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Chapter 660 Wei Xu’s Enlightenment

Mr. Dongshi looked back and saw Xu Ying holding the cauldron upside down, his black hair flying upwards, his shaking breath still not calming down, and he was obviously still in a state of rage.

That big cauldron was many times bigger than Xu Ying, and it was like a cricket shaking a big tree, but the scene was quite shocking.

Master Luofu, I'm afraid even the immortal spirit will be destroyed by him! So cruel, so cruel!

Mr. Dongshi no longer hesitated and immediately flew away, thinking, Taoist Master Luofu is ranked fourth among the twelve wonders, and I am ranked seventh! Although Taoist Master Luofu Gu Bu Nian made a big mistake because of his successor. , was suppressed by the Holy Lord in the eyes of the sea, and experienced six hundred thousand years of being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts, but his foundation is still there after all, I am afraid that I am not as good as him. Taoist Master Luofu was beaten to death, let alone me?

His means of escaping were excellent, and he had a lot of magical powers behind him. One was to block Xu Ying's sight, and the other was to cut off the cause and effect, so as to avoid being calculated by the gods to figure out his whereabouts.

I am no longer my opponent. Everyone else is chasing the Holy Lord. Only Yaoluo Supreme is here to kill Xu Ying. We must go find Yaoluo Supreme!

After a few ups and downs, he disappeared.

Xu Ying dispersed the turbulent magic power, his breath slowly calmed down, and he put down the Ziweidang Demonic Cauldron.

This wonderful treasure was sacrificed by Luofu Taoist master, and he fought with him head-on. Some cracks have been left on the cauldron wall. They don't look serious, but in fact they have damaged the root. If it is not repaired, it will be scrapped after only a few uses.

This cauldron was made by Empress Ziwei's cultivation. After the empress obtained a tripod foot, her cultivation strength will be much better than before. If you get this cauldron, although it will not return to its peak state, it will be comparable to the wonderful realm of Da Luo .”

Xu Ying raised his head and looked at the gel zone outside the Celestial Realm. Two emerald green lights were still chasing each other there, wondering how the battle was going.

How can we return this cauldron to its future owner? He thought silently in his heart.

He didn't care about Mr. Dongshi's departure.

He did not hide his whereabouts at all, but he hoped that more masters like Taoist Master Luofu and Mr. Dongshi would sharpen himself.

He is already very close to the Supreme Realm, and the pressure brought by Luofu Dao Master alone is far from enough, and it can barely allow him to peek into the door.

If he wants to truly step into the Supreme Realm, he needs a more powerful being to put more pressure on him!

No wonder Pingnan Tianjun hoped to break through to the Supreme Realm under enough pressure, but the Demon Supreme laughed at his wishful thinking.

Xu Ying remembered the past and thought, Pingnan Tianjun can only break through under pressure if the Supreme takes action. But if the Supreme takes action, he will definitely die. This is a dilemma. In short, it is still because of his cultivation. The accumulation of strength is not enough.”

Tianjun Pingnan died at the hands of Emperor Zhenwu of Zhenwu Temple, which shows that he is far from reaching the point where he can break through to the supreme level. Otherwise, the Zhenwu Emperor who died with him could also break through the Heavenly Lord and become Da Luo.

The traditional supreme realm corresponds to the two realms of Da Luo Jinxian and Da Luo Wonderful Realm. The new supreme realm corresponds to Da Luo Wonderful Realm and the legendary immortal realm.

Xu Ying said to himself, After all, I am the Taoist ancestor, a little stronger than the normal new Taoist. After cultivating to the supreme realm, I should be able to fight against the peak supreme. If I want to break through, I must also find the peak supreme and give it to me. I bring enough pressure. But where can I find such a pinnacle?

The reason why he left the Tiandao Dojo was to put himself in danger and have enough pressure to break through.

Staying in the Tiandao Dojo, with Dalong, currently the strongest being in the Earthly Immortal World, it would be difficult for him to have enough pressure.

He put away the Ziweidang Demon Cauldron and entered the Earthly Immortal Realm again. While continuing to polish his cultivation, he activated the seven cave abyss without concealing his aura at all, and even made his aura stronger and more eye-catching.

Xu Ying practiced like this for more than ten days, but he still didn't see his next opponent. He was worried and thought to himself: Is it because my tactics are too dark and no one dares to chase me?

In the past few days, he had noticed several extremely powerful magical fluctuations, but by the time he rushed over, they had already dispersed, and he didn't know who the person he was fighting against was.

Suddenly, Xu Youying noticed a powerful aura rising into the sky, and hurried over, saying viciously in his heart: This time, if you don't kill me, you can never leave!

When he arrived there, he saw that the mountains here were rolling and rolling, with many high mountains and ridges, and even several fairy mountains floating in the air. The aura of fairy spirits was constantly falling and fluttering like waterfalls.

This place is the Wudao Mountains in the Longxing World. It is famous for the fact that huge dragon bones can often be excavated from the mountains. There are even rumors that the Longxian Cave from the ancient era has been unearthed here.

Before the merger of the heavens and the world, there were many immortal sects here. After the merger, it once became a battleground for the immortal families. Many immortals came here from the immortal court to rob the immortal mountain.

The aura is getting stronger and stronger, but it is not as powerful as the Great Luo Wonderland.

At this time, Xu Ying saw a cave appear in the sky, and there were Taoist scenes flowing in the abyss. In just a short moment, he saw the Chaos Sea, Xuanhuang Erqi, Liuli Jingkong and other Taoist scenes.

Xu Ying was slightly startled and came forward.

On the top of the mountain in front of him, a small giant with his upper body naked, using Xuan Gong, has cultivated to the perfection of the new Dao Dao Scenery Realm, and is approaching the Supreme Realm!

The avenue around him was blazing, forming chains, twisting and intersecting around his body, flowing loudly, and the violent aura even caused the surrounding rocks to continuously shatter!

Wei Xu! Xu Ying was surprised.

Unexpectedly, Wei Xu also practiced a new way, and his cultivation level advanced so quickly that he had already begun to reach the supreme level!

If I am successfully attacked by him, he will be the first person to reach the supreme realm in the new way of cultivation, and he is still ahead of me!

Xu Ying thought of this and suddenly saw Zulong Zhao Zheng standing in the distance.

Ancestral Dragon Zhao Zheng is dressed in black and has a red belt, and his cultivation is not slow at all. There are many realms constructed by magic weapons floating behind him. The thirteen realms that make up the new path are also Tao Scenery realms!

Who gave him such a powerful magic weapon to refine?

Xu Ying was surprised by the large number of magic weapons that constituted his realm. In addition to the thirteen realms of the new way, there were many realms that Xu Ying ignored and hidden, such as the three levels, which were also refined.

Ancestral Dragon Zhao Zheng took the path of magic weapon to achieve enlightenment. The magic weapon went first, and the realm of cultivation came second.

This method of practice uses magic weapons to form an external realm. The external realm is much higher than one's own inner realm, so as to assist oneself in comprehending each realm.

However, this path has many disadvantages. One is that the external realm is easily attacked by others. If the magic weapon is damaged, the realm will fall and the cultivation level will be greatly damaged.

Second, magic weapons are difficult to refine. Even if you have enough financial and material resources, you still need an extremely powerful heavenly craftsman. At the same time, this heavenly craftsman also needs to have a deep understanding of each realm.

Xu Ying had walked this path before, but he was only dabbling in it for the first time and did not go further on this path.

Zulong Zhao Zheng obviously solved the second problem.

At this moment, Wei Xu's momentum suddenly began to decline, and the vast abyss failed to break through to the supreme level, and his own avenue was lost.

Xu Ying suddenly took a step forward and attacked Wei Xu. His fists were extremely domineering, and the surging power instantly shattered the space around Wei Xu!

Zulong Zhao Zheng was shocked and immediately activated the Thirteenth Realm magic weapon behind him. When he saw that it was Xu Ying, he hesitated and then stopped.

When Wei Xu was attacked, he immediately aroused his ferocity. He roared, his energy and blood surged, and his sluggish momentum suddenly became high again. He turned around and raised his huge fist to meet him!


The fists of the two collided, and their respective powers exploded. Xu Ying sensed that Wei Xu was weak and immediately withdrew a point or two of his strength. Even so, Wei Xu was still shaken back!

This little giant was refined into a supreme body. Although he was forced to retreat continuously, he became fierce and fierce. Instead, he attacked Xu Ying with extremely fierce attacks!

Xu Ying smiled slightly and activated his martial arts intention. In an instant, there seemed to be countless Xu Ying attacking Wei Xu at the same time.

Wei Xu shouted angrily and tried his best to resist, but Xu Ying's martial arts skills were so powerful that he was soon beaten with bruises all over his body.

Wei Xu became more and more courageous as he became more and more frustrated. He was covered in blood and still fighting fiercely. His fighting and murderous intentions formed a terrifying scene of countless gods and demons floating in a sea of ​​blood and corpses. The sounds of all kinds of killings filled the sky, and the sounds of the Dao became louder and louder!

He is the second disciple of Qingxuan. He comes from an era full of destruction and death. If he wants to survive, he must be a hundred times more ruthless than others. If he wants to get ahead, he must step on the bones of countless enemies!

He developed a violent character, and was later accepted as a disciple by Qingxuan. After Qingxuan taught him, he learned his mission and became the most brave warrior of that era.

Everything from the ancient times, no matter people or things, will be crushed!

All corruption must be overthrown!

Anyone who hinders the new way will be crushed into powder!

The so-called bulls, demons and snake gods will all be knocked down, their statues toppled and trampled under their feet!

After Qingxuan's death, he was stimulated and became even more surly and cruel, even killing his own people.

Xu Ying's attack and oppression revealed his ferocious nature and became more ferocious and arrogant!

Wei Xu's aura became stronger and stronger, and the skin all over his body almost exploded completely. The Taoist chains around him became thicker and brighter, wrapping around the peaks of his fists. His moves became more and more fierce, all of which were life-threatening!

Such an increase in violence made Xu Ying feel a little frightened: Will he be so oppressed by me that he explodes and dies?

After Xu Yingtianyuan was defeated in the first battle, Wei Xu realized that times had changed, so he entrusted Zulong Zhao Zheng to the care of waste Qingxuan, and resolutely abandoned his cultivation and started over.

He is one of the earliest people to practice the new way. Because his previous achievements were extremely high, he was unable to break through and become the Supreme without the Supreme Level Cave Abyss. Therefore, he re-established the new way and made rapid progress.

But even though he worked bravely and diligently, he had only practiced for more than six years. If he didn't accumulate enough and promised to be so oppressive, it would be a waste of time and it would easily lead to his death.

Just when Xu Ying hesitated, Wei Xu's skin had been completely peeled off by his own boiling blood, and the blood in his body was evaporating!

Even his muscles and tendons began to rupture!

Even though he was practicing the Ten Jue Taixu Dao Jing Gong taught by Emperor Qingxuan, and using his physical body to activate the Dao Jing of the Sea of ​​Chaos, his skin and muscles were broken and regenerated, but now the speed of fragmentation has exceeded the speed of resurrection!

If he continues, Wei Xu will be able to consume himself to death!

He has not accumulated enough and has not yet reached the level of breaking through to the Supreme Realm!

When Xu Ying thought of this, he saw that Wei Xu was actually burning his Eight Great Paths. The Eight Great Paths were in blazing flames, and their power was so intense that they illuminated the cave abyss thousands of times brighter than the sun!

He will die!

Xu made a decisive decision and was about to stop the attack. Suddenly Wei Xu seemed to have broken through some kind of extremely thick barrier. A powerful momentum rose into the sky, and explosive power surged through his flesh and blood!

The cave abyss above his head expanded again and again, expanding rapidly and evolving into the supreme cave abyss. The rolling power came from the void, and the vast and deep depths poured into the cave abyss!

Xu Ying stopped and retreated, sideways dodging to avoid Wei Xu's violent attack.

Wei Xu's injuries all over his body healed quickly, his muscles regenerated, and his skin replanted, and he soon returned to his original state. He broke through to the Supreme Realm, and immediately realized that Xu Ying was not here to kill him, but to help him, and immediately stopped attacking.

He concentrated on stabilizing this hard-won supreme realm, and continued to pull Tao power from the void. The Tao power came one after another, and what followed was the realization of the Taiyi Avenue!

He lacks the two great views of Void and Hunyuan Taiyi, and this time he failed to cultivate these two great views, but even without these two great views, his cultivation strength is not trivial.

Xu Ying waited quietly, watching him break through to the Supreme Realm, and couldn't help but show envy.

In the past 600,000 years, the first person to break through and achieve the supreme realm of the new way was not Xu Ying, nor the Holy Master.

But Wei Xu.

Who would have thought that this cruel person would actually become the first person in the new path?

Zulong Zhao Zheng walked quickly and bowed slightly to Xu Ying: Xu Daozu.

Xu Ying nodded slightly and returned the courtesy.

Wei Xu's understanding of Taiyi Avenue became deeper and deeper, his own cultivation became more powerful, and his momentum skyrocketed. Xu Ying couldn't help but admire, from Wei Xu's body, we can also see the situation when Qingxuan broke through to the Supreme Realm, which must be earth-shattering and shocking.

After all, Qingxuan created something from scratch, opened up a new realm, and jumped out of the shackles of the old way!

Finally, Wei Xu's momentum reached its limit, and his Taiyi Cave Abyss stopped expanding.

The little giant calmed down his momentum, the Dao chains around him disappeared, and the ferocity was hidden in his body. After a moment, he opened his eyes, walked towards Xu Ying, bowed and thanked: Thank you Xu Daozu for your help. If it weren't for Xu Daozu When I take action, I don’t know when I will be able to break through.”

Xu Ying smiled and said: I acted rashly and put too much pressure on you. I almost forced you to death. It was a bit reckless. I should wait for your cultivation to further improve and be fully prepared before I help you.

Wei Xu shook his head and said, That's wrong. If you are fully prepared for everything, you will never be able to accomplish anything. Because you are never fully prepared. My master told me that if you are 60% sure, you have to take action. try.

Xu Ying thought for a while, his knot gradually relaxed, and said: That's right. By the time you are fully prepared, the opportunity has already passed. Therefore, seizing the opportunity is the first priority. Prepare to be 60% to 70%, or even only If it’s 50%, then we should take action.”

History is created by reckless people. If you are less reckless, you cannot overthrow the decadent fairy court of ancient times!

Wei Xu said, Xu Daozu, I had a lot of misunderstandings about you before. I thought you were in collusion with the ghosts and snake gods of the ancient times, and that you were a young person who was trying to revive. Only today I saw your magnanimity. I will apologize to you!

Unexpectedly, he knelt down on the ground and kowtowed several times.

Xu Ying wanted to stop him, but it was too late, so he had to accept it.

Wei Xu got up and said, I have broken through to the Supreme Realm now. It is different from what it used to be. Does Xu Daozu need pressure to break through to the Supreme Realm? I can help.

Seeing that Xu Ying was doubtful, he quickly said: Don't worry, even though you are kind to me, if I take action, I will definitely beat you to death. It will definitely be full of pressure!

Xu Ying shook his head and said: You have just broken through to the Supreme Realm, and now you are just the same as the Great Luo Miao Realm, far from my opponent.

Wei Xu suddenly punched out, the Taiyi Cave Abyss began to circulate, and his aura instantly increased to the extreme. The power of the Eight Great Paths of Scenery boiled over, blessing his body, and shouted: I don't believe it!

Xu Ying raised his hand.


Wei Xu flew backwards and crashed into the mountains.

You won't believe it until you take action. Xu Ying shook his head.

————Mysterious update’s time for the otaku!

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