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Chapter 672 The End of the Immortal Emperor and the Beginning of the Mountain Ming

The Immortal Emperor's heart sank, there was no way forward, and retreating was a promise.

He cannot jump into the long river of time and dive back into the past. He has tried many times. No matter whether it is the past or the future, the river of time cannot be dived into. The past cannot be changed. If you enter the future, the future will fall into chaos in an instant.

This is the nature of time.

He can only come to the other side of the long river of time.

This is the other side, and it is also a prison.

Back then, he had imprisoned Fairy Qiongtai's consciousness here so that she could never escape from this time prison and never return to the present world.

If you can return to the present world by jumping into the long river of time, then Qiongtai cannot be locked up here.

But again, this time Xu Ying also blocked him here, leaving him with no choice but to give it a try.

If Xu Ying doesn't die, then he will be the one who dies.

Xu Ying, there is no help from Lan Suying, Gu She and others here, and there is no luck and ginseng fruit trees here. Are you so sure that you are my opponent?

The Immortal Emperor exhaled a long breath, regained his fighting spirit, rushed towards Xu Ying again, and shouted, Today's battle between you and me, the outcome is not yet known!

Behind him, the four great caves and abyss rotated, providing him with unparalleled mana and Tao power. There were still fragments of the ancient soul remaining in his body, making his magical power astonishing!

He rushed in roaring, and what he wanted to target this time was the flaw in the promised flawless golden body!

There are four flaws in his Taoism, which are left by the four great caves and abyss. But Xu Ying's flawless golden body also has flaws. In the last battle of Tianyuan, he had already tested this flaw!

With his feet on the long river, he rushed towards me and wanted to kill him with one blow!

Xu Ying stood on the river, letting time wash away under his feet like water. He did not dodge the magical power of the attacking Immortal Emperor, and allowed the Immortal Emperor's fierce and unparalleled move to fall on his chest!


The Immortal Emperor's overbearing blow made his blood surge, his internal organs were damaged, and his realms were shaken.

However, this blow failed to cut open his flawless golden body as the Immortal Emperor expected!

The flaw in the flawless golden body seemed not to be here at all.

The Immortal Emperor was panicked. He looked up and saw Xu Ying's resolute and silent face, with a pair of eyes like stars in the dark night staring at him closely.

The flaw is not here, it must be somewhere else!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor turned over and jumped up, preparing to use his magical power to attack Xu Ying's other body parts. At this moment, Xu Ying raised his hand and slashed with his palm.

Meng Shanming, you are not worthy of using my Dongyuan! Xu Ying's voice reached his ears.


The light flashed, and the Immortal Emperor suddenly felt that his aura dropped sharply, and the immortal spirit energy and Tao power provided from the cave abyss dropped sharply.

He looked back in a hurry and saw a Taiyi Cave spinning and falling from behind him, falling towards the river of time.

My cave!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor's heart ached like a knife, and he watched helplessly as the Taiyi Cave Abyss fell into the long river, melted, decomposed, and turned into nothing in the river.

Time will not allow such a powerful cave to go back to the past and change the existing history.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor was so furious that he summoned the fragments of his distant ancestor's soul and punched out, hitting Xu Ying in the back of his heart and beating Xu Ying until a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Xu Ying turned around, and another sword light struck down with his hand. The Immortal Emperor felt a sudden light behind him. The Tai Dao force and fairy energy that had been rushing in before suddenly shrank greatly.

He was panicked, and another Taiyi Cave Abyss was also chopped down by Xu Ying. What Xu Ying had cut off previously was only the cave abyss that Xu Ying had made during the first battle of Tianyuan, which was equivalent to the Great Luo Jinxian level cave abyss. But this time, what Xu Ying beheaded was the supreme-level Dong Yuan!

This is the Taiyi Cave Abyss used by Qingxuan and Emperor Haotian. You are not worthy of using it! Xu Ying's voice reached his ears again.

This Taiyi Cave Abyss floated up and did not fall into the long river of time, but hung on the other side of time, motionless. The previous Taiyi Cave Abyss could not withstand the erosion of time, but this cave abyss is a solid supreme-level cave abyss that will not be shaken by the long river of time.

It neither falls into the river nor can it fly away.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor was furious and urged the remaining two cave abyss to continue to kill. Without the power of the two Taiyi Cave Abyss, the mana he could mobilize and the power of the fragments of the distant ancestors were greatly reduced.

But even so, he is still powerful and can still threaten Xu Ying!


His third magical power hit Xu Ying's head, smashing Xu Ying's head to the side.

Xu Ying's head pressed against his fist, he straightened it forcefully, returned to the original place, raised his arm, struck it hard, and said solemnly: You are not worthy of using Emperor Haocang's Haocang Cave Abyss!


The light fell, and the Haocang Cave Abyss spun out and was captured by the Taiyi Cave Abyss, orbiting each other.

The Immortal Emperor was about to attack again, but he saw Xu Ying striding forward and slashing at his head. He hurriedly lowered his head, and the terrifying palm force flew past his scalp.

You are not worthy of using the Creation Cave Abyss of the Supreme Creation!

With this roar, the Immortal Emperor Supreme felt that the last Supreme Cave Abyss had suddenly escaped his control, causing his aura to fall again and again.

His heart sank. Without the blessing of the four cave abyss, it was extremely difficult for him to activate his distant ancestor soul, and the mana in his body would be reduced as it was used up.

Since harvesting Xu Ying, the ancestor of the new way, he has not practiced the new way. The main reason is that his main energy in the past five years has been on how to refine Xu Ying's realms and how to combine Xu Ying's realms with those of the new way. If your own realm is compatible, how can you refine the promised thirteen scenes?

As for cultivating a new way, of course it is not necessary. Because Xu Ying is the ancestor of the new way, just use his realm, so why bother to practice hard?

In the next year, his energy was mainly spent on chasing down the ancestor gods and saints. Compared with practicing the new way, killing the ancestors and saints was obviously more important.

Only now did he suddenly realize that the new path created by Xu Ying was so perfect. If he could have discovered this earlier, he would not have to worry about being broken or harvested by others.

Because the abyss of the new way is completely your own abyss!

However, it was too late for him to realize this!

He made a feint and rushed towards the three supreme caves on the other side of the river. He promised that if his three caves were cut off, he could continue to refine them and come back. As long as they were refined, he would still have the strength to fight.

At this moment, Xu Ying resisted his feint attack, came up behind him, and punched him hard. The Immortal Emperor suddenly felt as if he was hit by Yuan Weiyang's golden ship. Broken bones and tendons.

His figure was pressed against the surface of the river, rolling and flying up, crashing down, bouncing up again, and crashing down again.

He was like an old doll, rolled and smashed a dozen times before he stopped.

When he looked up, he saw that Xu Ying had come to him again.

The Immortal Emperor knew that he would never be spared, so he roared like an angry beast, activated his six realms, exploded his magical power, and attacked Xu Ying crazily.

Xu Ying stood there motionless, letting his stormy attacks fall on him, but he was unable to move himself at all.

Suddenly, Xu Ying screamed angrily, his blood boiling, he stretched out his palms, grabbed the Immortal Emperor Supreme's chest, and pulled hard, tearing out his entire chest and ribs, together with the fragments of his distant ancestor soul!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor softened as if he had lost his backbone.

But he still had Taoist views and physical activity. Then his spine regenerated, his ribs regenerated, and his chest swelled again.

Xu Ying threw away the fragment of the ancient soul and punched it out!


The white-haired head of the Supreme Immortal Emperor exploded, and his neck was empty!

This punch is to avenge the undead people who died in Kunlun!

Xu Ying grabbed his collar with his other hand, and the physical activity in the cave abyss quickly poured into the Immortal Emperor's body, triggering his vitality. In the next moment, the Immortal Emperor's head grew.


Xu Ying's fist came and punched through his facial features. The fist came out from the back of his head and he said sternly: This punch is to avenge my clan members who died in Xujiaping!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor was still not dead. He struggled hard, fought with fists and feet, and attacked Xu Ying crazily. But as he continued to fight, he lost strength.

At the same time, the majestic activity from the Chaos Dao Scene surged in again, causing his head to grow again. But as soon as it grew, he was horrified to see Xu Ying's fist!

This punch is to avenge the disaster my parents suffered!


His head was punched through by this punch, and his facial features were crushed into paper-thin sheets, sticking to Xu Ying's bloody fist.

This punch is to avenge those Nuo masters and immortals who have died in the harvest of Nuo in the past 50,000 years!


A dull sound came, and the Supreme Immortal Emperor turned into a headless corpse again, but the next moment, his head grew back with the majestic vitality injected by Promise.

This punch is to avenge the Nuo Immortal who has killed each other in Yuan Shou for fifty thousand years!

This punch is to avenge all the Qi Refiners in the world who have been unable to ascend in the past fifty thousand years!

This punch is to avenge me in my first life!

This punch is to avenge Zi Tong in the first life!

This punch is to avenge Tianzun Yuan Daohai, Emperor Chen Changsheng and Yuan Jun!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A dull sound came from the river of time, and the heads of the Immortal Emperor Supreme were smashed to pieces one by one, but then another head appeared, and Xu Ying was smashed down mechanically.

He wants to avenge himself. In every life, he is a living being. In every life, Zi Tong is a person who is manipulated involuntarily.

The hatred accumulated over the past 50,000 years made him furious and made him explode at this moment. He wanted to punch this enemy to death, but he was unwilling to do so because there was still more hatred with nowhere to vent. No place for revenge.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor keeps reincarnating in life and death. Previously, he still had the strength to resist Xu Ying's critical attacks, but then he gradually lost his strength.

More than just no strength? His consciousness was almost shattered by Xu Ying, and all the power in his body seemed to be drained away by Xu Ying. His six realms were also shattered by Xu Ying's attack, and his power was dispersed. Even if he wanted to raise his hands to resist, it was impossible.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Xu Ying was still hammering, hitting harder and harder, causing countless broken limbs to fall into the river, and then slowly dissolved in time and disappeared.

I don't know how long it took, but Xu Ying was tired from the beating, and with one last punch, he beat the Supreme Immortal Emperor into a puddle of mud.

This punch is to avenge myself!

He threw down the body of the Supreme Immortal Emperor, shook off the broken flesh and bones from his hands, and walked towards the three caves and the fragments of the distant ancestor soul.

Behind him, the body of the Immortal Emperor Supreme slowly sank into the long river of time and melted in time.

Xu Ying took down the three caves and Yuanshen and walked along the long river to the other side.

Time flowed at his feet.

Six hundred thousand years ago, Meng Shanming was struggling to calculate how to save the life of his mentor Qingxuan. He was already a well-known divine calculator, and his calculation power was not trivial even in Ziwei Immortal Court.

However, no matter how he calculated, Qingxuan would always be in danger of death.

He couldn't save his teacher.

I can't save Master, but I can save myself! I want to be fully prepared for my future! From today on, I only live for myself!

He walked out of the stone room of seclusion and came outside.

At this time, there was a heavy thumping sound in his ears, one after another, very regular, like the sound of being struck on the flesh.

He looked around but couldn't see where the sound was coming from.

He asked the others, but strangely, no one else heard the sound.

This sound was so strange that only he could hear it.

Senior Brother Shan Ming! Senior Brother Shan Ming!

His junior brother Wei Xu ran towards this side and said loudly, Teacher is looking for you! Come and follow me... Senior brother, why is your hair so gray?

Meng Shanming was shocked when he heard this, and quickly looked in the mirror, only to see that his hair in the mirror had turned gray at some point, and he was actually much older.

He changed his fate against the will of heaven and tried to change Qingxuan's fate, but he wasted so much energy that he unknowingly turned his head white.

Nothing. Wei Xu, what does Master want from me?

The young Wei Xu was still a cheerful boy. He smiled and said to him: Master has realized a new realm. He was going to Kunlun and visited the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun. He heard that Kunlun's scenery was magnificent and there was a way to evolve. To see the majesty of the universe, he wants to experience the beauty of the great road in Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Realm!

Meng Shanming then went to see Qingxuan and followed Qingxuan to Kunlun Mountain, the ancestral home.

When he arrived at Kunlun Mountain, Qingxuan went to see Taoist Yuxu. Taoist Yuxu ordered his disciple Xu You to come and entertain the two brothers.

There was still a banging sound in Meng Shanming's ears. These days, he had become accustomed to this sound.

His eyes fell on Xu You, and suddenly a terrible idea came to him.

He is ready to use divine calculations to calculate his future.

At this moment, there was a sudden thunder and lightning in the sky in Kunlun. During the thunder, a ball of rotten meat fell from the sky and hit him in front of him with a bang.

Wei Xu and Xu You were alarmed and hurriedly checked, only to see that the rotten flesh was decaying at an alarming speed. Soon it completely rotted and turned into a pool of blood, and then even the blood evaporated.

Meng Shanming was shocked and confused. He always felt that this piece of rotten meat had some connection with himself, which made him uneasy.

But when his eyes fell on Xu You, he put the matter behind him.

He devoted himself to retreat, entered the long river of time, and walked towards the future. He wanted to observe the future trends.

He stood on the long river. At this time, he saw a figure retreating in front of him, and the Supreme Cave Abyss was shaking slightly behind him.

Who is that person? Meng Shanming was stunned.

The young man's figure disappeared from his sight.

Meng Shanming moved forward to peek into the future. Finally, when he exhausted all his strength, he saw a glimpse of the future half a million years ago.

On Kunlun Mountain, the Chongpupil Emperor Yao Chonghua held up a child who had just been born, and said with a smile: Every promise must be answered, why not call him Xu Ying.

He collected his own Heavenly Tribulation Thunder and drew a thunder pattern on the baby's forehead.

He will be famous all over the world, no one knows about him, no one knows about him!

Meng Shanming couldn't help laughing when he saw the child named Xu Ying. The laughter echoed on the river and stopped for a long time.

I control Taiyi and monopolize the power of the world, and it should be with this child!

————The story line of the Immortal Emperor has been solved. Please vote for me at the end of the month! !

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