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Chapter 657 The Ten Wastes Attack (Third Update)

Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan came to Taoist Taiyuan's Daluotian and lurked quietly outside the Taoist palace. Hearing the conversation coming from inside, he thought to himself: This guy named Xing Daoyuan is really stupid. What kind of person is Taoist Taiyuan? Will he accept you as his disciple and teach you the Dharma for no reason?

He sneered in his heart: These sanctimonious guys just want to use his skills to change you into a look suitable for them to seize your body! Idiot, really stupid, I wouldn't be so stupid!

He was about to rush in, interrupt the seizure, and kill Taiyuan, when he suddenly heard Xing Daoyuan's words behind him and couldn't help but feel horrified.

He quietly poked his head out and saw Taoist Taiyuan being thrown into reincarnation by Xing Daoyuan, and his face turned pale.

This Xing Daoyuan is a ruthless character!

At this time, Xing Daoyuan's voice came, saying to himself: It's a pity that my mentor only has Tao bones left and no body, otherwise it would be more interesting to take away his body. After all, my mentor also practiced the Tao Zhuan Heart Sutra, and transformed himself My body has been trained to suit me...

Cold sweat broke out on Xie Jinxian's forehead, his eyes widened, and he stepped back step by step.

This Xing Daoyuan is scarier, more evil, and more scheming than me! He thought to himself.

It turns out to be Senior Brother Xiao.

Evil Jinxian stopped quickly and heard a woman's voice coming from behind, When did Senior Brother Xiao come?

Evil Jinxian turned around and saw a female disciple of Taiyuan Taoist coming not far behind him. In addition to this female disciple, there were five or six other disciples scattered around, each standing at random. Seal all your escape routes.

He was awestruck in his heart, knowing that Taiyuan Taoist disciples were highly cultivated and all of them were heavenly kings. If he was not injured, these people tied together would not be enough to kill him. But he was seriously injured!

At this time, heavy footsteps came from behind him, and Evil Jinxian was delighted: I told them that Xing Daoyuan can escape by killing their master, Taoist Taiyuan!

Just when he thought of this, he saw Xing Daoyuan's tall and majestic body. Although this man was tall and majestic, the expression on his face was very kind, with a rather elegant and elegant charm.

Xing Daoyuan was the righteous leader of Yuanshou at that time. He was extremely knowledgeable and talented. He spoke very well and did not look like a fisherman at all.

Xing Daoyuan smiled slightly at Xie Jinxian. At this time, the female disciple behind Xie Jinxian said: I have heard about Xie Jinxian's name for a long time. It is Xing's great fortune to meet you today.

Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan's hair stood on end, and he turned back to look at the woman.

He saw the woman smiling kindly at him.

Another Taiyuan disciple said: Senior Brother Xiao is a giant of evil in ancient times. He has made great achievements. He was able to escape from Xu Daozu's hands. Xing admires him.

Another Taiyuan disciple said: Senior Brother Xiao, could it be that he came here for my mentor's Taoist Bone? To be honest, this Taoist Bone has already fallen into my hands.

Xiejinxian's face was horrified. After a while, he bowed his head to Xing Daoyuan and said politely: Just now I saw fellow Taoist Xing's ability to transform hundreds of lives, which made Xiao admire him greatly and made him feel ashamed. No matter which disciple of Taiyuan takes over, What’s in your bag.”

Xing Daoyuan returned the gift and said with a smile: Now that the new path is prosperous, the older generation still clings to the glory of the past and refuses to give up even a little bit, so I have to do the harvesting. Is Fellow Daoist Xiao willing to stand out in this great world?

Xie Jinxian was moved by what he said and smiled: That's what I meant. It's just that one person is weak.

Xing Daoyuan smiled and said: Now Taoist friends are no longer one person. Together, you and I can understand the new Tao and we will definitely achieve something.

The two looked at each other and smiled, understanding each other. Xing Daoyuan extended his hand to invite each other, and Xie Jinxian followed him into the Tao Palace. The two exchanged Taoist methods, and they felt that it was too late to meet each other, and they were all very happy.

It's just that Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan is always a little uneasy. When he turns his back to Xing Daoyuan, he can always feel a pair of eyes staring at his neck.

This kind of sight is very strange, it moves up and down, as if looking for a convenient line for cutting.

In the end, he did not stay in Taiyuan Daluotian for long, so he said goodbye and left.

Xing Daoyuan watched him go away, his eyes still strange: This person is so strange and difficult to harvest.

Evil Jinxian didn't know that he escaped a life and death disaster because his body was a strange flower in the Milky Way. Speaking of which, he should be grateful to Xu Ying.

In the Japonica Town of Tianshuang World, the Fire Bell Fairy groaned, her hands trembling and she could hardly lift them.

She fought with Lou Mingyu, the disciple of the Holy Lord, and even used her wonderful treasure, the Nine Fire Bells, to mobilize the Great Luo Immortal Fire to burn him, but she was still suppressed by the terrifying magic power brought by Lou Mingyu's more than one hundred caves!

Except for the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God, the Fire Bell Fairy has never seen anyone with such powerful magic power.

The key is that Lou Mingyu is now in the Daojing realm, which is equivalent to the Daluo Jinxian realm of the old Taoism. He is the seventh level of the Tao realm in the Longting era. His cultivation strength is so powerful, it is simply incredible!

If the Holy Lord makes a comeback, how terrifying will his cultivation strength be?

Her body floated backwards, a string of fire bells shook in front of her, and the Daluo fairy fire that immediately incinerated everything and the terrifying ringtone attacked Lou Mingyu who was chasing after him!

One hundred and eight caves and abyss rotated behind Lou Mingyu, and thousands of Taoist scenes emerged from the caves and abyss, forming various forms of fairy mountains and blessed places. The palm power was amazing, overwhelming the fairy fire. Not even the ringing of the bell could sway him in the slightest.

The nine fire bells jingled all the way, and they were sent flying in all directions by him. The Fire Bell Fairy was shocked to the point where her blood was floating.

Lou Mingyu sneaked in, caught up with Fairy Huoling, and was about to kill her. At this time, the voice of the Holy Lord came from behind: Mingyu, stop.

Lou Mingyu put his hands back and stood up, and the speed of the One Hundred and Eight Cave Abyss gradually slowed down.

The young saint stepped forward, his eyes fell on Fairy Huoling, and said: Huoling, if you were the final winner back then, would you have spared my life?

Fairy Huoling calmed down her injuries, shook her head and said: I will definitely not let you live. The Holy Lord's talent is unparalleled. If it weren't for Qingxuan, you would be the number one person. Keeping you alive is too great a threat to me. I want to To be the empress, I must kill you first!

The young saint said: If Mingzun wins, will you spare your lives?

Fairy Huoling was stunned, shook her head and said: Mingzun is mean and ungrateful, and his calculations are too strong. If he kills the Holy Lord and gets rid of the ancestor god, he will definitely wash us with blood and will definitely not spare our lives.

The young saint said: When you were defeated in my hands, who died in my hands?

The Fire Bell Fairy was slightly startled.

The young saint said: Except for Qingxuan, I have not killed anyone among the six twelve masters. I will not kill you today either. You go. When the battle between Xu Ying and Mingzun is settled, you can come back to me.

The Fire Bell Fairy had a complicated expression, bowed slightly to him, turned and left.

The young saint watched him go away and said: Mingyu, you are fighting with Huo Ling. The noise is too loud and people will notice it. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's leave quickly.

Lou Mingyu said yes, showing admiration, and said: Seeing the master doing things today, Mingyu realized that there is still a lot to learn from the master.

The young saint said: You don't have to belittle yourself. You are the second saint of the new way, and you have already achieved success. You have not ascended in these years, and you promised to preach, and your future achievements will not be inferior to mine. There is only one thing, you are practicing in the Tao Jingjing. I have entered too many caves and abyss and made a greedy mistake. You should try your best to merge these caves and abyss and integrate different avenues. If you cannot merge them, cut off the inferior caves and abyss. Otherwise, you will have no way to achieve the supreme enlightenment. Prove it. Prove it to the Supreme Being. The more caves and abyss you practice in, the more difficult it will be!

Lou Mingyu felt awe-inspiring.

He also realized that he had too many caves and abyss, and it was becoming more and more difficult to practice, and the energy consumption was also increasing. It is almost impossible to go further.

I never thought that the problem lies here.

The young saint said: You and I practice and seek the Tao, and we have to take and give up. I will teach you the enlightenment of Taiyi and help you understand the green rock carvings. You try to see if you can integrate the cave and the abyss. If you can achieve something, your achievements are indescribable. Limited.”

Lou Mingyu was deeply moved and said: Why did the teacher teach me this?

In the past, the Holy Master would never teach him these things, so suddenly he was taught them, which made him a little uneasy.

The young saint was silent for a moment and said: After my death, there needs to be a new generation of saints, stronger than me, who can carry my inheritance and compete with the world of immortals. I don't want my lineage to be cut off.

Lou Mingyu fell silent.

The young saint sighed with emotion: However, even if I give all my money to help you excel, you will still be beaten by Xu Daozu. Just like I was beaten by Qingxuan back then. I am really unwilling!

He paused and said: Don't deal with Xu Daozu like I dealt with Qingxuan. You should work together. Don't continue the mistakes of the older generation.

Lou Mingyu was stunned. The Holy Lord had never admitted that killing Qingxuan was a mistake. This was the first time that he thought he had made a mistake.

Come with me, I will take you to meet the top, second, and eighth masters in the Twelve Wonderful Rankings!

The Holy Lord said leisurely, With your strength, although you are no match for them, you won't be beaten to death by them. Now, it's time to release them!

The master and apprentice hid their traces and left quietly.

Not long after, Taoist Master Yuanying and Dan Xuanzi came together, checked briefly, and then flew away.

Then Patriarch Boshan came and continued to track the master and apprentice.

The Immortal Emperor Supreme and the Creation Supreme came hand in hand and followed the Boshan Ancestor away.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor observed the movement route of Patriarch Boshan, frowned slightly, and said: Brother Taoist, Master and Disciple Shengzun are going to Tianlao Prison!

The Supreme Creation said in surprise: Heavenly Prison? Aren't they throwing themselves into a trap?

The Immortal Emperor shook his head and said: Brother Taoist, I don't know something. There is a person imprisoned in the Tianlao Prison, and even I dare not approach him.

The Supreme Creation asked in surprise: Who is being imprisoned?

The first of the twelve wonders. said the Immortal Emperor.

The face of the Supreme Creation suddenly changed: Where was Jun Wudao suppressed? You are so brave! Why don't you kill him and suppress him instead?

The Immortal Emperor shook his head and said: The Holy Lord did not give the order to kill him, who dares to do it?

The face of the Supreme Creation was uncertain. After a moment, he said: It's not too late to take action now! Let's go quickly!

The two immediately rushed to Tianlao hand in hand, and soon surpassed Patriarch Boshan.

Heavenly Dojo.

The White Bone Divine Dragon woke up faintly, looked at his body, and had mixed feelings for a while. He has been practicing martial arts with Xu Ying these days, and has made his Qi and blood extremely powerful. At this time, his self-awareness returned, he immediately adjusted his luck and blood, and the illusion of practicing the big bell came true!

However, he saw that Qi and blood were flying around him, traveling along the bones, gradually forming bone and muscle fascia, and the internal organs. Bone and blood gradually flowed out of the bones, forming meridians, extending in all directions.

This Prime Minister has been depressed for thousands of years, but he still has such aptitude and understanding.

Xu Ying couldn't help but marveled over and over again. Bi Yanhai was extremely talented and had already begun to transform into flesh and blood after realizing the true meaning of Master Zhong's refining the fake into the real.

It won't be long before he can cultivate his true form.

Weiyang, you stay here, I want to practice alone for a while.

Xu Ying said to Yuan Weiyang, In these two months, I must cultivate to the Supreme Realm! It is difficult to achieve the Supreme Realm without pressure.

Yuan Weiyang hesitated for a moment and said: Be careful of Ming Zun.

Xu Ying smiled slightly and said: Mingzun is more worried about the Holy Lord, he has never noticed me at all. After all, I have been harvested by him once. But you should be careful, after I leave, someone will come to look for me.

Yuan Weiyang said: Don't worry, we will betray your movements.

Xu Ying laughed loudly and drifted away, leaving the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court.

As soon as he left with his front foot, Jiugong Daojun arrived with his rear foot.

Taoist Lord Jiugong came to the place where Taoist Taiyuan was beaten and saw blood all around, and his expression suddenly changed. Xu Ying's battle with Taoist Taiyuan took place in the Tiandao Ancestral Court and was unknown to the outside world.

But for the last blow, Xu Ying used the spiritual light whip, and the power it unleashed was truly astonishing. Jiugong Daojun followed the power of that spiritual light.

Although Taoist Taiyuan's cultivation strength is inferior to mine, he will not be beaten to death. His most powerful thing is the Tao Bone! Refining the Tao Bone is his highest achievement!

Jiugong Daojun raised his head, looked in the direction of the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court, and whispered, This old boy must have run back to Daluotian to seize his disciple. Who can hurt him to this extent? It must be the fragment of the ancient soul. He refined the fragment of the soul into a weapon, how could it be taken away by others?

He hesitated for a moment, offered the Ten Thousand Dao Golden Book, and with a flick of his finger, the Ten Thousand Dao Golden Book flew toward the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court, thinking: First test the strength of the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court!

He has two wonderful treasures, one is the Golden Book of Ten Thousand Daos, and the Nine Ultimate Immortal Killing Sword. These two treasures are extremely powerful, but a page was torn out of the Ten Thousand Dao Golden Book by Liu Guanyi, the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord, so their power is not as powerful as before.

But the Golden Book of Ten Thousand Daos is still ten thousand daos, and even if one page is missing, its power is still extraordinary.

However, before the book could fly to the Heavenly Palace, it was picked off by a figure.

The man holding the missing page of the Ten Thousand Dao Golden Book is none other than Liu Guanyi, the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord.

Liu Guanyi, you are looking for death! Jiugong Daojun was shocked and angry. While urging the Ten Thousand Dao Golden Book, he raised the Nine Jue Immortal Killing Sword and killed him.

Liu Guanyi pasted the page of the golden book that he had torn out on the title page. The Wandao golden book that had been bursting with power a moment ago became docile and lost all its power.

Liu Guanyi raised his hand gently, and the Ten Thousand Dao Golden Book fell lightly into his hand.

He stepped towards Dao Lord Jiugong and said calmly: Jiugong, you are an offer that Xu Ying cannot refuse. Whether Qingxuan can be resurrected depends on this!

——The third update is here! The pig didn't break his promise! ! ! Try to update the world tomorrow! !

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