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Chapter 662 My sword is here

At Tianhai Ferry, Taoist Yuji said to Xu Ying: If Xu Daozu wants to refine a supreme magic weapon, I can refine one for you.

Xu Ying shook his head with a smile and said: I have not yet achieved supreme status, and there is no need to refine the righteous magic weapon. Thank you Taoist for your kindness.

Taoist Yuji was angry and said: I have been refining magic weapons for people all my life. Qingxuan and the Holy Master all have to beg me before I am willing to refine them for them. The other twelve Supreme Masters have to bring gifts and kind words. After some kind words of persuasion, I reluctantly nodded. I offered to refine the magic weapon for you, but you actually refused! Do you think you dislike my ability?

Xu Ying said seriously: It's not that I dislike the Taoist, but I haven't completed the Tao yet. How can I easily refine the magic weapon? I practice the Tao and constantly have new insights. The magic weapon I refined yesterday is worthless to me today. I refine it today. The magic weapon I made will be worthless to me tomorrow. I don’t want to ask the Taoist to refine a magic weapon for me to bind me.”

Taoist Yuji said in surprise: What do you mean by this?

Xu Ying said: If I spend countless resources and ask the Taoist to refine a magic weapon for me to achieve enlightenment, I will definitely cherish it, regard it as a treasure, think about it, keep refining it, and always want to refine it to perfection. I am making a breakthrough. Sometimes, I will have concerns, if I change the Tao, can I still use my magic weapon? So I worry about gains and losses, and may even give up on changing.

Taoist Yuji frowned slightly. He had been refining magic weapons for so many years, but he had never encountered such rhetoric before.

So, when will you refine the magic weapon?

Yu Ji Dao Ren asked, Cultivation to the Supreme Realm?

Xu Ying shook his head and smiled: The Supreme Realm may be the end of many Supremes, but it is not my end. I will also go to the Immortal Realm to have a look. When I reach the Immortal Realm, I will still think about whether there are other realms ahead. . If my Taoism is not correct, I will not be able to reach a higher realm. At this time, the magic weapon has become an obstacle for me.

Taoist Yuji frowned deeply and came to Zhu Chanchan's side, saying: Chanchan, I have already done what you asked me to do. I took the initiative to humble myself and refine the magic weapon for him, but he was not willing. He Said that the magic weapon would limit his achievements.”

Zhuchanchan said angrily: This idiot! I'll go see him!

She dropped what she was doing, came to see Xu Ying, and said quickly: I asked my master to help you refine the magic weapon for enlightenment, why don't you appreciate it? I refine the magic weapon for you, and it's also for you. For the sake of your life, now that you have a magic weapon, you will be more confident when dealing with the Immortal Emperor!

So that's what happened! Xu Ying laughed.

Zhu Chanchan glared at him fiercely and said angrily: Are you still laughing? You don't regard your own life as your own!

Xu Ying smiled and said: The Supreme Immortal Emperor has never been my goal. I just want to kill him. Don't worry, he is already destined to die when he harvests me.

Seeing that he was full of confidence, Zhu Chanchan said worriedly: I asked Zulong and Wei Xu, they said that you can't break through to the supreme realm, so I thought it would be good for you to have a magic weapon. Master, he is not happy yet. Refining it for you, cursing you for being a pretty boy, and being very hostile. He must be blind.

Xu Ying touched his face and felt quite pleased with himself: Taoist Yuji has a keen eye for discerning pearls. Ancestor Chanchan, there is no need to worry. I, the Jiren, have their own destiny.

Zhu Chanchan had no choice but to let him go and said: After you die, I will burn more paper for you, so don't wrong yourself down there.

Xu Ying wanted to beat her, but Zhu Chanchan ran away in a hurry. Xu Ying chased her for a few steps, but Zhu Chanchan rushed to a group of Tiangong and said, Someone wants to hit me!


Hundreds of shirtless Tiangong stood up one after another, with strong backs and strong backs, and looked at Xu Ying with unkind expressions.

Zhuchanchan was proud and stuck out her tongue at him.

Xu Ying was worried that he would kill someone, so he had to let her do whatever she wanted.

At this time, he felt something in his heart, raised his brows, and said in a deep voice: Chanchan, take your people and hide.

Young man, we won't hide!

One of the strong men shouted, You bully our eldest sister...

Before he finished speaking, Xu Ying laughed and said, Which fellow Taoist is so murderous?

The moment his voice rang out, waves surged across the sky and sea, and his voice stirred up strong winds and waves, like thunder from the sky.

Behind him, all the Tiangongs were speechless. They even saw Xu Ying standing there without moving, but the distance between themselves and Xu Ying was getting farther and farther!

The space between them and Xu Ying continued to expand, causing them to quickly lose sight of Xu Ying's face.

But strangely enough, both Xu Ying and them were still standing on the dock of the ferry.

The Way of the Void is almost complete.

Taoist Yuji came to them, looked at Xu Ying from a distance, and couldn't help but praise, Cultivating to this level is almost the same as Qingxuan's back then. Xu Ying has supreme strength.

Emperor Qingxuan's Tao of Taiyi included the Tao of Void. Taoist Yuji was the chief engineer of the Ministry of Heavenly Works at that time. He refined the supreme magic weapon for Emperor Qingxuan, so he naturally knew all about Emperor Qingxuan's progress in cultivation.

Taoist Yuji is also a Daluo Jinxian with extremely high vision and knowledge. He once fought against his old enemy Jiugong Daojun in the human world, and both of them suffered losses.

But that time, he took advantage of the geographical advantages of the human world and used the magic weapons he collected and refined in the human world, so that he had the opportunity to harm both sides of Jiugong. If they were to fight in the Earthly Immortal Realm, he would not be able to compete with the Great Luo Miao Realm.

But the one coming is even more terrifying!

Taoist Yuji looked solemn and said in a deep voice, The murderous intent is boiling over, and he has the will to kill the sky and cut off the path. It is so terrifying. Only one person can achieve such murderous intent. Supreme Yaoluo!

Supreme Yao Luo?

Wei Xu's eyes were gleaming, and his whole body was filled with evil spirits.

The difference from Yao Luo is that his breath is evil spirit. The so-called evil spirit is a fierce ghost and a vicious atmosphere.

And the breath of Supreme Yaoluo is murderous, murderous to kill all enemies!

But I saw sword clouds in the sky sweeping towards this side. The billowing sword energy was like clouds, pressing down on the sea. When it reached the top of Xu Ying's head, I suddenly saw the sword clouds falling like rain. Countless sword energy fell like rain, and it was extremely dense. !

There is no way to resist this rain of swords. The power of each sword energy is so terrifying that it can kill Tianjun!

However, before the rain of swords fell, sword energy was seen rising into the sky from Xu Ying's body, splitting the countless falling sword energy with a swish sound, an extremely bright light flashed in the sky, the sword cloud split, and countless sword energy burst out. broken!

Xu Ying stood under the sword cloud, and the sword energy that was rising was shattered one after another, fluttering like falling leaves.

In terms of swordsmanship, he is not bad at all!

At this moment, a sword energy suddenly struck from the sea, heading straight towards Xu Ying from a distance. The sword energy rolled up waves of water against the sea surface, like a tornado, getting thicker and bigger.

The sword energy tornado was actually composed of countless water swords, and each sword had different sword moves.

But the thick tornado of sword energy struck in front of Xu Ying, and suddenly seemed to encounter an invisible obstacle. It was cut open by an invisible sword energy, whizzing past Xu Ying on both sides!

The torrent of thousands of swords was extremely noisy.

Xu Ying's body remained motionless, staring at the center of the sword energy tornado. He saw that the sword energy tornado was like a hollow passage. In the passage, a man's body was as tall and straight as a sword, and he was walking towards this side.

Supreme Yaoluo.

Yao Luo did not make a move, he was just walking, with a murderous intention, his own sword energy burst out, forming a sword cloud and a sword energy tornado.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up: This man has achieved the ultimate goal of swordsmanship!

He has obtained the ultimate meaning of martial arts. There are countless of him in the cave abyss practicing martial arts and magical powers, trying to decipher all martial arts methods. They will not stop until all the martial arts magical powers are deduced.

I think this is the same for Supreme Yao Luo.

In his cave, there should be flying swords colliding and fighting, performing all the changes of swordsmanship!

This was the first time that Xu Ying met someone who was in the ultimate realm.

Zhuxian Sword Qi?

Supreme Yaoluo's eyes fell on Xu Ying, showing surprise.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on him, and he also showed doubts: The Immortal Killing Sword?

Supreme Yaoluo saw the Zhuxian Sword Qi from Xu Ying. Xu Ying used the Zhuxian Sword Qi he had cultivated to shatter the sword cloud and split the sword Qi tornado.

Xu Ying also saw the shadow of the Immortal Killing Sword on the body of Supreme Yao Luo. The fierce murderous aura in Yao Luo Supreme's body is in the same vein as the Zhu Xian Broken Sword!

The two of them looked at each other, frowning slightly, and a feeling of disgust emerged from the bottom of their hearts.

Xu Daozu? Supreme Yaoluo asked.

Xu Ying nodded slightly and asked, Which Supreme are you?


Supreme Yaoluo asked, Have you seen the Broken Sword of Zhuxian?

Xu Yingdao: I have seen it. Have you also seen the Zhuxian Broken Sword?

Yao Luo Supreme said: I saw it when it was still complete. When it was broken, I was also there. My Daluo Futian Sword was made from its fragments. Help me refine the sword. That person is Taoist Yuji.

Xu Ying turned around, and the distance between him and Yuji Taoist was suddenly very close. Yuji Taoist's scalp was numb, this magical power was extremely wonderful, the space was large and small, and the switching was as desired!

Taoist Yu Ji said: Xu Daozu should know that our Tiangong is only responsible for refining weapons and nothing else.

He made it clear that he would not help anyone.

Xu Ying turned around and said calmly: The Broken Sword of Zhu Xian taught me a lot, and I am half a teacher. You used its fragments to refine the treasure, and I have to get it back for it.

Supreme Yaoluo said: The extremely sharp sword intent I sensed from you is indeed from the Zhuxian Broken Sword. However, what you have learned is only the Broken Sword, not the real Zhuxian swordsmanship. You are far from reaching the extreme level, and you have never practiced it. Just the way of the sword.

He looked arrogant: You haven't learned the true meaning of swordsmanship yet. How can you compete with me?

Xu Ying stretched out his hands and said with a smile: Because I found a better one. My martial arts has reached the extreme level. The so-called swordsmanship has been integrated into my martial arts. The Zhuxian Sword could not last long, so it was interrupted. , turned into the Broken Sword. Because it was incomplete, it became perfect, with no flaws to be found. As for you, you got the discarded fragments of the Zhuxian Broken Sword and refined it into the Great Luo Futian Sword. You are not ashamed of it, but proud of it. That leaves me with a question.

His eyes fell on Yao Luo Supreme, and he said faintly: Is the true meaning of swordsmanship that you have obtained really the true meaning? You picked up the tatters of the Zhuxian Sword and regarded them as treasures. Yao Luo, if your swordsmanship is lacking, why not let Chan Chan Lao Zu, let me take a look for you, maybe your Daluo Futian Sword is full of cracks.

When Zhuchanchan heard this, she held her head high and was eager to give it a try.

Supreme Yaoluo sneered and said: Xu Ying, your realm in the Tianyuan was cut off by me. Even your flawless golden body cannot withstand it. Do you dare to say that my sword is disadvantageous?

As soon as he thought, the Great Luo Futian Sword clanked, and suddenly a fairy sword jumped out, and the sword intent filled the world!

Supreme Yaoluo's hand holding the sword gently turned, and the Futian Sword split immediately. The Futian Swords were lined up side by side, and the Supreme Sword Qi rushed towards his face.

Before he took action, Xu Ying felt a sharp pain!


Supreme Yao Luo stabbed with his sword, and thousands of Da Luo Futian Swords flew around him and Xu Ying, evolving different secrets of swordsmanship, and killed Xu Ying!

At this moment, it was as if there were thousands of Yao Luo Supremes, each holding a big Luo Futian Sword, using different moves and angles to kill Xu Ying!

Even in Xu Ying's sea of ​​consciousness, there are Yao Luo holding swords, killing his divine consciousness!

His dojo, his cave, his realm, each of his realms were all attacked by Yao Luo's sword intent at the same time!

I don't know the name of Yao Luo Supreme's move, but the attack method is so cruel that Xu Ying has never seen before. It is bound to kill Xu Ying from all aspects, without leaving any chance of life!

Xu Ying paused, and suddenly Taoist Yuji, Zhu Chanchan, Wei Xu, and the Tiangong workers at the ferry were far away from them again. Then his martial arts power exploded, and his body was everywhere for a while. Shape, use different martial arts, control the Zhuxian Finger, and face thousands of Futian Swords!

A series of extremely dense sounds came, and the thousands of Daluo Futian swords suddenly closed together and merged into one, and Supreme Yaoluo stabbed with the sword!

At the same time, all Xu Ying's figures disappeared, and the sword in his right hand pointed forward, stabbing forward!

The peerless sword intent in the two people exploded, their swords swayed across the sky and the sea, and the majestic sword intent and sword energy made the sea surface with a radius of thousands of miles like a vast ocean of swordsmanship. The water, light and sword energy clashed with each other!

The sea surface is boiling, big waves are surging in the sky, there are swordsmanship and martial arts ultimate intentions rolling in the waves, fighting, and it is extremely dangerous.

Xu Ying's sword fingers met the Futian Sword, and the sword fingers clashed. The sword energy of Xu Ying's Zhuxian sword was broken, but when he saw the light of the sword, the flesh and blood of his two fingers flew away, and soon only the bones were left!

The sword light was so powerful that it broke through his flawless golden body and spun upwards along the two fingers to his wrists and arms!

Xu Ying's white-bone fingers intertwined and bounced on the body of the Futian Sword with a clang. The sword made a long sound. The right arm of Supreme Yaoluo holding the sword was sore and numb from the shock, and the tiger's mouth almost split open.

The two of them retreated to avoid each other's sharp edge.

Xu Ying raised his right hand and refined all the sword energy and sword intent in the wound. The flesh and blood regenerated, and the flesh and blood that had just been cut off immediately regenerated.

Supreme Yaoluo rubbed his sore and swollen arms, exhaled a breath, and suddenly brought out the Shaohao Cave Abyss. As soon as this Supreme Cave Abyss appeared, his cultivation strength increased sharply!

The fight just now made him realize that the Xu Daozu in front of him was not an easy person, and his cultivation strength was already much stronger than that in the Tianyuan battle.

If I don't use Shaohao Dongyuan, I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything to the other party!

Xu Ying, you still lack a supreme magic weapon. The purpose of your coming here is to let Taoist Yuji refine a magic weapon, right?

Supreme Yaoluo said calmly, However, you don't have this chance!

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows and raised his seven cave abyss, his face a little solemn.

Although it was only a brief confrontation, the combat power displayed by Yao Luo was close to that of Luofu Taoist Gu Bu Nian, who was ranked fourth among the Twelve Wonders!

Gu Bu Nian showed me the portal to the Supreme Realm, so can Yao Luo let me step into the Supreme Realm? I hope he can bring enough pressure to me!

Just as he thought of this, a vast, deep yet domineering sword intent suddenly entered his mind, and murderous intent surged.

At the same time, outside Biyou Palace, Xuan Yazi stood in front of the palace gate, supervising a group of disciples practicing swordsmanship. At this time, he felt something in his heart and turned around suddenly, dumbfounded.

I saw that on the vast plains, the remnant sword of killing immortals that had been hanging between heaven and earth for a long time suddenly started to move.

call out--

The remnant sword, which stood tall against the sky and the earth, broke through the void and disappeared.

Xuanyazi was stunned and inexplicable.

At the Tianhai Ferry, Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and he said helplessly: My sword is here.

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