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Chapter 709 I’m not worthy

In the world of immortals, Xu Ying controlled the light of his sword at extremely high speeds, passing in from behind and out in front of a fleeing stranger.

The stranger exploded with a bang, and his body and soul were shattered on the ground. Although Yin Yuanzi was extremely powerful, his descendants did not have such terrifying strength. Facing Xu Ying and the Zhuxian Broken Sword, they had no resistance at all. .

The last alien is finally eliminated!

Only then did Xu Ying have time to pay attention to his surroundings, and couldn't help but gasp.

But seeing that the world of immortals seemed like a huge slaughterhouse composed of ancient gods and souls, the ancient gods and souls became more and more majestic and stepped forward to walk between heaven and earth.

Their legs and feet are like pillars holding up the sky and the earth. When they walk, they lift up and stir up the wind and clouds, and when they fall down, they are like earthquakes. The movement is extraordinary.

Their palms falling from the sky carried thunder and fire caused by breaking through the sky. No one could resist wherever they passed.

The dragon immortals who were running away like headless flies were caught by them and exploded one after another, turning them into nutrients for them.

This harvest was cruel and ferocious, but to these ancient gods, it seemed extremely ordinary. It was so ordinary that they were used to it, and they were just doing what they did every day in a leisurely manner.

Kill the alien gods!

Next to Xu Ying, Zhu Xian Sword became excited, even more excited than Xu Ying. A consciousness full of killing intent came from the sword, as if Zhu Xian Sword was whispering.

This broken sword urged Xu Ying: Kill them! Extract their memories and find the master's message!

Xu Ying stabilized his mind, raised the bell without thinking, and rose into the sky with his sword light, brazenly killing one of the towering ancient gods!

A Ying, when you are defeated later, can I run away first?

The big bell clanged, and the caves and abyss rotated and bloomed outwards, trying hard to protect Xu Ying, shouting, I haven't preached to the magic weapons yet, and I'm not the Taoist ancestor yet. I have to leave my mantle before I die!

The power of the Zhuxian Broken Sword completely exploded, and the murderous intention to destroy everything rushed into the sky, piercing the eyebrows of the ancient god Yuanshen!

What came face to face was the outburst of will from the ancient god. It was as broad and profound as the abyss. It faced the murderous intention and did not fall behind at all!

At the same time as the impact of his will, his magical powers also exploded. These magical powers are different from the magical powers of the other side learned by the dragon immortals. They are serious and immortal magical powers. They are truly all-encompassing, majestic and solemn, without any flaws!

Faced with such magical powers, even Xu Ying would find it difficult to crack.

But he didn't try to crack it at all. He faced the magical power and charged towards it. The sword energy was cold and cut off everything.

The big bell was like a bell blown by the wind, tinkling under the impact of the aftermath of the shattered magical power, swaying left and right, trying to protect Xu Ying's will. It was like a great monk, with astonishing Taoist skills, coupled with the immortal aura all over his body, all kinds of magical powers burst out under the shock, and the flowers clustered together, blocking the ancient magical powers.

Under its protection, Xu Ying stood up, sword light overflowing, and the fourth method of the Eight Immortal Methods, Killing Immortals, erupted!

Are you that barbarian Xu Ying?

The ancient god Yuan Shen showed a look of astonishment, I've heard of your reputation, and Yin Yuanzi has been tortured by you. But you want to go against me...


The sword light pierced the center of his brow, piercing him!

Xu Ying flew away with sword light, leaving behind the stunned ancient god Yuanshen, which was constantly disintegrating and exploding.

Tongtian Taoist? His body exploded.

The surging spiritual energy escapes in all directions. Wherever it passes, spring flowers bloom, and there are patches of mushrooms and grass everywhere.

Xu Ying killed another ancient god Yuan Shen, relying on the power of the Zhuxian's remnant sword to challenge the opponent's magical power, and drove straight in to attack the opponent's famous family!

Dazhong's various magical powers and dojos continued to fall, boosting Xu Ying's defense and cultivation, improving his cultivation strength, and increasing his cultivation strength by another 20 to 30%.

Princess Mingman was hiding in Xu Ying's martial arts cave. Seeing this scene, she couldn't help but praise: Uncle Zhong is so awesome!

Da Zhong was very proud and said to Zhu Xian Can Jian: Master Jian, do you want to cultivate? I can teach you. As long as you kowtow to me, I will accept you as my disciple...


The big bell was pierced by a sudden sword light and quickly shut up.

On the other side, True King Cangzhu and Emperor Mingdao noticed something strange at the beginning of the harvest, and they were still fighting hard. Emperor Mingdao said angrily: Cangzhu, can't you see it? During the harvest, there was no Black and white! Harvest everything from the other side, leaving nothing behind!

King Cangzhu's scalp was numb, and he suddenly felt that deep in his soul, there were nine great wills descending from another time and space, with the intention of annexing his soul!

He is an existence in the immortal realm. He has long realized that there are flaws in the Taoism and magical powers taught by the other side, and has been preparing for today's darkness.

He practices the Nine Immortal Techniques, and relies on his intelligence to combine the nine techniques into one. When these nine wills wanted to invade him, the nine abyss of True King Cangzhu suddenly changed the structure of the avenue and cut off the other's path!

The nine strands of will have invaded his soul, but they are still weak and unable to take him away.

One of the wills was extremely surprised: Cang Zhu, you have some abilities.

It's natural! I've been wary of you bastards for a long time, so I've practiced the magic of mixed ways and want to harvest me, unless you harvest each other!

True King Cangzhu gathered his will and fought hard to wipe out the nine invading wills. However, the ancient god's will is too powerful. Even if his will is a thousand times stronger than the other's, he still cannot obliterate the other's will.

Cangzhu Zhenwang had no choice but to imprison the other party's will and isolate him from himself.

On the other side, Ming Dao Emperor also used the same method to cut off the opponent's harvest.

It was difficult for the two of them to attain enlightenment at that time. In order to attain enlightenment as quickly as possible, they chose to practice together in various ways, taking the strengths of one and making up for the weaknesses of the other, and their cultivation improved by leaps and bounds.

King Cangzhu Zhen looked around and saw that the world of immortals seemed to be caught in a natural disaster of extinction. People were constantly being harvested and their lives taken away. A great sadness surged in his heart.

If I hadn't stopped you, and instead commanded the world together with you, this catastrophe wouldn't have happened!

King Cangzhu Zhen roared angrily, raised Dong Yuan and killed those ancient gods, shouting, I will make up for the mistakes I made!

Ming Dao Emperor also rushed towards those ancient gods and sent a message: Your injury has not healed yet, so be careful!

King Cang Zhuzhen walked in the opposite direction with him and shouted: Mingdao, you have always been inferior to me in the past, why don't we compete again this time. You are responsible for one side, and I am responsible for the other side. We will fight quickly and eradicate these strangers!

Emperor Mingdao couldn't help but feel proud and ambitious, and said with a smile: Okay! Let's compare!

The two of them are immortal realm existences with extremely high combat power. Although there are flaws in the Taoism, they have practiced too many Taoisms. When they sensed something was wrong, they immediately changed to another Taoism and killed an ancient god. soul.

Especially Emperor Ming Dao, who mobilized the Dragon City Imperial Capital, was even more powerful and unrivaled.

The Ancestral God and the Yuanzu are also taking action at this moment. The Yuanhai mobilizes the Yuanhai with almost infinite mana, and often kills with one blow without the need for a second move.

The Cave Abyss of the tenth level of Dao Realm!

The situation in which Yuan Ancestor mobilized Yuan Hai attracted a pair of eyes, and many ancient gods immediately rushed toward him. The distant ancestor dragon retreated while fighting, lengthening the front.

The Ancestral God mobilized the Heavenly Dao Dojo, shrouded an ancient god Yuan Shen, and mobilized the Heavenly Dao of the Celestial Realm to compete with the opponent.

Their participation immediately inspired many dragon clans, and many powerful dragon clans immediately joined forces to fight against those ancient gods.

Among the thousands of Dragon Clan who possess the eighth level of Dao Realm cultivation, there are not a few among them who follow the orders of Ming Dao Emperor and take the initiative to kill Dongyuan. Together, these powerful men could even suppress existences in the immortal realm such as Yuan Ancestor and Emperor Ming Xun.

Although they can no longer mobilize Dongyuan, the ants will bite the elephant to death. If they swarm up, even the soul with the will of the ancient god can beat him to death!

I want to harvest the dragon clan, dream!

The voice of Chao Yuandao came. The old dragon immortal fought hard and led the dragon elite to besiege the ancient god Yuanshen. He laughed angrily and said, We came to the other side with countless dead and wounded dragons. We are not harvesting for you bastards! We want to harvest. Let’s risk our lives in exchange!”

He suddenly shouted: Is there anyone alive who stepped off the Golden Boat of the World Crossing together back then?

Of course!

There was a dragon roar in the distance.

In fact, the dragon's roar is rarely heard in the world of immortals. Everyone learns the Taoism of the other side and goes out to visit friends. Even the old friends on the golden boat will not use dragon language, but the Taoist language of the other side.

Today, there are bursts of dragon chants, resounding from all over the Celestial Realm. At that time, the ancient dragon clan that survived the Great Destruction responded to the call of Chaoyuan Dao.

There are also many young dragons who imitate the same example, blowing the air in their chests and letting out thick and loud dragon roars.

More dragons resisted, gathered together, and attacked the seemingly invincible ancient gods.

The Dragon Clan can't lose this battle! It can't be lost either!

Accompanied by the light of the Zhuxian Sword, it flew around in the air. While those ancient gods were entangled, they would often harvest an ancient god's soul with one or two swords, at an extremely fast speed.

The sword light circulated in the air. Because the speed was too fast, one could only see the sword light like a sharp pen tip, leaving traces of light in the sky. After a while, the traces of light slowly faded away.

There was also a tinkling bell in the air, and the bell was mixed with human voices. They were very talkative, cowardly and arrogant.

When I'm cowardly, I want to kneel down and worship him immediately and call him my foster father. When I'm arrogant, I'm the second god, the second god and the third god of the Zhuxian Sword.

As for the dead ancient gods, after the souls were shattered, the caves and abyss also shrank one after another and disappeared quickly.

These caves and abyss should lead back to the other side.

Hidden in the cave abyss is the great path trained by the strong men of the Dragon Clan, and its owners also changed hands accordingly.

For these immortal beings on the other side, the death of an ancient god only damages some will and is insignificant.

However, the harvest in the Celestial Realm still made them quite angry. This harvest turned out to be somewhat unsatisfactory. The resistance of the indigenous people here was so strong that it was somewhat beyond their expectations.

Ancient gods and souls were constantly bombarded and killed, and Dongyuan returned to the other side, but the number of remaining ancient gods and souls was still very large, and they even began to join forces in pairs to attack the Dragon Clan's array and accelerate harvesting.

Both sides were caught in a bloody battle, with Yuanzu and Ming Dao Emperor being the strongest. They were fighting against several ancient gods at the same time, but they felt extremely strenuous and were beaten black and blue by the opponent's magical powers.

Fortunately, these ancient gods do not have physical bodies, only souls. If the souls are damaged, their strength cannot be exerted.

The strongest wave of harvest passed, and both sides fought hard to consume, but the Dragon Clan slowly gained the upper hand.

My dragon clan has even survived the mass extinction 10 million years ago. Today's disaster is just an insignificant ordeal!

True King Cangzhu roared loudly, tore apart an ancient god's soul, passed through the other's body, and threw himself at another ancient god's soul, shouting, The true king on the other side will also be the best in the long history of our Dragon Clan. Passenger!

His moves are wide open and close, and his body shape sometimes turns into a dragon head and human body, sometimes turns into a real dragon, and suddenly turns into a human body, suddenly sacrifices the soul again, or divides into nine and turns into nine himself, which is just one of them. Eight of his own heads have not grown yet, which looks quite strange.

He is invincible and is the most brave warrior in Longting. He is not afraid of death and will kill his opponent even if he is injured!

King Cangzhu Zhen killed an ancient god. He suddenly felt dizzy and injured. He quickly stopped and suppressed the injury.

He looked around and saw that there were not many ancient gods left. Many of them saw that there was not much oil and water left in the immortal world. They made a prompt decision and turned around and walked into the cave abyss one by one, together with Dong Yuan. Disappeared without a trace.

victory is in sight!

He was overjoyed. At this moment, he saw an ancient god coming towards him. The abyss spinning above his head was one of the nine immortal techniques he had practiced!

Cangzhu Zhenwang's heart suddenly jumped, he stepped forward and sneered: Want to harvest me? I have already become a mixed Taoist, and I can switch among the nine Taoisms at any time. As an ancient god, you are no match for me!

At this moment, another ancient god Yuanshen descended from the sky and landed on his right side.

King Cangzhu Zhen looked at it, his face changed slightly, and he saw that the cave abyss of this ancient god's soul was actually one of the nine methods he practiced!


An ancient god came and landed on all sides of him, blocking his retreat. Several other ancient gods came running toward them, but before they even got close, they had already activated their magical powers!

The corners of Cangzhu Zhenwang's eyes trembled and he looked into the distance.

In the distance, Ming Dao Emperor was fighting against the siege of several ancient gods. The distant ancestors were fighting against six ancient gods. The dojo of the ancestor gods was penetrated by three ancient gods. Xu Ying was driving through the sword light and was speeding to rescue. Those who are in danger should be invincible.

I can't call for help, I can't call for help... If I call for help, more people will die. I have already made a big mistake...

He released the magic power to suppress the injury, rushed towards one of the ancient gods, and used all his strength to activate the Xuan Gong!

I don't deserve it!

The nine ancient gods intertwined with each other and changed their shapes and forms. In an instant, the body of True King Cangzhu was covered with scars.

He didn't cry out in pain or yell, he just gritted his teeth and attacked one of the souls with all his strength!

For True King Cangzhu, this was a silent battle. He rarely closed his mouth and did not make any sound even though he was seriously injured.

His Hun Dao was able to trap a single ancient god's Yuanshen, but the arrival of nine ancient gods and Yuanshen had exceeded the limit of his Hun Dao.

He tried his best to hold back the nine ancient gods and tried his best to kill one of them, so as to put less pressure on Ming Dao Emperor and others. However, every time his figure rises and falls, part of his own avenue is taken away by the other party, and there are many more wounds on his body.

King Cangzhu's body became heavier and heavier, and his injuries became more and more serious.

Finally, the nine ancient gods came towards him from different directions, but he was already having difficulty moving.


He suddenly transformed into a real dragon, opened his mouth and bit one of the ancient gods, and refused to let go.


The other eight ancient gods were frightened and took action angrily, smashing down one after another with magical powers, causing flesh and blood to fly.

The sword light flew towards him, and an ancient god Yuan Shen suddenly jumped back and fell into the cave abyss. As the cave abyss rotated, he disappeared.

There was also an ancient god who took a step slower and crawled out from the mouth of a beaten Canglong corpse, and was immediately pierced by the sword light in the forehead.

The sword light paused for a moment, Xu Ying glanced at the corpse of the Canglong, and then left through the air.

The ancient gods couldn't do anything, so they fled into their respective caves one after another. The caves and abyss in the sky, large and small, spun and disappeared, and the harvest slowly came to an end.

The Celestial World is devastated, and many dragon clans stand on the ruins, looking at the sky in confusion.

Once upon a time, they had huge caves and abyss, the number of which was astonishing. They built a glorious civilization based on the caves and abyss.

However, at this moment, the glory of the past seems to be all an illusion.

Between the fire and smoke, a figure passed through, calling the names of relatives and friends.

Emperor Ming Dao also searched around for the whereabouts of True King Cangzhu, but he never found it.

Perhaps he has no face to see me because he made a big mistake.

He said, In a few years, he will figure it out and come out.

Xu Ying thought of the Canglong corpse he saw, hesitated for a moment, and did not say anything. After all, the Canglong body had been beaten to pieces and its identity could not be identified.

Hope is for the living.

Xu Ying said to Princess Mingman who also saw this scene, Maybe Cang Zhu is really hiding.

————Third update! The chapters were completed yesterday! Nearly fourteen thousand words! !

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