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Chapter 654 Guardian

Liu Guanyi looked at the good-for-nothing Qingxuan with complicated eyes. After a moment, the good-for-nothing Qingxuan smiled and said, You're already here, why don't you come in and sit down?

Liu Guanyi stepped forward and bowed to the ground. Good-for-nothing Qingxuan helped him up and said with a smile: I am not Emperor Qingxuan, just treat me as a friend.

Liu Guan kept standing up, tears streaming down his face.

He knew that this was not the real Di Qingxuan. Di Qingxuan would not be so lazy. He could not even clean up his appearance. He would not be so greedy. There were so many animal bones stacked outside the door. He would not be so lustful. There were still things in the yard. Hanging women's clothes.

This Qingxuan has no lofty ambitions or amazing ambitions. What he is best at is eating well and lying down.

This Qingxuan is just a stray thought that Emperor Qingxuan chopped off, a trash who looks the same as Qingxuan.

After a while, Liu Guanyi and the good-for-nothing Qingxuan were each lying on the rocking chairs, with their arms and bellies exposed, basking in the sun, looking like good-for-nothings.

He was originally called the Ten-waste Heavenly Lord, but he became even more decadent than the waste-for-profit Qingxuan.

The two couldn't help but laugh when they talked about the embarrassing things they had done back then.

They seemed to have a lot to talk about and a lot of past events to tell.

After talking for a long time and laughing for a long time, Liu Guanyi said with emotion: Before you committed suicide, you were such a cheerful person. Let's conquer the world together, discuss martial arts and magical powers together, talk about women's butts and breasts, and have a crush together. Pursue Fairy Qiongtai. Fight together, charge together, discuss the world and people's livelihood together, and imagine the future together.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan asked with a smile: What happened next?

Liu Guanyi was silent for a moment and said: Later, you became Emperor Qingxuan and became estranged from us. I couldn't see those smiles of yours and couldn't brag with you. Whenever I went to see you, I was called a Face Saint. Your ideals and ambitions became more and more Big, your image is becoming more and more majestic, but unattainable. You rarely have yourself anymore, you no longer talk to us about women's butts and breasts, and you no longer pursue Fairy Qiongtai. You talk about the people's livelihood and the future.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan thought for a moment and said, That's exactly what I hope for.

Liu Guandao: You don't have much selfishness. But people in the world always have selfishness. You want to be a saint, but others can't accompany you to become a saint.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan's eyes lit up: Is this the reason why I died?


Liu Guanyi was not sure, and said, If you don't have any thoughts of killing yourself, you should first marry Qiongtai, win over Twelve Miao, wait for tens of thousands of years, and then destroy the other four supreme beings one by one after you have absolute power. Monopolize all the power in the world. At that time, Twelve Miao will obey your words and dare not make any resistance. If you reduce their power, gather all the Supreme Cave Abyss, and then implement your new policy, it will be much easier then.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan nodded slightly and asked: I cut off my humanity and became a saint, but I failed because of it?

Liu Guandao said: If you cut off the lust, you can't win over Qiongtai. If you cut off the desire for power, you can't win over the Twelve Miao. If you cut off the bad intentions, you won't be wary of others. If you cut off the insidiousness, the methods will not be ruthless enough. Cut off the laziness. , you must do everything yourself. If you cut off the little belly and chicken intestines, people will lose their fear. If you cut off these human natures and retain the saint's nature, you are not suitable to be the ruler of the fairy world. How can a saint be undefeated when surrounded by wolves?

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan suddenly realized.

Liu Guanyi's eyes were eager and he said: However, there is still a chance to remedy the situation. I found your tomb. Your body has not been completely destroyed. Although your physical soul is dead, the Taoist scene is still there. You only need to return to Recall Dao Jing from your corpse. Then there is still much to be done!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan interrupted him: People cannot be resurrected after death...


Liu Guanyi said decisively, People can be resurrected after death! Xu Ying died and he was resurrected! His situation is similar to yours. After he was harvested, his soul died and only a little of the immortal true spirit remained. Only the consciousness remains. He just came back from the dead. If I go ask him for advice, I will definitely be able to bring you back to life!

He said excitedly: We can go back to the past, turn the tide, kill the Holy Lord, execute Creation, and regain power! We can realize your ambitions and realize your unfinished ideals!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan looked at him with a smile and waited for him to finish speaking passionately. After a moment, he said: But, that's not what I want now.

Liu Guanyi seemed to have blown enough, but he was pricked by a needle, and he couldn't help but feel depressed.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan smiled and said: I'm just a good-for-nothing. These ideals and ambitions of yours are the ideals and aspirations of Emperor Qingxuan, not the ideals and ambitions of a good-for-nothing. I just want to live a carefree life and eat some Okay, look at the beautiful woman, lie down and bask in the sun. I am leisurely and contented, what do the life and death fights outside have to do with me?

Liu Guanyi looked at him. The useless Qingxuan didn't mind his gaze at all, and said: Shichi Tianjun, I am not Qingxuan, so stop wishful thinking.

Liu Guanyi turned around and said: I'm going to see Xu Ying. I will make him an offer that he can't refuse. He will definitely teach me the method of resurrection from the dead!

He strode away.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan lay down again, looking at the moving emerald glow outside the sky, and whispered: If you find the method of resurrection from the dead, I will not become the second Emperor Qingxuan. I will not be like this Stupid, risking your life for the sake of the world's righteousness, just like Qiongtai...

Qiongtai is on that emerald green ship.

More than ten days later, the Immortal Emperor's golden ship finally arrived at the Tianhai Ferry.

The eyes of the Immortal Emperor Supreme flashed. When the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God attacked them, their injuries had not yet recovered. But now that their injuries have recovered, there are two more Jiugong and Taiyuan, three Supremes, and eight Wonderful Realms. Even the Saint The gods Zun and Ancestor have returned to their peak, and they can fight!

The Supreme Creation and others have a restless heart.

If they had joined forces 600,000 years ago, they would have easily killed the Holy Lord. But now they are in exile, in captivity, in reclamation eyes. But the Holy Lord has mastered their resources and has been practicing for 600,000 years. One goes and the other goes, they are far from being the opponents of the Holy Lord.

If the Holy Lord or the Ancestral God attacks, they really may not be able to win, and they may even lose miserably.

The strange thing is that the Ancestral God and the Holy Lord did not show up, but outside the sky, the two emerald green lights in the gel zone were fighting extremely fiercely.

Suddenly, they felt the vastness of the ancestral god's divine power. Everyone raised their heads and saw the magical power formed by the immortal light that penetrated the gel zone.

Even at such a distance, it was still shocking.

The Ancestor God is on that ship!

The Immortal Emperor and others were shocked, and what surprised them even more was that there was obviously a master on the green rock that the Ancestral God attacked, who was no less than the Ancestral God, and actually blocked his attack!

The space where the two met suddenly became gray, as if ink dripped into the water, and gray-black light gradually smeared around.

Is it the Holy Lord? No, it should be the existence of the Celestial Immortal Realm! The Ancestral God is preventing the powerful men from the Celestial Immortal Realm from coming!

They suddenly woke up.

The strong men in the Celestial Realm use the magical power of Cuiyan!

Taoist Master Luofu exclaimed, Could it be that the other side that the Taoist ancestors of the ancient times went to was the world of immortals?

Yao Luo's eyesight was far better than his, and he shook his head and said: The other party is from the Dragon Clan. He cultivates the magical power on the green rock, and his strength is not inferior to the ancestor gods.

The Supreme Creation stepped forward and said: Your Majesty, the Ancestral God and others are blocking the arrival of the powerful men from the Celestial Realm. This is an act of great justice. In my opinion, I will go and help them now.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor shook his head and said with a smile: The Ancestral God went to stop the coming of the Celestial Immortal Realm, which is when we sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

As soon as these words came out, Zaihua, Yaoluo and the other eight Miaojing were all a little displeased and each frowned.

Seeing this, the Immortal Emperor smiled and said: You have misunderstood. The reason why the Ancestral God went to stop the powerful men from the Celestial Immortal Realm from coming was simply because he was greedy for power and was afraid that the arrival of the powerful men from the Celestial Immortal Realm would shake his rule. He and the Celestial Immortal Realm are powerful Both sides will suffer losses, so we will take action, one side is to deal with the ancestor gods, and the other side is to fight against the masters of the immortal world, why not?

He knew that Creation Supreme and others were the leaders of the rebel army back then. The rebellion was due to the common people in the world. Although they later fought for power and profit and fell into internal strife, their courage was still there.

If the Immortal Emperor ignores the invasion of the Celestial Realm and instead kills the Ancestor God, I am afraid that the Supreme Creation and others will turn against him.

The Six Zuns and Twelve Miaos only fight within themselves. Although they can fight to the death, they will still unanimously fight against the outside world when encountering an invasion by foreign enemies or facing the old people in the ancestral court.

In order to fight against the outside world, we must first settle down inside. If we are not inside, when we fight against the Celestial Realm, Shengzun, Xu Ying and others will stab us, leaving us vulnerable to enemies from both sides.

The Immortal Emperor considered his words carefully and said, Masters and uncles, this matter is of great importance and must be investigated.

Zaofan, Yaoluo and others' expressions softened slightly.

Fairy Huo Ling said in a rather stern voice: Your Majesty, you are the Immortal Emperor, and you are your master Qingxuan. You are ranked among the Six Twelve Mysteries. You must not be embarrassed by the Six Twelve Mysteries! The Ancestral God is working on the front line. If he’s beaten to death, it’s fine if we don’t help him, but we definitely can’t hold him back!”

The Immortal Emperor bowed and said, Uncle Huoling taught you a lesson.

The Fire Bell Fairy then smiled and said: We have watched you grow up, so there is no harm in using some means, but the principles and justice cannot be lost.

The Immortal Emperor said yes again.

The Supreme Creation said: Your Majesty, when we revolted and overthrew the ancient times, we stood for righteousness, so we won the world. Now the ancestors stand for righteousness, we must not be sinners.

The Immortal Emperor nodded repeatedly and said: Shan Ming has remembered the teachings of all the masters and uncles.

The Supreme Creation smiled and said: Your Majesty accepts advice with ease and is open-minded. This is what the Immortal Emperor does. As for the Holy Lord and Xu Ying, there is no need for Your Majesty to worry. I have already studied the Holy Lord thoroughly. Although he is a peerless genius, he has no In terms of tolerance, no one can surpass him. If someone surpasses him, he will definitely attack that person and must get rid of that person. But if you are far less than him, he can tolerate you. Even if you go too far, he will He doesn’t take it seriously either. People like him absolutely cannot see that the promises promised in the future will be fulfilled above him.”

The Immortal Emperor's expression moved slightly and he said, What do you mean, Uncle Master?

The Supreme Creation said: Holy Lord Yuan Yu will definitely kill himself and rebuild a new way. This is the best time to kill him! If your Majesty doesn't believe it, you can go to Daluotian. Daluotian will be empty at this moment. The Holy One is not there.

Yao Luo's heart moved slightly and said: With his character, if he hadn't killed himself, he would definitely be sitting in the Daluo Heaven. When I get to the Daluo Heaven, he will defeat us all and humiliate us! If he is not in the Daluo Heaven, Luo Tian, ​​then it is really possible that he committed suicide and cultivated his fortune.

After hearing the words, the Supreme Immortal Emperor was about to go to Daluotian to verify. Suddenly he stopped and said with a smile: Masters and uncles, please come with us.

Everyone walked together to Daluotian, which is above the nine heavens. When I arrived at Daluotian, I saw that the Holy Lord's Daluotian was in a mess, but he didn't clean it up.

The Immortal Emperor stood on the ruins of Daluotian, his lips moved, a smile appeared, and he said in a deep voice: Masters and uncles, our troops are divided into two groups, one to kill Xu Ying, and the other to kill the Holy Lord!

The Supreme Creation smiled and said, Your Majesty and I will go together to kill the Holy Lord. Who else wants to go with us?

Fairy Huoling, Taoist Master Yuanying, Dan Xuanzi and Patriarch Boshan stood up.

Jiugong Daojun and Taiyuan Taoist were extremely afraid of the Holy Lord, and they were the direct descendants of the Holy Lord. They had no choice but to seek refuge with the Immortal Emperor. They did not dare to go after the Holy Lord and said quickly: Let's go after Xu Ying.

Supreme Yaoluo said: I, Dongshi and Luofu will also go after Xu Ying.

The Immortal Emperor nodded slightly and said: Thank you all. Don't leave any survivors.

Everyone drifted away in different directions.

The Sky Frost World was originally one of the worlds in the heavens. At this time, it returned to the Earthly Immortal Realm and became part of the Earthly Immortal Realm. In the past, this place was a bitter cold place. In the spring, autumn and winter, there were often frosts and snows, making it difficult to harvest crops.

However, since returning to the immortal world, this place has gradually become more beautiful, with many blessed immortal mountains and springs to nourish one.

On this day, the Holy Lord was practicing in seclusion. Suddenly a woman's voice came from far away and said with a smile: Holy Lord Yuan Yu, others don't know your background, but you can't hide it from me. You are from Jingmi Town in the Tianshuang World. , this time you cut yourself off and cultivate a new path, you will definitely return to your hometown. As an old friend, why don’t you come out and see me?

The voice was fierce, and the terrifying consciousness stirred up. He quickly scanned the Tianshuang world and found the retreat place of the Holy Lord.

The Holy Lord's face changed slightly and he stood up.

At this time, Lou Mingyu pressed his palm on his shoulder and said: Master, I am your protector.

The Holy Lord shook his head and said: This person is the Fire Bell Fairy, ranked ninth among the twelve wonders. You are no match for her.

not necessarily.

Lou Mingyu walked out and said leisurely, Master, once the new way comes out, the stuff you practiced back then will really be just stuff!

The Holy Lord snorted, feeling quite unhappy, and thought to himself: The new way is certainly powerful, but the old way, Da Luo Miaojing, is also top-notch. Let him suffer a loss first, and I will use the Tao Body Saint Armament to save him later.

In the Ancestral Court of Heaven, a wisp of incense was transmitted to the Ancestral Court. The God of Earth smelled this incense, opened the door of the Ancestral Court, and asked: Who came to ask for a meeting with the Ancestral God? The Ancestral God is not here...

Before He could finish speaking, a hand reached out from outside the door, grabbed Him by the neck, and lifted Him up.

Evil Gold Immortal Xiao Lanshan poked his head into the ancestral court, looked around, then stepped into the ancestral court, and said with a smile: Land, Xu Ying is hidden here, right? Promise, promise!

He shouted loudly: I saw you coming here on a golden ship! Come out quickly, someone wants me to deal with you!

Xu Ying was still practicing and was about to get up when Yuan Weiyang stopped him and said: Your practice is more important. Let me take care of this trivial matter.

Xu Ying said yes and said: The Evil Gold Immortal is not weak, you have to be careful.

Yuan Weiyang nodded and came to see Evil Gold Immortal. Wen Wen said weakly: Evil Gold Immortal, you are being taken advantage of. The person who asked you to come here does not know the depth of the promise, so he sent you here to test it. If you leave just like that , I won’t keep you.”

The Evil Golden Immortal abandoned the Earth God, rushed over, and sneered: Little lady, I promise to bewitch Taoist Wukong to kill me, steal my Daluotian, and repeatedly humiliate me. This is an irreconcilable hatred!

Yuan Weiyang had no choice but to mobilize all his cultivation skills and create a dojo with one step, urging the six avenues of Taiyi, Taiji, Wuji, Taicang, Taiying and Taishang to go all out.

After Xie Jinxian took the first move, he couldn't help but groaned, and green blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

With the second move, his newly trained dojo was destroyed. With the third move, Yuan Weiyang broke into his Daluo dojo and chopped off the Dao Fruit on the Dao tree.

After six moves passed in the blink of an eye, Yuan Weiyang walked out of the shattered dojo of Evil Gold Immortal and said: I used the six great ways to leave six kinds of Tao wounds on your body. You take the Tao wounds I gave you to see the one who instigated you. That person. When he (she) sees the Dao injury on your body, he or she will know whether he or she has the ability to pass my level.

————I’m sorry, I’m in the underworld again, I’m struggling

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