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Chapter 659 Wu Ji’s Enlightenment

The Ziweidang Demon Cauldron was made by Taoist Master Luofu after he killed Empress Ziwei and adopted the cultivation of Empress Ziwei.

However, the Ziweidang Demonic Cauldron was originally four-legged, but when Taoist Master Luofu was injured, he was besieged by Empress Ziwei and others in the ancestral court, so that one of the tripod's legs was severed by a glass lamp.

The magic power in the foot of the tripod was taken away by Empress Ziwei, causing the tripod to be less powerful than before.

But even so, the power of this treasure is still extraordinary.

The cauldron was lifted up, and the purple energy fell down, blessing Taoist Master Luofu, causing his mana to skyrocket and more than double!

Taoist Master Luofu stepped forward and appeared in front of Xu Ying. He waved his palm to attack Xu Ying. As soon as his palm moved, he saw magical power forming rapidly in his palm, like a blade!

Xu Ying raised his hand and took it. One of them had small supernatural powers and the other had martial arts. The moment they collided, all their strength and Taoism were annihilated in the brief contact!

Xu Ying felt that the opponent's palm was so powerful that he couldn't help but take a step back. Taoist Master Luofu still strode forward, his palms changed, like a thousand-armed god and demon, he attacked him, and actually fought with him at close range!

In front of Xu Ying's eyes, all kinds of magical powers erupted from Taoist Master Luofu's fingertips, fists, palm prints, sleeves, mouth, eyes and even nostrils, extremely short and extremely fast!

In an instant, Taoist Master Luofu's attack came like a storm, almost drowning him.

This fighting method is the fighting method of martial arts...

Xu Ying was inexplicably surprised. He was so shocked that he stepped back. He was suddenly excited and inexplicable. The ultimate martial arts power erupted from the martial arts cave. In an instant, it was as if Xu Ying was the starting point and countless Xu Ying's figures split into each other. One move attack!

The two of them hit each other faster and faster, getting faster and higher.

Suddenly, Taoist Master Luofu snorted, and shot out two white lights from his nostrils, like two flying swords slashing at Xu Ying's soul. At the same time, he shot golden light in his eyes, and slashed across Xu Ying's neck!

Unexpectedly, Xu Ying was struck by two flying swords and flew backwards. He saw the two golden lights flying around his neck like a rapidly rotating ring.

As he flew away upside down, the five fingers of his right hand popped out one after another, turning into five Immortal Killing Fingers, stabbing at Taoist Master Luofu.

Clang, clang, clang, clang!

A series of crisp sounds came, and the Ziweidang Devil Cauldron dropped its purple energy, blocking his five immortal-killing fingers. The purple energy took on the shape of a three-legged cauldron, with structures of various immortal runes emerging on the surface, accompanied by the loud sounds.

Emperor Haocang was truly amazing during his lifetime!

Xu Ying couldn't help praising him and said with a smile, His cultivation has been polished off by Dao Weeping, and he has also been attacked by Qingxuan, Shengzun and other six masters, but he can still have such powerful magic power. No wonder he has been ranked first in ancient times!

Taoist Master Luofu was not angry and went straight after Xu Ying. However, he also knew that what Xu Ying said was true. When Emperor Haocang fought against the Six Deities and Twelve Miaos, it was indeed not in its prime.

When the Dao Weeping broke out, Emperor Haocang used his body to block the Haocang Cave Abyss, but was attacked by the Dao Weeping Cave in the cave. As a result, his own Dao Weeping was in a state of being transformed, and his injuries continued.

After Emperor Haocang was defeated by Qingxuan, Shengzun and six others, he had to abdicate and was renamed Empress Ziwei.

At that time, his injuries were more serious and he had to hand over Haocang Dongyuan. Without Dongyuan to heal his injuries, his cultivation strength was getting worse day by day.

Therefore, Taoist Master Luofu was able to lead the crowd into the secluded residence of Emperor Haocang, rape and kill the concubines, empress, and empress, force Emperor Haocang to death, refine his cultivation, and refine the Ziweidang Demon Cauldron.

He ranked fourth among the Twelve Wonders because of Ziweidang Demon Cauldron.

If Emperor Haocang was in his prime, most of the Six Twelve Miaos would have to be killed or injured to defeat him, and he would not be humiliated to death by Taoist Master Luofu.

Xu Ying shattered the two white lights, and the two golden lights rotating rapidly around his neck also exhausted their power, leaving only a white mark on his neck and failing to cut off his head.

Taoist Master Luofu came to kill him. Xu Ying jumped into the sky and Taoist Master Luofu followed him to kill him.

Xu Ying stabilized his figure, and six more caves emerged one after another behind him. There were vague Taoist scenes floating in the caves.

Empress Ziwei is still on the Cuiyan Tower, fighting with the enemy, not knowing whether to live or die. You refined his cultivation and made this cauldron, so he died in your hands?

Xu Ying's eyes fell on the Ziweidang Demon Cauldron above Taoist Master Luofu, and said, Do you know that Master Ziwei is half a teacher to me. If he hadn't taught me Taiyi Enlightenment, I would definitely not have achieved what I have today. .”

Taoist Master Luofu slowed down, walked slowly, and sneered: Taiyi Enlightenment? I also have Taiyi Enlightenment, and I also learned about green rock carvings. Xu Ying, you are not unique!

He smiled proudly and said: I, together with eleven top masters including Mingzun, Zaihua, and Yaoluo, studied the enlightenment of Taiyi and visited the green rock carvings. Although the time was not long, we gained a lot. Xu Ying, you You want to avenge Empress Ziwei, do you have the ability?

He said coldly: Back then, Qingxuan was too stupid to kill Empress Ziwei and spare his life. I knew that leaving this person behind would be a serious problem, so I led my troops to attack the Empress's palace, and blocked the space with a dragnet, leaving the palace empty. Those rebellious ministers and traitors in the palace have nowhere to escape. The concubines and empresses raised by Empress Ziwei are all beautiful and fragrant, so my brothers who follow me will be blessed.

Xu Ying's face changed slightly. He did not expect that Empress Ziwei's old age would be so unfortunate.

Luofu Taoist Master said leisurely: I also need to use these concubines to disturb his Taoist mind and make him confused. Killing him is the greatest achievement of my life! After killing him, my brothers will take the Empress and Empress. I left it with a few princesses, it tastes very good.

He stared at Xu Ying and laughed: Have you seen their expressions when they were struggling under you? Have you seen their desperate expressions looking at the body of the empress? After I was satisfied, I rewarded them with death. I didn't kill them It would be considered compassionate to leave it to my brothers.

Xu Ying exhaled a breath of turbid air, his face turned cold, and he adjusted his skills.

The technique he is practicing now is no longer the Taiyi Immortal Sutra. The Taiyi Immortal Sutra is based on the Taiyi Cave Abyss and the Taiyi Avenue, but he now practices as many as six avenues that can be compared with the Taiyi Avenue.

More importantly, he also has a great way, which although not obvious, has begun to take shape, and that is the divine way of Taozu. That is the power of incense that the Qi Refiners and Immortals who practice the new way pay homage to the Taoist Ancestor!

The more people practice the new way, the stronger the power of this incense will be!

This is the way of God.

The Taiyi Immortal Scripture can no longer control so many great ways, so Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang continued to comprehend and revise during this year, trying to unify their respective ways.

The technique that Yuan Weiyang originally practiced was called Yuandao Heavenly Induction, but now it can no longer be used. Her current technique is called Daoji Heart Sutra.

This technique has extremely high requirements on the mind. Although the path she practices is similar to that of Xu Ying, the operation of the technique is completely different and more delicate.

The exercises that Xu Ying practiced were based on martial arts, so they were called the Wuji Zhengdao Sutra.

——Xu Ying originally planned to call it the Eight Heavenly Skills, which means that he cultivates these eight great ways, and each of them is very good, so powerful that he can stand up to the sky, so it is called Heavenly Skills. And the Eight Paths correspond to domineering, which he likes very much.

But Yuan Weiyang thought it was too vulgar, so he changed the name to Wuji Zhengdao.

This was the first time that Xu Ying urged Wu Ji to prove the Tao in front of others.

He originally planned to use Wu Ji to prove the Tao when he was dueling with the Immortal Emperor. If Taoist Master Luofu hadn't spoken out to provoke him, he wouldn't have used this technique!

I originally had no intention of killing you. Xu Ying said indifferently.

In his body, with martial arts as the foundation, the other six avenues circulate and connect with the major caves and abyss, connecting humans, gods, caves, and avenues into one!

Martial arts plays a vital role. Martial arts is the source of all Taoism. Taiyi, Wuji, Taichi and other great avenues are infused with martial arts, making his various avenues integrated!

Taoist Master Luofu's heart skipped a beat and he realized that there was something different about Xu Ying at this time.

No matter how powerful your skills are, you can't be my opponent!

He activated the Ziweidang Demon Cauldron and rushed forward. With a movement of his body, he unleashed all kinds of magical powers like a thousand arms and hands, and once again fought with Xu Ying at close quarters!

Xu Ying stepped forward, and his martial arts power exploded. In an instant, his figure was everywhere, and he rushed towards Master Luofu's small magical powers. He was like a broken bamboo, breaking through all the thousands of small magical powers with his strength. He was so powerful that he could break through ten thousand people. The posture of the law!

Bang bang bang bang!

A series of extremely dense explosions came, Xu Ying had already reached the front of Luofu Taoist master, punched out, the seven abyss rotated, and the powerful Tao power gathered on his fist!


The Ziweidang Demonic Cauldron erupted with a loud noise, and the purple energy hanging down from the cauldron formed an extremely thick barrier. The immortal runes rapidly flowed and changed on the barrier, like a waterfall.

But the next moment, the barrier was punched through by Xu Ying!

Master Luofu saw the menacing power of his fist and did not dare to take it hard. He suddenly turned over and jumped back, with his head on his feet and his palms pushing forward. He was clearly using his great supernatural power!

The small magical power was no longer sufficient against Xu Ying's martial arts magical power and could not hurt him at all, so he had to use the big magical power.

This magical move called Yan Bugui, although there is nothing particularly subtle, but it combines the great path he has practiced, coupled with the powerful and boundless magic power of the Ziweidang Demon Cauldron, it is extremely powerful!

In the Daming Palace of the Holy Lord Da Luotian, he used this move to fight against the Tao Tree Forest in the Daming Palace.


The fists of the two collided, and the seven abyss behind Xu Ying instantly increased to the extreme. At the same time, the aura of incense filled the air, adding to the punch!

Taoist Master Luofu groaned, his energy and blood surged, and he felt a pure and incomparable power coming down his arms. His sixty-four arm bones were crackled by the shock, and cracks appeared!

The two were separated at the first touch, and Xu Ying was knocked back by his powerful magic power, but then he rushed forward again, with another powerful punch that penetrated the defense of the Ziweidang Demonic Cauldron and struck straight at him.

Taoist Master Luofu took the blow forcefully, and suddenly his arm exploded with a bang. Countless bone fragments pierced his flesh and skin and shot out in all directions.

Xu Ying turned around and kicked him in the face. The Luofu Dao Master spun and flew up like a spinning top, feeling terrified in his heart.

Xu Ying chased forward, his figure swaying, and his martial arts skills reappeared. In an instant, there seemed to be countless figures rushing forward, and each figure hit Luofu Taoist Master from different angles!

Just hearing the clicking sound, all the bones in Luofu Dao Master's body were broken by him!

Taoist Master Luofu activated the Ziweidang Demon Cauldron, and the cauldron collided with Xu Ying. The majestic purple energy of the Eternal Emperor filled the starry sky. Wherever it passed, the starry sky shattered and collapsed, falling into the cauldron, adding a bit of power. !

The purple energy in the cauldron formed a huge vortex, swallowing up the stars, and the stars collapsed and disintegrated in the purple energy.

Before the Ziweidang Devil Cauldron approaches, the airspace where Xu Ying is located has completely collapsed, and the avenue no longer exists, making it impossible for people to hide and escape.

Xu Ying paused, and the Taiyi Golden Bridge appeared across the starry sky, building a bridge in the star field where Tao did not exist. Xu Ying was walking quickly on the bridge, but the Ziweidang Demonic Cauldron was already flying towards him, getting bigger and bigger, and soon filled his field of vision. All the sights ahead were blocked by this cauldron.

Xu Ying shouted violently and raised Wu Ji's enlightenment to the extreme. The realms of Qi Qi, Yin Jing, Jin Dan, Cave Abyss, etc. in his body were penetrated one by one, and all the magic power was mobilized. Even the seven cave abyss behind him shone brightly, saying The power keeps flowing out like a tide!

Xu Ying pushed forward with both palms and faced the big cauldron!


Xu Ying's clothes were fluttering and his breath was surging. The two Tai Chi rituals under the bridge collapsed and disintegrated one after another. The black and yellow Qi Qi even turned into a long flowing river, no longer the scene of the previous Tai Chi diagram!

The Wuji spinning above his head crazily blessed his body, acting on the Xuanhuang Erqi, trying to stabilize the situation!

Xu Ying was pushed back by the terrifying power of the Ziwei Dang Demon Cauldron, and the golden bridge under his feet continued to shatter and collapse under the crushing force of the Dang Demon Cauldron.

Blood bleeds from the corners of his mouth. The Taoist scenes in the Seven Great Cave Abyss have increased his Taoist power to an almost extreme level. The strong sense of oppression brought by the Demon Cauldron even allows him to vaguely see the portal to the next realm!

Supreme realm!

But the next moment, this feeling shattered and disappeared, and the portal to the Supreme Realm also disappeared.

The power of the Demon Dang Cauldron was completely blocked by him.

Xu Ying shouted loudly, his fists were flying, and his legs and feet were sweeping. In an instant, countless fist shadows and leg shadows fell on the Demon Dang Cauldron, and the big cauldron was smashed towards Taoist Master Luofu, even faster than when it came!

The Taoist master of Luofu sacrificed the Tao tree and Tao fruit, and activated his magic power crazily. Even the Tao flowers fell off from the Tao tree and turned into pure Tao power pouring into the cauldron!

Luotian Dojo!

He shouted loudly, the Dao Fruit rotated, and an extremely pure Dao World suddenly formed, blessing the Dang Demon Cauldron that he collided with.

With a loud bang, the Demon Cauldron crashed through his Luotian Dojo. The impact caused the Dao Fruit to sway, the avenues in the dojo were twisted, and the Dao tree crowns were blown back!

All the bones in Luofu Taoist Master's body were broken. He sacrificed his soul and stood in front of him. He pushed the cauldron with both hands.

Earth Immortal Seal!

Xu Ying turned his hand and dropped the seal, and it was as if the earthly immortal world hit the cauldron wall hard, denting the cauldron.

Opposite the cauldron, Luofu Taoist Master Yuanshen couldn't stand, hit his own body, and was crushed by the agitated power and slid backwards!

Seal of the human world!

Xu Ying made another seal and pushed it on the Devil's Cauldron. Luofu Dao Master's soul was shattered by the shock, and his consciousness was scattered.

At this moment, a loud laugh was heard: Don't panic, Taoist Master Luofu, the Five Deities and the Twelve Mysteries are here to help you, I'm here to help you surrender Xu Ying!

Taoist Master Luofu was overjoyed: It's that old guy from Dongshi! He must have been attracted by the news of my battle with Xu Ying, so he rushed over and has been hiding nearby!

Among the Five Deities and Twelve Wonders, there is indeed such a rule of providing help in times of need. At the beginning, the Immortal Emperor was also beaten half to death by Xu Ying and was about to be executed when Zainhua, Luofu and other talents showed up to save him.

Even the Supreme Being of Creation has been given help in times of need.

Mr. Dongshi rushed over with a smile on his face, but when he saw that Xu Ying's third seal of heavenly immortality had already landed on the Dang Mo Cauldron, he couldn't help but smile and said: Master Luofu, hold on!


The physical body of Taoist Master Luofu exploded, and blood plasma and bone fragments splashed on the Demonic Cauldron!

Xu Ying raised the cauldron with both hands, his muscles bulged, and he turned the Dang Mo cauldron upside down. His face looked a bit ferocious. The power of the cauldron was activated by him, and the roar swept across it, collecting all the fragments of Luofu Taoist Master and Naluotian Taoist Temple into the cauldron. !

Xu Ying's seven caverns rotated crazily, and the purple energy in the cauldron surged, twisting everything in the cauldron to pieces!

Mr. Dongshi had a sudden thought, turned around and left, feeling terrified: Oh no! It's a step too late to save someone in need! This kid acted too fast!

——Thank you to book friends 20200820080502268, Gudao Delan and Speechless Leader for the reward! !

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