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Chapter 663 Master Jian

Before Xu Ying finished speaking, he suddenly saw the sea split open under the turbulent sword intent, and the overwhelming death energy rushed towards his face. A huge incomplete sword fell from the sky, and with a hiss, it stood on the sea in front of Xu Ying!

The broken sword cut through the sky, and the will of death filled the fields.

This sword stands erect, towering between heaven and earth, reaching as high as the sky, making the sun and moon look small; hanging low on the sea, reflecting the loneliness of the four extremes.

At this moment, there was silence, and even the storm subsided, leaving only the agitated death intention spreading between heaven and earth.

This sword kills the immortals, kills all the immortals in the world, and cuts off all avenues!

Xu Ying sighed, the Zhuxian Sword shouldn't have come. If the Zhuxian Sword didn't come, he could borrow Yao Luo's power to take another step forward.

But Yao Luo happened to be the enemy of the Zhu Xian Sword, and he practiced the sword technique of the Zhu Xian Sword. His murderous aura filled the sky, which alarmed the broken sword. In addition, his Great Luo Futian Sword was forged from fragments of the Zhuxian Sword, creating a double hatred.

Supreme Yaoluo could not help but change his face slightly. The sudden appearance of the Zhuxian Broken Sword was something he had not expected. The fierce power of this sword back then was still vivid in his mind.

When Mr. Dongshi in the distance saw the broken sword, his face turned pale and he wanted to turn around and leave. However, when he turned around, he saw the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord Liu Guanyi standing not far behind him.

Dongshi, you are still as timid as before.

Liu Guanyi said calmly, Don't you even dare to watch this battle? Dongshi, who is ranked seventh among the Twelve Wonders, is a dignified leader of the rebel army. Why is he so cautious?

When Mr. Dongshi saw it was him, he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: If I hadn't been so careful, how could I have survived until now? Liu Guanyi, you are no match for me, go now!

Liu Guandao said: I killed Jiugong Daojun and sacrificed his head in front of Emperor Qingxuan's coffin.

Mr. Dongshi’s expression suddenly changed.

After the death of Emperor Qingxuan, various forces competed to become the new Immortal Emperor. The fight was fierce and the world was likely to be in chaos again.

At this time, the Holy Lord Yuan Yu defeated Jun Wudao, suppressed and exiled the other four Jiu Miao, and he was pressed by the Holy Lord at the bottom of the Dao Sea in the fairy world.

Only Jiugong, Taiyuan and Luo Shengren were left. These three people had long ago taken refuge in the Holy Lord and became his wings, so they were able to practice for an additional 600,000 years.

Jiugong, Taiyuan and Luo Shengren were ranked last among the Twelve Wonders back then, and their strength was far inferior to him. But after six hundred thousand years of practice, they are no longer what they used to be.

Mr. Dongshi knew that his cultivation strength was far inferior to Jiugong, Taiyuan and others, so when he saw Xu Ying killing the fourth-ranked Taoist Luofu, he didn't even have the courage to fight, so he quickly Leave.

At this moment, Liu Guanyi actually said that he had killed Jiugong Daojun, which made him immediately lose the courage to fight Liu Guanyi.

Liu Guanyi did not take action, but quietly watched the battle between Xu Ying and Yao Luo.

Even so, Mr. Dongshi did not dare to leave.

——Although the Six Zun and Twelve Miao were all leaders of the rebel army at that time, not everyone had the courage and strength to move forward.

Suddenly, the Zhu Xian Broken Sword quickly shrank and turned into a large sword that was more than ten feet long. It still had no hilt and the sword body was incomplete. It floated in front of Xu Ying, signaling him to sacrifice himself.

No. Xu Ying snorted.

Zhu Xian Broken Sword leaned closer to him, Xu Ying shook his head and said: Brother Jian, I want to fight by myself this time.

The Zhu Xian Broken Sword rubbed against it again, and Xu Ying said helplessly: Okay, okay, it's just this once, it won't be the same next time.

Zhu Xian's Broken Sword was inexplicably excited, and the sword's sound was clear and clear.

Xu Ying mobilized the seven cave abyss, and suddenly the magic power was vast and mighty, pouring into the broken sword of Zhu Xian, and sacrificing the sword.

The power of Zhu Xian's Broken Sword suddenly increased sharply. Xu Ying was about to wield the sword when suddenly the vast and profound sword intention of Zhu Xian's Broken Sword rushed over and filled his sea of ​​consciousness.

That's it again!

Xu Ying simply relaxed and let it control his body, thinking, It was like this before. It was obviously here to help me, but it didn't let me play with it. Instead, it played with me.

He can control the physical body, but controlling the physical body by himself is definitely not as convenient as the Zhuxian Broken Sword. After all, Xu Ying's sword skills came from Zhu Xian's Broken Sword, and his use of sword skills was definitely not as good as Zhu Xian's Broken Sword.

At this moment, he is just a sword wielder, but the one who is really fighting with Yao Luo with his sword is the Zhu Xian Broken Sword itself.

I probably provide it with energy. Xu Yingxin said.

As soon as he thought of this, he saw the supreme sword intention erupting, and he sacrificed his sword. In an instant, the surrounding sky and sea were all annihilated, and the terrifying extermination sword intention went straight to Yao Luo!

Such a terrifying sword intent even shocked Xu Ying.

If it were him, he would definitely not be able to display such world-destroying swordsmanship!

What he used must be his own understanding based on the Broken Sword of Zhuxian, not the magical power understood by the real master of the Broken Sword.

Who is the owner of the Immortal Killing Sword? Whose residence is Biyou Palace?

Xu Ying suddenly felt great curiosity in his heart. For such a treasure hanging between heaven and earth, no one was greedy for him, leaving the sword hanging there alone.

What's even more strange is that neither Empress Ziwei nor Taoist Taiqing ever mentioned the owner of the Immortal Killing Sword, as if this person had never existed.

His name has never been mentioned in history books or legends.

Even though Emperor Qingxuan was deliberately erased, many records about him were still left behind.

However, everything about the owner of the Zhuxian Sword was wiped clean.

This Master of the Immortal Killing Sword must be a great person. I don't know what level of cultivation strength he has reached. But I can infer this person's strength from the full power of the Immortal Killing Sword! Xu Ying thought to himself.

Opposite him, Supreme Yaoluo felt the almost crushing swordsmanship, pressing towards him. He couldn't help but scream angrily, urging General Shaohao Dongyuan to increase his cultivation strength to the extreme!

Under his sacrifice, the Great Luo Futian Sword became more dazzling and radiant, and his murderous aura became more and more arrogant and terrifying, with a spirit of killing everything!

But he knew that he had lost in the way of swordsmanship.

His swordsmanship and swordsmanship are the best in the world. No one can surpass him, not even the promise he made just now. Xu Ying integrated swordsmanship into martial arts and used the sword finger as his sword. The Zhuxian Zhi was indeed extremely domineering, but it was still inferior when it collided with his Futian Sword.

Apparently, Xu Ying was too immersed in martial arts and had insufficient understanding of swordsmanship, which resulted in his Zhu Xian Finger being broken.

However, when Xu Ying raised the Zhuxian Sword and attacked him, he felt the gap.

He has been suppressed by the Holy Lord for 600,000 years. The Holy Lord can suppress his cultivation, his soul, and his Taoism, but he cannot suppress his will and imprison his persistent pursuit of the sword.

He has been imprisoned in the desert on the border of the fairy world for these years, and his mind is still running, constantly practicing various martial arts moves.

His will was so tenacious that even though he was suppressed, after six hundred thousand years of hard work, his swordsmanship gradually reached its peak.

The wind and wild sand in the desert caused countless immortals to get lost in the desert. The desert tornado caused countless people to die in the desert.

Those are all his consciousness practicing the way of swordsmanship.

Although he couldn't mobilize any magic power, he could already create strange phenomena in the desert with just his sword thinking, making the border desert of the fairy world a forbidden area where everyone would be shocked.

He practiced so hard, but he still couldn't compare to Xu Ying!

I was surpassed by a junior? Impossible!

He was so angry that the Futian Sword burst out with unprecedented power in his hand, and his murderous aura was even greater than before!


Futian Sword and Zhu Xian Sword encountered each other, and a series of crisp sounds suddenly came from the Zhu Xian Sword. Originally, Zhu Xian Sword didn't care about anything, and slashed with one sword. This is true for the Emperor's Purple Netherworld Sword, and it is also true for the Daoshu Forest in Taishang Cave Abyss.

But this time, the broken sword seemed to have changed its temper. Instead of directly slashing violently, it used moves to compete with Yao Luo Supreme in kendo sword moves!

In the eyes of outsiders, Xu Ying dances with the sword, displays his exquisite swordsmanship, and destroys all Yao Luo's moves like a beast.

Even Supreme Yao Luo thinks so.

But Xu Ying knew that he was just a tool to provide magic power.

Fortunately, the Zhu Xian Broken Sword was not too excessive. All kinds of kendo magical powers were clearly imprinted on his sea of ​​consciousness, making it easier for Xu Ying to pass the time when he was bored.

Xu Ying concentrated his attention, while watching Zhu Xian Broken Sword perform these moves, while comparing them with the moves in the sea of ​​consciousness, verifying them two by two, and felt that it was indescribably wonderful.

Brother Jian still has character. He thought to himself.

The next moment, all the moves of the Futian Sword were broken. Yao Luo flew back and raised his hand to catch the flying Futian Sword. His body was shaken by the shock. He immediately changed his hand and sacrificed the sword again, urging it to move. Futian Sword, transform into more magical powers of swordsmanship!

His Futian Sword turns one into ten thousand, and suddenly ten thousand into one. Sometimes the sword is like a long dragon coming from ancient times, ferocious and ferocious, and sometimes it is like towering mountains falling from the sky!

But any changes will always be completely destroyed by the promise sacrificial sword!

He roared angrily and displayed his magical sword power, which he called Luotian Shipo, including breaking the army, breaking the killing, breaking the formation, breaking the way, breaking the god, etc., there were ten moves in total.

But every time he used a move, he was defeated and hit by a sword.

Ten moves passed, all ten were broken, and Yao Luo was stabbed with ten bloody holes in his front and back!

In the distance, Taoist Yuji, Wei Xu and others were dazzled by the sight. Even they were dazzled and amazed by Xu Ying's magical swordsmanship.

Zhu Chanchan murmured: Aying's swordsmanship is so powerful...

Even Wei Xu was filled with admiration: Xu Daozu's swordsmanship achievements have probably surpassed the Supreme and been promoted to the legendary immortal, right?

Supreme Yaoluo's hair was cut off with a sword, and blood suddenly flowed from his scalp. He saw Xu Ying's sacrificial sword, and the swords struck him one after another. He tried his best to resist, but he couldn't.

What Xu Ying used was his Luo Tian Shi Po. To be precise, it should be said that it was the magical power behind Luo Tian Shi Po, a magical power that he had not yet evolved.

He thought that the level of swordsmanship that had evolved to the level of Luo Tian Shi Po was already the limit, and there could be no more perfect or powerful magical power.

But Xu Ying not only broke through his Luo Tian Shi Po, but even used the subsequent magical powers of Luo Tian Shi Po in front of him!

One move, two moves, three moves, four moves...

Based on Luo Tian's ten breakthroughs, Xu Ying used fourteen subsequent magical moves to pierce him through fourteen bloody holes. Every move he made promised to kill him and take his life, but it never happened.

However, these fourteen swords completely defeated Yao Luo's will.

That arrogant sword will instantly collapsed and turned into a torrent of sadness, drowning him.

My sword skills have failed...

The Daluo Futian Sword in Supreme Yaoluo's hand suddenly shattered with a crash. This supreme magic weapon seemed to be shattered along with the shattering of his Taoist heart, turned into little stars, and fell into the sea.

The Zhuxian Remnant Sword was very excited, and suddenly he struck out with another sword. With this sword strike, he had the potential to exterminate the Earthly Immortal World. It was likely to annihilate the Earthly Immortal World, and all things would return to chaos. The heaven and earth would be reopened, and the prehistoric times would be repeated!

As soon as this sword comes out, the sky and sea evaporate, the starry sky collapses, and it seems that infinite time and space are about to fall towards the sword and be annihilated!

Not to mention that Supreme Yao Luo was frightened to death, even Yu Ji, Wei Xu, Dong Shi, Liu Guanyi and others in the distance were frightened to the point of losing their wits. Xu Ying, as the victim, was also frightened to the point of losing his wits.

Suddenly, the power of the world-destroying sword gathered, and the horrific scene of the world-destroying sword suddenly disappeared.

The sky and sea have floated, rising tens of thousands of feet high. At this moment, the sea surface is falling, the starry sky has been drawn much closer, and the stars are in chaos.

Yao Luo Supreme's eyes were lifeless and empty. If Xu Ying had used this world-destroying sword from the beginning, he would have been wiped out long ago.

Zhuxian Broken Sword closed its sword, triumphantly, flew in front of Yaoluo Supreme, and patted his bare forehead, as if to educate him silently.

Supreme Yaoluo covered his face and cried loudly, turned around and ran away, laughing loudly and saying: I am defeated, I am completely defeated! Completely defeated!

He laughed loudly, his laughter was as miserable as crying.

Liu Guanyi's eyes flashed and he flew away to track Supreme Yaoluo.

Supreme Yao Luo was so crazy that when he saw him chasing after him, he didn't even try to dodge. He actually couldn't bear to get away from him.

A supreme being was frightened crazy by Xu Ying?

Liu Guanyi was horrified and whispered, How terrifying would it be to face Xu Ying's magical sword power? I wonder if the fragments of my distant ancestors that I obtained can be exchanged for his magic method of resurrection?

The Zhuxian Broken Sword taught its little brother a lesson, and then it was about to fly away and return to the wilderness of the ancestral home. Xu Ying quickly called it to stop it and said: Sword... Lord Jian, stay here!

The Zhu Xian Broken Sword stopped, and Xu Ying cautiously smiled and said: Master Jian, in more than a month, it will be the duel between my younger brother and Ming Zun. At that time, I will fight with him in Tianyuan. I wonder if Master Jian is free?

The Zhu Xian Broken Sword flew around him for two weeks, as if thinking about his intentions, and suddenly placed it on Xu Ying's neck, slowly making a wiping motion on his neck.

Xu Ying didn't dare to move and said with a smile: I want to kill him myself, without your help. I just want Master Jian to sit in for me and not let anyone interfere with my decisive battle with him.

The remaining sword of Zhu Xian shook up and down, as if nodding, and then flew away through the air.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and said fiercely in his heart: Whoever dares to interfere with me to kill Mingzun this time, my Brother Jian... Master Jian will cut off his head!

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