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Chapter 695 Temptation under the quilt

When the dragon clan elders heard this voice, they were all shocked. Their original intention was to let Emperor Mingxi defeat the little barbarian saint in this battle and kill him.

The emperor's son Mingxi used the power of the Saint-Zhanzun to fight against Xu Ying and raised his cultivation strength to the extreme. In this way, he would have the upper hand against Xu Ying!

But something went wrong when he beheaded the Holy Lord Yuan Yu. Logically speaking, this barbarian should have died in the hands of Emperor Mingxi, but he didn't follow the rules.

Holy Lord Yuan Yu took advantage of the opportunity to recuperate from his injuries, and comprehended the avenues left in his path wounds by the twenty-seven elders of the Great Perfection Realm. In this way, he supplemented his own Daming Palace Ten Thousand Daos, so that his cultivation strength improved by leaps and bounds. !

The guys who came from the Earthly Immortal Realm were indeed a group of barbarians. They had not seen many profound techniques, nor had they seen many profound avenues.

But it's not that they are stupid.

On the contrary, to be able to fight through the crowds and achieve such high achievements in a place with such fierce competition in the Earthly Immortal Realm, both Xu Ying and Saint Yuan Yu are extremely talented!

They have never seen the advanced techniques or learned the profound avenues, so when they see the advanced techniques and the profound avenues, they begin to crazily absorb the nutrients in them, which makes their cultivation strength improve astonishingly!

This kind of improvement speed far exceeds that of the Dragon Immortal in the Celestial Immortal Realm!

Is Xu Ying here? Is it Xu Ying that your dragon clan wants to defeat?

The Holy Lord raised his head with interest, looked at the towering and powerful elder of the dragon clan outside the heavens, and said with a smile, If there is no one in your dragon clan, I can take action on your behalf! To be honest, Xu Ying and I A bit of a personal vendetta...


The dragon clan elders were angry one after another. Thirteen of them were the ones who defeated the Holy Lord Yuan Yu with ten moves that day. They all pressed down with their hands to suppress the Holy Lord.

The Holy Lord showed no resistance and allowed them to suppress him.

The dragon clan elders rescued Emperor Mingxi without killing him, and each frowned.

This time the Dragon Clan is afraid of a disastrous defeat!

It's fine that Xu Ying defeated Emperor Mingxi, but the key is, what happens after the defeat?

The current foundation of the Dragon Clan lies in comprehensive transformation and the comprehensive cultivation of the Taoism of the other side. If Xu Ying defeats Emperor Mingxi's son, will the Dragon Clan continue to insist on comprehensive transformation? If they want to return to tradition and learn the Taoism of the Earthly Immortal World from Xu Ying, will the Heavenly Immortal World fall into civil strife and internal strife?

Will the other side intervene?

Will their interests be harmed?

Suddenly, the voice of Heavenly Prime Minister Yuan Heng came: Don't worry, everyone, I have my own plan for this matter. The barbarians promise that they will never disturb our heavenly world! I have invited the senior brother of Master Qixuan, the elder of Immortal True King Yin Yuanzi. Disciple, Young Master Hong Bo.”

The expressions of all the elders changed slightly. One of the elders said: Prime Minister Tian, ​​I am afraid that there is something wrong with bringing the power from the other side into the world of immortals. When Young Master Hong Bo comes to deal with the barbarian Xu Ying, doesn't it mean that my Dragon Clan is incompetent?

You dragon clan are incompetent!

A voice came from behind Yuan Heng. Young Master Hong Bo was tall and mighty, walking like a dragon and a tiger. He had the form and aura of an ancient god. He sneered, The Dragon Clan can't even protect my junior brother and two junior sisters. It's not because of incompetence. ? The Dragon Clan can’t even deal with a mere barbarian, so they have no choice but to ask me to come and help. Isn’t that incompetence?”

He looked around and said: If you dragon clan can't defend the Celestial Realm, then hand over the Celestial Realm. My master will be happy to come and rule this world!

All the elders were silent and did not dare to speak.

Seeing their silence, Yiren Hongbo sneered: Cowards. Wake up your emperor's son and let him continue to challenge the barbarian Xu Ying!

Yuan Heng was shocked and said hurriedly: Mr. Hong, Your Highness is no match for me...

Yiren Hongbo smiled and said: Of course I know that he is not Xu Ying's opponent. If he can defeat Xu Ying, you don't need to invite me. I want your emperor's son to be defeated by Xu Ying, and then I will defeat Xu Ying. answer!

He laughed heartily: I want you dragons in the Immortal Realm to see that even though you have learned our Taoism and techniques from the other side, you are still an inferior race, far inferior to the saints from the other side!

All the elders were filled with indignation, but they did not dare to take action against him.

Yuan Heng swallowed his anger and said with a smile: Master Hong, can you change someone? I won't let His Highness take action...

The foreigner Hong Bo sneered: You can change it if you want? The death of my junior brother Qi Xuan in your immortal world has already made my master angry with thunder. If you make me unhappy again, then my master will come in person, Ask the Celestial Realm for an explanation!

Yuan Heng wanted to say more, but suddenly the voice of the emperor Mingxi came: Prime Minister Tian, ​​there is no need to say more, I... I am going to fight against Xu Ying!

Yuan Heng and others were shocked. They saw Emperor Mingxi getting up from Xiaozhutian. His face was gloomy and his breath was not as good as before, but his expression was very firm. He said: I have promised in front of the people of the world that I will fight. If you make a promise, you will never break your promise. Whether you win or lose, I will bear it!

The foreigner Hong Bo showed admiration and said with a smile: You dragon still has some backbone. You know that you will lose, but you still want to challenge the barbarian and are willing to be humiliated. Are you a disciple of Taiyi Daojun? It seems that there is no true inheritance, otherwise There is no need for me to take action. Very good, you can recuperate for a few days and after you recover from your injuries, challenge Xu Ying!

He turned around and said to Yuan Heng: Find some dragon girls to come and serve me. I like people with a clean family background.

Yuan Heng said yes, feeling extremely aggrieved, but still ready to go.

Xu Ying took Ming Man and Man Kong Ming into the Longting Imperial Capital. The buildings here were even more exaggerated. The tall buildings towered into the sky. The Immortal Palace and the Immortal Palace also presented an exotic style. Between the buildings, there were caves and abyss. Among the fairy mountains, some stand tall and some hang upside down.

Seeing this scene, Xu Ying smiled and said: These buildings are more suitable for aliens, not dragons.

Man Kong Ming said: If you don't mind, Brother Xu, why don't you come and stay at my house for a few days.

Ming Man smiled and said: When my master defeats His Highness Mingxi, and the dragon clan hates my master, your family will be in danger, and even you will have your scalp cut off and your dragon's tendons cramped. Why not go to my house!

Man Kongming shuddered, laughed and said: Little girl, you have a house in Emperor Longting? You are obviously a human being.

Princess Mingman led the two of them to fly to the Imperial Palace in the Imperial Capital and said with a smile: Of course. My house is the largest in the Imperial Capital. It will be safe to go to my house and beat His Highness Mingxi. No one dares to touch the little master.

Man Kongming was doubtful and followed the two of them, only to see the imperial palace getting closer and closer, but Princess Mingman still had no intention of stopping.

The three of them arrived in front of the imperial palace. Princess Mingman showed her true form and led the two of them into the imperial palace unimpeded. The dragon immortal guards on the road did not dare to stop them.

Man Kongming was stunned.

Princess Mingman smiled and said: My little master lives in my mansion. Manzilong, you go back to your home. If you, a barbarian dragon, live in my house, you will be gossiped about.

Man Kongming pointed at Xu Ying and said angrily: Why can he live with you?

Princess Mingman smiled and said: My little master is not a dragon. We are of different races and races. Nothing will happen, so there will be no rumors... After saying that, she glanced at Xu Ying with a guilty look.

Princess Mingman kicked Man Kongming out of her mansion, transformed into a human girl, and prepared a resting place for Xu Ying. Then she called several dragon girls and said, Take my brother Mingxi's clothes. Here are some sets for Young Master Xu to put on... Wait a minute. If my brother's car is not in use, please borrow it. I will use it when I take Young Master Xu on a trip. Also, my brother's two concubines are good at playing, playing and singing. Very good, borrow it too.

The dragon girls said yes, and one dragon girl teased: Princess, why don't you drive His Highness out of his mansion and let Mr. Xu live in it?

Ming Man smiled and said: It's not impossible. Just send you girl to tell my brother!

The dragon girls were startled and said hurriedly: We dare not say anything.

Ming Man kicked them out and said to Xu: Little master, rest first. I'll live in the next room. Call me if you need anything. I've been working hard these days and I'm quite tired. I'll go and rest first.

Xu Ying nodded lightly.

After Ming Man left, Xu Ying sat down, closed his eyes and rested his mind, sorting out the thirty-six avenues.

After a while, the sound of birds pecking came from the window lattice, and Princess Mingman's voice came from outside, whispering: Is the little master asleep?

Xu Ying said: I haven't slept yet.

Princess Mingman said: Go to bed early. I'm sleeping next door. My door is not locked. If anything happens, just go find me.

Xu Ying hummed.

Princess Mingman leaves.

After another long while, Princess Mingman pecked at the window lattice again and said, Is the little master asleep?

Xu Ying said: I haven't slept yet.

Princess Mingman smiled and said: I haven't been home for a long time. I feel that my home is deserted and I always feel that the room is haunted. Little master, I will come to your place to sleep. I won't be afraid when you are by my side.

Xu promised: Just come in.

Ming Man opened the window lattice and was about to get up from the window. She saw that Xu Ying's bed had not moved at all, and she was not asleep.

The dragon girl was wearing thin pajamas. After crawling in, she slipped into the bed with only half of her head and face exposed. She grabbed the corners of the quilt with both hands as if she was afraid of ghosts. She chuckled and said: Little master, what do you mean? Are there really ghosts in the world? I heard that the nuns in the palace have ghosts, but I have never seen one.

Xu Ying said: Of course there are ghosts. There are underworlds in the immortal world and the human world. Even if the immortals die, their souls will fly out and turn into ghosts, enter the underworld and then reincarnate.

He thought for a moment and said: As for the Celestial Realm, logically there should be an underworld as well. So is it possible to enter the Celestial Realm from the underworld...

When he said this, he suddenly shivered.

The reason why the Heavenly Immortal Realm and the Earthly Immortal Realm are blocked is because of the barrier of the gel zone. If there is an underworld, then the underworld of the heavenly world and the underworld of the earthly immortal world will be connected to each other because of this!

The reason why there is no underworld in the Celestial Realm is that the original avenue of heaven and earth in the Celestial Realm was destroyed by Cuiyan. The other side of the avenue of heaven and earth has no such avenue as the underworld, so there is no underworld in the Celestial Realm!

If the ancestral gods repeat the heavenly ways of the Celestial Immortal Realm, then the Celestial Immortal Realm will also have the underworld, and the three realms will communicate with each other...

He was lost in thought. Is the interconnection of the three realms a good thing or a bad thing?

Will it cause a fatal blow to the earthly immortal world and the human world?

Can the human world still be immune to the invasion of the immortal world and the other side, and retain the last strength for the human race and monster race?

Hey! Hey!

Princess Mingman in the bed woke him up from his reverie and said with a smile, Little master, aren't you afraid of ghosts? Why don't we lie down together on the bed, and we won't be afraid if we squeeze together.

Xu Ying laughed loudly, shook his head and said, Are you afraid of ghosts as a master? We have a fateful relationship with the five giants in the underworld...

I kicked off my pajamas.

Princess Mingman had an expression on her face and her toes were sticking out of her pajamas from the quilt.

Xu Ying is so full of blood, how can he see this?

At this time, the voice of Emperor Mingxi came from outside, saying: Brother Xu, Mingxi wants to see you. Sister Man'er, I have brought you the clothes and chariot you asked for.

Princess Mingman was startled and hurriedly pulled the pajamas on her toes back into the bed and put them on haphazardly.

Xu's turbulent energy and blood also calmed down, and he punched out, blasting a big hole in the wall, causing Mingman to run back to her room quickly.

He then opened the door, walked out, and said with a smile: Your Highness actually delivered it in person, which makes me flattered.

Emperor Mingxi's eyes fell on him, with a complicated look on his face. He sighed and said, My sister is still in the room getting dressed, so we will go out for a walk.

Xu Ying's face turned red and he defended: Nothing happened between my sister and I! I have always been a gentleman.

Emperor Mingxi said: Even if you are not a gentleman, it is nothing. If my sister likes you, I will not interfere. Xu Ying, you are extremely outstanding. Although your race is low, there are only a few outstanding dragons in the entire immortal world who can surpass you. . It’s natural for her to be attracted to you.”

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: The emperor's arrival here seems different from the last time we met.

Emperor Mingxi smiled and said: I am injured, and I need to recover for a few days before I can compete with you. I was thinking, anyway, there are still a few days until we fight, so why not take advantage of these few days to make friends with Taoist Xu? friend?

Xu Ying was surprised, looked him up and down, and found that the injuries on his body were very familiar, and he must have been beaten by the Holy Lord.

It's strange. Isn't the Holy Lord recovering from his injuries? Why did you beat him?

He was quite puzzled, Does Mingxi think that I will tell him the secret of deciphering the Holy Master's Taoism?

The two walked side by side, admiring the exotic scenery in the imperial palace. Unknowingly, they came to a pond. Emperor Mingxi broke the silence and said: Last time we discussed the Tao in Jinque City, you said that nurture can reverse the innate. I don't agree with it. The innate Tao is inherited in an orderly manner and changes can be followed. .Movement and stillness have no reason, Yin and Yang have no beginning, they are established by creation.

Xu Yingdao: This is the content of the Mysterious Art of Creation.

Emperor Mingxi said: Taiji, Wuji, Yin and Yang, Creation, Five Elements, Nine Palaces, and the other three thousand innate avenues, if you look for the wonders of their changes, everything can be classified into Taiyi. This is the essence of Taiyi Daojun's Taoism.

Xu Ying was shocked and said: How can you discern the wonderful changes in the innate path and return to Taiyi?

Emperor Mingxi said: This is the secret of Taiyi Daojun. I have studied under him for several years. Many of his disciples were wary of me, but I still accidentally got a true message from a senior brother.

He spoke the Taoist language of the other side and said unhurriedly: Master Dao said: The vitality is within the vastness, outside the netherworld, and is born from the void. Within the void, is born from the Taiwu. The Taiwu has no change and the three qi are clear.

The three qi are chaotic. A hole is created because of emptiness. Nothingness is created because of the hole. Being is created because of nothingness. Emptiness is created because of existence. The transformation of emptiness into nothingness and the creation of nature from emptiness. The upper qi is called the beginning, the middle qi is called the yuan, and the lower qi is called the origin. mysterious.

Xuan Qi is born out of emptiness, Yuan Qi is born out of caves, and Primary Qi is born out of nothingness. Therefore, two are born, and two are born three. The three are transformed into nine mysteries, and from nine to one, we enter the true Tao.

Speaking of this, Emperor Mingxi said: This line of true teachings hides the untransmitted secret of Taiyi Daojun. It is the foundation of Hedao.

Xu Ying looked solemn. This true message from Emperor Mingxi was extremely valuable. It showed him the secrets of how to integrate various avenues!

His face was uncertain, and he hesitated and struggled in his heart. After a while, he finally made a decision.

You were injured by the Holy Lord Yuan Yu, so you want to use these words in exchange for the method of deciphering the Holy Lord's Taoism?

Xu Ying sneered and said, You underestimate me so much, do you think I will betray him? I, Xu Ying, am a dignified eight-foot-tall man...Okay, I'll tell you that this is the flaw in the holy master's technique.

————Two chapters and 9,000 words have been updated! ! !

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