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Chapter 661 The love of licking the calf

Wei Xu was frightened and angry. He jumped up and roared towards Xu Ying, his speed getting faster and faster, his momentum getting stronger and murderous!

When he reached the top of the mountain where Xu Ying was, he suddenly stopped and stood there blankly.

He had not accepted the fact that he had been defeated just now, but when he ran to the top of the mountain, he woke up and realized that he had been defeated.

Xu Daozu is indeed Xu Daozu. He has made a comeback and still has such extraordinary strength. Wei admires him.

Wei Xu came to Xu Ying, bowed his head to the ground, and said, It's me, Meng Lang. What Xu Daozu needs is not a newly promoted new supreme master like Wei Mou, but a peak supreme master. I have just entered the supreme realm, which is equivalent to just cultivating. Da Luo Miaojing is far from being a match for Xu Daozu, let alone putting pressure on Daozu.

During the Battle of Tianyuan, Wei Xu had been ordered by Waste Qingxuan to use the Ten Jue Taixu Taoist Scenery for Xu Ying to study, so that he could understand the magical powers of the Immortal Emperor.

At that time, Wei Xu had already been defeated once.

Unexpectedly, he broke through under the pressure of Xu Ying and reached the Supreme Realm. He failed again, which made him feel ashamed.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Master nephew, you are still in the Taiyi Avenue. I have jumped out of the Taiyi Avenue. There is no need to underestimate yourself. Your achievements in the future may not be inferior to mine.

Really? Wei Xu's eyes lit up.

Of course it's fake.

Xu Ying replied happily, I'm comforting you, can't you hear it?

Wei Xu's face turned dark and he thought to himself: This black guy's tone is exactly the same as that of my master. They are all piercing his heart! I really want to beat him to death...

Zu Long asked: So, is Dao Ancestor sure of breaking through to the Supreme Realm?

Xu Ying laughed and said: Of course I'm sure. There are too many people who want to kill me. With a wave of my arms, I can summon ten supreme wonders to come and kill me!

Wei Xu and Zulong looked at each other. Is this worthy of being proud?

Wei Xu said: If Xu Daozu has nothing else to do, why not come with us? My nephew Zhao Zheng and I will go to Tianhai Ferry to meet a master of weapon refining.

Xu Ying heard this and said happily: I have been waiting for others to chase me. I only hate that I am too small. With you by my side, you will definitely attract attention, and the master who kills me will come happily.

After hearing this, the two of them shook their heads secretly and walked with him towards the Tianhai Ferry.

Xu Ying arrived at Tianhai Ferry and saw a familiar girl. He couldn't help but be surprised: Chanchan?

When Zhu Chanchan saw him, she cheered excitedly and ran towards him. She punched Xu Ying on the chest with two fists and said with a smile: A Ying, are you still alive? God must be blind and let you go. !”

Xu Ying laughed loudly: When Senior Brother Tian hears what you say, he will definitely help you open a translucent heavenly eye on your forehead!

Wei Xu said in a deep voice: Ancestor Chanchan, I have become the supreme master, come and study me!

There was a shock, and Wei Xu opened the Supreme Realm, revealing the secrets of the Supreme Realm to Zhu Chanchan without reservation.

Zhuchanchan's eyes shone brightly, and she immediately dived into his supreme realm to explore the mystery of this realm.

Seeing that they were familiar with the road, Xu Ying was suspicious: Does it mean that Wei Xu often comes here for Chan Chan to study? So, all of Zulong's magic weapons were refined by Chan Chan based on Wei Xu's realm.

At this time, he felt something and looked towards a Taoist priest who was walking towards him.

Tiangong Chief Engineer Fish Machine, see Xu Daozu.

The Taoist stepped forward to greet him, and his eyes fell on Xu Ying. He was very complicated and said in his heart: I couldn't see clearly in the dark world before, but now I see that he is indeed a pretty boy with a bit of darkness, which is the type that Qiongtai likes.

Zulong Zhao Zheng reminded Xu Ying, All the supreme magic weapons are refined by Taoist Yuji.

Xu Ying was shocked, and his admiration arose spontaneously.

Longxing Great World, Enlightenment Mountains.

Liu Guanyi felt the majestic aura lingering between heaven and earth, and there seemed to be a great avenue whispering in the surrounding heaven and earth.

The vegetation here is far more lush than other places, and the rays of light shine from the ground, indicating that the avenue of heaven and earth is highly condensed here!

Suddenly, there was a roaring sound, and the mountain at Liu Guanyi's feet was slowly breaking out of the ground and floating upward!

This mountain is not a fairy mountain, but it is evolving into a fairy mountain!

Someone here has made a breakthrough and achieved the supreme realm!

Liu Guanyi was surprised, Is it a promise to break through to the Supreme Realm? No, no, this Tao power is the Tao power of Qingxuan lineage. Compared with Qingxuan, it lacks the two Tao powers of Void and Taiyi. It is stronger than today's Xu Ying Much inferior. Then the person who broke through to the Supreme Realm must be Wei Xu!

But there is still the aura left by Xu Ying here.

Xu Ying is also here!

He immediately stood up and followed the promised breath.

In the Tianlao Prison, suddenly there was a violent vibration from the bottom of the Five Prisons. The amplitude of the vibrations became larger and larger, as if there was something huge making waves in the Five Prisons.


There was a loud noise like the earth was shattering, and the five prisons exploded. The prisons were shaken and flew out one after another. The evil prisoners who were suppressed in the prisons screamed pitifully in the prisons, calling for help from the guards.

Those who can be suppressed here are either extremely vicious desperadoes, noble ministers of the Immortal Court who have committed serious crimes, or arrogant people who will try to change the world.

But now they seemed to be frightened, crying and crying.

However, what is even more miserable than them are the guards of the fifth prison. These guards are not weak in strength, but the prisoners are still protected by the cages, but they have no protection and are directly exposed to the terrifying magical power. One after another, they vaporized and evaporated!

In the sky, the cages were still flying upwards, and three figures in front and behind were seen flying out of the five hell prisons that exploded. Two of them were Lou Mingyu and Sheng Zun. Lou Mingyu was blocking the front of Sheng Zun. The Badongyuan spins wildly and attacks the incoming people!

The man facing him had a messy head of white hair, with chains hanging on his body, and many sharp hooks passing through his body, penetrating into his realm, and locking his Tao tree!

This is just the seal on the outside, there are more seals inside this person.

His three levels were all sealed with talismans, the divine bridge was also interrupted, and the dojo was covered with sealing runes. Even around the Dao Fruit, there were many talismans flying around to suppress the Dao Fruit.

However, most of these seals were incomplete, allowing him to accumulate a lot of mana.

Yuan Yu, how dare you come to see me!

The old man with gorgeous hair looked like he was crazy, and he met Lou Mingyu's magical power. With the terrifying fluctuation of magical power, this man actually blocked Lou Mingyu's offensive with his body, and with Lou Mingyu's power, he sealed the talismans on the three gates, all of which exploded. Turn into balls of flame and dissipate!

Lou Mingyu met the attack of the splendid old man, and his arms were numb from the shock.

Little Yuan Yu, please accept your fate!

The Huafa old man fought against Lou Mingyu several times. All the realms he had before his ascension had been unlocked by the force of the impact. Even the broken divine bridge in his body was brought back alive by him!

He jumped up and rushed towards the Holy Lord.

Lou Mingyu quickly retreated with the Holy Lord, allowing his tricks to be infinitely mysterious, but he was repeatedly hit by the magical power of the gorgeous old man. The old man's physical body was more powerful. Every time he came close to him, Lou Mingyu's face twisted in pain with every collision. He couldn't help but said anxiously: Master, didn't you say that if you release the first person of the Twelve Wonders, he can join forces with us?

The Holy Lord argued: I never said that. I just said that I would take you to see him, but I never said that he would join forces with us, let alone that he would kill us.

He also felt a little guilty and explained: The person Jun Wudao hates the most is me. Back then, I narrowly defeated him, sealed him and suppressed him personally, and sent him to the bottom of the Five Heavenly Prisons...

Lou Mingyu complained secretly.

The battle power of the old man Jun Wudao suddenly increased to a higher level. He unlocked the Dao flower seal, and saw that his Dao tree appeared, full of silver flowers, and it was instantly gorgeous!

Lou Mingyu fought hard twice and found that he was repeatedly defeated by the opponent in his moves. Only then did he realize how terrifying this Jun Wudao was.

Jun Wudao didn't break his magical power, but broke the holy master's magical power!

This shows that almost all of the Holy Lord’s magical powers were broken by Jun Wudao!

Suddenly, Jun Wudao's cultivation improved astonishingly. Lou Mingyu was suppressed to the point where he almost vomited blood and clenched his teeth to hold on. He simply did not use the magical powers taught by the Holy Lord, but opened up his own intelligence, created his own magical powers on the spot, and fought head-on with Jun Wudao!

Unexpectedly, this would actually be effective. Jun Wudao could not directly break his magical power, so he could only confront him head-on.

The battle power of the old man Jun Wudao was getting stronger and stronger. Suddenly, another Dao Fruit broke through the seal, causing his mana to increase dramatically!

Lou Mingyu complained endlessly and bravely faced off against the number one in the Twelve Wonders. He thought to himself: Did this old man really lose to the teacher in one move? Why do I feel that the teacher's victory back then was disgraceful?

He suffered continuous injuries, but fortunately he had practiced enough Taoist scenes, and his magic power was almost endless, and his physical injuries would be healed in the next moment.

He worked hard to contend with Jun Wudao, using all his wits and tricks, desperately turning what he had learned in the past into new magical powers, and doing his best to get rid of the influence of the Holy Lord on him.

But just when he could withstand Jun Wudao's stormy offensive, suddenly Jun Wudao's magic power increased to a higher level, and the third Dao Fruit was unsealed!

Master, how many Dao Fruits has he mastered? Lou Mingyu shouted.

The Holy Lord was behind him, leisurely avoiding the aftermath of the two people's magical powers, or casually breaking the remaining magical powers that came, and said leisurely: Jun Wudao has cultivated nine great fruits in total, not to mention the twelve wonderful things. He is the number one person in the world, and even in ancient times, he was one of the few strong men.

Nine Dao fruits?

Lou Mingyu's scalp was numb and he wanted to curse, but that was his master after all, so he had no choice but to fight against Jun Wudao.

He used his ingenuity to the extreme, but he was still injured again and again, and almost died at the hands of the opponent again and again!

Lou Mingyu was extremely nervous and tried his best to make every move and every move perfect without any flaws. However, Jun Wudao was so far ahead of him that he vomited blood every time he received a blow.

Suddenly, Jun Wudao's fourth Dao Fruit was unsealed, and the Holy Lord no longer hesitated and immediately sacrificed the Dao Body Saint Weapon.

As soon as the seventeen holy soldiers of the body were sacrificed, they were like the arrival of a saint at his peak, with the majesty of dominating the world, and they suddenly suppressed Jun Wudao!

Jun Wudao, gray-haired, gave a sharp shout. At this critical moment, he went one step further and unlocked another Dao Fruit seal!

He used all his magic power to forcefully attack the Taoist Saint Soldier, only to hear a loud bang. Jun Wudao stood still, his white hair flying, his clothes flying, and blood flowing out of his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

The Holy Lord shouted: I've stunned him, leave quickly!

Lou Mingyu was about to run away when his legs softened and he almost knelt down. Only then did he feel severe pain in all his limbs, and even his soul seemed to be cracking!

More importantly, his various caves have become extremely weak, and the different Taoist scenes in the caves have also been damaged a lot.

Without thinking, the young saint picked him up and flew away through the air.

Master, why don't you take the opportunity to activate the Taoist Saint Soldiers again and kill him? Lou Mingyu asked feebly.

The young saint smiled and said: I don't have much mana left. It takes too much mana to sacrifice the Taoist Saint Weapon. I was too powerful before.

Lou Mingyu was silent.

Jun Wudao's hands were trembling, and he wanted to pursue him, but the vitality in his body counterattacked, and his blood rushed back, almost causing his body to explode, so he quickly stopped.

By the time he suppressed the rioting energy and blood, the master and disciple had long since disappeared.

Yuan Yu, I will kill you!

He roared angrily, and the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth Dao Fruits were unsealed one after another, and his cultivation level was instantly raised to the peak state of the year!

At this moment, the Immortal Emperor and the Supreme Creation came hand in hand. The Supreme Creation was shocked and said quickly: Jun Wudao is out of trouble!

The Immortal Emperor's eyes flashed: While his cultivation has not fully recovered, we can still get rid of him!

The Supreme Creation hesitated and nodded silently. The two of them attacked Jun Wudao at the same time. Unexpectedly, the moment they started, Jun Wudao's attack had already arrived!

The two supreme beings besieged the No. 1 of the Twelve Wonders. They tried more than ten moves, but they were still unable to take him down. Instead, they were shocked by him and his blood boiled, making him more and more uncomfortable.

At this time, Patriarch Boshan, Yuan Ying, Dan Xuanzi and others rushed over quickly. They originally planned to provide help in times of need, but when they saw that the opponent was actually Jun Wudao, their expressions changed drastically. They all attacked and shouted: We can't let him go!

Jun Wudao faced the five of them, and after more than ten moves, he still couldn't take him down, feeling secretly shocked.

This old man has been suppressed for 600,000 years and has no practice, but his strength is still so terrifying!

Jun Wudao looked fierce and suddenly attacked Dan Xuanzi. Dan Xuanzi had a sudden thought and hurriedly avoided. Jun Wudao took the opportunity to escape and galloped away. His voice came from far away, and he laughed and said: Zaihua, Boshan, and Mingzun Children, you are far inferior to Yuan Yu back then!

Ancestor Boshan was about to start chasing after him, but when he saw that the others were motionless, he quickly stopped and did not dare to chase anymore.

Others didn't dare to chase him when they saw him, nor did they dare to take the first step. They stood in the wind, silent.

The Supreme Creation sighed: The Holy Lord is really in a coma. In order to survive, he even released Jun Wudao, and he is not afraid of chaos in the world!

Others nodded.

On the other side, the Holy Lord took Lou Mingyu to a safe place, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and put him down.

Mingyu, now you know what Dongyuan you should give up.

The young saint smiled and said, A very powerful person like Jun Wudao has already helped you test the strength of your Dao Scenery and the strength of your Cave Abyss. If you have enough understanding, you can merge some of the Cave Abyss to create a more powerful one. Strong Dongyuan.

Lou Mingyu's whole body twitched in pain, and various scenarios of Jun Wudao coming to kill him still appeared in his mind.

And, you have finally stepped out of my frame and have your own magical method. The Holy Lord said happily.

Lou Mingyu resisted the severe pain and struggled to get up. He looked at his caves again and immediately found that it was indeed as the Holy Lord said, which caves should be eliminated and which caves could be integrated. It was clear at a glance.

That's growth in battle.

Seeing that he finally had some understanding, the Holy Lord was very pleased and said, I'll give you ten days. After ten days, we'll go see the second strongest person in the Twelve Wonders!

Lou Mingyu's heart twitched. He almost died a hundred times this time. Could the same thing happen again?

The Holy Lord encouraged: This time, I want you to perfect your magical powers and the abyss, and pave the way to the Supreme Realm. To see the second wonder, I want you to see clearly the pass in front of the Supreme Realm! Will you go?

Lou Mingyu gritted his teeth: Go!

The Holy Lord laughed and said: Qingxuan, what makes me better than you is that I accepted a good disciple! But you only accepted two rotten fish and shrimps!

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