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Chapter 664 Ah Fu Lai Fu

A gap in the world of immortals.

Elder Long Dai said: Elder Chao, what should happen if Master Qixuan from the other side dies in our world of immortals?

That Elder Chao was the strong man of the Dragon Clan who returned from the other side on the golden ship that crossed the world. His name was Chao Yuandao. He was one of the Nine Dukes of the Dragon Court Era and was older than the Prime Minister Bi Yanhai.

His eyes have been falling on the Cuiyan Tower Boat. The Cuiyan Tower Boat can freely shuttle through the gel zone, and its speed is not very fast, but the piece of Cuiyan Tower in the Celestial Realm has never been able to catch up with it.

The powerful dragon clan in the Celestial Realm has been held back for a long time and there has been no progress.

The Cuiyan Tower Ship seemed to be leading them away, not giving them a chance to catch up to the decisive battle.

Master Qi Xuan is a disciple of Yin Yuanzi, a giant on the other side. We don't know how much compensation we have to pay to satisfy Yin Yuanzi. If he knew about this, I'm afraid he would be furious and come to question him.

Chao Yuandao pondered for a moment and said, The most important thing now is to get through the Earth Immortal Realm first, communicate with the rulers of the Earth Immortal Realm, and ask them to hand over the murderer.

Elder Long Dai said: They have sent this Cuiyan Tower Ship to intercept us and show that they are unwilling to communicate. What can we do?

Chao Yuandao smiled slightly and said: The earthly immortal world is so big, there will be people willing to communicate.

He waved his hand gently, and an ascending ray of light fixed in time and space flew over. In that ray of light was an ascendant who was imprisoned in the earthly immortal world.

This ascended person has a handsome appearance, but for some reason, his head was broken and his skull is empty. He has no brain and doesn't look very smart.

Elder Long Dai was shocked: Can you ascend without a brain?

Before the Ancestral God sealed the Earthly Immortal Realm, there were many ascendants who took the opportunity to ascend to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, but they were all captured. Chao Yuandao also saw that this person had no brains, so he was not among the Feisheng Xiaguang sent to escort Cuiyan. Unexpectedly, he left a back-up man.

What's your name? Chao Yuandao asked using the dragon language of ancient times.

He is one of the few people who can still use the Taoist language of the Dragon Clan.

The brainless ascendant was at a loss.

Chao Yuandao frowned slightly and used the language of the earthly immortal world, but he had not spoken it for thousands of years, so he was a little awkward. The language of the earthly fairy world actually comes from the human world. At that time, demons and humans lived together and had their own language.

The ascendant from the Earthly Immortal Realm understood his words and said, My name is Fool Afu.

Chao Yuandao carefully observed the fool Ah Fu and said to Elder Long Dai: This man still has some brains in his head, but not much, so he can control it. He asked Elder Long Dai to go to the lower world with him to find the ruler of the Earthly Immortal Realm. , communicate with them. I will teach you some languages ​​of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and you can learn from Ah Fu on the way. When you meet the ruler of the Earthly Immortal Realm, you must let him understand that we, the Heavenly Immortal Realm, do not intend to annex them and enslave them. But to bring them the advanced civilization from the other side of the world.”

Elder Long Dai asked doubtfully: Aren't we going to enslave them?

Chao Yuandao glanced at him and said displeasedly: We, the Dragon Clan, are the masters of this world. When we return to the Earthly Immortal Realm and reunify the three realms, of course we still have to be the masters. Where there is a master, there must be a slave.

Elder Long Dai understood and said with a smile: What if they are not happy?

Chao Yuandao smiled slightly: Then you destroy their seal of the Earthly Immortal Realm, so that the ascendants from the Earthly Immortal Realm can ascend to the Heavenly Immortal Realm. Then we can follow these rays of light and penetrate the passage.

Elder Long Dai said yes and followed him to learn the language of the earthly immortal world for a few days before flying into the ray of light.

Chaoyuan Dao circulated his magic power, and with a single palm strike, the rising rays of light immediately flew back, flying out of the gap in the heavenly world and heading towards the earthly fairyland!

Ascending Xiaguang led a person through the gel zone at a much slower pace. In the twilight, Elder Long Dai saw that the fool Ah Fu was loyal and honest, but he did not bully him. He stammered in the human language that he was not yet proficient in: My name is Long Dai. If you cooperate well, I can not only spare your life. , I can also teach you how to transform without dying, and teach you the Taoism and magical powers of the other side. In the past few days, you have taught me your language. Do you understand?

The fool Ah Fu nodded hurriedly, but secretly worried in his heart.

He had just ascended, and his strength was still low. He didn't know how to kill this powerful dragon.

He thought of countless ways, but they were more than enough to deal with the Heavenly King, but far from being able to deal with the existence of the Supreme Realm.

In just a few days, Elder Long Dai mastered the language of the Earthly Immortal Realm and was able to converse skillfully with the fool Ah Fu.

The fool Ah Fu stammered: Elder, can you teach me the magical powers of the other side of the world?

I promised you, and I will certainly not break my promise.

Elder Long Dai didn't take it seriously and taught him how to operate the logical structure, explaining the meaning of each logical structure in detail. He is a great master at the eighth level of the Tao Realm, and his strength is even better than that of many supreme-level beings. His insights are so profound that the fool Ah Fu's eyes widened as if he were in the mist.

Elder Long Dai taught for two days. After all, the fool Ah Fu didn't have a brain and couldn't understand his explanation.

Elder Long Dai didn't take it seriously and continued talking to himself. The fool Ah Fu complained that he didn't understand. Long Dai smiled and said: I promised you that I will teach you the Taoist and magical powers of the other side. Naturally, I will not break my promise. As for whether you can listen or not. If you understand, then it’s not my responsibility.”

Idiot Ah Fu is angry.

Seeing his crazy but helpless look, Elder Long Dai couldn't help but laugh, feeling very happy.

The fool Afu's face turned red, he thought for a long time, and said: You continue talking, it's up to me whether you understand or not!

Seeing his stubbornness, Elder Long Dai also got angry and said: You, a monk from a lower race, if you beg me, I can patiently teach you some simple things. You are stubborn, okay, I think you can How much do you understand!”

He was determined not to teach this fool anything, so he also brought out the profound principles in the theory and explained them bit by bit.

Elder Long Dai got so excited that he activated his Cuiyan Huan transformation technique in front of the fool Ah Fu. Countless branches flew out from his body to construct the body of the ancient god, and his voice roared: My technique It’s the secret knowledge of the other side, the true understanding of the Tianbao Taoist Wheel! I’ll pass it on to you too and see how much you can understand!”

He danced in the rays of light and displayed the True Solution of Tianbao Taoist Wheel exactly as it was. While performing it, he recited the secrets of the True Solution of Tianbao Taoist Wheel.

He also made a conscious effort to recite the magic formula not in the language of the earthly immortal world, but in the Tao language of the other side. Even if the fool Ah Fu pretends to be crazy, he can't secretly learn his skills.

The fool Afumumu watched him practice the technique blankly, but he was surprised in his heart. Although this technique was the other side technique, it was somewhat similar to the new way taught by Xu Ying!

The difference between the other shore technique and the new way is that one is to summon the cave abyss, and the other is to create one's own cave abyss.

The fool Ah Fu not only learned the principles previously taught by Elder Long Dai, but also learned the Taoist sayings of the other side. He actually memorized the contents of the Tianbao Taoist Wheel's True Interpretation verbatim!

In this way, Xu Daozu's new way is actually a breakthrough based on absorbing the skills of the other side. He cultivates the Tao scenery and creates a cave of his own. The only shortcoming is that whether it is runes or Tao patterns, It’s not as solid as the organizational structure.”

He compared the two Tao methods and said silently in his heart, Practice the other side method, and your achievements will indeed be higher!

Thinking of this, he was suddenly surprised.

Xu Daozu himself is proficient in the logical structure, why not spread the logical structure? As a Taoist, it should not be difficult to transform the basic structure of the new Tao from runes and patterns into principles. He is not a stingy person.

As soon as he thought of this, he originally planned to directly practice the True Solution of Tianbao Taoist Wheel, but gave up the idea.

The management structure is extremely domineering and good at changing other basic structures, Li Daitao. So, can I go in the opposite direction, replace the management structure with the rune structure, and evolve a true solution to the Tianbao Taoist Wheel that belongs to the earthly immortal world?

His eyes lit up, and he felt as if he had found a path different from others.

When the ascending rays of light flew out of the gel zone, Elder Long Dai said: Ah Fu, I have already taught you the Tao. We don't owe each other anything. After saying that, he shook his sleeves and handed over the Tao. The rising glow exploded into pieces.

When Elder Long Dai saw the fool Ah Fu being thrown away, he laughed and flew away through the air.

First go find the ruler of the Immortal Realm. If he doesn't agree, then kill him and replace him with an obedient ruler!

The fool Ah Fu stabilized his body and watched him go away. After he was completely gone, he flew towards the earthly immortal world.

The true interpretation of Tianbao Daolun, with a little repair, is the top skill in the new way, reaching the supreme realm. This may be the biggest gain of my trip.

When he came to the Earthly Immortal Realm, he thought to himself, However, Elder Long Dai's arrival in the Earthly Immortal Realm must be notified to the powerful people in the Earthly Immortal Realm as soon as possible, otherwise, it will definitely cause a big trouble.

The fool Ah Fu hesitated. Among the powerful people he knew, Xu Ying had the strongest cultivation level, followed by Lou Mingyu who preached on Xu Ying's behalf.

Based on what I know about him, Xu Daozu will definitely not sink. So, where will he be? But even when Xu Daozu was in his prime, he was definitely no match for Elder Long Dai.

The fool Ah Fu pondered for a moment, then walked towards the Ancestral Court of Heaven and said in a low voice, Then, there are only Ancestral Gods.

He didn't recognize the ancestral god, but fortunately he knew the location of the ancestral court of Heaven. When he arrived at the Tiandao Ancestral Court, he saw that the Tiandao Ancestral Court had been beaten to the front and back by someone unknown, and all the doors were destroyed.

And in the Ancestral Court of Heavenly Dao, there are still the colorful colors left by the pollution of Immortal Dao.

The fool Ah Fu was secretly frightened, so he entered the ancestral court of Heaven and asked to see the ancestral god.

He met Yuan Weiyang here and was shocked: Isn't she already dead?

Yuan Weiyang was in front of a huge green rock, studying deeply, and saw that he was an old friend, and said: The Ancestral God is in the gel zone outside the Celestial Realm, delaying the Celestial Realm's attack.

When the fool Ah Fu heard that the ancestor god was absent, his heart became cold and he hurriedly said: Where is the Holy Lord? He is strong enough to fight against Long Dai!

At this time, his eyes were attracted to the green rock and he couldn't help but be stunned.

There are two kinds of characters on this green rock, one is the other side characters and the other is Taoist patterns.

The one on the green rock seems to be a skill. He thought to himself.

Yuan Weiyang shook his head and said: The Holy Lord has abandoned his cultivation and started practicing from scratch. His current strength may not be comparable to you and me.

The fool Ah Fu's heart grew colder and colder, and he said: This Elder Long Dai is a master of practicing the Great Way of the Other Side. He can transform at will, and his cultivation is extremely powerful. This person has entered the earthly immortal world, looking for the rule of the earthly immortal world. He is trying to control the power of the Earthly Immortal Realm. In addition, his other purpose is to break the seal of the Ancestral God.

Yuan Weiyang couldn't help but frown slightly. The seal of the Ancestral God was to prevent the ascension. His seal was extremely vast and enveloped the entire earthly immortal world. Such a huge seal is certainly not strong enough, and it is not unusual for it to be broken by the dragon elder.

The fool Ah Fu asked: What about Xu Ying?

Yuan Weiyang said: He has scheduled a second duel with the Immortal Emperor, in Tianyuan. Now that the date is approaching, he should also go to Tianyuan. However, Aying's strength is probably not as strong as that of the dragon clan strongman. It’s quite a distance.”

The fool Ah Fu had nothing to do, Yuan Weiyang smiled and said: But I can recommend one person. Master Long, Master Zhong, Xiao Bai, you go find that elder Long Dai!

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a big dragon with a short stature walking towards him, with majestic equipment and a ridiculous posture. He was the distant ancestor of the dragon clan.

The big bell next to it is covered with immortal aura, and the aura flowing on the wall of the bell is printed with various Taoist and magical powers.

Then, another young man was seen approaching, with a pair of short dragon horns on his head.

The distant ancestor Dalong said: What kind of work will Yuan Yatou assign us?

Yuan Weiyang talked about Elder Long Dai's affairs and said: Elder Long Dai belongs to the Dragon Clan after all, so it is most appropriate for you to go.

The young man named Xiaobai was none other than Bi Yanhai, the Prime Minister of Longting Tian. His memory was unsealed and he refined his physical body. These days, the cultivation strength is gradually recovering.

Bi Yanhai said: Distant ancestor, since Elder Long Dai is a dragon clan in the immortal world, we have no shirk of responsibility.

Dalong said: These beasts don't recognize me as their ancestor, and they went to worship the ancient gods on the other side. They threw away all the inheritance of the Dragon Clan. How can they be called the Dragon Clan? They are the aliens from the other side wearing the skin of the Dragon Clan!

Even so, he still walked with Bi Yanhai and took the big bell to find Elder Long Dai.

The fool Ah Fu was about to leave, but accidentally peeked at the text pattern on the green rock. After a while, he said: Miss Yuan is trying to decipher the skills on the stone? This skill should be the method of the other side.

Yuan Weiyang was surprised: Do you recognize it?

The fool Ah Fu said: Elder Long Dai taught me some knowledge.

Yuan Weiyang's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: The technique on the green rock is the technique of the Immortal Realm. It was transmitted from outside the territory by Lord Xuhuang Daojun. It should be for us to spread this technique so that we can have the strength and power. Confrontation between the strong men on the other side.”

The fool Ah Fu was shocked: Immortal realm technique? Isn't this even more powerful than my Tianbao Daolun True Understanding?

He told Yuan Weiyang the true understanding of the Heavenly Dao Treasure Wheel he had obtained. Yuan Weiyang pondered for a moment and said: Your technique seems to be somewhat different from the other side technique sent by Lord Xuhuang Dao.

The fool Ah Fu didn't study the details deeply, and he didn't understand it as much as Yuan Weiyang. Although he saw that the writing on the green rock was related to the other side, he couldn't understand the content of the writing for a while.

Miss Yuan, is there something wrong? Fool Ah Fu asked.

These two techniques are different in the description of their realm.

Yuan Weiyang frowned slightly and murmured, So, which technique is the problem?

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