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Chapter 655: Pointing through the Dao Fruit and sweeping across the Wonderful Realm (big chapter, fi

The Evil Gold Immortal left the ancestral court, almost injured.

This time his injury was too serious, but it was not fatal. It was obvious that Yuan Weiyang had some strength left when she hurt him.

The witch is amazing, she failed this time...

Just as he thought of this, a figure quietly appeared beside him, it was Taoist Taiyuan.

Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan hissed: Taiyuan, I have completed what you asked me to do...

Before he could finish speaking, he was restrained by an immense amount of magic power and flew up involuntarily, floating in the air.

Taiyuan Taoist carefully examined the Tao injuries on Xie Jinxian's body, and gently pointed at Xie Jinxian's forehead. Xie Jinxian suddenly felt that his soul, Taoist temple, Tao tree, Tao flower, and Tao fruit were all gone. Listen to yourself and emerge!

The evil golden fairy was ashamed and angry.

Is this the Taoist magic power that Xu Ying has?

Taiyuan Taoist wandered around his dojo and carefully examined these Taoist injuries. Yuan Weiyang's magical powers were extremely sophisticated and grand.

In addition to coming from Cuiyan, her magical method was also passed down by the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God. The Holy Lord and the Ancestral God taught her for half a year. These two masters taught each other, which raised her vision and level to the extreme. high level.

However, the style of Yuan Weiyang's divine channel method is very different from Xu Ying's.

Xu Ying's Taoist and magical powers are even more brutal and violent.

However, during the battle between Xu Ying and the Immortal Emperor in Tianyuan, Taiyuan Taoist was trapped in the human world and had no chance to see Xu Ying's Taoist magical powers, so he mistakenly believed that these Taoist injuries contained Xu Ying's magical powers.

Evil Jinxian held back his shame and anger and said: Taiyuan, you don't know something. This is not...

Suddenly, Taiyuan Taoist suddenly reached out and grabbed his hand into his wound, trying to tear his Taoist injury out of the wound!

The Evil Golden Immortal was in severe pain, as if the physical soul was about to burst. Suddenly, Yuan Weiyang's Taoist magical powers hidden in all his Taoist wounds exploded. In an instant, the sky was filled with extremely powerful magical powers, all attacking Taiyuan Taoist!

Taiyuan Taoist was not afraid at all and sneered: Xu Ying, I want to see if your magical power can break through my defense!

He activated the Tao Zhuan Heart Meridian, his sleeves flew up, and his supernatural powers exploded. But the next moment, more than ten magical powers burst out from those wounds passed through his magical powers and were imprinted on his chest, back of his heart, Adam's apple, and between his eyebrows. , the back of his head, and even a few magical powers passed through his Da Luo Dojo and hit his Yuan Shen and Dao Fruit!

Taoist Taiyuan's eyes were twitching, and his expression was uncertain.

What a clever magical power, no wonder it can force Mingzun to almost use all his cards!

After all, this short and fat old Taoist was a top figure from 600,000 years ago. He existed in the Great Luo Wonderland and had extremely high wisdom. He quickly grasped the essence of Yuan Weiyang's magical powers and used one move in front of the Evil Golden Immortal. Practice it one by one.

His Tao Zhuan Heart Sutra is extremely sophisticated and he is good at imitating other people's techniques.

There are six statues and twelve wonderful things, each with its own merits.

Taoist Taiyuan gained a reputation 600,000 years ago and is known as the Patriarch of Taoism. This means that no matter whose skills or magical powers, he can imitate them to perfection after seeing them once, and he may even be better than them. Better to use and more authentic!

After studying for a while, he used Yuan Weiyang's magical powers to injure the Evil Golden Immortal one by one, making the Evil Golden Immortal's scalp numb.

Taiyuan has not learned the Tao that Yuan Weiyang is proficient in, but the word Zhuan in the Dao Zhuan Heart Sutra means that his Tao is ever-changing and can be changed at will.

Taiyuan Taoist made a seven-eight-point image, and then he was thinking hard about how to solve it.

After a long time, the short and fat Taoist jumped up and used Yuan Weiyang's magical power while using cracking techniques. Like flowing clouds and flowing water, he quickly cracked Yuan Weiyang's magical power completely!

Evil Golden Immortal Xiao Lanshan was dumbfounded and despaired of all thoughts in his heart: No wonder this short fat man can cultivate to the wonderful realm, but I can only cultivate to the Golden Immortal. However, the short fat man took advantage of me and treated me so cruelly. If you don't take revenge, you are not a villain!

He made up his mind not to tell Taoist Taiyuan that it was not Xu Ying who hurt him.

Yuan Weiyang asked me to bring Dao Shang to see him. This little lady probably has the intention of plotting against the short fat man. If it were me, when Taiyuan came, I would not challenge myself, but let that bastard Xu Ying take action. We can definitely cause Taoist Taiyuan to suffer a big loss!

Evil Jinxian secretly said, But the short fat man's strength is amazing. Even if he can be calculated, he will not be able to deal with him. Xu Ying does not have such strength.

Taoist Taiyuan deciphered Yuan Weiyang's magical power, and then thought about it carefully, looking for a better way to decipher it. After he was fully prepared, he glanced at the bleeding Evil Golden Immortal and said calmly: Fellow Daoist Xiao, you can leave. Good and evil cannot coexist. For the sake of helping me, I will spare your life.

Evil Jinxian panted and said, Thank you very much. After that, he limped away.

Taoist Taiyuan turned around and raised his hand, and the door of Tiandao Dojo exploded and torn into pieces.

The short and fat Taoist walked directly into it.

Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan stopped, turned around, and limped back, thinking: Taiyuan, I want to see how you got into trouble today!

Taiyuan Taoist's voice came from the Tiandao dojo, he laughed and said: Xu Daozu, I came here on the order of the Immortal Emperor to take your life!

Next to Xu Ying, Yuan Weiyang said: A Ying, it's your turn to take action personally this time. How sure are you?

Xu Ying stood up and activated his magic power. Cave abyss appeared behind him, and he said leisurely: Originally it was only 50%, but after you took action, I gained 50%.

Yuan Weiyang smiled happily and said, You can first use my magical power, Seven Stars, to hold the moon, and then turn it into your magical power, the Immortal Seal. You should have unexpected gains.

Xu Ying nodded lightly.

Yuan Weiyang's Seven-Star Moon-Raising Magical Power was comprehended together with him. Xu Ying could also use it roughly, but it was not as subtle as Yuan Weiyang's.

Xu Ying greeted Taiyuan Taoist, and after being greeted by him, he asked, Taiyuan, I am the Taoist ancestor of the new way. If you come to kill me, are you not afraid of death from heaven and earth?

Taoist Taiyuan returned the courtesy and said: You are the Taoist ancestor of the new way. Before I came to kill you, I had already investigated and found many practitioners to check their progress in cultivation. Xu Daozu, you are really no small matter. You are one of the fourteenth level of the new way. If you come out, your status as Taoist Ancestor will be established. Even if our six deities and twelve mystics have the merit of overthrowing the ancient era, it is not as good as your contribution of making up the new Tao! Taoist Ancestor, you are well-deserved!

He was in awe.

Xu Ying said humbly: Taiyuan, since you know that I am the ancestor of Xindao, why do you want to kill me again?

Taiyuan Taoist said: This is something that cannot be controlled by others. Ming Zungui is the Immortal Emperor, and now he has great power. The Holy Lord has reincarnated outside, and life and death are unpredictable. I can't help myself, and I have to bear the cause and effect of killing the new Taoist ancestor.

He paused for a moment, and a Taoist tree suddenly shone brightly, rising slowly behind itself.

This Tao tree is shaped like a flat peach, and the Tao fruit it produces is also like a flat peach. The peach is shaped like a golden dragon coiled around a rather large dragon ball. The surface of the flat peach is not peach hair, but dragon scales.

Each piece of dragon scale reflects thousands of phenomena!

His Da Luo Taoist temple emerged, instantly forming a vast world with peach and dragon scales, reflecting the surrounding mountains and rivers.

Every time the flat peach Dao Fruit shines for a week, the Daluo Dao of Heaven and Earth changes once again, from the Dao of Fire to the Dao of Thunder, from the Dao of Thunder to the Dao of Wind, from the Taiyin to the Sun, and from the Dao of Heaven to the Dao of Heaven. , to the tunnel, ever-changing!

Although Taoist Taiyuan was from a famous family, he had another unexpected encounter. He is a descendant of Emperor Haohong. Because he wanted to avoid the persecution of Empress Ziwei, he searched for immortals and Taoism everywhere, but he never achieved much.

It wasn't until one day that he accidentally entered the Taikoo Cave and found the Taoist book left by his predecessors in the Longting era. Only then did he realize the truth and comprehend the Taoist Transformation Heart Sutra.

From then on, his cultivation level improved rapidly. When Dao Weeping broke out, he joined the rebel army in order to overthrow Empress Ziwei and avenge his past.

By the time Qingxuan attained the Supreme Realm, he had achieved great success and regretted that he could no longer cultivate to the Supreme Realm. But the Dao Zhuan Heart Sutra is still extremely powerful, allowing him to leave his mark in that magnificent era!

Xu Ying ignored this, and with one swift step, relying on his powerful body, he burst into his dojo!

The great avenues of heaven and earth reflected by the dragon scales were shattered by his impact. Xu Ying was like a broken bamboo and headed straight for Taiyuan. No matter how exquisite the Tao Zhuan Heart Sutra was, he allowed the flat peach Tao Fruit to continuously change the great ways of heaven and earth, turning into different Da Luo. God, he destroyed it with his own body!

Yuan Weiyang's seven-star moon-contracting magical power erupted from the bottom of his hand. This magical power is the power of the Taiyin in the Taiji Dao. It manifests the signs of the seven stars converging the moon. They are all the power of the Ultimate Yin. It is a magical power that can exert the Taiyin to such a degree. , which is really rare.

When Taiyuan Taoist saw this, he secretly rejoiced: Looking for death!

He immediately activated the cracking method that he had just realized, and was about to break through the Seven Star Moon-Retracting Magical Power. The moment the two sides' magical powers came into contact, Xu Ying's technique changed and turned into a Celestial Immortal Seal. A piece of heaven and earth rose up behind him, just like the world of Celestial Immortals. Flying up on the horizon, heading towards Taiyuan!

This blow was like the Celestial Realm hitting the Earthly Immortal Realm in the tide of the Three Realms. Under this pressure, the avenues of heaven and earth in Taoist Taiyuan's Daluo Dojo were broken and shattered. Regardless of the pipe patterns or runes, they collapsed one after another!

Taiyuan Taoist sneered: Changing magical powers? This little Daoer... wait a minute, I have never seen this trick before!

He looked at the pressed palm print, crushing infinite time and space, and pressing towards him. All the moves he had thought of before could not break this move.

Even if he hid, he wouldn't have time to dodge this move.

His scalp was numb and he could only raise his hand to pick it up.


In his haste, Taiyuan Taoist heard two crisp crackling sounds, a pair of arms were broken, his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were shocked to the point of bleeding, and he flew backwards!

He was shocked and angry in his heart: Evil Golden Immortal harmed me! The one who hurt him just now is definitely not Xu promised!

After all, he was an old Jianghu man with extraordinary vision. He immediately saw that Xu Ying's magical power of Seven Stars to Reach the Moon was more than powerful, but not subtle enough. But the Immortal Seal behind Xu Ying is very domineering!

Xu Ying's blow almost squeezed out all the energy and blood in his body. It was clearly the brute force of martial arts, but judging from the phantom that appeared earlier, it was also the divine power of heaven, making it difficult for him to break it.

Xu Ying chased after his flying figure and stabbed out with one finger. However, instead of attacking Taoist Taiyuan, he stabbed his finger on Taoist Taiyuan's flat peach fruit!


His finger was so sharp. The moment the tip of his finger collided with the Peach Dao Fruit, Taoist Taoist Taiyuan's Dao tree and all the avenues in the Daluo dojo suddenly brightened up, and all the Dao Dao sounded in unison, colliding with this finger!

The Daluo Dojo has a radius of thousands of miles, and the mountains, rivers, sun and moon, rivers, lakes, flowers, plants and trees are all transformed by the Great Dao. At this moment, they all burst out with power. Suddenly, the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court was polluted by his Daluo Dojo, making it colorful and smelly!

Daluo Daoguo is the center of Daluo Dojo. If Xu Ying stabs Daluo Daoguo with his finger force, he will hit Taiyuan Taoist's most powerful magical power!

But the reason why Xu Ying used his fingers instead of fists was to concentrate all his power on his fingertips and pierce everything.

The Daluo Dojo shook violently, and then the other end of the dojo with a radius of thousands of miles suddenly exploded with a bang. Taoist Taiyuan's Daluo Dojo was pierced by the power of this finger!

The sun, moon, mountains, rivers, lakes, rivers, trees, flowers, and all the things transformed by the avenue, even birds, beasts, insects, and fish, were torn into extremely long and narrow lengths, reduced to chains of the avenue, controlled by the agitated finger force, and moved towards the exploding The gap quickly disappears!


A soft sound came, Taiyuan Taoist's Dao Fruit was penetrated, and all changes in the unpredictable avenue of Daluo Daochang suddenly stopped.

This finger contains the Zhuxian Sword Qi, which can be called the Zhuxian Finger, but it is pure martial arts, and its Tao Fruit can be penetrated.

However, Da Luo Wonderful Realm is Da Luo Wonderful Realm after all. The Da Luo Tian that broke open immediately closed up and bounced like meat jelly, and Da Luo Dao Fruit also healed itself.

But Xu Ying's right leg swept across and hit the road tree hard.

This flat peach Taoist tree shone brightly, and the entire Daluo Taoist temple shook violently. All the Taoists shook together, and they were all shaken to the point where they no longer looked like the sun, moon, mountains, rivers, and lakes!

Taoist Taiyuan finally stabilized his body, and was shocked when he saw this. He heard a click, and his Taoist tree was destroyed, and the crown of the tree flew up!

Xu Ying jumped up and stabbed his Daluo Dao Fruit with one finger after another. Then he heard the roaring and shaking of the Daluo Daoist field. Big holes were penetrated one after another, and the Daluo Daoguo passed quickly!

Taiyuan Taoist was vomiting blood as if he had been hit hard, and his face turned pale. He hurriedly summoned up all his magic power, raised an innate immortal light, and said sternly: Xu Ying, you forced me to do this!

As soon as the innate immortal spiritual light was raised, Xu Ying was hit by the shock, and Xu Ying was swept away with a snap.

Fragments of my soul!

In the past few days, Da Long Yuanshen and Zhong Ye have been studying how to break the memory seal of the Bone Dragon. Xu Ying defeated Taoist Taiyuan and woke him up. Looking at it hurriedly, he couldn't help but feel extremely happy.

This innate immortal light has been transformed into a weapon by Taiyuan Taoist people, and turned into a long whip. It is so powerful that when it shakes, it can reach tens of millions of miles in an instant, and can even hurt people across time and space!

This thing can be big or small, changing like a dragon. Wherever the aura passes, even a flawless golden body cannot withstand it!

Even though Xu Yingshi had beaten Taoist Taiyuan just now, he couldn't withstand the power of the spiritual whip and was beaten to pieces.

Taoist Taiyuan waved his long whip repeatedly, but he saw Xu Ying flashing around like a ghost in his dojo, very fast and dizzying. Every time his long whip hit him, Xu Ying was lost.

Suddenly, Xu Ying jumped onto the long whip and ran towards him along the body of the whip with eternal light.

Taiyuan Taoist sneered: Xu Daozu, do you know how big this thing is?

Under his exercise, the long whip suddenly became thicker, bigger, and longer, penetrating the endless starry sky, and was so majestic that even the stars became smaller in front of it.

This is the soul of the distant ancestor of the Ancient Dragon Court. If we measure it by Taoism, this distant ancestor has been an ancient existence that has lived for hundreds of millions of years. He is the only legend who has entered the immortal realm!

Taoist Taiyuan waved his whip and sneered, Xu Ying, even if you fly for a thousand or ten thousand years, you will never come to me!

People in the Earthly Immortal Realm can see the spectacular scene of an unparalleled dragon crossing the starry sky at this moment. It looks very close, but is actually very far away. The dragon's body even passes through the center of the Milky Way, disrupting countless stars.

The flying stars are as bright as star sand.

When Da Zhong saw this, he couldn't help being horrified, and said quickly: Master Long, can you take away the fragments of my soul?

Dalong was about to speak, but he saw that there was a promise on the long whip, and he had already reached Taoist Taiyuan!

Taiyuan Taoist suddenly realized: The promise on the long whip should be the soul of heaven and earth formed by the transformation of one qi into three pure beings!

He hurriedly stopped the transformation of the whip, and the whip, which was thicker than the Milky Way, immediately shrank rapidly. The size of the whip caused his mana to surge, and it was somewhat unbearable for him, and his internal organs were damaged due to the oppression.

He resisted and raised his long whip to sweep at Xu Ying, only to hear a snap, and Xu Ying exploded with his whip!

Fell into a trap!

Taoist Taiyuan was horrified when he saw the Xu Ying on the whip leap up and come to him!


Incomparably magnificent Taoist scenes appeared all around Xuying, and instantly engulfed Taoist Taiyuan!

Taoist Taiyuan's arms were crippled, and he stood still, with his spirit behind him, resisting attacks from all directions. He felt overwhelmed by all kinds of moves, and soon he was injured one after another, and he was beaten until blood spurted from his mouth.

Tsk tsk tsk!

His soul was pierced with big holes and riddled with holes.

Taiyuan Taoist tried to sacrifice the spiritual whip, but he felt that the supply of magic power was not enough. He was promised to be close to him, and there was simply no way to survive. There was no chance to sacrifice the magic weapon.

He no longer hesitated, the soul grabbed him and fled outside the Tiandao dojo.

Xu Ying turned into a rainbow light and quickly caught up with him. The two of them separated even after a slight touch. Taoist Taiyuan spat out blood and fell down.

Immediately, the two men rose into the air and collided again. Taiyuan Taoist staggered, and suddenly used his spiritual light whip desperately to attack behind Xu Ying.

Xu Ying flew away, and the kite turned over and landed on the long whip. He punched it several times, shattering the mark left by Taoist Taiyuan in the long whip.

Taoist Taiyuan had already taken the opportunity to escape and gradually went away.

Xu Ying mobilized his magic power and tried his best to raise the spiritual light whip. He felt that the spiritual light whip had absorbed all his magic power in an instant. The whip shook like a long dragon, tearing through time and space!

The next moment, Taiyuan Taoist thousands of miles away suddenly exploded in aura!

————A 5,000-word chapter, the first update today!

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