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Chapter 673 Ninth Realm, Immortal Mysterious Art

Meng Shanming had no idea that the banging banging sounds he heard were actually the sounds of his head being blown off again and again.

After the Battle of Tianyuan, no one saw the Immortal Emperor Meng Shanming again. Some said he was dead, others said he lived in seclusion due to defeat, and others said he was hiding in the darkness, plotting a comeback.

But as time went by, he was gradually forgotten.

The earthly immortal world has ushered in an era that belongs to the new way. In this era, many heroes have emerged together. There are too many masters and too many talents, which have long covered up the incomplete era of Immortal Emperor Meng Shanming.

In this new era, the caves and abyss of the past have been abandoned by people, and the spiritual masters and immortals have begun to cultivate their own caves and abyss.

There are even people who are already sprinting towards the rumored Supreme Realm.

Many people regard the Second Battle of Tianyuan as the complete destruction of the old way by the new way. Since then, if there are still people who practice the old system of exercises, they will be ridiculed for being stubborn.

After a period of time, the Earthly Immortal World became much quieter.

Xu Daozu, have you met my master?

Ning Qing found Xu Ying and said, The day before you fought the Immortal Emperor, my master, the Supreme Creation, said that he would do something big that would make me proud. He is gone now. Have you seen him?

Xu Ying shook his head and said, I've never seen him.

Ning Qing was worried and said: I saw the Immortal Emperor using his Creation Cave Abyss, and I was worried that something would happen to him. Moreover, when the Immortal Emperor fought with you, there were wounds left by the Creation Tao on his body, and I was always a little frightened.

Xu Ying comforted him and said: The Supreme Creation has always been cautious. He considered defeat before thinking about victory. When the Holy Lord was purged, he faked his death and escaped in advance. This time, he must be safe and sound.

Ning Qing was still not at ease and continued to look for the Supreme Creation, but could not find it for a long time.

Later, he came to seek an audience with the goddess. The goddess smiled and said, Sir, I am not the Supreme One.

Young Master Ning Qing took out a generous gift.

The goddess smiled and said: However, I can help you figure out the whereabouts of the insider.

Not long after, Ning Qing found Taoist Master Yuanying.

Taoist Master Yuanying abandoned his cultivation, went into hiding, and devoted himself to training, but he never thought that he would find himself.

Young Master Ning Qing explained his purpose of coming. Dao Master Yuanying saw that he was not here to kill him. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, On Cuiluo Island that day, Senior Brother Zaoxing led Mingzun Meng Shanming away. There should have been a fierce battle between them. After that, it became clear that I respect Meng Shanming as he returns alone, taking the creation cave abyss with him.

Young Master Ning Qing's heart felt cold and he murmured: The big thing he wants to do is to assassinate Ming Zun? Why is he so stupid...

Taoist Master Yuanying thought: I think he didn't want to see Ming Zun take refuge in Long Dai, the envoy of the Celestial Realm, and he couldn't undo it, so he decided to assassinate Ming Zun. Brother Creation probably knew that he would not survive, even if he assassinated Ming Zun You Zun, you can’t escape from the clutches of Elder Long Dai. He must have had the will to die at that time.”

She thought for a while and said: It's just that Mingzun's strength at that time had far exceeded him. So his goal from beginning to end should have been to seriously injure Mingzun and let Mingzun die in the decisive battle the next day. In the hands of Daozu.

Young Master Ning Qing burst into tears and murmured: Is this the big thing he wants to do? Even if he does this, no one will know about it!

Seeing that he was sad, Taoist Master Yuanying comforted him: Brother Zaihua may not be dead. He has always been very cautious. The Holy Master did not kill him back then.

Young Master Ning Qing felt empty in his heart. He felt that the Supreme Creation might have died in a quiet corner of Cuiluo Island.

The Supreme Creation wanted to do something earth-shattering and make his disciples proud of him, but this thing was not earth-shattering.

He died in obscurity, like a wild dog dying of old age in a dark corner of an alley, with no one paying attention.

No one knows that the Tao injury on Ming Zun Meng Shanming's body was left by him, and no one knows why the Creation Cave Abyss appeared on Meng Shanming's body.

No one would even know that the Supreme Creation sacrificed his life to leave this wound.

Young Master Ning Qing came to Cuiluo Island. He wanted to find traces of the Supreme Creation, but he found no traces. In the end, he only found the broken Jade Plate of Return.

He collected the fragments of the returning jade plate, kowtowed several times to Cuiluo Island, and left with tears.

Master, no matter whether you are famous all over the world or not, I will always be proud to be your disciple!

He came to Wangxiangtai to see Mr. Xuhuang Daodao.

There are eight Taoist trees in the Qibao Palace in Xuandu. The Taoist trees are vast and vast, and under the Taoist trees sits a figure who respects the Xu Emperor. The Xu Emperor who left to go to the Immortal Realm to stop the enemy was called the Dongming Xu Emperor. He was one of the eight heaven and earth souls of the Xu Emperor Dao Lord.

Young Master Ning Qing paid homage to Lord Dao and placed the Jade Plate of Returning to the Way in front of Lord Dao.

Several gods of heaven and earth looked at the broken jade plate and remained silent.

After a long time, Emperor Xihuaxu said: When Yin Yuan came out of Yujing Palace in Xuandu Mountain and massacred his fellow disciples, he was no longer a disciple of Yujing Palace at that time. But now that he is dead, everything in the past , I will not pursue it. Ning Qing, since you are his disciple, you have come to my Taoist sect. Lord Dao has cultivated eight kinds of Taoism and produced eight Tao fruits, and creation is one of them. You have seven other ways to learn.

Emperor Beixuanxu said: It's a pity that these eight great ways are all old ways. You are a newbie of the new ways, and you have a lot to do.

Young Master Ning Qing bowed down.

Emperor Xihua Xu was silent for a moment and asked: Is his death worth it?

Young Master Ning Qing said: He is unknown. But his disciples are proud of him.

Xihua Xuhuang and the other Xuhuangs nodded and said in unison: The avenue is nameless.

Tianhai Ferry was quiet and peaceful.

A part of the heavenly workers from the Earthly Immortal Realm were left at the ferry to build more golden ships from the Three Realms, intending to send immigrants to the human world and open up a new habitat.

I heard that migrating some people to the human world was the result of discussions between Xu Daozu, Shengzun, Lu Daozun and others. About 30% of the people were sent to immigrate to the human world. Even if the immortal world invaded, as long as the long river of spiritual light was cut off, part of the fire of civilization could be preserved.

On this day, the Lingguang River suddenly became turbulent. A fat old man with a big belly struggled to swim from the other end of the river. The craftsmen guarding the ferry were stunned.

The fat old man was covered in bruises and was surrounded by spiritual light. He struggled to swim up to the dock, climbed up, and lay on his back, breathing heavily.

He seemed to be too tired and took a long time to catch his breath.

Suddenly, the fat old man cheered and shouted: I'm back! I'm back alive! Mingzun, creation, if I don't surrender to you, you can still swim out of the aura river alive!

Are you, Saint Luo?

A Tiangong man saw this fat old man and said, Ming Zun has been dead for more than half a year, and his body is probably smelly.

The fat old man was Saint Luo, and the aura wrapped around his body was the fragment of his distant ancestor's soul that he had obtained. Only by relying on this fragment could he survive in the river of aura.

Saint Luo was extremely shocked and asked hurriedly: Ming Zun died? Whose hands did he die in? Who is the Immortal Emperor today? Where is the Saint Zun? Wait a minute, where is the Ancestral God?

How could the worker answer so many questions that day? He shouted, I'm just a hammer wielder. Don't embarrass me, Saint Luo!

Saint Luo got up, slowed down his speech, and said, Where is the Supreme Creation, the Supreme Yaoluo?

The Supreme Creation doesn't know. But Supreme Yaoluo may be crazy.

Luo Shengren asked other Tiangong, and only then did he know the general process of the Tianyuan battle that changed the pattern of the earthly immortal world. He was silent for a long time, and then suddenly laughed out loud, full of energy.

So, besides Xu Ying, it's me? The six twelve gods, the dead ones, the injured ones, and the ones who cut themselves off and repaired themselves. Maybe even Xu Ying was in the decisive battle with the Immortal Emperor. He was severely injured and is still recovering from his injuries!

He was full of ambition, If I ascend to the throne, who would dare to oppose me?

Before he finished speaking, he heard the clanging bells coming closer and closer. He hurriedly followed the sound and saw a giant aura dragon in the sky with a large aura bell hanging from its neck. In front of you.

Fat man, are you Saint Luo? the dragon asked maliciously.

Saint Luo was stunned and said: You, you are... a distant ancestor! Are you alive?

The big dragon made a fist with its claws, knocked him to the ground with one punch, stepped on it under his feet, pulled out the aura magic weapon he had worked so hard to refine, and smelted it into his body.

A young man slid down from the big dragon's head and punched and kicked Luo Shengren who fell to the ground.

The big bell on his neck also flew down and hit Luo Shengren on the head, making a clanging sound.

The big dragon refined the fragments of the soul and turned into a dragon-headed man with ferocious muscles and lumps all over his body. He pushed away the young man and the big bell and shouted: Let me go!

Luo Shengren was beaten until he passed out. The two of them surrounded him for a while and beat him for a long time before they were satisfied.

The majestic man turned into a spiritual dragon again. One of the young man and the big bell flew to his head, and the other hung under his neck. The big dragon flew into the sky and roared away!

This time my soul is intact, so I can fight against the ancestor gods and punch the holy master! After the death of the ancestor gods, you can follow me to the world of immortals!

The Earthly Immortal Realm gradually became quiet, but this quietness was just an appearance. Many beings who had cultivated to the Daojing realm were holding their breath and intensifying their hard training, hoping to reach the Supreme Dao before Taoist Xiaotian.

Moreover, the seat of the Immortal Emperor is vacant, and there are still many people who covet this seat and want to take a seat. If there is a supreme realm, then it seems not so difficult to sit on the throne of the Immortal Emperor.

In the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court, Yuan Weiyang screamed and mobilized his six caves. Suddenly, the power of the six caves merged into one, and his sleeves were flying.

Xu Ying's face changed slightly, and he raised his hand to catch it. He was so shocked that his breath floated, and he stepped back again and again, praising: The Immortal Mysterious Technique is really powerful!

Yuan Weiyang stopped, shook his head and said: The magic power of Luo Yun Fei Xiu recorded on the green rock is still a little short of the mark.

She has been studying the immortal realm skills recorded on the green rock these days and has achieved some success, so she practiced with Xu Ying. The magical power of the immortal realm is indeed very powerful. When she takes action, she mobilizes all the power of the great avenue at the same time and twists it into one, saying The power can be increased to the extreme in an instant.

When Xu Ying fought against the Immortal Emperor, he mobilized his seven abyss and based on his own martial arts, the power of the great avenues contained in the other six abyss came in and was displayed in the form of martial arts, so his attack was extremely hard and fierce. .

But at that time, he had not been exposed to the techniques of the Immortal Realm, and there was always some inconvenience in the operation of Tao power. Therefore, he was somewhat disadvantaged when facing the magical power contained in the Immortal Realm techniques performed by Yuan Weiyang.

The Immortal Realm technique on the green rock is a technique that mobilizes different Taoist powers, which is very enlightening for him.

The two fell silent again and continued to decipher the skills on the green rock.

Since the death of the Supreme Immortal Emperor, they have stayed in the ancestral court of Heavenly Dao, ignoring the affairs of the outside world and concentrating on studying the ninth realm of immortality.

In addition to them, there are many young talents and strong men from the older generation gathered here to comprehend the ninth realm skills on the green rock.

This skill comes from the other side. It is the immortal mystical skill from the other side that Xuhuang Daojun and others obtained. Simply deciphering this skill is a huge project and cannot be accomplished overnight.

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were together these days, and their relationship was getting warmer day by day. The two were always tired of being together, but they just lacked the last step.

Suddenly, a voice came from afar: Holy Lord Yuan Yu, come to pay a visit to Xu Daozu!

Xu Ying smiled and went to greet him with Yuan Weiyang.

Lou Mingyu and Saint Yuan Yu came together. Lou Mingyu's cultivation became more profound and powerful, much stronger than during the Battle of Tianyuan, but he was still unable to break through and reach the Supreme Realm.

On the contrary, the cultivation level of the saint Yuan Yu beside him was catching up from behind, and he was getting closer and closer to the supreme realm.

Xu Ying saw the slight difference in the cultivation level between the two and said with a smile: Holy Lord, Mingyu, when will you come to my place when you are free?

Is this yours?

The Holy Lord sneered, This is obviously the dojo of the ancestor gods. When did it become yours?

Xu Ying explained: I am half a disciple of the ancestor god, and I should inherit the ancestor god's family business, so I am the landlord of this place.

Next to them, Senior Brother Tian and God of Earth opened their mouths, but had nothing to say.

Xu Ying stretched out his hand to invite him, and the Holy Lord followed him to the green rock. He carefully looked at the Immortal Mysterious Art on the green rock. His eyes flashed and he asked: Xu Ying, are you here to decipher the Immortal Mysterious Art? Have you deciphered it? After such a long time, do you think, which one is stronger is the localized Immortal Mysterious Technique, or the immortal Mysterious Technique that has been transformed into a foreigner?

Xu Ying said without thinking: Huan Hua is stronger.

The Holy Lord bowed, looked at the green rock carvings, and said calmly: Since the humanization is stronger, why do you need to localize? You are proficient in the Cuiyan Avenue and understand most of the structures. You are one of the few who can achieve complete humanization. Man. You practice the Immortal Mysterious Art faster than others!

Xu Ying said with a smile: After localization, it is easier to spread in the local area. What's more, localization is just learning. After learning, if you innovate and make continuous progress, isn't it possible to surpass Huanhua?

The Holy Lord straightened up and said with a smile: With direct localization, we will never be able to defeat the aliens on the other side. But after localization and evolution, and having our own things, we can possibly beat the aliens on the other side.

Xu Ying nodded lightly.

The Holy Lord smiled and said: Xu Daozu has been studying the Immortal Mysterious Technique these days. Has he fallen behind in his cultivation?

Xu Ying said sincerely: I don't dare to fall behind at all. I practice every day. What about you?

The Holy Lord said: I have reached the pinnacle of Dao Jingjing this time and am about to reach perfection. In the whole world, throughout the ages, there are only three people who have cultivated to the level before me. One is Xuhuang Daojun. Xuhuang Daojun He has cultivated the eight great ways into the Tao Fruit. He is so powerful that he is the undisputed number one in the old way!

Xu Ying asked: Aside from Emperor Xu and you, is there anyone else?

The Holy Lord said: The Master of the Killing Immortal Sword. However, he is just a legend. If I become the supreme master in the new way, I will definitely surpass the Xu Emperor, and I will also surpass him!

Xu Ying smiled and said, Really? I don't believe it.

The Holy Lord smiled and said, Give it a try?

Xu Ying was eager to give it a try: Just give it a try. I'm afraid, brother Taoist, that your body won't be able to bear it.

The Holy Lord was silent for a moment and said: I want to test your power after you have fully transformed.

Xu Ying looked at him in astonishment.

The Holy Lord smiled and said: After the ancestor gods, it is me. I want to know how powerful it is to be completely transformed! Xu Daozu, help me.

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