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Chapter 697 Who is coming? Xu Daozu also!

Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat and he looked at the Dragon Clan Emperor.

The existence of immortality.

The feeling of oppression is too strong.

Previously, he used the body of a big dragon to get along with Ming Dao Emperor, and he didn't feel any pressure at all. But when he came in his true form, he could feel the pressure from the immortal Dao from a distance!

Emperor Mingxi said in a deep voice: Fellow Daoist Xu, I will go with you to see His Majesty.

Xu Ying shook his head and said, I have long made the decision to pay a visit to Ming Dao Emperor, so I don't need you to accompany me. Please stay.

He followed the guard and walked towards Ming Dao Emperor. Emperor Mingxi had no choice but to watch him off.

Xu Ying didn't know how other people felt, but the closer he got to Ming Dao Emperor, the stronger the pressure became, oppressing his body, soul, consciousness, avenue, and cave, making the lively avenue in his body become silent. .

This pressure is stronger than the oppression of the old emperor Ming Xun!

Xu Ying was already much stronger than when he first met the old emperor Ming Xun, but facing Ming Dao Emperor, it was still difficult to bear his momentum.

Xu Ying came to the Ming Dao Emperor with a calm demeanor and bowed in greeting, which was still the etiquette of the earthly immortal world.

At this time, Prime Minister Yuan Heng, Yuan Bugui and others also came over. Yuan Heng said: Xu Ying, when you come in front of His Majesty, you use the etiquette of the earthly immortal world, which is rude.

Xu Ying raised his head and said in surprise: Why did Prime Minister Tian say this? The etiquette of our immortal world was originally the etiquette handed down from the Dragon Court era. I use the etiquette of the Dragon Court era to meet His Majesty. It is more than solemn and respectful? What if I use the etiquette of the other side? Etiquette, then is it the alien Dragon Emperor from the other side that I’m here to meet?”

Yuan Heng's momentum stagnated, and he said: Xu Ying, you are really eloquent. Our world of immortals is prosperous and prosperous, even more powerful than the Longting era. This is because we have changed our customs and clothes. We have learned the Taoism and the culture of the other side. , build buildings on the other side, wear the clothes of the other side, speak the language of the other side, and practice the etiquette of the other side. As a result, we are stronger and more prosperous than before. If you use the etiquette of the barbarian era to visit His Majesty, you are insulting His Majesty!

Xu Ying laughed and said, Why is Prime Minister Tian so ignorant? Could it be that I broke his brain?

Yuan Heng was angry.

Emperor Ming Dao said: How do you say this?

Xu Ying said: Your Majesty, Bian'an is strong in Tao, Dharma and magical powers, or is he strong in clothing and buildings, or is he strong in language and customs? If Bian'an is strong in Tao, Dharma and magical powers, then learn from the other side's Tao, Dharma and magical powers. . If we abandon this essence and instead learn the other party's language and customs, and even learn all the other party's clothing and architecture, then are the dragons the dragons or the aliens?

Yuan Bugui laughed loudly: Barbarians are barbarians! The other shore is strong, of course because of its powerful Taoism and magical powers, but aren't its buildings, clothing, language, customs, and etiquette also strong?

Xu Ying glanced at him and said calmly: The buildings on the other side are taller, but they are rough and lose their beauty. Why not learn how to refine weapons and build the dragon clan's pavilions and pavilions? Preserve the beauty of the Dragon Clan. The costumes of the other shore are simple, and the dragon costumes can also be simple and the decorations are more beautiful. The language of the other shore is complex and contains moral meanings, and the dragon language can also absorb its moral meaning. Why abandon your own language and fully learn the other party's language? As for the customs and etiquette , what does it have to do with being strong?”

Yuan Bugui sneered and said: The customs and etiquette of the other side are more meaningful and flavorful than the traditional customs and etiquette of the Dragon Clan. You are making excuses!

Xu Ying said: You are no longer a dragon, but a stranger wearing the skin of a dragon. Who are you qualified to say that I am unreasonable?

Yuan Bugui said angrily: You are not from our dragon clan!

Xu Ying looked solemn: I am the descendant of the dragon. Although the Dragon Court era has been destroyed, our human race has inherited the legacy of the dragon clan and worked hard to achieve today's achievements.

Long Tingyu took a step forward and said: Barbarian, we don't care about these red tapes with you. We only talk about Taoism and magical power! The Taoism and magic power of the other side are powerful. Facing such a powerful other side, the only way to go is to fully realize the transformation. .I wonder what you have to say?

Xu Yingxi smiled and said: When I was young, I couldn't defeat the little Barbarian Holy Lord. I just felt that the Holy Lord was so powerful that I looked up at the mountain and could never defeat him. When I became an adult, I looked at the little Barbarian Holy Lord again and suddenly felt that I I can keep pace with him. Why? Because I am still growing and strengthening my body, and I am still learning Taoism and Dharma to strengthen my brain. So, have I fully transformed into a saint? No.

He glanced at the faces of Long Tingyu and others, and said: It is precisely because I did not fully study the Holy Lord that I did not become the Little Holy Lord, but became Xu Daozu. The world of immortals was fully transformed, but I only became the Little Biangan That’s it, it’s not the real other shore yet. The Earthly Immortal Realm has never been fully transformed. If you listen to its principles, learn its ways, understand its magical powers, and make progress step by step, you will definitely be able to keep pace with the other shore in the future!

Meng Santong took a step forward and mocked: You said we can keep pace with each other? The Taoism of the Earth Immortal Realm is just the wisdom of the Dragon Clan. After the Dragon Court was destroyed, they narrowly escaped death and survived to this day without making any achievements. How virtuous and capable are you, claiming to be on par with the other shore?

Xu Ying's eyes fell on his face and said: If it doesn't happen now, will it not happen in the future? Where there is a will, there is a way. If you don't even have the ambition, you are nothing more than a walking corpse without a soul. How is it different from you?

Meng Santong was furious and wanted to explode, but he did not dare to do so in front of Emperor Ming Dao.

Yuan Heng said: Xu Ying, you have talked so much, it is nothing more than sophistry. After all, the Taoism in the Earthly Immortal Realm is still not as good as the Taoism on the other side. This alone is enough to seal the conclusion!

Xu Ying burst into laughter and said: Prime Minister Tian, ​​weren't we discussing my etiquette just now? Why did the Taoism of the Immortal Realm suddenly turn out to be inferior to that of the other side? How can we make a final conclusion?

His face straightened, and he said in a deep voice: Princess Mingman, she has been studying the Taoism of the other side, but she has never achieved anything. However, after studying with me for a few days, she made rapid progress and was able to sweep through the brothers and sisters in the imperial palace. Isn't this Is the Tao of the Earthly Immortal Realm better than the Tao of the other side?

What kind of lofty words did I promise you? It turns out that my experience is nothing more than this!

Yuan Heng laughed loudly and said, The golden body method practiced by Princess Mingman clearly comes from the Supreme Tao of the other side! The magical powers she uses also come from the other side and are the inheritance of the Taoism of the other side! However, these The inheritance of Taoism has been modified by you, and it is just a dragon pattern based on theory and culture! You still want to deceive His Majesty, you deserve death!

Xu Ying sneered and said: I originally thought that the Prime Minister must have a broad mind and extraordinary wisdom, but I never thought that he was so stupid. Your decadent views will make even a country fool laugh. I have just said that the other side If Taoism is powerful, then learn the Taoism of the other side. Who has ever denied it? Princess Mingman is the proof!

Yuan Heng sneered: Princess Mingman only used the blood of her distant ancestors to become so powerful in a short period of time, which is not a clear proof. If she can use Li Wen, her strength can be even stronger!

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Kuchiki's opinion. The dragon clan is the descendant of the distant ancestor, and everyone has the blood of the distant ancestor. The other emperor's children and princesses also have blood, using Liwen, why are they not stronger than Mingman?

Ying Wudi took a step forward and said in a deep voice: Barbarians, don't argue with reason. Although the bloodline of the distant ancestors is strong, it conflicts with Liwen. The reason why we abandoned the bloodline of the distant ancestors and fully transformed was because no matter how strong the bloodline is, we cannot surpass the distant ancestors!

That's right!

Another dragon clan elder said, Although the distant ancestor is strong, he is not stronger than your majesty. The distant ancestor was captured by your majesty within ten moves. It can be seen that your majesty has practiced the Taoism of the other side, achieved immortality, and his cultivation strength is far better than that of the distant ancestor!

Xu Ying said with a smile: How many caves did your Majesty use to defeat Yuanzu? How many caves did Yuanzu use? If Yuanzu was given so many caves, I don't think your majesty would be able to win.

Everyone was still waiting to argue. Emperor Mingdao raised his hand to stop everyone and said: Debating is clever and will not help. If you continue to argue, you will never win or lose. Xu Ying, you call yourself a barbarian and come to challenge me. I will give you a chance for a fair fight. .”

Yuan Heng, Yuan Bugui and others were quite unwilling, but they had no choice but to accept the Dragon Emperor's words.

Xu Ying thanks you.

Emperor Mingdao waved his hand, asked Yuan Heng and others to step back, and asked: Is the Holy Lord Yuan Yu really only ranked one hundred or so in the earthly immortal world?

Xu Ying was stunned, raised his head, and met Emperor Ming Dao's bright eyes.

He felt awe-inspiring in his heart: Emperor Ming Dao knew that it was me who was talking to him in the body of my distant ancestor that day!

He thought about it carefully and said: Holy Lord Yuan Yu's strength can rank among the top ten to top twenty in the earthly immortal world.

There used to be a large number of masters in the Earthly Immortal Realm, such as Buddha, Taiqing Daozu, Yuqing Daozu and others who followed Cuiyan to the other side. If these people are added, the strength of the Holy Lord Yuan Yu should be outside the ten.

Ming Dao Emperor realized that he was wrong, and was in a daze. After a moment, he said: Outside of the ten, the earthly immortal world is also extremely amazing. Although the Holy Lord Yuan Yu is a barbarian, he actually understood the wonders of the Dao on the other side with the help of a Dao injury. , he is so talented that he is ranked outside the top ten...

He couldn't help but admire and said: If the masters in the earthly immortal world can obtain the Taoism from the other side, I don't know how much improvement their cultivation strength will have.

Xu Ying said: Your Majesty, the Taoism coming from the other side must have loopholes, so we must guard against it.

When he said this, he suddenly felt the pressure increase sharply, and his heart was awe-inspiring: Did I say something wrong?

Ming Dao Emperor's eyes showed murderous intent, and when he met his eyes, Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he lost his voice and said: Your Majesty has long known that there is a backdoor to Bian'an's Kung Fu!

Ming Dao Emperor's aura had already imprisoned the surrounding time and space, preventing his voice from being transmitted at all. He said solemnly: Have you seen the back door in the other side's technique? Impossible, you haven't cultivated to the eighth level of the Tao realm yet. If you haven’t come into contact with immortality yet, it’s impossible to see the backdoor in the other side’s skills!”

Xu Ying felt that the pressure was getting stronger and stronger, making it difficult for him to use his martial arts to fight against it. His mind was spinning like lightning, and he suddenly understood the Ming Dao Emperor's thoughts.

Your Majesty, after you attained immortality, you realized that there was a flaw in the technique from the other side, but you didn't dare to make it known, lest the other side knew about it and harvested the Dragon Clan in advance!

Xu Ying's eyes became brighter and brighter, while Ming Dao Emperor's eyes became more and more murderous.

Xu Ying, I thought you were just a barbarian, but I didn't expect you to know so much.

Emperor Ming Dao exhaled a breath and said slowly, How dare I keep you?

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: The reason why I know so much is because I have experienced too many harvests. The tricks played by Bian An have already been played by the Earthly Immortal World. Although Bian An played it earlier, we It’s not bad either. Your Majesty’s murderous aura must be subdued and I’ll be out of breath.”

Emperor Mingdao did not restrain his murderous intent at all.

There is a back door to the Taoist teachings on the other side, which is a secret of the immortal world. There are only two people who know this secret. These two people are both in the immortal realm, one is him and the other is True King Cangzhu!

If this secret were to be spread, he would probably cause chaos in the world. He would never allow a third person to know this secret, not to mention that this person was a barbarian from the Earthly Immortal Realm!

At this time, Princess Mingman ran towards this side with her bloody fists in hand and said excitedly: Father! Little Master! I won! I defeated the brothers and sisters who bullied me in the past!

Behind her, there were at least a thousand emperors and princesses in the imperial palace who were defeated by her, including concubines and empresses. There were also many emperors and princesses hiding in dark corners, trembling, fearing that she would find them. arrive.

Emperor Mingdao doted on his little daughter and immediately restrained his murderous intent. When Princess Mingman rushed over, he touched her head and said with a smile: Man'er, good fight. If someone bullies us, we have to fight back. , whether he is an outsider or a brother or sister. You go and wash the blood on your body first, I still have something to talk with your little master.

Princess Mingman said yes and went home to bathe and change clothes.

Xu Ying was able to breathe and said with a smile: Your Majesty, you can continue to unleash your murderous intent.

Emperor Mingdao snorted, but did not release murderous intent according to his words, saying: You taught Man'er very well. But I don't agree with this marriage.

Xu Ying looked confused, wondering why he changed the subject to marriage.

Xu Ying put aside his distracting thoughts and analyzed: Since Your Majesty knows that there is a backdoor in the Taoism on the other side, he will definitely try his best to find this backdoor. However, there are so many great ways and techniques that have been spread to the immortal world on the other side. Your Majesty's wisdom is endless and it is impossible. It is impossible to learn every great avenue and technique, and it is even more impossible to elevate every great avenue and technique to the realm of immortality, thereby discovering its backdoor.”

Ming Dao Emperor put his hands behind his back and said: There are three thousand avenues on the other side. It is impossible to learn them all. It is even more foolish to talk about cultivating them all to the realm of immortality!

So Your Majesty needs me, a barbarian, to wake up the dragon clan in the Celestial Realm.

Xu Ying tried to figure out his intention and said, Your Majesty needs to find a way out from me, no, from the Earthly Immortal Realm. Therefore, even though Your Majesty captured the Ancestral God and the distant ancestors, he did not kill them.

Ming Dao Emperor was silent for a moment and said: I want to find a way out for the Dragon Clan. But the Taoist and magical powers of the Earthly Immortal Realm are not the first choice.

He shook his head and said: Back then, the green rock could destroy the Three Realms. If I go back to the old path and a piece of green rock is thrown from the other side, I will still inevitably end up extinct.

Xu Yingzhan smiled and said: So when I went to the Immortal Realm as a barbarian, His Majesty had his thoughts and wanted to see from me whether the Taoism of the Earthly Immortal Realm could replace the Taoism of the other side.

Emperor Ming's eyes flashed and he said: You are wrong. What I want to see is whether you can resist the harvest of the other side by using the methods of the earthly immortal world to learn the Taoism of the other side! Only when the other side cannot harvest you will I replace the Taoism of the other side. thoughts.

Xu Ying said: What if I am harvested by the other side?

Ming Dao Emperor said: Then, I will continue to pretend not to know that there is a backdoor in the other shore's cultivation method, and let the other shore harvest. After all, the other shore's harvest will not be finished, and some seeds will still be left to wait for the next time they mature and continue to harvest.

Xu Ying said: What if the other side can't harvest me?

Emperor Ming Dao solemnly said: I will implement the Taoism of the Earth Immortal Realm, decipher the Dao of the other side's skills, seal all caves and abyss, and cut off all the passages of the other side! Whoever dares to oppose, I will punish the nine tribes!

Xu Ying smiled slightly and said leisurely: Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor, do you know who is standing in front of you?

Emperor Ming Dao was stunned and asked tentatively: Barbarian promise?

The person standing in front of you is the new Taoist Taoist of the Earthly Immortal Realm, the Taoist Xu promised.

Xu Ying also smiled with his eyes, and said leisurely, Your sons and grandsons, including your Majesty, will all respect me as their ancestor in the future. Since I came back from the grave, I will never give anyone a chance to harvest me!

————Today is nearly 9,000 words again!

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