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Chapter 658 I still miss Qingxuan

Qingxuan is resurrected?

Taojun Jiugong was a little confused. Hasn't Qingxuan been dead for 600,000 years? What happened to the resurrection?

Also, why is he involved in Qingxuan's resurrection?

While he was thinking about it, the two of them had already met. Jiugong Daojun sneered. During the uprising 600,000 years ago, the Six Twelve Wonders were the most dazzling figures in the world. The Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord Liu Guanyi was just a green leaf next to the red flower, a foil. That’s all.

Liu Guanyi is a tomb robber with a very bad reputation. He robs ancient tombs everywhere and looks for various magical passages. In ancient times, tomb robbers were despised by people, and he was notorious. The Ten Evidences of Dao and Fruit he compiled was indeed extremely amazing. However, not long after it came out, the supreme realm of the new path was opened up by Qingxuan. Ten Evidences of Dao and Fruit Totally useless.

After that, Liu Guanyi followed Qingxuan to conquer the world. Although he made many achievements, his achievements were not as good as those of their six masters and twelve masters.

Jiugong and Liu Guanyi had never fought against each other. When Liu Guanyi left the human world, they passed by the wrong ship.

A tomb robber, ten kinds of trash, is he worthy of taking action against twelve wonderful things?

Jiugong Daojun was really angry and activated the Jiujue Immortal Killing Sword. The sword light was fast or slow, forming an immortal sword array!

His Tao is called the Nine Palaces, and the Nine Palaces are the way of calculation.

The method of calculation can be used in cause and effect, divination, and can also be used in moves, formations, and magical powers.

His Ten Thousand Dao Golden Book is the application of the method of calculation in magical powers, while the Nine Jue Immortal Killing Sword is the application of formations.

As soon as the Nine Jue Sword Formation came out, the sword light was arranged into hundreds of large and small formations, rushing towards Liu Guanyi from all directions.

Liu Guanyi raised the Ten Thousand Golden Books, and the next moment he saw the golden books unfolding, flipping rapidly, and countless runes flying out from the golden books. The golden light was bright, like a golden dome, covering Liu Guanyi.

The sound of Taoism in the golden dome vibrates, as if there is a Daluo Immortal reciting the immortal Tao. There are all kinds of Taoist methods, all different!

Countless words revolved around Liu Guanyi, blocking the sword formation of the Nine Jue Immortal Killing Sword.

Jiugong Daojun was shocked and angry. This golden book was his most precious golden book of ten thousand ways, a treasure he refined, but now it actually rebelled against him and was used against him!

Little did they know that Liu Guanyi had torn out the most critical page of the Golden Book when he forced himself into his Da Luotian Dojo and dueled with his Heaven and Earth Soul.

Liu Guanyi did not change the composition of the paper, but only changed the structure of the runes on the paper. Now that the gold paper has returned to the gold book, it is equivalent to installing a back door for Wandao gold book, making it easier for him to occupy the magpie's nest and control the gold book.

This refining method was found by Liu Guanyi from the imperial mausoleum of Demon Emperor Xi Zhong, and it is extremely effective for dealing with magic weapons.

Suddenly, the golden book was pierced by the Jiu Jue Immortal Killing Sword. Jiugong Daojun felt pain in his heart and unconsciously reduced the power of the Immortal Killing Sword.

The golden book is his treasure. If Liu Guanyi doesn't cherish it, he has to cherish it.

But the next moment, the Immortal Killing Sword was suppressed by the golden book, and the book clamped the sword body with a snap. Liu Guanyi rushed from behind the book and grabbed the hilt of the sword amid the sword light.

Taojun Jiugong suddenly lost two great treasures of the wonderful realm. He was so angry that his eyes showed a fierce light, and he sacrificed the fragment of his distant ancestor's soul!

This immortal spiritual light was sacrificed, and the sky suddenly shook violently, and the spiritual dragon loomed, suddenly reaching down with its claws to grab it!

Everything around Liu Guanyi was imprisoned. Space and void were all locked up. Avenues, spells, and magical powers could not be used, forming an absolutely lawless space!

Without thinking, Liu Guanyi mobilized the Ten Thousand Golden Books and the Immortal Killing Sword as much as possible to meet the dragon's claws!

The next moment, the golden book exploded, countless golden papers flew, and the immortal runes on the surface of the golden papers circulated. Even this kind of treasure could not stop the treasure made from the fragments of the distant ancestors' soul!

Jiugong Daojun's heart was bleeding, he was still howling again and again, his eyes were wide open, and he urged the aura dragon to press down hard!

The sharp claws of the aura dragon met the Nine Ultimate Killing Immortal Sword, and the Immortal Sword was immediately frustrated. The sword body twisted and rotated, and the blade exploded into gaps. It was about to be destroyed.

Jiugong Daojun's heart was as sharp as a knife, but he would not have made such a move if he had not been forced to this extent by Liu Guanyi.

The two great treasures blocked the sharp claws of the aura dragon for a moment. Liu Guanyi had already rushed in front of Jiugong Daojun, and was about to kill Jiugong Daojun. Jiugong Daojun's face was a little ferocious, and all his magic power was poured into it. The aura dragon's body suddenly stirred in the air, and another dragon claw fell from the sky!

Liu Guanyi raised his hand to shake hard, and heard a roar. The dragon's sharp claws crushed him until blood spurted out from his mouth. Then his arms exploded, revealing the white bones.

His ten realms were destroyed one after another, and all the trees and flowers were destroyed!

Die! Jiugong Daojun shouted.

When the dragon claw came to Liu Guanyi's head, it crushed his head, and then his body exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist!

Jiugong Daojun crushed Liu Guanyi into powder, panted heavily, and said viciously: A gravedigger with a little bit of cleverness dares to go against our Twelve Miao! You are a heavenly king, what kind of cultivation do you have? ? A worthy death!

He put away the aura dragon. Just as the dragon raised its claws, he saw a coffin under the claws.

Daojun Jiugong knew something was wrong, so he flew back and activated the aura dragon again, but his mana was already a little weak and he could not mobilize the aura dragon for a while.

The aura dragon is a fragment of the distant ancestor's soul, and the mana required to sacrifice it is staggering. However, he is not very good at mana, and is not as powerful as Taoist Taiyuan and others.

Just as he was retreating, the coffin stood up, the coffin boards flew out, and another Liu Guanyi flew out of it, stamping his forehead with a palm!

This Liu Guanyi was stronger in cultivation, and when he hit him with his palm, half of Jiugong Daojun's head flew up, exploded, and his blood and brains splashed out an unknown distance.

Jiugong Dao Lord still has half of his face left, and is still alive. His Dao Tree Dao Fruit and Yuan Shen are still there. He only mobilized the aura dragon twice, and the mana loss was too great.

Daojun Jiugong knew something was wrong, and immediately flew upward diagonally, landing on the sharp claws of the aura dragon in the sky, and staggered.

His Ten Thousand Dao Golden Book and Immortal Killing Sword were destroyed by himself, and it was difficult to mobilize the aura dragon again, so he had no chance of winning.

He sacrificed the Dao tree and brushed it downwards, but the next moment the Dao tree was stripped of its branches. Then he sacrificed the Dao fruit and planted the Da Luo Tian. However, the Da Luo Tian immediately split open and Liu Guanyi came in to kill.

The Taoist Lord of the Nine Palaces offered sacrifices to his soul, and then he was hit by a finger force between his eyebrows. He was suddenly confused and his soul was almost torn apart.

He regained consciousness immediately and immediately went up the body of the aura dragon, thinking: Liu Guanyi came to kill me and avenge Qingxuan!

Liu Guanyi came from behind and suddenly saw the aura dragon leaping and changing, flying towards Daluotian in the fairy world!

This aura dragon is extremely important. Taoist Lord Jiugong would rather destroy the Golden Book of Ten Thousand Daos and the Immortal Killing Sword than give up this treasure, so he must take away the aura dragon.

Jiugong's various elixirs were thrown into his mouth desperately, but Liu Guanyi came to kill him again. The two of them fought while walking, galloping backward along the dragon's body.

Jiugong Daojun was suddenly confused again, his soul seemed to be split open, and he thought to himself: His magical powers are aimed at my soul! What a shame, I didn't take the path of the Supreme Realm back then! If I cultivated to the Supreme Realm, I wouldn't be afraid of his soul magical powers. .”

Daluo and Supreme are two paths. Among them, Daluo cultivates Dao Fruit, and Supreme Realm is more troublesome. He needs to abandon the Daohua Dao Tree, turn to the True Spirit, Soul, and Yuanshen, and refine the immortal spiritual light in sequence.

After Qingxuan opens up the Supreme Realm, the Twelve Miao actually have the opportunity to cut off the realm themselves and embark on the road to the Supreme Realm. But at that time, firstly, time did not allow it, and secondly, the requirements for the qualifications and understanding of the Supreme Realm were too high. Even if you cut yourself off, you might not be able to get through.

In addition, the path they practice is Daluo. They are accustomed to it and do not have the courage to change their ways.

Nowadays, Jiugong Taoist feels more and more regretful in his heart. If he cultivates to the Supreme Realm and masters the mysteries of physical activity, vitality, spiritual consciousness, etc., his physical body can be quickly restored even if it is damaged, and his vitality can be quickly replenished if it is depleted.

Even if Liu Guanyi used his soul-targeting magical powers, he could not shake his soul. Why was he in such a mess?

My disciple Ji Man is practicing my Nine Palaces Holy Art. If I take him away, I will also switch to a new way!

Just when Jiugong Taoist thought of this, he suddenly became confused again. When he woke up, he saw that his Tao tree had been uprooted by Liu Guanyi!

We can no longer ask for the fragments of the ancient soul! Our lives are at stake!

Jiugong Daojun was so frightened that he hurriedly threw down the aura dragon, flew up, and fled towards Da Luo too close.

Suddenly, another burst of darkness hit, and Jiugong Daojun fell into confusion again, not knowing where he was or where he was.

As soon as he woke up, he was shocked to see that he was back on the back of the giant dragon, fighting Liu Guanyi desperately!

Liu Guan struck with a series of attacks with his palms, shattering his Dao Fruit.

Taojun Jiugong vomited blood, struggled to fly away, and then fell into a trance again.

When he woke up again, he saw his headless body falling from the sky.

Liu Guanyi grabbed the few hairs on his head, held his head, and controlled the aura dragon to shuttle freely among the clouds.

Jiugong Daojun fell into confusion again. When he woke up again, he saw that Liu Guanyi had taken him to a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. There was an unnamed tomb in front of him, with no tombstone and no inscription.

However, there were traces of incense and paper money left behind by someone paying homage in front of the mausoleum.

Qingxuan! Jiugong Daojun showed a look of horror.

He remembers this place, this is Qingxuan’s mausoleum!

After the Five Masters and Twelve Miao killed Qingxuan, they needed someone to bear the crime of killing the emperor, so they designated Fairy Qiongtai as the murderer of the emperor. After Qingxuan was buried, Fairy Qiongtai was also buried here. , asking her body to kneel in front of Qingxuan's emperor's coffin forever!

Because they were ashamed of what they had done back then, they did not erect a monument for Qingxuan or inscribe his great achievements, leaving only this tomb.

For the Immortal Emperor, the size of the tomb is not large, and occasionally someone will come to worship and clean it.

Jiugong Daojun shouted: Liu Guanyi, don't kill me, I can help you deal with other people...

Before he finished speaking, he fell into confusion again and didn't know why.

When he woke up for the last time, he saw Emperor Qingxuan's crystal coffin, and his head was placed in front of the coffin.

Liu Guanyi took out the paper money and incense and placed a brazier next to it, apparently intending to use his own head to pay tribute to the Immortal Emperor.

Your Majesty, I came to see you and brought this sacrifice. The head of a traitor who betrayed the uprising!

Liu Guanyi bowed down to the body in the crystal coffin and whispered, The existences that rebelled with you back then are so powerful that they have no opponents, but they are also decayed to the same extent as the fairy court of old. If you see When the fairy court you built becomes what it is today, you will definitely rise up again and overthrow it, right?

He kept adding paper in the brazier and murmured: Although they want to erase all traces of your existence, even though they want everyone to forget you, even though they never want to mention you again, there are still people in the world who remember you. I miss you and the iron law of fairness you created.

They miss you, but not you. What they miss is not being fooled or being harvested. They miss the days when they could ascend, instead of being blocked by super catastrophes that blocked all possibilities of ascending.

“What they miss is exploring outwards, rather than asking endlessly from within.

Qingxuan, I will resurrect you, even though that person is no longer the complete you. But after all, he will bring people hope, even though it is slim.

He burned the last paper money and paid homage to the body in the emperor's coffin.

With this bow, the head of the Taoist Master of the Nine Palaces exploded, the soul was reduced to ashes, and the soul dissipated. Only a little bit of the immortal true spirit was left, wandering leisurely and unconsciously, flying towards the reincarnation of the underworld.

Six statues, twelve wonderful ones, and one more person has gone.

Liu Guanyi worshiped again, straightened up, and walked out of the unknown tomb.

Promise, this dragon of spiritual light and the nine spiritual lights of Tianlu will be an offer you cannot refuse!

Xu Ying walked and walked, practicing while admiring the surrounding scenery. Unknowingly, he came to Yuanshou and returned to Jiuyi Mountain.

He brought ingots, candles, paper money, and came to his old friend's grave. He saw a white figure under the sycamore tree with his back to him, standing in front of Zhou Qiyun's grave.

Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat and he stepped forward. At this moment, the figure in white turned around, but it was not the person he thought of, but Luofu Taoist Master Gu Bu Nian.

Xu Ying, you are indeed here, Yuan Weiyang did not lie to me.

Taoist Master Luofu smiled faintly and said, I just went to Tiandao Ancestral Court. Before I could threaten you, your little lady told you your whereabouts, saying that you would definitely come here after leaving Tiandao Ancestral Court. Pay homage to an old friend.”

Xu Ying was elated: Weiyang is really my virtuous wife!

Taoist Master Luofu took his time and raised his right hand, the Ziweidang Demonic Cauldron rose slowly, and said leisurely: It seems that you are not sad at all, but very happy. Could it be that you want to take this opportunity to change your wife?

Xu Ying was surprised and said: Is there such a good thing?

Taoist Master Luofu sneered: Haha, you have no chance. Today, you will explain it here! Ji——

The Ziweidang Demonic Cauldron soared into the sky, then turned upside down. The purple energy in the cauldron was as dense as if Ziwei's empress was still alive!

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