiff snake, slowly hanging down.

You have never been to the other side, and you have no idea of ​​the strength of the Immortal True King on the other side. You just rush forward with your passion.

He shook his head, showing a look of confusion, and whispered, It's okay for young men like Xu Ying and Sheng Zun to be passionate. Father, why are you passionate too? And Lu Yiren, why do you want to resist the other side?

What makes him even more confused is that these two extremely ancient old guys, Yuanzu and Ancestral God, are not willing to throw their heads and blood!

What these old guys want to do is just to make him make up his mind to abandon Huan Hua!

Father, distant ancestors, I don't understand why you are doing this, but I can't sit back and watch you being beaten to death!

His speed suddenly increased and he rushed forward to meet Yin Yuanzi. Behind him, the extremely huge immortal magic weapon of Longting Imperial Capital was erupting in power!

When the dragons and strangers rushed down from the sky looked at him, some showed surprise, some were horrified, some were frightened, and some were waving to him and shouting something loudly. Others used their magical powers, offered magic weapons, and threw them at him desperately.


The Imperial Capital of Longting erupted under the control of Ming Dao Emperor, and the Dao on the other side woke up and rushed towards Yin Yuanzi with supreme power!

Yin Yuanzi turned around and saw the avenue of Longting Imperial Capital condensed into a tangible and intangible energy, heading straight for him!

He stretched out his hands to meet the blow, and heard the sound of his arms snapping. Behind him, the palms of the ancestor god and the distant ancestor hit his back. The two forces crushed him, and he heard his ribs. The sound of breaking!

The distant ancestors and ancestral gods roared and pushed his body towards the Longting Imperial Capital.

A roaring sound of impact was heard, and the immortal artifact was hit so hard that the city tower exploded, and the indestructible immortal palaces exploded one after another under the collision!

At the same time, Xu Ying noticed that Yin Yuanzi's ancient soul was panicking. Without thinking, he activated the Zhuxian Broken Sword to his heart's content. The Broken Sword filled the world with death, and with a swish sound, the light of the sword penetrated Yin Yuanzi's soul!

At this moment, he noticed a strange feeling.

Master Jian! Let's go quickly——

He tried his best to fly out of the cave abyss. Zhuxian Remnant Sword also planned to search for the consciousness in the ancient god Yuan Shen to find more information about the Master of Tongtian Sword. When he heard his call, he quickly flew out.

One person and one sword made two whizzing sounds, passing through the Tianyin Cave Abyss.

Xu Ying looked back in a hurry and saw that the hidden cave was spinning rapidly, shrinking, and suddenly disappeared without a trace!

In the imperial capital of Longting, the ancestor gods and distant ancestors besieged Yin Yuanzi, and finally beat the immortal true king of the other side to death.

The distant ancestor laughed loudly, and the laughter was like thunder: We finally got rid of the immortals on the other side! Mingdao kid, now you have to fight back!

Xu Ying looked at the direction where Yin Dongyuan disappeared that day, feeling that something was wrong.

Emperor Ming Dao threw up the emerald green ribbon in his hand and saw the emerald green ribbon flying in the air for a week, then suddenly escaped, and said lightly: Distant ancestors, you have never been to the other side, and you don't know how powerful the other side is. The Immortal True King on the other side. , controls thousands of universes, countless lives and deaths, and will not come in person.

He rose into the air and flew towards the strangers and dragons, with sharp eyes and a deep voice: All dragon clan people, listen to my order, kill all the strangers on the other side, and abandon all the caves and abyss immediately!

He took the first step and killed Yin Yuanzi's disciples.

But the minds of the dragons in the sky were still in chaos and at a loss.

Xu Ying was the first to wake up, his scalp was numb, and he rushed towards the strangers, shouting: Everyone, kill the cave abyss quickly!

On the other side, Tianyin Palace.

The Immortal True King Yin Yuanzi sat motionless. The hidden caves and abyss flew behind his head and hung in the dark sky. In the depths of the darkness, there were countless caves and abyss, large and small, hanging.

It's just that these caves are not on the other side, but among the thousands of universes controlled by the other side, summoned by practitioners who have practiced the incomplete version of Tianyin Xuan Gong.

Immortal True King Yin Yuanzi slowly opened his eyes and stood up barefoot. His vast and profound spiritual consciousness immediately spread and was transmitted to the mind of the True King on the other side.

The Celestial Realm among the Three Realms is out of control. Fellow Taoists, please start harvesting!

————First update!

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