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Chapter 656: Teacher, wise and apprentice (second update)

The power of Lord Long's soul is really too strong!

It took a while for Xu Ying to come to his senses, and he wanted to give him another whipping, but to his surprise, all his magic power had been consumed.

The power of this spiritual whip was really terrifying. Xu Ying almost pressed down on Taoist Taiyuan and beat him, but still failed to beat him to death. However, Taoist Taiyuan was whipped and exploded!

This treasure is more powerful than any supreme magic weapon I have seen before!

The big dragon flew over quickly and said happily: Ah Ying, give me my whip quickly! With this whip, I can break the seal of the Bone Dragon!

Xu Ying handed the aura whip to him. Dalong was about to refine it when he caught a glimpse of Xu Ying. He hesitated again and handed the aura whip back to him, saying: You should use this whip first to deal with Ming Ming. Please give it back to me later.

He knew that the duel between Xu Ying and Ming Zun was coming, and he was worried that Xu Ying didn't have a weapon at his disposal. Even though the spiritual whip was part of his soul, he reluctantly gave up on her.

Xu Ying shook his head and smiled: Master Long, I'm not used to using magic weapons. At this point in my cultivation, whether I use magic weapons or not, the difference is actually not big.

This is not an exaggeration.

Although there was an element of opportunism in his battle with Taiyuan Taoist, the result of this battle would have been the same even if Taiyuan Taoist had not used his magical power incorrectly.

Although the power of the aura whip is extremely powerful, it also requires extremely high cultivation level. With such a powerful cultivation level, if you use it with all your strength once, you will not be able to use it a second time.

For Xu Ying, it would be better to leave his cultivation behind to protect himself.

Dalong heard this and said, Just now you showed up to the Dao Scenery. Have you already cultivated to the Dao Scenery?

Xu Ying nodded lightly: I just entered the Dao Scenery.

Dalong said: Your current cultivation level is already stronger than yours in the Tianyuan battle! In this case, I will refine this whip first! Even if you are defeated by the Immortal Emperor, I can beat him to death !”

Xu Ying laughed loudly and said: There are still two months left before I can fight the Immortal Emperor. In these two months, if I can break through to the Supreme Realm, then I will be 100% sure.

The supreme state of the new way will bring about earth-shaking changes and a qualitative leap!

This realm is the key to the new path!

Xu Ying had been immersed in the Daojing Realm for a long time, so he wanted to break through under the pressure of the Immortal Emperor Supreme and strive to enter the Supreme Realm within these two months!

And Taoist Taiyuan and others are his stepping stones!

Besides, Dalong also needs to restore his soul. Xu Ying said silently in his heart.

If you want to stop the invasion of the Celestial Realm, you need to restore the ancient dragon to its peak. If he does not restore his peak strength, he will not be able to stop the strong men of the Celestial Realm!

At this time, the spiritual light whip suddenly decomposed and turned into immortal spiritual light, which was compatible with the head of the distant ancestor dragon. For a time, the rays of light in the Heavenly Ancestral Court were extremely brilliant.

When the light calmed down, I saw the mighty big head of the ancient dragon, standing majestically in the sky, dragging a long and thin dragon body behind it, with mane, scales and claws, and a dragon tail.

Just this form, with a thin rope hanging from the back of the bucket, is indescribably ridiculous.

The big dragon opened its slender claws, walked around tremblingly, and said happily: How is it? How is it?

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang hesitated, while the Bone Dragon was so happy that he fell to the ground and rolled with laughter.

Da Zhong couldn't help but said: Master Long, can you coil it up?

The big dragon curled its body, the dragons coiled together, holding a head several times larger than its body, and shouted: How does it look?

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang did not dare to speak. Da Zhong was very brave and said: You are like that potato sprout that has grown bad. Do you know that potato sprouts? Your head is the potato, and your body is the potato sprout. Thin and long...


The dragon waved his slender claws and punched him away. The slenderness is relative to his head, but compared to Xu Ying and others, this dragon claw is still ridiculously thick!

Xu Ying, Yuan Weiyang and the Bone Dragon remained silent.

After a while, the big clock swayed and flew back. It was much more open-minded and said: Master Long, can you change your appearance? This is indeed a bit too detailed.

Spiritual light burst out from Dalong's body and he reconstructed himself. When the aura dissipated, I saw that the dragon had changed its appearance again. The dragon's head was huge, and the mane behind the dragon's head was flying. It was very powerful. The dragon's body was also extremely thick, and the dragon's scales were shiny. Under the dragon's scales on the forelimbs, the muscles were like It's as majestic as a knife cutting an axe.

Then, it stopped abruptly.

No hindquarters.

The big dragon spread out its two forelimbs and moved as fast as flying. It said happily: How about this?

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang looked at each other, their big eyes glaring at each other. The Bone Dragon laughed so hard that all its bones fell apart and fell to the ground.

Da Zhong hesitated for a moment, remembered what he had just experienced, and said cautiously: Master Long, do you want to change your mind?

Dalong's face darkened, he snorted, and his whole body was surrounded by aura. When the aura dissipated, a Dalong with sound limbs appeared in front of everyone, and said proudly: How about this?

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were stunned, and the big clock clanged meaninglessly.

I saw that the big dragon's head had not changed, and the limbs were still there, but the body was severely shortened, with almost no belly. The forelimbs and hind limbs were almost connected together, and a ridiculously short tail trailed behind.

The Bone Dragon had just assembled itself. When he saw this scene, he couldn't help but open his mouth wide, raised his claws and pointed at the big dragon, laughing silently.

The sound of the big bell knocked him unconscious and said: Oh my, is this so, not bad, not bad.

Da Long cheered up and said with a smile: Now that my cultivation level has greatly increased, I can finally break the seal of that boy Bai Gu! After that, he shrank in size, and with a hiss, he got into the skull of the unconscious Bai Gu Shenlong.

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were quite curious and followed them in.

The White Bone Divine Dragon looks like a young dragon, but according to Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang's speculation, he is probably the Prime Minister Bi Yanhai using a secret method of rejuvenation to keep himself young and avoid the fate of death.

As a top expert in the eighth level, Bi Yanhai is extremely important to the current situation. If he can be awakened, he can increase his ability to fight against the immortal world.

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang entered the skull of the White Bone Divine Dragon, and were surprised to find that there was actually a cave inside!

It was not as if they were entering the skull of a divine dragon, but as if they were entering a huge and winding tunnel. The tunnel turned thousands of times, like a maze, full of forks and portals, and was extremely complicated.

They need to open different portals to enter the next path, but they may also open the wrong portal, causing the path to go wrong, and fall into the depths of the maze and be unable to find the way out.

No wonder Long Ye Zhong Ye has not unlocked his seal during this period. This seal should be sealed by Bi Yanhai, hiding his own memory, lest his memory be destroyed by Taoist crying.

Xu Ying looked at the seals on these portals and couldn't help but frown. Although he was a great seal master, the seals on these portals were dragon patterns. He didn't know much about dragon patterns so far.

Isn't Mr. Long the most knowledgeable and wise ancestor? Why couldn't he break these seals and rescue Bi Yanhai's memory?

When he thought of this, he felt relieved. Although Dalong is erudite, his Taoist and magical powers in the Dragon Court era are always improving. Especially when trying to save the nation, many geniuses were born, such as Qing Mufeng, who can predict the future for tens of millions of years, and the Human Race Historian. Qin Daoquan.

This Bi Yanhai must have been a dazzling existence in that era. He had extraordinary achievements in the way of sealing, and could even stump the distant ancestor dragon.

This child's seal is no small matter, but now I can break it!

Dalong said excitedly, You all get out of the way!

He walked forward, having difficulty coordinating his limbs. He suddenly took a long breath, and a breath of spiritual light came out. Suddenly, the doors in front of him made a bang bang bang sound, and he blew them open with one breath!

Those dead ends were directly filled with immortal spiritual light and bounced back, while the way out was impacted by more immortal spiritual light, opening more doors!

Dalong's breath was so long that his body continued to shrink. When the breath was exhausted, his body shrunk by 70 to 80%. He jumped forward and shouted: Follow me, don't get lost. If you get lost, I can’t bring you out!”

Xu Ying, Yuan Weiyang, and Dazhong quickly followed him and walked along a winding road. After walking for an unknown amount of time, they finally came to the end of the passage. The last door was still closed.

Dalong stepped forward and pushed open the door. Immediately, emerald green light hit his face. He saw that this was a typical Dragon Clan Immortal Palace, large in scale and beautiful.

A green dragon coiled around the pillars of the Immortal Palace, almost filling the Immortal Palace.

His upper body protruded from the apse, climbed to the top of the temple, put his head on the ridge, and fell asleep soundly.

His dragon scales are azure, as clear and translucent as azure tea.

It's just that his body is covered in bruises, with burn marks everywhere, and there are very few complete scales. They should be the scars left by a life-and-death fight with the strong man on the other side.

Sea of ​​blue smoke.

Xu Ying opened his mouth and called out, The distant ancestors are here to take you home.

The green dragon slowly woke up, opened his eyes, and his gaze fell on the distant ancestor of the great dragon. He hesitated for a moment, and he couldn't believe that this was the distant ancestor of the dragon clan.

Wake up, child. The distant ancestor Dalong said with a kind face.

The green dragon whimpered, slowly stretched its body, climbed up to the big dragon with difficulty, and asked in the dragon language: Distant ancestor, is the dragon clan dead?

Not dead.

The distant ancestor Dalong said, You and I are still left.

Qinglong Biyanhai choked and followed him outside.

Outside the Tiandao Taoist Temple, Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan has been secretly watching the beatings of Taoist Taiyuan outside the Tiandao Ancestral Court, and felt happy in his heart: Taoist Taiyuan tricked me into getting rid of Xu Ying, but in fact he just wanted to see how badly I was beaten by Xu Ying. It’s miserable, you can guess Xu Ying’s behavior from my wounds. He plotted against me, and he deserves to be plotted against me!

When Xu Ying grabbed the spiritual whip and beat Taoist Taiyuan to pieces with one blow, Xie Jinxian couldn't help but his forehead was covered with cold sweat. He stood there for a long time and limped away quickly, saying silently in his heart: Times have changed, the old way has changed. There is no way to go anymore, I must not be an old stubborn like Taiyuan Taoist. I must practice the new way!

He suddenly turned around and flew towards the place where Taoist Taiyuan was blasted. His eyes flashed and he thought to himself: Did Taoist Taiyuan really die like this? Is it really so easy to die in Daluo Wonderland?

Not long after, he flew over to the place where Taoist Taiyuan was beaten. Although there was blood everywhere, he couldn't find a single bone, only broken meat.

Taoist Taiyuan has cultivated a good set of Taoist bones! That whip shattered his physical body, but the Taoist bones remained!

Evil Jinxian continued to search and found the fragments of Taoist Taiyuan's soul that was disintegrating, but did not find the immortal true spirit. He thought to himself, Although his immortal true spirit is not at the supreme level, it is not trivial. In the spiritual light whip He was saved. At this moment, he must be returning to his Taiyuan Daluotian Dojo to prepare for reincarnation!

Xie Jinxian was inexplicably excited and whispered: A person like him will definitely prepare a physical body for his reincarnation. When he reincarnates, he will be at his weakest. This will give me an advantage!

Thinking of this, he tried his best to suppress his injuries and immediately flew staggeringly towards Da Luotian, the Immortal Realm.

Above the Nine Heavens is Da Luo Tian, ​​the Da Luo Dojo of Taiyuan Taoist. This place was originally destroyed by Shi Fei Tianjun, but now it has been rebuilt.

It’s just that Taiyuan Taoist’s soul of heaven and earth was killed by the Shichi Tianjun, and he still hasn’t recreated his soul.

Xing Daoyuan was practicing in the Taiyuan Taoist Palace. Suddenly, footsteps came from outside, and at the same time, Taiyuan Taoist's voice came: Good disciple, I have suffered a heavy blow as my teacher, and I'm afraid my life is not long. My teacher failed to teach you to become a useful person, and in my heart I was so ashamed that I risked my life to come here and give you the last Taoist bone, which would finally fulfill my wish!

Xing Daoyuan looked over and saw a bloody human skeleton walking into the palace from the outside, leaving bloody footprints every step of the way.

Xing Daoyuan was very sad and kowtowed: Master, who hurt you like this? This disciple must avenge you!

The bloody human bones were none other than Taiyuan Taoist. He came to the Taoist palace and said with a wry smile: Idiot, even I am not a match for that man. What are you capable of? I don't need your revenge. . Sit down and relax your mind while I integrate the Dao bone into your body.

Xing Daoyuan burst into tears and sat down as he was told.

Taoist Taoist Taiyuan walked behind him and with a slight stroke, Xing Daoyuan's back split open, revealing his flesh and bones.

Xing Daoyuan said: Teacher, this disciple hurts so much!

Taiyuan Taoist said: Transferring the Tao bones is a bit painful, please bear with it.

Xing Daoyuan said: Yes.

When the bloody Taoist bones entered Xing Daoyuan's skin, Taoist Taiyuan's immortal spirit immediately activated and headed towards his soul, intending to occupy his soul, obliterate his consciousness, and replace it!

However, this time, it was all in vain.

Where is Xing Daoyuan's soul? Taoist Taiyuan was shocked and looked around, but he still couldn't find it.

At this moment, Xing Daoyuan stood up and said: But after getting the Taoist bones of my mentor, the disciple will not feel so much pain.

Taoist Taiyuan was shocked. Xing Daoyuan stood up, but he sat still where he was.

At this moment, he was not in Xing Daoyuan's body, but in a human skin!

Xing Daoyuan turned around, became familiar with this Taoist bone, and praised: My master has made this skeleton really strong. No wonder the physical body and soul are broken, but the bones are still there.

Taoist Taiyuan was inexplicably panicked and wanted to get up and seize his own Taoist bones. However, the human skin was difficult to control and swayed back and forth as if blown by the wind.

Teacher, I am known as the Master of Niwan Palace in the mortal world, and I have harvested countless people. You can't beat me with your tricks.

Xing Daoyuan raised his hand and pressed heavily on the head of the human skin. Suddenly, a huge vortex appeared at the foot of the human skin, leading directly to the underworld and reincarnation!

Disciple sends you respectful greetings to your master!

————Second update! Go prepare for the third update

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