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Chapter 669: betrayal and separation

Yin Yuan, betray me, you deserve to die!

The Immortal Emperor finally suppressed his Dao injury and pressed back the roots formed by the ginseng fruit tree and the Dao tree, allowing his physical body to return to normal.

But he knew that the wounds left by the Supreme Creation were still there, and he was just suppressing them.

But having said that, even the Supreme Creation couldn't block my distant ancestor Yuanshen's two moves and was beaten to pieces. What virtues and abilities does Xu Ying have?

The Immortal Emperor exhaled a breath of turbid air and glanced at the cave of supreme creation. He had coveted this cave of creation for a long time, and today he finally got his wish.

The Immortal Emperor walked into the cave abyss and came to the other side. He saw a mansion on the other side.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor came to the front, and the Supreme Creation's father, mother, and others were all dressed up and were sitting on their seats, quietly.

The Supreme Being of Creation wants to sacrifice his life for righteousness, but he hurts his own family. He is unfaithful, unjust, unkind and unfilial!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor walked into the gate with murderous intent, looked at the family of men, women, and children, and said, As long as you scold the Supreme Creation for being unfaithful, unjust, unkind, and unfilial, I will let you live.


The old mother of the Supreme Creation spat, a cold light flashed in the Immortal Emperor's eyes, and the old woman exploded.

The old father smiled and said: There are no unjust people in the Yin family. If you want to kill or cut into pieces, you have to do it according to your respect. Why do you need to show off?

I'll help you!

The Immortal Emperor flicked his sleeves, and the entire mansion suddenly collapsed and turned into powder.

The Immortal Emperor laughed loudly: Supreme Creation, even if you leave me with a wound, what can you do? Don't I want to get your Creation Cave? With this Cave, my cultivation strength will definitely skyrocket again! What should you fight with me for?

At this time, he suddenly saw the scene inside the cave, and in front of the other side, a huge crack caught his eye.

The Supreme Creation has cracked this cave and the abyss, leaving the way of creation incomplete.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor's hands trembled and he was furious: The caves and abyss given to me are all broken, all broken... Hahahaha, you think you can stop me like this? You think you can defeat me like this? You are wrong, absolutely Wrong! I am determined to become the eternal emperor! I am determined to monopolize power!

He walked outside, and the powerful mana distorted the cave and abyss, refining the cave.

Even if Dong Yuan is disabled, the improvement brought to him is still extremely terrifying, allowing the power he can mobilize to continue to rise!

On Cuiluo Island, Fairy Huoling and Taoist Yuanying saw the Immortal Emperor coming out of Cuiluo Island, but the Supreme Creation was not around. There was an extra cave behind the Immortal Emperor, and they couldn't help but feel an ominous premonition in their hearts.

The Immortal Emperor glanced at them and said: The Supreme Creation Yin Yuan rebelled and tried to attack me secretly, but I have already killed him.

Fire Bell Fairy and Taoist Master Yuanying each felt their hearts sink.

Dan Xuanzi said: Well done! He was so ambitious that he dared to sneak attack His Majesty. He is unfaithful and unjust, and will deserve to die!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor said: If anyone is disloyal to me, Supreme Creation will be your fate! Continue on your journey.

Elder Long Dai smiled and said: Your Majesty is indeed thunderous. This is what the ruler of the Earthly Immortal Realm did. Could it be that Your Majesty is injured?

He asked with concern: I wonder if your Majesty's injury is serious? I can help treat your Majesty's injury.

The Immortal Emperor felt awe-struck in his heart and said: It's just a minor injury, nothing worth mentioning.

He moved Wuzhuang Temple to his Taiyi Cave Abyss, where the ginseng fruit tree was. If Long Dai healed his wounds and disturbed the ginseng fruit tree, the tree would definitely attack Elder Long Dai!

Moreover, he didn't know whether Elder Long Dai would do anything when treating him!

When the Supreme Creation was treating his injuries, he even used hands and feet, let alone a foreigner?

As promised, I will sacrifice the distant ancestor soul and kill them with one move.

The Immortal Emperor secretly thought, Maybe we don't kill him first, but harvest him first and then talk about it.

Elder Long Dai did not force it.

When we arrived at Tianyuan, it was already the second day. There was already a sea of ​​people near Tianyuan. After all, the Immortal Emperor was the Supreme Being of the Immortal Realm. After arriving, the crowd dispersed and made way for them.

At this moment, the crowd was in an uproar. Many people looked up and heard someone shouting: Little Tianzun is here!

This momentum was much greater than the arrival of the Immortal Emperor, and Elder Long Dai couldn't help but look around.

After a while, I saw a white-clothed scholar coming in the clouds, with dragons and phoenixes behind him, and a cave hanging high in the sky. His figure was tall and straight, outstanding, and his cultivation level was actually higher than that of a Dragon Immortal at the seventh level of Taoism in the Celestial Realm. Not inferior either!

Elder Long Dai was surprised and said: This man has such a majestic appearance, where is his origin?

The Immortal Emperor said: This person is Xu Ying's disciple, Xu Ergou. Because his name is inelegant, he is called Little Tianzun.

Xiaotianzun's momentum is extremely powerful, not inferior to that of the Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors. It is obvious that the new path has achieved extremely high achievements, and he should have cultivated to the Dao Scenery realm.

After Little Tianzun arrived, the crowd automatically gave way to a path, which was even more grand than the Immortal Emperor.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor's face darkened and he was a little unhappy. Since Xu Ying taught the new Tao, the new Tao has spread all over the world. Xu Ying, as the Taoist ancestor, has a high status, so that his disciples also benefit from it.

Anyone who practices the new way, except for a few with extremely high status, such as Lou Mingyu, Yuan Weiyang, etc., everyone else must call Xiao Tianzun big brother.

Because Xiaotianzun is Xu Ying's personal disciple, this name alone is enough to give him transcendent status and fame.

At this time, the crowd was noisy again, and someone shouted: Xu Laotianzun and his wife are here!

Long Dai followed the sound and saw a scholar walking toward Tianyuan with a beautiful woman. The scholar had gray hair early on, but he had an extraordinary bearing and had the spirit of having millions of soldiers in his chest.

The scholar's cultivation strength is actually a bit more powerful than that of Little Tianzun. As for the woman, Long Dai glanced over and felt that she was just an ordinary woman.

These two are Xu Ying's parents.

The Immortal Emperor smiled and said, His mother was once my adopted daughter, and Xu Jing was my uncle.

Long Dai said: This Xu Jing is extremely impressive. He is not far from the eighth level of the Tao realm.

The corners of the Immortal Emperor's eyes twitched, and he whispered: Are you the supreme master? Hey, even if you are the supreme master, your strength is far inferior to mine! What's more, you won't survive until then!

Suddenly, another young monk came from a distance. As he walked, the Buddha's light shone behind the monk, and an unparalleled Buddha appeared vaguely, as if he was sitting in the Buddha's light, majestic and majestic.

The Buddha's light was dazzling, and suddenly a large-scale abyss rose up in the Buddha's light, suspended in the sky behind the monk, and the full Buddha's energy flowed out of it.

Supreme New Way!

The crowd was excited and looked at the monk one after another. They saw the large-scale supreme cave abyss rotating rapidly, accompanied by bursts of Buddha's chants, and finally formed a bright wheel of Taoism, hanging behind the young monk's head.

Someone in the crowd knew the monk and shouted, This is the cruel Buddha Jijue! He has achieved the supreme state without saying a word. There is no justice in heaven!

The Immortal Emperor's expression darkened again. This little-known monk actually managed to become a supreme master without knowing it, which was really beyond his expectation.

At this time, another powerful person from the new path arrived, with a shocking momentum. There was a majestic corpse energy, distorting time and space, forming the phenomenon of thousands of corpses flying into immortals.

Pingnan Tianjun! A corpse attained enlightenment, but he also made great achievements on the new path!

Someone in the crowd exclaimed in shock, Is he going to use his corpse to prove the Tao and become the Supreme?

Pingnan Tianjun has just arrived, and Ning Zhong and Ning Qing, father and son, have also arrived. Both father and son are extremely strong in cultivation. Ning Zhong has cultivated to the realm of Dao Jing, and Ning Qing is still inferior, but not much inferior.

The cultivation strength of the father and son is enough to be on par with the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens!

Master Dog is here! someone else exclaimed.

Someone else exclaimed: Look! Dog! The dog has become a spirit!

That dog has achieved Taoism!

Long Dai, Immortal Emperor and others all looked around and saw a thin-waisted black dog-man standing up, walking like a human, neatly dressed in Taoist robes, Taoist and fairy-like, walking towards this side like a human and a dog.

There is also a cave behind him, and there is a Taoist scene floating in the cave.

That dog turned out to be a great master in the Daojing realm, which made countless people crazy!

No one has cultivated to the realm of Taoism, but dogs have!

Could it be that this black dog can still break through and become the supreme master?

Dog Supreme, just thinking about it makes many supreme beings feel so sad that they want to vomit blood!

Those who have not cultivated to the Supreme level will be even more horrified.

Since then, people have been cultivating crazily. Don't be a dog and become the Supreme. You haven't become the Supreme yet. This once became the best words to inspire them to forge ahead.

It was that dog that rescued Xu Ying! Dan Xuanzi's eyes fell on Taoist Xiaotian and said fiercely.

At this time, another big snake came, with a huge body. Its body was hidden under the sea. When it swam, the waves surged. Above the big snake, there is also the great emperor of the demon clan. This big snake and the demon emperor have also cultivated to the extremely high realm of the new way!

In addition, Nan Ziyan from Ziwei's ancestral court came with a floating aura, competing with the powerful men of the younger generation, attracting attention, and demonstrating the extraordinary inheritance of Ziwei.

Yun Hai and Yuan Dao from the Shangqing Ancestral Court also came from afar, and they are also top masters among the younger generation.

Xing Daoyuan from Taiyuan Taoist School also came, Yankongcheng and Chen Chaosheng from Luo Shengren's school, Ji Man, Liu Ruyi and others from Jiugong Taojun School also came one after another.

At some point they also embarked on the new path.

At this moment, there was another supreme-level aura that shook time and space. Everyone couldn't help but be moved. They followed the aura and saw an extremely shocking scene.

I saw a mechanical Taiyi Cave floating in the air. A girl with a proud figure led a group of heavenly craftsmen to fly around the mechanical cave, making clanging and banging sounds. came.

The mechanical Taiyi Cave Abyss is still a semi-finished product, but it’s enough to make people’s eyes dazzle!

And under that mechanical cave abyss, Ancestral Dragon Zhao Zheng came, with all the external realms hanging behind him, and his momentum overwhelmed the strong men of his generation!

When Elder Long Dai saw this situation, his expression changed drastically.

At this time, the Earthly Immortal World is obviously on the edge of a great era, and is about to enter a glorious era with bright stars and emperors!

If we can't suppress this trend now, I'm afraid it will be a huge threat to our Celestial Realm later!

Just when he thought of this, suddenly another vast and profound aura came from the opposite side of Tianyuan. Everyone looked around and saw Taoist Yuji dressed in black appearing opposite Tianyuan, his figure shrouded in the dark aura.

Immediately, among the shadows on the other side, another tall figure walked out. It was Wei Xu, the younger brother of the Immortal Emperor. But at this time, Wei Xu's cultivation was so powerful. There was a Taiyi Cave Abyss hanging behind his head, but it was smaller in scale.

Wei Xu, who has lost his conscience, has also become the supreme master of the new way!

Everyone exclaimed, Not as good as the Dog Supreme!

Wei Xu was furious and wanted to kill someone with a fierce look in his eyes.

At this time, a large ship approached, and the tip of the iceberg gradually emerged from the fog on the opposite side. Yuan Weiyang, with his clothes flying, stood on this ancient ship.

The corners of Long Dai's eyes twitched: The woman who let the boat hit me!

There were quite a few dragon immortals who were killed at that time. The purpose of Long Dai's trip was also to have the earthly immortal world hand over the girl and Xu Ying, and escort them back to the heavenly immortal world for trial and questioning.

Suddenly, another powerful figure walked out of the fog on the opposite side. It was Liu Guanyi, the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord. A coffin appeared behind him, moving with his figure.

After Liu Guanyi appeared, there was another powerful aura, and Lou Mingyu and the young saint appeared on the other side one after another.

Although Lou Mingyu has not yet attained the Supreme Realm, his aura is much more powerful than that of Wei Xu, who has already attained the Supreme State. The cultivation of the young Saint is also extremely terrifying. The two masters and disciples stand together and dominate the world!

Then, another figure slowly walked out of the fog, attracting everyone's attention for a while.

That man was dressed in the emperor's attire, with an imperial crown on his head and an imperial sword at his waist. He was the Supreme, but he was not the Supreme of the New Way, but the most primitive Supreme.

Because the Supreme Realm is the realm he opened up.

Emperor Qingxuan.

The Immortal Emperor's body trembled, showing a look of horror, and then he came to his senses: He is not Teacher Qingxuan! He is trash Qingxuan! He is just trash that the teacher chopped off before he attained enlightenment!

Anger arose in his heart: You bastard! He actually destroyed the teacher's body and showed up to scare me! The crime is unforgivable and deserves death!

Beside the good-for-nothing Qingxuan, Patriarch Boshan walked out.

The Immortal Emperor's heart sank. For the first time among the six twelve masters, someone was standing opposite him.

However, the next moment, another majestic figure appeared in the fog on the opposite side, and it gradually became clearer. He has a resolute face and a brave temperament. Standing there, he gives people the feeling that the world is revolving around him.

Lu Daozun.

Among the Six Twelve Wonders, he is the only one who has not been suppressed by the Holy Lord, and he is also a Supreme Being!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor spat out a mouthful, his heart filled with sadness. The last time he faced off against Xu Ying here, there were Zaihua, Yaoluo, Boshan, Luofu, Danxuanzi, Yuanying, Dongshi, Huoling and others standing opposite him, and his side had the upper hand.

But now, there are only three people left behind him: Yuan Ying, Huo Ling and Dan Xuanzi!

Moreover, Yuan Ying and Huo Ling obviously have two ambitions, and the only one they can count on is Dan Xuanzi!

At this moment, a sudden laugh came. When the Immortal Emperor heard the laughter, his face showed joy: Supreme Yaoluo!

He followed the sound, but all he saw was that Supreme Yaoluo had scars and sores on his head. He ran over like crazy and laughed loudly: Hey, I lost!

The Immortal Emperor frowned.

Yao Luo jumped to the opposite side, turned around and shouted: I am the best swordsman in the world!

He jumped back again and shouted: You are defeated! Hahahaha!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor frowned. At this time, Mr. Dongshi's voice came: It's none of my business, I just came to watch the fun!

The Immortal Emperor's face darkened, and he glanced at Mr. Dongshi, only to see that Mr. Dongshi was timid and did not dare to come close. He was obviously worried about being liquidated afterwards.

The corners of the Immortal Emperor's eyes twitched as he considered whether to destroy his Dao Fruit directly. Just destroying the Dao Fruit would not kill a wonderful being.

At this time, Jun Wudao, Kuyang Daojun and Luo Xiao Daomaster arrived, but they had no intention of approaching him at all, and just looked coldly from a distance.

Elder Long Dai smiled and said: Your Majesty, don't worry, with Lao Chan here, he will be better than countless others. As long as Lao Chan is here to take charge, no one can hurt Your Majesty!

As soon as he finished speaking, murderous intent suddenly filled the sky, and an incredibly large broken sword fell from the sky. With a clang, it was inserted into the abyss of the sky and hung between heaven and earth!

Elder Long Dai's face changed slightly and became a little solemn, feeling threatened for the first time.

Suddenly, the sound of clanging bells was heard, and a large dragon, filled with innate immortal aura, roared over, with an equally bright bell hanging under its neck, and a strange dragon-headed man standing on the dragon's head.

The big dragon pointed at Elder Long Dai and shouted: That's him!

Elder Long Dai's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately ran away. The distant ancestor dragon roared after him, and the clanking sound gradually faded away.

The Immortal Emperor's heart grew colder and colder.

Taoist Master Yuanying and Fairy Huo Ling looked at each other, had a clear understanding, and turned to leave. By the time the Immortal Emperor noticed that they were no longer behind him, he could no longer find any trace of them.

He tried to sense the Dao Fruit of the two people, but found nothing.

They killed the Dao Fruit! The Immortal Emperor was shocked.

At this time, the crowd became silent, and everyone turned their heads and looked in the same direction.

The Immortal Emperor also looked in that direction and saw a young man walking on the sea, coming this way. The sky is as clear as blue and white.

————Today is another 10,000-word update! !

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