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Chapter 696: Immaculate golden body, causing havoc in heaven

The true biography of Emperor Mingxi is the key to Taiyi Avenue. With just this sentence, you can understand the wonderful operation and changes of Taiyi, Yinyang, Taiji, Five Elements, Nine Palaces and other avenues, and achieve unity!

The vitality is within the wilderness, and outside the netherworld, there is a void. The void refers to the origin of the cave.

As for the three Qi of Shi, Yuan and Xuan, only Yuan Qi, Shi Qi and Xuan Qi can be seen on the green rocks of the Earthly Immortal Realm and in the classics of the Celestial Immortal Realm, and have never been recorded.

Xuan Qi is born in the void, Yuan Qi is born in the cave and abyss, and Beginning Qi is born in nothingness. The changes and derivation of the three can transform ten thousand ways, which are called the Nine Mysteries. The Nine Mysteries are unified into one, which is Taiyi.

Telling about the origin of Sanqi and the wonders of transformation is the true story!

Xu Ying learned too many cultivation methods from Princess Mingman and had already cultivated thirty-six ways. However, these methods were too many and consumed all his energy.

The more avenues he cultivates, the further away he will be from the Supreme Realm.

A single line of truth about Taiyi Avenue can allow him to bring all other avenues together in Taiyi, reducing complexity into simplicity. Not only will his cultivation strength not fall, but it will actually improve greatly!

If he could understand this sentence thoroughly, the supreme realm would be just around the corner!

Emperor Mingxi gave too much and did not allow Ying to betray the Holy Lord Yuan Yu.

Of course, Xu Ying still felt a little guilty about the Holy Lord, but this true message was too precious. If he didn't betray the Holy Lord, he would feel even more guilty.

Emperor Mingxi shook his head and said: I'm here to communicate with each other, not to take advantage of the little barbarian's skills. I won't do anything like this.

He was still proud in his words, and was not discouraged at all by his defeat at the hands of the Holy Lord. He said: I am still at the seventh level of the Tao Realm, and he is already at the eighth level. When I attain the eighth level of the Tao Realm, I will challenge him again to determine the outcome. It’s not known yet.”

Xu Yingda was surprised and solemnly said: I underestimated you, I apologize to you. After that, he bowed to the ground.

Seeing that he was practicing the etiquette of the earthly and immortal world, Emperor Mingxi was a little at a loss as to how to repay the courtesy, so he followed suit, bowed to the ground and said, Don't be like this. I have other selfish motives and I can't express them.

Xu Ying felt a little regretful after receiving his benefit, and said: If you teach me this true saying, you will lose more easily when we fight. How about this, you and I communicate more these days, and when I defeat you in the future, Then you don’t have to feel guilty.”

Emperor Mingxi was silent for a long time and said: Does Fellow Daoist Xu also talk like this in the Earthly Immortal Realm? I think your strength is really tyrannical.

If he wasn't strong, he would have been beaten to death for saying such heart-wrenching words.

Princess Mingman changed her clothes and ran over happily, only to see Xu Ying and her brother Mingxi asking for advice on Taoism and magical powers. However, Mingxi spent most of the time listening to Xu Ying and nodding, and occasionally could give Xu Ying some advice. Two sentences.

The two were discussing various dharma methods, and they had many high-minded opinions. Princess Mingman originally had other thoughts, so she changed into clothes with a low-cut upper body and slits at the lower body, but when she came here, she found that she couldn't get in the conversation at all.

She wanted to attract their attention, but she was still far inferior to Xu Ying and Mingxi in terms of knowledge. She could only attend lectures.

She found that her attraction to Xu Ying was not as good as a question raised by her brother!

Fortunately, she quickly listened with rapt attention. Occasionally she would ask questions if she didn't understand something. Both Xu Ying and Mingxi would stop and explain to her at the right time.

The three of them are all faced with the problem of how to unify different avenues, but their specific cultivation paths are different.

Emperor Mingxi practiced the Principles of the Other Side, and Princess Mingman practiced the Dragon Patterns, Xu Ying was the most complex, practicing both Taoist patterns and runes, and also practiced the Principles of the Other Side, and also dabbled in the Dragon Patterns.

However, the avenues are interconnected, and the three people's discussions solved one problem after another.

Emperor Mingxi was quite surprised. In the past, his sister could not practice anything and was a famous useless dragon. However, this time she was able to understand their arguments. It was as if she suddenly had an enlightenment and her talent was astonishing.

She could even tell the key point in one sentence, which impressed him.

He and Ming Man were born from the same generation, one was a genius and the other was a useless dragon, and their lives went their separate ways from then on. Emperor Mingxi's son attracted much attention, but Mingman was disliked everywhere and was sent from Bi'an Academy to Qianyuan Academy on the border.

Mingman's entry is too fast.

Emperor Mingxi became more and more frightened as he watched, and said calmly, Sister Man'er, do you still remember Ming Detective who often bullied you? He came back from the Other Side Academy.

Princess Mingman's eyes lit up, she immediately stood up and said with a smile: I'll go find him to settle the score!

Emperor Mingxi watched his sister go away and sneered: Women will only delay our practice.

Xu Ying asked in confusion: What's going on with Mingzheng?

Emperor Mingxi said: My father has many concubines. My sister Man'er and I are compatriots, and Mingzhen is the son of Concubine Yuan. My father has more than three thousand children, and I am the most outstanding one among them. Man Mei is the most useless one. When she was a child, her brothers and sisters often grabbed her scalp and threatened her to cut off her scalp. Ming Zhen was the one who bullied her, and the bully was more severe.

Xu Ying was stunned. No wonder Princess Mingman was always so obsessed with her scalp.

However, Emperor Ming Dao gave birth to more than 3,000 children, which was too many.

The two continued to study.

Princess Mingman came to the palace of Concubine Yuan, called out the emperor's son Mingzhen, and said: You always bullied me when you were a child. Now that I have learned my lesson and come back, you can apologize to me and I will forget about it.

The emperor's son Mingzhen quickly straightened his clothes and bowed to her with a sincere expression: Mei Man, it was my fault back then and I shouldn't have bullied you.

Princess Mingman was surprised. She didn't expect that he had such a good nature. It seemed that he had made a lot of progress in the other side academy.

Although she was disappointed, she didn't care about it and said carelessly: Since you have apologized, I will not pursue the matter you used to scare me by holding my scalp.

The emperor's son Mingzhen straightened up and said, Thank you, Sister Man.

Princess Mingman turned around and left. At this moment, she heard the chuckle of Emperor Mingzhen coming from behind: Little waste...

Princess Mingman's eyes flashed fiercely, she turned around, adjusted her Xuan Gong, and strode towards Ming Zhen.

The emperor's son Mingzhen said with a smile: I bullied you in the past, and now I'm starting over from scratch! Is a little waste still a waste? Why did you come back after studying? Could it be that you were kicked back from Qianyuan Academy?

Princess Mingman urged Tianwu to achieve enlightenment, and with one move, Dragon Fighter was fighting in the wild. In an instant, the energy and blood all over her body turned into ten thousand dragons, roaring, and rushed towards him!

The emperor's son Mingzhen shouted: Well done! I used to look at your brother's face, but now your brother can't even defeat the little barbarians in the Earthly Immortal Realm. I must teach you a lesson today, little girl!

He activated his skills and magical powers to meet Princess Mingman.


The emperor's son Mingzhen's magical power was torn apart, and the energy of ten thousand dragons blasted out by Mingman's punch hit his chest. He vomited blood from his mouth and flew backwards, hitting the palace wall.

He was frightened and struggled to get up, but suddenly he felt severe pain in his internal organs, his soul was damaged, and his Tao realm was penetrated by this punch, and he was seriously injured.

Princess Mingman stepped forward, grabbed his scalp and lifted him up, shouting: You bullied me in the past, today it's my turn to bully you back. I'll cut your scalp first...

Before she could finish speaking, she suddenly felt a wave of magical power coming from one side. She hurriedly activated her flawless golden body and withstood the attack!

The magical power was so powerful that it knocked her to the other side.

Ming Man steadied her body and saw Ming Zhen's sister Ming Yue coming outside the house with several sisters. She looked at her with a frosty face and walked quickly towards Ming Zhen.

Well done! Mingyue, Mingxin, you guys bullied me a lot back then, let's settle the accounts together today!

Ming Man was so excited that she rushed forward. Ming Yue, Ming Xin and others were shocked and angry, and sneered: You useless girl, you don't know that your brother has lost power, yet you dare to be so presumptuous in front of us! I'll teach you a lesson today!

Several women stepped forward, surrounded Ming Man in the center, and took action one after another. After three or five rounds, Ming Yue lost half of her teeth, and her delicate body spun and flew out, hitting her several miles away.

Ming Man fought hard and broke into Princess Mingxin's Taoist realm. She penetrated the fifth Taoist realm in a row, fought her at close quarters, knocked her into the ground between two moves, and turned around to kill the other two princesses.


Another Princess Mingqiu had her head smashed into the palace wall, her body was exposed, and she screamed: Call someone! Call someone quickly!

For a moment, the imperial palace was in chaos. Many guards rushed out, but when they saw that it was the princess and the emperor who made the move, they were all stunned and did not dare to step forward.

Mingqiu, Mingxin, and Mingyue also have sisters and friends in the palace, and the sisters and friends also have younger brothers and sisters. At this moment, after hearing the words, they all took action and rushed here.

Princess Mingman has always been the outcast among the emperor's children and princesses. When she saw these brothers and sisters running towards her, her eyes turned red. She clung to the ground like a dragon and her movements were unpredictable. She aroused the fighting consciousness of her distant ancestors and avoided all the obstacles. With magical power, he let out a dragon roar from his mouth and stepped forward to meet him!

She could not avoid the magical powers, so she endured them with her body. The magical powers hit her with golden light all over her body, making her cultivation stronger and stronger!

Princess Mingman rushed into the crowd of the emperor's sons and princesses, and with a raised hand, she beat one of the emperor's sons until he vomited blood, rolled over and knocked down three or four others.

Then he pointed out a finger and opened a bright bloody hole in the chest of a princess.

She swept forward with a short body, breaking the legs of one of the royal highnesses, then flew up and hit the face of another princess with her knee, denting her facial features!

Ming Man was so excited that she put her palms through her ears and slapped Princess Mingxiu's ears hard, causing the princess's eyes, ears, mouth and nose to bleed!

In the crowd, Emperor Mingxuan flew up with a roar and hung on the eaves of the hundred-foot-high Dengxian Tower. Emperor Mingnuo was kicked in the lower abdomen and flew backwards, crashing through three palace walls.

Princess Mingman shuttled through the alleys and palaces of the Imperial Palace, flying around, sometimes landing, sometimes jumping up, knocking each of her brothers and sisters away!

Sometimes she transforms into a real dragon, flying close to the palace and attacking her opponents. The divine dragon swings its tail and sweeps away the enemies. Sometimes she transforms into a dragon girl, opening and closing, and splitting her brothers and sisters into pieces.

In the imperial palace, the exotic fairy palaces were suddenly smashed into cracks by the emperor's sons and princesses flying upside down one after another, and the dull sound of heavy objects hitting was endless.

Concubine Yuan saw that her children suffered a loss and were beaten by Princess Mingman. The guards in the palace did not dare to move. She couldn't help but became furious. She immediately rushed forward and used her magical powers to hit Mingman one after another. However, she saw the dragon girl. His body only shook slightly, but he was not injured, and he continued to fight with the other emperor's sons and princesses.

Concubine Yuan came to the front, and the two realms collided. Concubine Yuan used her profound cultivation to suppress her, but she was knocked back by Ming Man and hit her body. Her energy and blood floated for a moment, and then she was punched by Ming Man's back elbow. The pain in my heart was so painful that I could almost hold my breath.

After Ming Man hit her elbow, she raised her hand and grabbed her backwards, grabbed Concubine Yuan's hair, lifted her up hard and threw her forward, slamming Concubine Yuan to the ground.

This young girl was eager to kill, and no matter who it was, she punched the Empress Yuan Fei several times in the face like the wind. A muffled bang was heard, and Empress Yuan Fei's head and upper body were smashed into the ground. Only two legs were left hanging out, shaking from time to time.

In the distance, Ming Dao Emperor's face was as sinking as water. He watched this scene from a distance and never spoke.

From time to time, a guard would run up to him, kneeling on the ground to ask for instructions, but he would wave him off before he could speak.

The guards of the imperial palace didn't know what he was thinking, so they had to give orders not to interfere in the fight between the emperor's son and princess.

After a while, several ladies who had been beaten with bruises and swollen noses and faces flew forward with their skirts in hand, crying: Your Majesty wants to make the decision for me!

Emperor Mingdao's face darkened: Children are playing around, why are you meddling in it? You deserve to be beaten. Get down!

The ladies did not dare to speak and retreated one after another.

Second order, elders are not allowed to interfere in the play between the emperor's son and princess. Emperor Mingdao ordered.

His voice was light, but it spread throughout the Imperial Palace. There were many masters in the Imperial Palace, and they couldn't help being awe-struck when they heard the words, and they didn't dare to take action.


The emperor's son Ming Yu flew over with dancing steps and landed on the palace behind Emperor Ming Dao. His hands and feet were weak and he slid down softly, falling to the ground with a thud.

The Golden Flower Queen screamed again and was beaten so hard that she flew upside down like a pig's head and landed in front of Emperor Ming Dao.

Your Majesty... The Golden Flower Empress raised her head and shouted, her neck tilted and she fainted.

Emperor Ming Dao's face was still as dark as water and he did not speak.

In Princess Mingman's residence, Xu Ying and Emperor Mingxi ignored what was going on outside the window and continued to exchange their views on Taoism.

When they got excited, they saw a princess flying from outside, hitting her head through the rockery and falling into the pond nearby. The two of them still turned a blind eye and continued to talk happily.


An emperor's head smashed through the pavilion where they were sitting, half of his body hung down, and his arms were drooped, limp.

Only then did Xu Ying and Emperor Mingxi wake up. They each stood up. They heard the dragon's roar outside, which was getting clearer and louder. Emperor Mingxi showed a strange look and said in a voiceless voice: My sister-in-law's progress is so fast?

Xu Ying smiled and said, If she practices with me and doesn't make rapid progress, won't she lose my face?

Emperor Mingxi looked at him deeply, and the two of them walked out together, intending to see the majesty of Princess Mingman. As soon as they walked outside, they heard a roaring sound in the air. The princesses and emperors were beaten and flying all over the sky. The sound was very sharp.

And all around, there are palace gate walls that have been penetrated everywhere, and the emperors and princesses are in various shapes. Some are embedded in the walls, some are hung on the walls, some hang on their heads, and some have their heads buried in the earth. middle.

The injuries they suffered were also different, including magical powers, martial arts, and injuries caused by the dragon's claws and tails. It was obvious that Xu Ying's teachings were very complex.

In such a situation, even Xu Ying could not help but feel proud, and said with a smile: These days, I have done a good job in cultivating.

Mingxi took another deep look at him and said to himself: It's really remarkable that this person can train Manmei from knowing nothing to such a ferocious master. However, can the inheritance of the Earthly Immortal Realm really be better than the inheritance of the other side? ?”

He had just discussed Taoism with Xu Ying. Although he did not intend to compare the advantages and disadvantages of Taoism between the immortal world and the other side, he also noticed that the structure of Taoism and dragon patterns was still much inferior to that of the other side.

If this gap is not bridged, even if Xu Ying defeats him in the challenge and defeats Young Master Hong Bo on the other side, it does not mean that the Dao Wen and Long Wen structures are more advanced.

That can only show that Xu Ying is more clever.

At this moment, Xu Ying noticed a pair of eyes falling on him, which was so heavy that it actually made him feel more dangerous and terrifying than when he faced the old emperor Ming Xun.

His heart moved slightly, and he followed his gaze and saw a young emperor who was unparalleled in the world, standing in front of a palace.

Ming Dao Emperor.

Mr. Xu, your Majesty has summoned you. A guard hurriedly came over and said to Xu.

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