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Chapter 668 The Death of Creation (Please vote for this big chapter!)

When Master Ning Qing heard this, he suddenly became nervous. The Supreme Creation is also kind to his disciple. The Supreme Creation has always used the Jade Plate to teach him all kinds of Taoism and magical powers and guide him in his practice.

Ning Qing's cultivation attainments are already among the rare masters in the new way, but after Xu Ying and the Immortal Emperor's Tianyuan battle, Ning Qing no longer paid attention to the Supreme Creation.

Xu Ying is the ancestor of the new way, and Ning Qing is also one of the first people to inherit the new way. He knows how significant the new way is. Xu Daozu made such a great contribution, but Creation Supreme and others suppressed him at the last moment when he was about to win, allowing the Immortal Emperor to harvest.

No one else would be able to accept such a master.

Ning Qing, while there are still a few days left, I will teach you my creation-returning technique.

The incarnation of the Supreme Creation in the mirror did not care whether Mr. Ning Qing objected or not, and continued to explain the merits of creation and creation he had created. Although this skill has the shadow of Xuandu Yujingshan's skill, since his great achievement, his attainments in the way of creation have surpassed Xuandu Yujingshan.

However, he originally taught Master Ning Qing the Art of Returning Nature to Dao. Ning Qing compared the two versions and found that there were several subtle differences between the Art of Returning Nature and Returning Dao taught by him in the past and the Art of Returning Nature to Dao taught today. .

Young Master Ning Qing picked out these subtle differences and asked the Supreme Creation, Teacher, there are several loopholes in your previous creation-attribution-to-dao-gong. Could it be that you have a backdoor to harvest me?

The Supreme Creation's face turned red: What's the matter? It was just an oversight in the past.

Ning Qing was suspicious and suddenly felt sad and burst into tears.

The Supreme Creation was in a panic, trying to persuade him but it was not how to comfort him. He smiled and said: You are so good, why are you crying again? But you blame me for the flaws in the technique I taught you in the past?

Ning Qing wiped away her tears and said: If you teach me the flawed technique, I know you can still survive, but if you teach me the real technique, I know that you are in danger. Although you are a bastard, after all, You are my mentor, how can I not feel sad knowing that you are about to die?

The Supreme Creation was startled, and laughed and scolded: Nonsense. I just want to do big things, so I won't die. You are a little leek that will grow first. When I come back after completing that big thing, I will harvest you!

After he preached, he was satisfied and originally planned to return to the Jade Plate of Returning to the Way, but Ning Qing's burst of tears touched his heart. So he left Zhenwu Temple and unknowingly came to Wangxiangtai in the underworld and entered Yujing Mountain in Xuandu.

On Yujing Mountain, the eight scenes of Xuandu are dazzling. The heaven and earth spirit of Xuhuang Daojun is sitting in the Taoist temple, with his eyes looking at his nose, and his nose looking at his heart.

The incarnation of the Supreme Creation in the mirror came to Lord Dao, bowed his head and said, Master, this disciple has come to confess his sins.

Lord Xu Huang Dao didn't open his eyes to look at him for a long time.

At that time, due to the drastic changes in the world, Taoist weeping was raging. He felt that the people's livelihood was difficult, and his sect sat back and watched the catastrophe without caring about all living beings, so he angrily fought out of Yujing Mountain, Xuandu, and rebelled.

After Qingxuan attained enlightenment, the Supreme Creation also realized his own supreme path and refined the ten scenes based on the eight scenes of Xuandu. However, he lacked a supreme cave and was unable to attain the supreme enlightenment.

So, he went back to Yujing Mountain in Xuandu, beheaded those fellow disciples who resisted him, and even killed the Heaven and Earth Soul of Lord Xuhuang Dao, and finally captured the Creation Cave Abyss.

After he became famous, he always felt regretful when he recalled this incident. But after all, he is the leader of the rebel army and one of the founders of the New Immortal Court. How can he bow his head and admit his mistake?

The Supreme Creation did not open his eyes when he saw Lord Dao. He stood up silently and served Lord Dao with food and daily life, but Lord Dao never opened his eyes to look at him.

After a few days, the Supreme Creation bowed to Lord Dao and left silently.

He walked into Wangxiang Terrace and was about to walk out of this mysterious place between yin and yang, when he heard Dao Jun's voice coming from behind: Yin Yuan, why don't you look back?

The Supreme Creation looked back and saw that the years were passing by on both sides of the streets of Wangxiangtai like a dream.

Dust and smoke were everywhere, and when the smoke dissipated, he saw the Yujing Mountain of Xuandu six hundred thousand years ago, and the scene of him fighting his way out of Yujing Mountain of Xuandu.

Over the years, those brothers who died in his hands were vividly in his mind. They were still alive at that time, and they planned to rush down the mountain to prevent themselves from betraying the division.

Let him go.

The voice of Xuhuang Daojun came, with relief in his voice, Yin Yuan is grateful to all living beings in the world. With such a disciple, what else can I ask for?

The Supreme Creation burst into tears.

The scene of Wangxiangtai arose in his mind, and the scene of him becoming the leader of the rebel army and killing Yujing Mountain in Xuandu emerged. He only knew that he was bent on taking away the Creation Cave Abyss, and he did not know the situation in Yujing Mountain.

Then he knew.

Master Xuhuang Daodao knew that he was coming, so he ordered his disciples: Senior brother Yin Yuan is about to arrive. Go and greet him for your master. He is now the leader of the rebel army, so you must not neglect him.

The next scene is the scene where the Supreme Creation leads the rebel army to massacre his fellow disciples. The Supreme Creation leads the crowd to kill them up the mountain and kill them in front of Lord Xuhuang Dao.

Lord Xuhuang Daodao closed his eyes and did not look at him.

The Supreme Creation struck down the killer.

Dust and smoke came in again, blocking the view of the Supreme Creation.

The Supreme Creation turned around silently and looked back.

From Wangxiang Terrace, what you see is the hometown of your soul.

When he saw the scene where he went up the mountain to become a disciple, Master Xuhuang Dao gently stroked the top of his head and said with a smile: This child has wisdom.

The Supreme Creation's vision was hazy, he turned around and walked outside the Wangxiang Terrace.

Yin Yuan, look back. The voice of Xuhuang Daojun came from behind him.

Master, my disciple has sinned so deeply that there is no turning back.

He walked out, straightened his body, merged with the returning jade plate flying in the air, and flew away.

In the Immortal Courtyard, the residence of Supreme Creation, Supreme Creation hesitated again and again before getting up and entering the cave abyss. He arranged for his parents, wife and children to live on the other side of the cave abyss so that they could live forever, but he did not dare to go in to visit his wife, children and children.

He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had been here.

Feeling timid near home, he hesitated when he came to the other side of the cave abyss.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and planned to turn around and leave.

Yin Yuan!

A voice came from behind him.

The Supreme Creation stiffened and turned around to see his old mother. The old lady was overjoyed, waved to him, and hurriedly shouted to the house: Old man! Old man! Yin Yuan is back! From the Yin Yuan family, your master is back! Come quickly!

I don't see him!

Mr. Yin's voice came from the yard, full of anger, What a bastard! If he locks us here in jail, we might as well be dead! Let him get out!

The Supreme Creation was suddenly relieved and stepped forward with a smile on his face.

He paid homage to his old mother and hugged his wife and children who ran out. Then he saw his old father standing in front of the door with a cane, looking at him with both anger and concern.

The Supreme Creation came forward and knelt down. The old father was holding a crutch and was about to hit him, but he couldn't hit him. He paused the crutch and said, You bastard, get up! I bang my head so loudly, doesn't it hurt? Come in!

The Supreme Creation stood up and followed him into the courtyard.

Soon there was laughter and laughter in the courtyard again. The Supreme Creation stayed for a few days and was about to leave. His wife asked with concern: How long will we have to go this time? Isn't it still peaceful outside?

The Supreme Creation hesitated for a moment and said: I'm going to do a big thing. If it can be done, you don't need to stay here.

His old father looked solemn and ordered: Do you want to do something good or something bad? If you do something bad like this, I will break your legs. There has never been a bad person in my old Yin family!

It's a good thing.

The Supreme Creation hesitated for a moment and said, Father, mother, it's just that this time, it may cost your family, your life, and your parents.

His mother asked: Do I have to do it?

It has to be done.

Then do it.

The Supreme Creation walked out of the cave abyss, feeling peaceful in his heart.

Finally, the second battle of Tianyuan is approaching. Strong men from all walks of life inside and outside the Immortal Court heard the news and rushed to Tianyuan early to occupy a good position to wait for this unprecedented battle.

Nowadays, the new Dao Changlong has gradually replaced the previous cultivation methods and become the righteous method, and the immortals do not need to ascend. As for the Immortal Mountain Blessed Land, although there are still many people fighting for it, as long as you practice the new way, even if you don't have the Immortal Mountain Blessed Land, you can still practice Dongyuan to meet your daily cultivation needs.

The Qi Refiners are naturally grateful for the new way, but there are still many disputes about who the ancestor of the new way is.

Some people say that the Supreme Immortal Emperor created a new way of teaching, established the fourteen realms of the new way, and was the ancestor of the new way.

Some people say that Xu Ying is the ancestor of the new way. The Immortal Emperor killed Xu Daozu, harvested his realm, captured his cave, and forcibly took away his merits and virtues. This is an unforgivable act.

There are both opinions, and there is no consensus.

However, the second Tianyuan duel between Xu Ying and the Immortal Emperor has gradually spread over the past few days, and the first Tianyuan duel has gradually become known.

The second theory gradually became the mainstream, and the reputation of the Immortal Emperor was greatly damaged as a result. People everywhere talked about him killing Xu Daozu to steal merits, thinking that he was treasonous.

This matter was reported to the Immortal Court, and powerful men from all walks of life in the Immortal Court ordered that anyone who discussed this matter would have their mouths sealed, their tongues cut off, and they would starve to death.

So on the road, there were many people who looked at each other but said nothing. It was quiet and peaceful.

The Immortal Emperor, Zaihua, Dan Xuanzi, Yuan Ying, Huo Ling and others finally set off for Tianyuan. Elder Long Dai, the envoy of the Immortal Realm, was also among them.

There were still two days left before the agreed time limit. We stopped and walked on the road and arrived at Tianyuan the next day. The time was just right.

Everyone was admiring the scenery along the way, and unknowingly came to the Tianhai Sea. The Supreme Creation smiled and said: There is a fairy mountain on the sea called Cuiluo Island. The scenery is very beautiful. You can go and have a look.

When everyone came to Cuiluo Island, the scenery was indeed beautiful, a wonder that could not be found in the Immortal Garden. It made people forget to leave, and they unconsciously forgot their worries.

The Supreme Creation smiled and said: Your Majesty, please take a step to speak. I know that there is a place with excellent scenery that outsiders don't know.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor followed him and saw that the path to Cuiluo Island was winding and winding, just like the inside of a conch. There were scenery everywhere. As expected, the winding path leads to the secluded place, and the secluded place leads to the holy place.

Uncle Master of Creation is really knowledgeable and knows that there is such a place!

The Immortal Emperor looked at the surrounding scenery and couldn't help but praise, This place is so beautiful. Compared with this place, the scenery in the Immortal Courtyard is much more vulgar.

The Supreme Creation walked side by side with the Immortal Emperor and said with a smile: Your Majesty, you don't know. Cuiluo Island is not the most beautiful place. Among the immortal mountains and blessed places I have been to, it can only be ranked third at most.

The Immortal Emperor became curious and asked, Where are the other two places?

The Supreme Creation did not answer, but changed the subject and said: Your Majesty, in my opinion, the envoys from the Dragon Court of the Heavenly Immortal Realm came this time with bad intentions. Most likely, they are unable to do anything to the Ancestral God, so they want to attack us from within the Earthly Immortal Realm.

The Immortal Emperor sighed: Uncle, I understand what you mean. The Celestial Realm must have bad intentions, but what can I do? If I are honest, Long Dai can kill all of us on the spot! Uncle Master has also seen him. He has the ability!

The Supreme Creation said: So, what is your Majesty's intention?

The Immortal Emperor said: I think we should first establish contact with the other party, abolish the Dao pattern runes, learn the other party's Huan transformation method, and practice the other side of the road. We are weak now, surrender first, and wait until we learn the other party's things and become stronger , resist again.”

The Supreme Creation followed suit and said sternly: Your Majesty, how could you know that there is no backdoor to the Huan transformation method and the other side of the road passed down by the other party? Moreover, if you learn from the other party in everything, after the Huan transformation, your bloodline will be changed, and your way of thinking will become the other party's. With such a way of thinking, who still thinks they are a human race? Your Majesty, please think again.

The Immortal Emperor asked: What does Uncle Master think is the correct method?

The Supreme Creation said: I thought that we should decipher the Shuan Hua Dharma and the Bian Dao! In the Dragon Court era, the Dragon Clan knew nothing about the Shuan Hua Dharma and the Bian Dao. So when Cuiyan came, Long Ting fell apart and was destroyed. But Later, Emperor Haotian deciphered the green rock carvings and realized the enlightenment of Taiyi, which opened the era of human immortality. Although he experienced Dao weeping, it did not lead to great destruction, which shows that the localization of the other side of the road is indeed effective! Your Majesty!

He paused and said: Now is a crisis, but also an opportunity. If we can seize this opportunity and localize the other side of the road, we will definitely be able to compete with the immortal world! I hope Xu Ying will make a comeback this time , is to localize the avenue of the other side and turn it into the local avenues of Taiyi, Taishang, Taicang, etc., so that we can advance by leaps and bounds!

The Immortal Emperor said calmly: Then, Uncle Master, what do you want me to do? Uncle Master doesn't think that resolving the grudges with Xu Ying and asking him for advice can solve this problem, right? You don't plan to ask me to admit my mistake to the world , I wish you could be the ancestor of the new way? Uncle Good Fortune, where do you put my face?

The Supreme Creation still refused to give up and said: Your Majesty, why do you care about honor and disgrace for a moment? Colluding with the immortal world, dealing with the ancestor gods, and destroying your own family will lead to eternal disaster! Your Majesty, think twice!

The Immortal Emperor chuckled and said: Uncle Master, there is no need to say such childish words. Let's go, don't keep people outside waiting.

He walked out, when a ball of light swirled in front of him, and the return jade plate suddenly appeared, blocking his way.

The Immortal Emperor frowned and said: Uncle Master, do you think you are still my opponent now?

Behind him, the Supreme Creation shook his head and said: Meng Shanming, you will bring the earthly immortal world into a situation of eternal disaster. Today, only one of you and I will come out of here alive.

The Jade Plate of Returning to the Way rotates once, and you can see that the surrounding world has changed drastically. It is no longer on Cuiluo Island, but there is another time and space formed by the way of creation.

The Immortal Emperor turned around and said with a faint smile: Uncle Master didn't kill me from the beginning. Could it be that he still has hope for me and hopes to persuade me to change my mind? My Taoist heart is stable, and it's not something you can do. about.

He activated the three cave abyss, and thirteen scenes emerged from the cave abyss. He smiled and said: Uncle Master, don't overestimate your capabilities!

The Supreme Creation suddenly stood up, activated the Creation Gui Dao Gong, and attacked him!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor activated the thirteen scenes and mobilized the power of the cave abyss. The moment the two Supremes clashed, the Supreme Creation realized that his own cultivation was not as deep as the other's.

The Immortal Emperor who harvested Xu Daozu has far surpassed him in magic power!

However, his art of creation is indeed extremely wonderful. The moment the Immortal Emperor confronted him, he felt that all the great scenes were about to move, and the various realms cut off from Xu Ying were also shaking, and they actually wanted to give birth to Xu Ying's physical element from the realm. god!

If we fight against the old thief of fortune, if we can't fight quickly, I might be the one who dies! If there is no weakness, he can create one!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor was shocked and angry. He couldn't help but sacrifice the ginseng fruit tree in Wuzhuangguan and beat it with a swish.

The Supreme Creation sacrificed himself to the Dao jade plate and met the Dao light from the ginseng fruit tree. He rushed to the side of the Immortal Emperor. The two people's magic powers collided one after another. The Supreme Creation was shocked by the powerful magic power of the Immortal Emperor and coughed up blood.

The Immortal Emperor was about to kill him in pain, when suddenly half of his body was filled with flesh and blood, and tree-like flesh and blood roots were tearing through half of his body and growing out!

That was the wound left by his original fusion with the ginseng fruit tree. It was later cured by the Supreme Creation. Unexpectedly, he left behind!

The Supreme Creation was covered in blood, laughed loudly, and rushed towards him: My dear nephew, you are still inferior to me!

The Immortal Emperor's face was gloomy. When he threw himself in the air, suddenly a flash of inspiration appeared, and a primordial spirit formed by an immortal aura struck him with a palm.

The Taoist law of the Supreme Creation was shattered, and then he straightened up, merged with the jade plate of Guidao, and came to kill again: The distant ancestor soul? You made it! But even if you can kill me, It will also leave wounds! If we fight Xu Ying tomorrow, you will definitely die!

The Immortal Emperor was shocked and angry. Under the influence of the power of creation, half of his body's flesh and blood were torn apart and grew wildly. Even his distant ancestor soul was affected and began to grow roots and tree bodies!

you wanna die!

The Immortal Emperor tried his best to mobilize the Yuanshen of the distant ancestors to meet the Supreme Being.


The extremely bright light tore apart the time and space of creation. When the light dissipated, there was only a snap sound, the returning jade plate fell down, and the mirror cracked.

The Immortal Emperor's face was livid, half of his body and half of his soul were decayed, and he was affected by the power of creation, giving birth to the roots and body of a ginseng fruit tree, making it difficult to move.

Mingzun, I saved your life last time. I want to change you back to the way you were before I saved you...

The Supreme Creation stood in front of the Immortal Emperor with a smile on his face. Suddenly, his body and soul collapsed and disappeared into ashes.

————A five-thousand-word chapter, please vote!

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