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Chapter 653 The First Battle in the Void

The Demon Ancestor returned to the Demon Clan's ancestral court, took off a Dao Fruit from his body, handed it to Demon Emperor Jin Buyi, and said: Your Majesty, from now on, the Demon Clan will be entrusted to Your Majesty. I will assist the demons of the Ten Dynasties. Emperor, I have not achieved anything, I just wish I could not witness the rise of the demon clan. The wealth of the ten emperors has been left behind by me. Your majesty can plant this Dao Fruit in the ancestral court of the demon clan to leave some thoughts for the old minister.

Demon Emperor Jin Buyi said: Demon Ancestor, even if you go, I will be there inside and outside the Demon Clan. After you go, I will also go in the future.

The demon ancestor smiled and said: If your majesty goes, you must first leave an heir, so that our demon clan cannot fall into civil strife again.

Jin Buyi said yes.

Demon Ancestor explained again, turned and left.

Taoist Yuqing returned to the Shangqing Taoist sect, called his disciples Yunhai and Taoist Yuan, and gave some instructions: The old Tao of Shangqing is destined to be renewed. If the knowledge of the past wants to stand in the world, it is not to continue to study on the old way, but to It is to absorb the new way on the basis of the old way and use it for my own use.”

Yunhai and Yuan Taoist said goodbye to each other with tears in their eyes, reluctant to leave.

Taoist Yuqing smiled and said: I am just the soul of heaven and earth. If I die, I will die. My true body is still on the other side. Why are I crying? We will see each other again one day in the future. After that, he drifted away.

Taoist Yuxu also returned to Kunlun Mountain. His lineage had been cut off in the generation of Xu You, the ancestor of the Xu family, so there was not much nostalgia for him.

He stood on the Qilin Cliff and looked down, only to see Xu Jing and his wife laying the sacred bridge. His heart moved slightly, so he came to see them and gave each other the mantle and bowl of the Kunlun Realm, saying: The Yuxu lineage, self-order The ancestors, when he abandoned the inheritance of Yuxu Palace, because the new way is indeed unique. Wise couples get my mantle and see if they can be used. If they can be used, they will learn it. If they cannot use it, they will learn it. Just throw it away.

But he was free and easy and left Yuxu Palace like this.

Taiqing Taoist has no descendants. Although there is a big snake that has learned his Taoist and magical powers, that big snake is a demon clan after all and is a demon official of the demon clan's ancestral court, so it is not close to him.

Taoist Taoist Taiqing sat silently in Tusita Palace for a long time and was about to get up and leave. At this moment, a big snake suddenly swam in the air. The big snake has a huge body, thousands of miles long. Its inhalation becomes wind and its exhalation becomes clouds.

Behind the head of the big snake, there are two qi of yin and yang, which are made into a Tai Chi diagram and fall from the sky to Tushita Palace.

Taiqing Taoist stopped when he saw this, and saw that the big snake turned into a fat and white boy, with a yin and yang Tai Chi diagram standing on the back of his head, and a diamond ring hanging around his neck. He stepped forward and bowed.

Disciple An Qi, when he saw the Demon Ancestor bidding farewell to the Demon Emperor, he knew that there was probably a teacher on this trip.

An Qi bowed, Although the teacher did not accept me in name, he actually taught me a lot of skills. Therefore, the disciple came to see me off.

Taiqing Taoist hurriedly helped him up and said with a smile: You are not my disciple, so you don't need to worship me. I originally planned to accept Xu Ying as my disciple and pass on the mantle to him, but he has been plotted too many times, and his nature Being suspicious, I have no choice but to give you the King Kong...

When he said this, he suddenly smiled and said: You and I are destined to be together. That's all, I will recognize you as my disciple.

An Qi stood up.

Taiqing Taoist looked at him and couldn't help but frown and said: Take off the diamond ring, don't hang it around your neck, hang it on your hand.

An Qi shook his arms as if he had no bones, and said, Teacher, I don't know, but these hands are fake. When I transformed, I was afraid that I wouldn't look like a human being, so I transformed them specially.

He stepped forward, walked two steps left and right, and said, These two legs are also fake. This disciple prefers to crawl.


Taiqing Taoist raised his hand to stop him and said, Time is urgent, don't explain, I don't want to regret it. In the past few days, I will teach you the secrets of Taiqing Taoism. You must pay attention to memorize and study.

An Qi hesitated for a moment, then summoned up the courage to say: Teacher, I may be stupid...

Taiqing Taoist smiled and said: Your cultivation is extraordinary now, and you are one of the few strong people in the world. How can such cultivation be achieved by a stupid person? You also have a wise mind.

An Qi said happily: I thought it was because my wife was smart, but I didn't expect it was me who was wise.

Taiqing Taoist taught him for two days, and immediately regretted it, thinking: Did I make a mistake? Is it really his wife who is smart?

He didn't care much about the cramming teaching, and finally taught Gong Qi everything he had learned throughout his life on the ninth day. As for how much Gong Qi could learn, he didn't expect it.

Senior Brother Qingxuan!

Fairy Qiongtai came to Yanxia Mountain in Yingquan World to meet the waste Qingxuan. She had few obsessions, but she still had some unresolved feelings.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan stood up lazily, glanced at her, and said, It turns out to be Junior Sister Qiong from Tushita Palace. Are you here to kill me?

Fairy Qiongtai shook her head and said with a smile: I came to see how you are doing. Seeing how well you are doing makes me feel relieved.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan laughed and cursed, and said: I don't live a well-hydrated life. I eat when I want, drink when I want, and I often go to spy on fairies taking baths. I have nothing to do and just lie down for more than ten days. How can I be like you? , He talks about his righteousness every day, and if he is not going to kill people, he is on the way to kill people.

Fairy Qiongtai was ridiculed by him, but she was not angry at all. She smiled and said: You used to be a saint, but now you are a human being, and you are more humane. If you were like this back then, I would dare to fall in love with you.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan suddenly became energetic, filled with lust, and said with a wide smile: I look like this now, do you dare?

Why don't you dare?

Fairy Qiongtai stayed in his small thatched cottage, and they lived as a married couple. Qiongtai washed, cooked and cooked for him and took care of his daily life.

When the good-for-nothing Qingxuan got used to this, he suddenly woke up and found no one around him.

Junior sister!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan panicked and hurriedly looked around, but there was no trace of Fairy Qiongtai.

Fairy Qiongtai returned to the Ancestral Court of Heavenly Dao, and saw that the Ancestral God had arranged the forbidden ascension of the earthly immortal world and was making sacrifices to the Cuiyan Tower Boat. The Demon Ancestor had the best relationship with Him and helped Him make the sacrifice. Xu Yingze deciphered the brand on the green rock and told them how to perform sacrifices.

Taiqing, Yuqing, Yuxu and others came here one after another, and the five human emperors, Empress Ziwei, Emperor Taihao, Emperor Shaohao, Emperor Haoying, and Emperor Haohong, also came together.

Is Lord Dao not here yet? Empress Ziwei asked.

Taoist Yuqing said: Most of them are arranging the viewing platform.

Empress Ziwei nodded slightly.

Looking at Taichung, Lord Xuhuang Daojun bowed and said: All this will get rid of fellow Taoist.

Don't dare.

Lu Daozun bowed and said, Thanks to Daojun's care, Lu will go and take charge personally.

Lord Xuhuang Daodao said goodbye and left, heading to the Ancestral Court of Heavenly Dao.

When they arrived at the Tiandao Ancestral Court, everyone had already arrived.

The ancestor god offered sacrifices to Cuiyan and said with a smile: Gentlemen, you can set off. Xu Ying, you can go down.

Xu Ying silently walked off the Cuiyan building boat and watched everyone board the small building boat one by one.

Farewell, everyone! Empress Ziwei waved.

Farewell! People on the boat waved.


The Cuiyan Tower slowly took off, accelerated slowly, and sailed towards the sky. It gradually turned into a ray of emerald green light and met the emerald green light that was traveling through the gel zone.

The two rays of light were like comets invading the Earthly Immortal Realm, but one came from afar and the other flew from the Earthly Immortal Realm.

The Holy Lord looked far away, suddenly turned around and said: Mingyu, it's time for us to leave. Time waits for no one, hurry up and practice! If the ancestors and the gods can't snatch the piece of green rock from each other, it's my turn to go into battle myself!

Lou Mingyu quickly followed him, bowed slightly to Xu Ying, and said, Xu Daozu, I'm going to protect the Holy Lord!

Xu Ying nodded lightly.

The Holy Lord glanced at him, suddenly stopped, and said: Xu Ying, do you think you should cultivate the new path to the supreme realm first, or should I cultivate to the new path to the supreme realm first?

Xu Ying smiled slightly and said: Of course the Holy One is the first. The Holy One has been immersed in the Supreme Realm for 600,000 years. How can I dare to surpass the Holy One?

The Holy Lord said: It doesn't matter if you surpass me. I have practiced the new way for 600,000 years. My Tao trees and fruits are countless, and my Tao scenery is countless! In the same realm, I I will only be stronger than you!

Xu Ying smiled and said, What the Holy Lord said is absolutely true.

The Holy Lord looked at him deeply, turned and left.

After the master and the disciple left the Tiandao Ancestral Court, the Holy Lord exhaled a breath of turbidity, and Lou Mingyu quickly said: Master, is there any pressure?

The Holy Lord nodded slightly and said: I practiced the new way, and found that the new way is not simple and cannot be achieved overnight. It is very likely that Xu Ying will break through to the supreme realm before me.

Lou Mingyu had a sudden thought. Shengzun had just said in front of Xu Ying that it didn't matter if he surpassed me. He probably felt that he couldn't break through to the supreme realm before Xu Ying.

So, what does the master mean when he says that he will be stronger than Xu Daozu at the same level? Could it be that the master is not sure about this?

He did not reveal the matter and carefully probed: Master, what state is Xu Ying in now?

The Holy Lord said: He has completed the Taoist temple and is about to enter the Taoist scene.

Lou Mingyu said: When he steps into Daojing, he will be in the same state as when Tianyuan was in the decisive battle.

Stronger than then.

The Holy Lord said, At that time, he had thirteen Taoist scenes, which were combined into one, turning into Taiyi Cave Abyss, and building Taiyi Dao. But now, in addition to Taiyi Dao, he has also comprehended martial arts, and has Martial Arts Cave Abyss. He and Yuan Weiyang also studied the green rock carvings, and the two of them realized the five great ways of Wuji, Taiji, Taiying, Taicang, and Taishang.

Lou Mingyu was secretly surprised and said: Seven kinds of Taoism? So how many Taoism scenes does he practice?

The Holy Lord shook his head and said: I don't know. However, no matter how many Taoist scenes he has practiced, he can't have as many as me. He can comprehend the green rock carvings, and so can I! I can comprehend more from the green rock carvings. Avenue!”

Having said that, his confidence was not that sufficient.

Because Xu Ying also has Yuan Weiyang who is as talented and savvy as Xu Ying, so the two of them studying together are much better than him studying alone!

Moreover, their wisdom was different and they could find out and fill in the gaps, but he could not find such a Taoist friend.

I once had such a fellow Taoist, but it's a pity that I killed him. He thought to himself.

In the sky, the emerald green light transformed by the Cuiyan Tower Ship rose higher and higher, gradually approaching another emerald green light. After more than ten days, the two emerald green lights finally met!

Xu Ying had been staying in the Tiandao Dojo to practice. At this moment, he felt something in his heart. He looked up and saw the gel zone outside the Immortal World. Suddenly, the rising rays of rays of light surrounded by another emerald green light turned towards the emerald green light. Yanlou left by boat.

These ascending rays of light are extremely dexterous and can travel through the gel zone much more conveniently than the Cuiyan Tower Boat.

The first wave of tests from both sides broke out in the gel zone!

Xu Ying saw the blazing firepower of the Bagua Alchemy Furnace erupting, as dazzling as the exploding stars deep in the starry sky. But the next moment the raging firepower was penetrated, it should be the supreme being who ascended into the rays of light and took action, destroying the power of the Bagua Alchemy Furnace. Defeated!

The Bagua Alchemy Furnace is the most powerful treasure of Taiqing Taoist ancestors. Even the supreme magic weapon of the new way is not as powerful as it is now. However, when it collided with the opponent's magical power, it was at a disadvantage!

Suddenly, slender threads appeared in the gel zone, illuminated by the firepower of the Bagua Alchemy Furnace, shining with silver light from afar.

That is Taoist Yuxu's fly whisk. It is also a wonderful treasure with great power.

However, before the fly whisk could attack, it was swaying from side to side as if being blown by the wind.

The Tai Chi Diagram and the Wuji Diagram flew out, each bursting out with immeasurable power. However, these two wonderful treasures were also unstable and difficult to get close to.

The four great treasures of the Wonderful Realm were actually unable to approach the powerful man from Huanhua Longting in the ascending ray of light.

Xu Ying's heart sank. The strength of Taoist Taiqing, Taoist Yuxu and others was already at the top of the Earth Immortal Realm, not inferior to that of Daluo Jinxian. Coupled with their respective wonderful treasures, their strength was also quite impressive.

But facing the existence of the eight realms of Dao in Shuanhua Longting, there is still no way to resist.

At this moment, the light of the glazed lamp lit up, greeted the rising ray of light, and split the rising ray of light!


Xu Ying couldn't help but praise him. Empress Ziwei's attack was extremely clever. Just when the powerful man from Hualongting blocked the attacks of Yuxu, Taiqing and others, he shattered the ascending glow controlled by that person!

Without the ascending rays of light, this powerful man at the eighth level of the Tao realm was suddenly like a mosquito in amber, unable to move and fixed in the gel zone.

Immobilized together with him was another ascendant from the Earthly Immortal Realm.

The two of them could not reach the sky or the ground. They were hanging motionless in the air.

Several other rays of rising rays of light invaded the Cuiyan Tower Ship, repelling the purple Qi of the Hongmeng Banner, and the attack that shook the sky, and quickly approached the Cuiyan Tower Ship.

However, before they could get close to the building, they were suddenly caught by the roots of the Demon Ancestor. The others took the opportunity to take action, using their magical powers to shatter the ascending glow of these people.

But there were still a few rays of rising rays of light landing on the building ship. Looking from a distance, Xu Ying could only see all kinds of terrifying magical powers erupting on the small building ship, which were extremely ferocious.

After a while, suddenly all the tremors of supernatural powers on the building disappeared.

After a while, the Cuiyan Tower Ship set sail again, flying upwards, but missed the Cuiyan in the Celestial Realm.

Xu Ying looked at it for a moment and suddenly realized: They are planning to go up and destroy the passage through the green rock of the Celestial Realm!

As long as the green rock channel is blocked with a gel substance, all the efforts made by the powerful Hualonghua Longting masters to open the channel will be in vain!

The strong man from Longting on the green rock in the Celestial Realm was obviously aware of this. He didn't care to continue to fight downwards, but urged the green rock to chase after the green rock building!

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief. The strategy of Zushen and others was correct. As long as the other party was led by their noses, they could delay it for a long time.

If they can delay the Holy Lord to return to his peak, or even surpass it, and integrate the forces of the Six Lords and Twelve Mysteries, then their pressure will be greatly reduced!

Fellow Taoists, please.

Xu Ying stopped paying attention to the battle outside the world and concentrated on practicing.

The Holy Lord was also paying attention to this battle. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked back.

In the Yanxia Mountain of Yingquan World, waste Qingxuan stood up and looked up at the sky with complicated eyes. At this time, he received an unexpected guest.

Liu Guanyi, the Lord of Ten Wastes.

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