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Chapter 671 The Immortal Emperor’s End

As the last Hongmeng Dao Scenery flew out, the Immortal Emperor's mind suddenly became clear, as if he had never been sober before.

In just a short moment, he felt his cultivation and mana plummet, losing less than half of his mana!

Now he has completely returned to Tianyuan six years ago. His cultivation level is almost the same as that of himself at that time. For more than six years, he has practiced hard and studied hard, but he has not improved at all!

Because all the cultivation he had improved was cut off by Xu Ying!

He is equivalent to helping Xu Ying practice for more than six years!

Opposite him, Xu Ying's mana has almost doubled!

Under the circumstances, Xu Ying has surpassed him in terms of magic power. This was definitely an unbelievable thing six years ago!

But it happened.

The Immortal Emperor suddenly figured out that these realms and Taoist landscapes were originally promised realms and Taoist landscapes. Even if he took them by force, they would still be the promised things.

Xu Ying's activation of the realm is to use the magic power contained in these realms to attack from his body outwards, so it is enough to tear his physical body apart!

It is easiest to attack from within.

If he had refined these realm Tao scenes into magic weapons, Xu Ying would not have taken them away so easily. However, because of his own lack of realm, he also wanted to seize Xu Ying's luck and become the new Taoist ancestor, so he took away Xu Ying's. Take the realm as your own.

If not, they would not be easily harvested as promised.

Only by killing the master Xu Ying can the real harvest be achieved.

This Hongmeng Dao Scenery is his Dao Ancestor's luck and should not be harvested! The Immortal Emperor was a little horrified.

The Hongmeng Dao Scene is the meritorious deeds sent from heaven. When Xu Ying tests whether the new path is feasible, a ball of Hongmeng Qi formed between heaven and earth during the tribulation will be transformed after the tribulation to form a Dao realm.

This Taoist scene contains the natural Tao of Hongmeng, which is extremely extraordinary.

At that time, the Immortal Emperor did not listen to the dissuasion of the Supreme Creation, and cut off this Taoist scene and forcibly took it for himself.

At that time, the Supreme Creation reminded me that this thing is the Qi of Hongmeng given to Taoist ancestors by the heavens of the three realms. It is the luck of Taoist ancestors and cannot be harvested. However, I am determined to change my destiny against heaven and harvest it by force.

The Immortal Emperor said in his heart, It's probably the Tao Ancestor's luck that affects me and makes everything go wrong for me!

At this moment when he was about to confront Xu Ying, he unexpectedly made another prediction, calculating the good or bad outcome of this battle.

This battle is very dangerous.

The Immortal Emperor's heart was as cold as drinking ice in the twelfth lunar month, it was so cold that it penetrated the heart and bit the bones.

He was blinded by luck.

He took away the luck of the Taoist Ancestor and harvested the Hongmeng Tao Scenery, but he never really obtained this luck and Tao Scenery. Dao Ancestor's luck has always deceived his divine calculations, causing his divine calculations to deviate more and more from the truth, making his calculations inaccurate no matter what!

It was not until this moment that Xu Ying harvested Hongmeng Dao Jing from him and retrieved the Dao Ancestor's destiny that he got rid of the deception and saw the truth clearly.

It's just that since the harvest, there have been too many mistakes along the way. Otherwise, how could we end up in the current situation?

But a rage of anger surged up in his chest, and he thought: No matter what the luck of the Dao Ancestor is, my fate is up to me! I was able to harvest you last time, and I can also harvest you this time!

Xu Ying may have the power to surpass him, but he is not without the power to fight. He is the Supreme himself, as well as the Wuzhuang Guan Ginseng Fruit Tree, and the Yuan Shen of the distant ancestors!

Xu Ying just survived by chance and used his identity as a master to summon those realms and Taoist scenes, but even if he gave up these realms and Taoist scenes, he, Meng Shanming, is still the top supreme!

He still has an overwhelming advantage!

He activated the four cave abyss and rushed towards Xu Ying, and the majestic distant ancestor soul behind him also moved accordingly. The power of the soul was still the same, but it was not as flexible as before.

At the same time, his Wuzhuang Temple reappeared, the ginseng and fruit trees shone brightly, and the great avenues of heaven and earth in the earthly and immortal world converged to bless the Immortal Emperor.

In the first move of this battle, he used all his strength to kill Xu Ying with one move!

Xu Ying ignored it and rushed towards the distant ancestor spirit. Old and new hatreds welled up in his heart.

The moment the two sides were about to come into contact, a stream of Qing Qi flew out of Xu Ying's head. One Qi transformed into three Qing Qi, turning into three Xu Yings in green, yellow and white. They flew from above his head and attacked the distant ancestor soul.

These three souls mobilized all their power to activate the human seal, earth immortal seal and heavenly immortal seal one after another to meet the palm under the cover of the distant ancestor soul!


An extremely terrifying wave exploded.

Six years ago, Tianyuan was pushed outwards by the battle between the two. Today, the intensity of the supernatural power is far greater than that of the past. Tianyuan suddenly expanded, and the others could not stand firm at all. They were forced to keep retreating, and even The supreme beings on the other side were also swaying in their clothes and some were unsteady.

Only the Zhu Xian Broken Sword still stood upright.

The aftermath of the magical power of Xu Ying and his distant ancestor Yuan Shen was split open by the invisible sword energy when he came in front of the sword, and he quickly slid past both sides of the Zhuxian Broken Sword!

The Yuan Ancestor Yuan Shen was slightly blocked for a moment, but then the three pure Yuan Shen that had been promised was beaten to pieces. Even if it turned into three pure beings, it could not withstand the power of the Yuan Ancestor Yuan Shen!

At this moment, Xu Ying had already passed through the aftermath of the magical power and went straight to where the Immortal Emperor's true form was.


His martial arts power exploded, and in an instant, there seemed to be countless promises, flying out from all directions with Xu Ying's true body as the starting point, killing the Supreme Immortal Emperor!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor stood under the ginseng fruit tree, and the power of the earthly immortal world was mobilized by the fruit tree and blessed him. He stirred up the tide, and the power of the sky and sea was mobilized by him. It was so powerful that it was like the entire sky and sea was suppressing it!

The ginseng fruit tree is equivalent to another peak supreme, blessed by Tao power, it is incredibly powerful.

The Immortal Emperor knew that Xu Ying had the luck of the Taoist Ancestor, was blessed by heaven and earth, and had supreme merits. The ginseng fruit tree would not attack him at all, so he simply did not sacrifice the ginseng fruit tree, but let the ginseng fruit tree bless him and improve his cultivation. For strength.

He was blessed by the ginseng fruit tree, and his cultivation level skyrocketed, and he thought he was enough to compete with Xu Ying!

But the next moment, the sky and sea suddenly shattered. Xu Ying broke through his magical power and committed suicide without any hindrance!

Chaohai Cangming is a great magical power created by Emperor Qingxuan. When combined with Qingxuan's Ten Jue Taixu Daojing, it can exert unexpected power. But Wei Xu had already used this magical power in front of Xu Ying, so it was not difficult for Xu Ying to crack it.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor immediately changed to Zhong Hua Shenxiu, and a big bell emerged, imprinting the majestic Taoist scenery in the world. The big bell was simple and majestic, rotating slowly, containing supreme power.


Countless Xu Ying's figures used different martial arts magical powers, all bombarding Zhong Hua's divine show, smashing this great magical power into pieces!

Xu Ying killed him in front of the Immortal Emperor at such a fast speed that it was dizzying to see. All he could see was a series of shadows flashing past, and then he saw the Immortal Emperor's two great magical powers shattered!

Behind him, the Yuan Shen of the distant ancestor turned around, with a bright spiritual light all over his body, and with the supreme power, he shot at Xu Ying!

The Yuan Shen of the distant ancestors was refined by the Immortal Emperor Supreme. Although it lacked the control of Xu Ying Yuan Shen and was not as nimble as when killing the Supreme Creation, its power was truly unparalleled.

As long as the Immortal Emperor Supreme can block Xu Ying for just a moment, the attack of the Yuan Ancestor Yuan Shen can come behind Xu Ying and join forces with him to kill Xu Ying!

Without thinking, the Supreme Immortal Emperor activated the Milky Way of the Fallen World. When he unleashed this great magical power, he saw the Milky Way falling from the sky and surrounding him. The stars were like dragons and pandans, dancing with his palms.

Emperor Qingxuan's great magical power is not only extremely powerful, but also extremely subtle.

He used Luoshi Xinghe to defend, just to delay Xu Ying for just a moment and give his distant ancestor soul a chance to attack!

The two people's moves finally collided head-on for the first time. Countless stars in the galaxy flew up and fluttered in the mid-air. They then quickly grew in size, as big as a planet, creating infinite space between them.

Although it was the Supreme Immortal Emperor who used Emperor Qingxuan's magical power, it was even more spectacular when Emperor Qingxuan used this magical power back then!


Xu Ying's martial arts ultimate intention penetrated the galaxy and collided with the Immortal Emperor Supreme's palms. In just a moment, the Immortal Emperor Supreme felt an almost crushing force coming, oppressing him, making his eyes, ears and mouth... Blood immediately poured out of his nose.

His figure was squeezed and he retreated backwards, walking in the void, and every time he landed, he saw the void exploding. Boom, boom, boom, he was forced to retreat, and explosions continued under his feet. He retreated countless thousands of miles in an instant, and hit the cliff of Tianyuan with a loud bang.

The Immortal Emperor screamed, and blood spurted out from his mouth.

Xu Ying pushed his hands into the cliff, and suddenly the earth cracked and the sky collapsed, and the Immortal Emperor was crushed into the cliff.

Next to Xu Jing, Lan Suying watched the battle nervously. When she saw the distant ancestor soul also rushing into the cliff, her heart tightened and she immediately said: Gushe, is the cause and effect you left behind still there? ?”

Fairy Gushe was beside her. When she heard this, she quickly said: Always here!

That cause and effect was a cause and effect that was planted in the heart of the Immortal Emperor at the moment when his heart was lost in the Battle of Tianyuan six years ago. Lan Suying, Shenpo, Yuan Tiangang and Fairy Gushe joined forces !

Because of their dangerous move, they were noticed by the Immortal Emperor, who deprived Lan, Yuan, and Gushe of their consciousness in one fell swoop, and exiled them to the other side of the river of time 600,000 years ago to keep company with Fairy Qiongtai.

The Immortal Emperor has always been clever and clever. If he hadn't taken Hongmeng Dao Jing by force, he would have thought of refining and removing the causal thread stuck in his Dao heart.

It's just that he has done many evil things and was blinded by Taozu's luck, so he forgot about this incident.

Mobilize this causal thread!

Lan Suying said quickly, Take a plot against him!

Fairy Gushe immediately sat cross-legged, feeling a little uneasy, while Lan Suying, Shenpo and Yuan Tiangang sat upright around him, ready to confront the Immortal Emperor's consciousness against the cause and effect at any time!

Last time, the goddess protected the three of them and was attacked by the Immortal Emperor's consciousness. At that time, the Immortal Emperor's true form was confronting Xu Ying, and consciousness alone could not erase the consciousness of the three of them, so they could only be exiled.

But this time, the three of them are guarding Gushe together. If the Immortal Emperor's consciousness comes, then let's compete with him!

Their consciousnesses are competing, but the three of them have the strength to fight!

Fairy Gushe's clothes were fluttering, and she showed her own soul. She stretched out her slender jade fingers and pulled out a causal thread in the void.

Suddenly, the people watching the battle flew up one after another and looked down. They saw a huge thing making waves under the Tianhai, causing ripples around the Tianyuan, and then huge mountains broke out of the sea from the ground!


The sea exploded in the distance, and the figures of Xu Ying and the Immortal Emperor Soared into the sky. The glow of the ginseng fruit trees behind the Immortal Emperor became brighter and brighter, blessing the Immortal Emperor. However, in just a moment, the Immortal Emperor suffered countless blows. Hands, all the rays of light on the avenue were scattered!

Xu Ying's martial arts powers have reached the extreme level. As long as the Supreme Immortal Emperor falls into the situation of being beaten, he will never be able to escape!


Xu Ying Zhuxian's finger passed across it, and a bloody wound suddenly appeared behind the Immortal Emperor, which was exactly the same as the crack on the Supreme Cave!

Tsk tsk tsk!

After Xu Ying's three more moves, there were three more wounds on the Immortal Emperor Supreme's body, which were the same as the cracks in the two Taiyi Cave Abyss and the Creation Cave Abyss!

In this short moment, Xu Ying had found out the loopholes in his Taoism.

These four wounds are Dao wounds, which are insights that the Immortal Emperor has never been involved in. They cannot understand, cannot penetrate, and cannot be healed.

At this moment, the Yuan Ancestor Soul broke through the sea surface from below and rushed towards Xu Ying with the sea water. He thrust out his palms. Xu Ying turned around and pushed out his palms. He received the blow forcefully. Seven large abyss suddenly appeared behind him, spinning crazily. .


Behind him, a large piece of the sky in the Earthly Immortal Realm was missing, penetrated by the power of this palm!

Xu Ying groaned, his ears and nose bleeding.

Everyone saw this scene from a distance, and they were shocked. This was Xu Ying's attack against the Yuan Ancestor Soul head-on, and he actually took over the power of the Yuan Ancestor Soul!

Xu Daozu has already attained the supreme enlightenment? Wei Xu murmured.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan shook his head: No. But his magic power is too strong, and his Tao power is far better than Meng Shanming. He is not the Supreme, but better than the Supreme.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor couldn't help but be horrified when he saw this scene.

The distant ancestor spirit flew in and became compatible with his physical body.

His whole body was filled with spiritual light, and his physical body expanded rapidly. The powerful power of his distant ancestors surged in and flowed into his whole body. However, the four crack-like wounds on his front and back were still bleeding.

This scene makes one's heart sink.

The power of the distant ancestor is too majestic and cannot be competed by ordinary supreme beings. Xu Ying can take over the power of the distant ancestor Yuan Shen, but if coupled with the power of the Immortal Emperor himself and the power of the ginseng fruit tree, then its power must far exceed Xu Ying!

Promise, you shouldn't have harvested me from the beginning.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor stabilized the situation, breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, You should take advantage of me during the battle, take away my realm one by one, and catch me off guard. In that case, maybe you can kill me! You harvested me first, but you gave me time to prepare. Now that I am free from the influence of Dao Ancestor's luck and have the pearl of wisdom in hand, you have no chance of winning!

At this moment, he looked a little dazed and was shocked: Someone is mobilizing cause and effect to plot against me!

Fairy Gushe was extremely nervous and shouted: We succeeded!

Lan Suying, Shenpo and Yuan Tiangang each cheered up, and suddenly they saw the majestic figure of the Immortal Emperor walking towards them. However, there was another Immortal Emperor on the sky and sea!

The Immortal Emperor walking towards them was not his true body, but his consciousness, following the line of cause and effect to kill them!

Lan Suying, Shenpo, and Yuan Tiangang each had their consciousnesses separated from their bodies, filled with murderous intent, blocking the Immortal Emperor's consciousness.

A bunch of rabble, they plotted against me last time, but they still didn't learn their lesson!

The Immortal Emperor's Consciousness sneered and reached out to grab it. Suddenly, countless Lan Suying appeared behind Lan Suying. They were past and future incarnations, fighting against the Immortal Emperor's Consciousness together with her.

On the other side, the goddess and Yuan Tiangang each activated Long Tian's Hun Dao spells, and they all attacked the Immortal Emperor's consciousness!

The three of them were actually in the field of consciousness, besieging the Immortal Emperor!

Fairy Gushe's cause and effect line was cut off by the Immortal Emperor, so she also came forward and joined forces with the three of them to attack the Immortal Emperor's consciousness!

However, as soon as they fought, they noticed the gap. Even Lan Suying, who had the highest level of cultivation, could not compete head-on with the Immortal Emperor's consciousness.

I don't believe I can find you in this exile!

The sleeves of the Immortal Emperor's consciousness trembled, and the four people's consciousnesses were rolled up in a roar. At this moment, a heartbreaking pain suddenly came from his body.

The Immortal Emperor was in pain, shaking in pain, and his consciousness was unstable. Lan Suying and the other two immediately took the opportunity to fly out of his sleeves.

what happened?

He was horrified, What happened to my body?

At this time, Xu Ying avoided the two lasing spiritual lights and charged forward again. At an extremely fast speed, he passed under his palm and headed straight for the Immortal Emperor's body under the ginseng fruit tree!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor mobilized the power of the distant ancestor's soul to move the mountains to conquer the Kunlun Mountains. Hearing a roar, the boundless spiritual light formed the scene of Kunlun and crashed towards Xu Ying!

At this moment, suddenly half of the Immortal Emperor's body split apart, and his flesh and blood flew like tentacles, turning into countless entangled roots, compatible with the ginseng fruit tree!

Those countless flesh and blood roots dragged half of his body, trying to drag him out of the distant ancestor soul, trying their best to integrate him with the ginseng fruit tree!

Yin Yuan!

The Immortal Emperor was in agony and screamed, I have completely killed you, and you still won't let me go!

The four wounds Xu Ying left on his front and back were broken and bleeding profusely.

Xu Ying flew up like a rainbow, turned over, held the Earth Immortal Realm with his palm, and struck the Immortal Emperor's forehead with the Earth Immortal Seal. The aura of the Immortal Emperor's head spurted out, forming a river of aura that flowed backwards.

He moved around the Immortal Emperor's huge body, punching and kicking him, causing spiritual light to explode in the Immortal Emperor's body. In an instant, he beat the Immortal Emperor from head to toe, front and back!

I saw streaks of spiritual light breaking out of his body and spraying out in different directions.

In just a short moment, most of the ancient spirit that the Immortal Emperor had trained so hard was broken by him!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor was frightened. While trying to suppress the power of creation left in his body by the Supreme Immortal Emperor, he also had to face Xu Ying's extremely vicious attack.

At the same time, Lan Suying, Shenpo and others entangled his consciousness, causing him to fall into great fear.

If you continue, I will die...

He yelled, his body sank suddenly, and a wave of waves rolled up, swallowing him up and disappearing without a trace.

Only the dilapidated Wuzhuang Temple and the ginseng fruit tree were left. The half-broken body of the Immortal Emperor was still hanging on the ginseng fruit tree, and his flesh and blood were still dancing endlessly.

The power of creation left behind by the Supreme Creation is truly terrifying!

Xu Ying suddenly raised his hand and raised the surface of the sea, but he did not see the figure of the Immortal Emperor Supreme. In the distance, Liu Guanyi, Wei Xu, Taoist Master Yuanying, Ji Jue and others flew in one after another to search for the whereabouts of the Immortal Emperor, but even if they searched the sky and the earth and turned around, they could not find any trace of him. .

Along with that wave of waves, the Immortal Emperor Supreme seemed to have evaporated from this time and space.

I know where he is hiding. Xu Ying said suddenly.

Everyone looked at Xu Ying's feet, and a Taiyi Golden Bridge emerged. The black and yellow Qi roared in and poured under the bridge, gradually forming a big river. Waves of waves rolled up, and scenes from various eras emerged.

Xu Ying jumped off the golden bridge, and a wave of waves rolled up and turned into a huge wave, engulfing the Taiyi Golden Bridge and Xu Yingyi.

Xu Ying seemed to disappear from time and space.

The long river of time flows slowly. On the other side of the river is a pure land without worldly things. Standing by the river, you can see many extraordinary and magnificent scenes.

That's history.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor fled to the other side of the Yangtze River, tracing back time all the way, and soon fled to 600,000 years ago. He did not stop, and continued to flee forward, and finally stopped when he reached the limit.

Half of his body was torn apart by the power of creation, and most of his ancient soul was destroyed by the promise, so he had to stop and heal.

What era is this?

He looked into the river and saw another version of himself in the river. At that time, he was planning how to save the life of his teacher Qingxuan. However, no matter how he calculated, he could not save Qingxuan.

Finally, at that time, he came out of this blow with a gloomy face: I can't save Master, but I can save myself! I want to be fully prepared for my future!

The Immortal Emperor looked at this scene, his heart was surging, and he said with a smile: I had nothing back then, but I still have the status I have today through strategic planning. Although I am defeated today, I can still make a comeback in the future through strategic planning! As long as I am willing to calculate. , no one is my opponent!

Before he finished speaking, he saw Xu Ying stepping on the waves on the river and walking towards this side.

Meng Shanming, let me take you on your way.

————A chapter of 5,600 words! Please vote! !

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