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Chapter 667 Inheritance (Third update)

After a while, Long Dai, the elder of the Dragon Clan in the Immortal Realm, came to the imperial palace and met with the Supreme Immortal Emperor.

The Supreme Creation, Taoist Master Yuanying, Fairy Huo Ling and others rushed over after hearing the news and gathered together. Everyone looked at Elder Long Dai with murderous intent.

Elder Long Dai didn't take it seriously and didn't pay attention to these people at all.

He looked around, but did not see the woman who attacked him with the golden ship and the dragon-headed bell. He thought to himself: As the ruler of the earth and immortal world, Xianting does not seem to have much real power. Those powerful people are not in Xianting. , which shows that the Immortal Court does not rule the entire Earth Immortal World at all.

When he looked at the Immortal Emperor, he could not help but reveal a bit of contempt.

His Majesty the Immortal Emperor, I am on an envoy mission to the Immortal World on the orders of the Dragon Emperor to say hello to Your Majesty.

Elder Long Dai exchanged greetings and said, His Majesty the Dragon Emperor has a decree that the human world and the earthly immortal world are the lower realms of the heavenly immortal world. Due to changes thousands of years ago, they lost contact with the heavenly immortal world. Now the tides of the three realms are approaching, and the three realms of heaven, earth, and humans are approaching. Only then can we find the Earthly Immortal Realm and return it to the rule of the Celestial Immortal Realm. The Dragon Emperor plans to open a ferry across the three realms to allow immortals to travel between you and teach you the secret knowledge of the other side to get rid of ignorance and promote enlightenment.

As soon as he said this, Zaofan, Yuanying and others frowned.

The Immortal Emperor also frowned, feeling very unhappy.

Ignorance and enlightenment?

The Fire Bell Fairy sneered, Why are we ignorant and you are enlightened?

Elder Long Dai glanced at her and said unhurriedly: Back then, the human race and demon race were all subjects of my dragon race. It was my dragon race who taught you the Taoism, and that led to the later demon race civilization and human race civilization. That At that time, you were ignorant. It was our Dragon Clan who taught you Taoism and enlightened you. You woman, you can be considered ignorant.

You! Fire Bell Fairy was angry and took a step forward.

Taoist Master Yuanying stopped her and said with a smile: Elder, this moment is the same as the other moment. In the Dragon Court era, the Dragon Clan was the master of heaven and earth, practicing advanced Taoist and magical powers. But today, the Earthly Immortal World has experienced tens of millions of years of development, and now The Taoism of the Earthly Immortal Realm is no longer inferior to that of the Dragon Court era.

Elder Long Dai laughed loudly, shook his head and said: Xia Chong Yubing has a shallow vision. In your fairy court, there are only three or five weak people at the eighth level of the Tao realm. Is this the result of tens of millions of years of development in the earthly fairy world? It's really ridiculous. In our Dragon Court era, those at the ninth level of the Tao realm suppressed the current world and became immortal and the great emperors of all ages. There were hundreds of those in the dragon clan who were at the eighth level of the Tao realm. As for other tribes, such as the demon clan and the human race, there were also many strong eighth-level Tao realms. Many times more than your current Immortal Court. Are you shameless when you say this?

Taoist Master Yuanying clenched his fists and glanced at the Immortal Emperor, without any attack.

The Supreme Creation said: The elder praised the Dragon Court ten million years ago. How is the Dragon Court now compared to that time?

Elder Long Dai said solemnly: Today, Longting is even better than in the past. In today's world of immortals, there are two immortal beings, and there are many others like me, countless. There are also powerful people from the other side who come from time to time to give me guidance. Court soldiers practice.

Everyone looked at each other silently and frowned.

If it is true as Elder Long Dai said, doesn't it mean that there are two immortal realms in the Celestial Realm?

The Immortal Emperor felt awe-inspiring in his heart. The Immortal Realm was just a legendary realm. Whether this realm existed or not was still controversial. Some people say that the Ancestral God is in the immortal state when he reaches his peak, but some people say that the Ancestral God has no state, but only reaches the immortal state in terms of combat power.

Some people say that the distant ancestors of the Dragon Clan have cultivated to the realm of immortality. However, some people objected, thinking that the distant ancestor only reached the immortal realm with his spirit, but not his physical body. Therefore, he had to abandon his physical body and his spirit entered the abyss.

Is the Immortal Realm of the Immortal Realm the real Immortal Realm?

How is it compared to distant ancestors and ancestral gods?

The Supreme Creation said: The elders keep saying that the Taoism of the other side of Longting is better than the earthly and immortal world. Is there any evidence?

Elder Long Dai chuckled and said, What evidence do you need, little fellow Taoist?

“Words are unfounded, but facts are proof.”

The Supreme Creation smiled and said, I am only a mere talent, but I am also at the eighth level of the Tao Realm, and I am the Supreme One. I am the lowest cultivation level in our Immortal Court, the eighth level of the Tao Realm. I am willing to learn Elder Long Dai's Taoist teachings from the other side.

Elder Long Dai glanced at him and said, Okay. It's good to confirm and confirm.

The Supreme Creation suggested: It's inconvenient here, let's go to the outer world to compete.

No need to bother.

Elder Long Dai said calmly, It's good here. Just take action and I'll pay for anything you break.

The Supreme Creation has a smile on his face, but is angry in his heart. Since his success, few people dare to underestimate him.

After Emperor Qingxuan and Shengzun achieved enlightenment one after another, he also achieved enlightenment on his own, and he also achieved enlightenment through the Ten Great Sceneries. He also had a supreme level cave abyss and a supreme magic weapon!

Back then, because he wanted to avoid the Holy Lord, he had to fake his death and escape to a ghost place like the human world. As a result, his cultivation was affected by the dark way of heaven on earth, and he was delayed for 600,000 years.

If he can cultivate in these 600,000 years, he thinks that his cultivation strength is not inferior to that of the Holy Lord!

Elder Long Dai dares to underestimate him, he is really desperate!

The Supreme Creation suddenly activated Dong Yuan, raising his Tao power to the extreme, and his cultivation strength immediately increased tenfold. This cave abyss comes from Yujing Mountain in Xuandu, and is called the Creation Cave Abyss. It was a cave abyss he stole from Lord Xuhuang Daojun.

The Void Emperor's magical power is vast, and there are other supreme-level caves and abyss on Yujing Mountain in Xuandu. After the creation of the caves and abyss was stolen, the remaining caves and abyss flew away one after another and disappeared without a trace.

The wheel of creation rotates behind the head of the Supreme Creation. His body is still in his thirties, extremely young, and his body is filled with explosive power.

His Supreme Realm is extremely complete. Although the Jade Plate of Returning to Dao is not on his body, it does not hinder his ability to display his strength!

He took one step forward and surged with the path of creation, evolving into a supreme supernatural power, forming a big bell. The power of creation evolved the majesty of the universe, as if there was a universe hidden inside the bell. The galaxies inside the clock are coiled, the stars are bright, and various dharma are evolved by the way of creation. There are all kinds of things in many stars, and they are full of life!

The way of creation that he has deduced to such an extent is breathtaking!

Elder Long Dai also showed surprise, obviously quite shocked by the achievements of the Supreme Creation. Suddenly, this shock turned into excitement. Elder Long Dai mobilized the Tianbao Taoist Wheel, and suddenly countless branch-like textures flew behind him. In an instant, the dragon-headed old man turned into a huge monster with ferocious muscles all over his body!

His body is made of copper and iron, with branch-like textures appearing on the surface of the dragon scales. It has a green face and fangs, and is extremely ferocious. There are also many redundant branches on his body, like exposed bones, with twigs and twigs.

Behind him, an extremely thick Tianbao Taoist wheel appeared. It was made of bones. It was full of branch-like principles engraved on it, explaining the road to the other side. For a moment, he burst into tears and attacked the imperial palace!

This great hall was decaying rapidly under the Taoist cry!


He stretched out his sharp claws, pierced through the Divine Power of the Creation Bell, and with a roar, penetrated the Wheel of Creation behind the Supreme Creation's head. The magnificent Dao power shook the Wheel of Creation to pieces!

Everyone's expressions changed. This Elder Long Dai was a bit ridiculously tyrannical. With a single punch, he exploded the magical power of Supreme Creation and destroyed the Taoist methods that Supreme Creation had practiced hard for many years!

Everyone present was a person of extraordinary cultivation and strength, with extremely high vision and insight. They immediately saw that the moment the two Taoisms collided, Long Dai's Taoism was even higher, crushing the inner runic structure that constituted the Tao of Creation, allowing Creation to The power of the Tao cannot be exerted.

They couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in their hearts. The Supreme Creation was the one with the highest level of cultivation among them. He had the most powerful magic power, even better than the Immortal Emperor. Even he couldn't resist the opponent's Taoism, and it was certainly impossible for them to do it.

After Elder Long Dai shattered the Wheel of Creation with his punch, he still didn't stop. He turned his fist into a palm and struck down again at the Supreme Respect of Creation!

Although the Supreme Creation was defeated, the cave abyss rotated, Dao power surged out, and he changed his moves to fight, but Elder Long Dai cut off his connection with the Creation Cave Abyss with this palm pressure, and held his head!

Stop! Immortal Emperor Supreme and others shouted hurriedly.

Elder Long Dai ignored him, grabbed the back of the Supreme Creation's head, picked him up, and suppressed all the changes in the other party. With his other hand, he stretched out a sharp finger, scratched across the forehead of the Supreme Creation, and surrounded him. His skull was scratched for a week.

Fairy Huo Ling, Dan Xuanzi and Taoist Master Yuanying were about to rescue him. The Supreme Creation held back the pain and shouted loudly: I'm fine! No one is allowed to take action!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor stood in front of the three of them and shouted: The envoy of the Dragon Court has no ill intentions and is not allowed to take action!

Elder Long Dai stretched out two fingers, pinched the scalp of Supreme Creation, lifted his scalp gently, and was very satisfied.

Elder Long Dai dropped the Supreme Creation and carefully flattened the scalp to remove the blood stains on it.

The Supreme Creation's face was covered with blood, and his expression remained unchanged. He signaled to the Fire Bell Fairy and others not to act rashly, saying: The elder has great magical powers and is admirable.

Elder Long Dai laughed and said: Little Taoist friend, you have not practiced the Great Way of the Other Side. It is not easy to cultivate to this level. Scalping is an old tradition in my world of immortals. Whenever you meet an admiring opponent, you must cut off the opponent's scalp. The scalp was cut off, tanned and stored. You were frightened.

The Supreme Creation swallowed the blood that surged into his throat, shook his head and said, I'm fine. Thank you to the elder for showing mercy.

His art of creation was exquisite, and his scalp regenerated quickly, and the hidden wounds in his body also recovered a lot, but he still needed a few days of recovery.

Elder Long Dai's eyes fell on the Supreme Immortal Emperor, and he smiled and said: Your Majesty, the Immortal Emperor of the Earthly Immortal Realm, you have seen my magical powers. What do you think?

The Supreme Immortal Emperor looked at the Supreme Creation, and the Supreme Creation held back his pain and said: Your Majesty, I think this matter should be discussed in the long run. Although the other side method is good, it requires us to connect to the immortal world, which is not a good thing.

The Immortal Emperor hesitated.

The Supreme Creation said: Your Majesty, the Ancestral God drove the golden ship to the gel zone to intercept the strong men of the Celestial Immortal Realm, risking his own life. How can we turn to the enemy?

Elder Long Dai heard the words and sneered: My little fellow Taoist, I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding here. Your ancestor god is extremely evil. I, the envoy of the Celestial Immortal Realm, was ordered by the Dragon Emperor to control the green rock and try to open up the passage to the Earthly Immortal Realm for convenience. Traveling between the two realms. That ancestral god actually led a crowd to sneak attack on the way, causing heavy casualties to our Dragon Court envoy! His Majesty, the Immortal Emperor of the Earth Immortal Realm, please immediately give the order to kill this beast!

The Immortal Emperor glanced at the Supreme Creation and said: Uncle Master, look...

Elder Long Dai sneered and said: The evil of this ancestor god does not stop there. Immortals from the earthly immortal world flew to the heavenly immortal world and went to the heavenly immortal world to learn higher Taoism, but they were also blocked by his seal. Not only was this ancestor god morally corrupt, there was also a man named Xu In response, they broke into the Celestial Immortal Realm, hit people with their boats, and killed many peace-loving dragon immortals in our Celestial Immortal Realm! These two beasts must be captured by the Earthly Immortal Realm and handed over to our Celestial Immortal Realm for trial and punishment!

The Immortal Emperor smiled and said: Uncle Master, the immortal world has the same enemy as us, why not go with the flow?

The Supreme Creation frowned slightly.

The Fire Bell Fairy shouted: Your Majesty, no! Our dispute with the Ancestral God and Xu Daozu is our internal dispute! You brought outsiders in to deal with the Ancestral God and Xu Daozu. What if they don't leave after they come?

The Immortal Emperor said: Uncle Huo taught us a lesson. It's just that if we don't invite others in, what will happen if they come in?

Taoist Master Yuanying said coldly: If they come in, of course you will resist with your life! What do you think, Your Majesty?

The Immortal Emperor frowned and hesitated.

Elder Long Dai chuckled and said: In order to seek a chance of survival, Longting built a golden ship to escape the three realms and sail out of the universe to find the other side. Forty ships carried tens of thousands of powerful dragons, and only one returned. , brought the secret knowledge of the other shore. I, Longting, sacrificed so much in exchange for the secret knowledge of the other shore. Now Longting intends to bring the civilization of the other shore to the earth and immortal world, but unexpectedly it will lead to misunderstanding. The earth and immortal world really disappoints me. His Majesty!

His body recovered as before and he said calmly: If you don't trust me, then I will leave!

Elder, wait!

The Immortal Emperor's eyes flashed, he stopped him, and smiled at Fairy Huoling and Taoist Master Yuanying, The Immortal Realm may not be an invasion. How can we say that the other party intends to annex our Immortal Realm without understanding it? It would be a bit arbitrary.

Fairy Huoling and Taoist Master Yuanying were furious and were about to speak when Supreme Creation coughed and said: Huoling, Yuanying, I think your majesty is right.

Fairy Huo Ling and Taoist Master Yuanying were shocked and angry, and said in unison: Brother Creation Taoist, you are also unconscious!

The Supreme Creation said sternly: That's not the case. But our Tao, Dharma, and supernatural powers are indeed far inferior to those of the other shore. The elders came from afar to bring the other shore's Dharma and magical powers to educate us, let us get out of ignorance, and no longer be self-righteous. This is Good thing! Your Majesty, what do you think?

The Immortal Emperor restrained his murderous intention towards Huo Ling and Yuanying and said with a smile: That's what I had in mind. Uncle Master said that it was in my heart.

The Supreme Creation asked Elder Long Dai: How should we learn from Long Ting?

Elder Long Dai smiled and said: Your Majesty has issued an order to abolish your existing Taoist patterns and runes, comprehensively study the principles and literature of the other side, abolish the current Taoist and magical powers, and learn the Taoist and magical powers of the other side.

The two women, Huo Ling and Yuan Ying, were shaking with anger.

The Supreme Creation smiled and said: This is how we should do it. Our Taoism is low, and the Taoist runes are not as good as the other side. If we don't learn, we will be exterminated sooner or later. Learn, you must learn! It's just...

He looked troubled and said: Elder, can you wait for a few days and allow us to discuss it? Moreover, in more than ten days, it will be the day when your majesty will have a decisive battle with the evil thief. How about this, wait until more than ten days, your majesty will After the decisive battle with Xu Ying, it will not be too late to capture and suppress Xu Ying and present him to the elders, and then form an alliance to deal with the ancestor gods.

Elder Long Dai laughed and said: My little Taoist friend is really reasonable, so Your Majesty, let's make this decision!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor smiled and said: It's best if everyone is happy. Elder, why don't you stay here and wait for good news.

Elder Long Dai nodded and settled in the imperial palace.

The Supreme Creation leaned forward and said, Your Majesty, I am injured, so I will leave first.

The Immortal Emperor sent me off diligently.

Fairy Huoling and Taoist Master Yuanying left in anger. Dan Xuanzi hesitated and stayed with the Immortal Emperor.

The Fire Bell Fairy and Taoist Master Yuanying came to break into the residence of Supreme Creation, but Supreme Creation always stayed behind closed doors and refused to see guests. The two girls had no choice but to leave.

Ancestral Court, Zhenwu Temple.

Young Master Ning Qing was practicing when suddenly the Jade Plate of Returning to the Way shook. A young man in black slowly walked out of the Jade Plate, but it was the incarnation of the Supreme Being in the mirror. He woke up Young Master Ning Qing and said with a smile: Ning Qing, today I am my teacher. You say goodbye.

Young Master Ning Qing was furious and shouted: You have the nerve to come see me after you brutalized the new Taoist ancestors? I don't have a master like you!

The young man in black said: I am determined to do something big, and I am afraid that I will not be able to come back alive, so I bid you farewell. Disciple, I am leaving here as a teacher. When you hear my name again, you should think that you are my disciple. And proud!”

————Third update!

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