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Chapter 652 The Five Emperors of the Human Race

On the Lingguang River, the fleet of the Immortal Emperor and others is still returning. The fleet is no longer so far away from the Earthly Immortal Realm. In a few days, it will reach the ferry of the Earthly Immortal Realm.

At this time, everyone looked up and saw a green light in the sky, like a comet falling downwards.

what is that?

They each activated their eyesight and looked around, finally seeing the emerald green light clearly.

It was an irregular rock, emerald green in color, with a blue-tiled palace on top of the rock, and several figures standing in front of the palace.

At the Tianhai Ferry, Taoist Yuji suddenly felt something in his heart. He looked towards the Lingguang River and saw a dark surging coming from the Tianhai Ferry.

Huanhua pollution! Chanchan, come to me quickly!

He shouted, Zhu Chanchan heard the words and flew over quickly. Taoist Yuji's body swayed, and he saw that dark light also surged out of his body, polluting the surroundings.

Zhuchanchan was surprised and was about to ask, when Taoist Yuji made a gesture of silence, and Zhuchanchan quickly shut up.

I saw that the darkness on the Lingguang River seemed to be surging very slowly, but in fact it was very fast. Not long after, I arrived at the Tianhai Ferry. Suddenly, the darkness continued to shrink, and a tall figure walked out of the darkness.

Lu Yiren glanced at Taoist Yuji and Zhu Chanchan who were shrouded in darkness, nodded gently, and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist Yuji has practiced the magic weapon well.

The language he used was not the language of immortality, but the language of the other side of the world.

The most unique thing about this kind of Taoist language is that it directly conveys the moral meaning to you, so that you can clearly understand the meaning of the language. When Lu Yiren preached on the Golden Ship, he used this kind of language.

And the language used by Juanhua Longting is also this kind of language.

Taoist Yuji was awe-inspiring, knowing that he had seen through that he was not really transformed into a human being, but was using a magic weapon to simulate his transformation. He immediately stopped hiding it, closed the darkness, and said: Are you the Taoist brother who lives in the darkness? I am in the human world. In the world, I have found your traces many times, but I can never catch you when I follow you.

Lu Yiren smiled slightly, suddenly felt something in his heart, and looked up.

When Taoist Yuji saw him looking up, he also looked up. After a while, he saw the emerald green light, but he didn't know what it was.

He only relied on magic weapons to enhance his strength to a level comparable to that of the Six Twelve Mysteries, but in fact his cultivation level was only that of Daluo Jinxian. He could only see the emerald green light but could not see the green rocks clearly.

Lu Yiren smiled and whispered: This is full transformation. Only by full transformation can we survive in this world! The transformation of Longting will make these old stubborns in the earthly immortal world make the right choice!

Taoist Yuji looked away, but Lu Yiren was no longer there.

Master, who was that big man just now? Zhu Chanchan asked.

Taoist Yuji took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: An extremely powerful existence, unfathomable, a monster born in the human world. He should not step out of the human world. If he steps out of the human world, he will probably bring something to this world. Disaster!

In the Heavenly Ancestral Court, Xu Ying looked at Cuiyan who was pushed down to the Immortal Realm with a solemn expression.

There are two ways to pass through the gel zone, one is to ascend to the glow, and the other is to go through the green rock.

What the Ancestral God is repairing is the loophole of Ascension Xiaguang.

The ascending rays of light can take ascended people through the gel zone, the Celestial Realm. Similarly, if the ascending rays of light turn back, they can also take people from the Celestial Realm to the Earthly Immortal Realm.

But if the person on the opposite side uses Cuiyan to break through the gel zone, then the Earthly Immortal World will be helpless.

Everyone couldn't help but frown.

The Ancestral God asked: This green rock is the one that fell in the Celestial Realm. I don't know what is written on the green rock. I don't know what is written on the green rock. I want to use this object to penetrate the gel zone and open up the three realms. Is there any way to stop it? ?”

Empress Ziwei and others frowned.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment and said: I have a green rock building boat here that can pass through the gel zone. If a strong man can take this boat to go, maybe he can collect the green rock on the opposite side and then destroy it. The punctured zone allows the gel substance to refill the punctured channel. Just...

He looked up at the sky and saw several powerful figures standing on the green rock that fell into the gel zone.

In addition, there are several rays of ascending rays of light that are looming, which are the rays of light that ascenders from the Earthly Immortal Realm ascend to the Heavenly Immortal Realm. The Earthly Immortal Realm is too vast, and the Ancestral God has not completely made up for it, and there are still some places where you can ascend.

The strong men who came to Hua Longting this time were obviously well prepared!

Even if someone can activate the Cuiyan Tower Ship and meet the opponent, it will obviously be an extremely bloody battle!

I'll go.

Empress Ziwei smiled and said, Zi Yan has been rescued. Now that Xindao is in Dachang, there is very little I can teach him. While there is still some use now, I will stop that green rock.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, thinking that if Empress Ziwei left, she would be destroyed physically and mentally. He didn't want this old friend to disappear completely.

At this time, an old voice came, laughing and saying: How can such a thing like showing your face make your majesty, a zombie, more beautiful than before? It is the duty of the veteran to stop this attack!

Xu Ying looked around and saw Taiqing Taoist holding the Bagua alchemy furnace in one hand, walking towards this side, his long robe and big sleeves fluttering out of the dust.

Taiqing and Shangqing are originally one family.

Taoist Yuqing also walked into the Tiandao dojo. He raised his head to look at the emerald green light in the sky and said with a smile, When Taiqing went out to fight, Shangqing naturally fell behind. I went into battle with my junior brother to see the transformation of the immortal world. .”

Kunlun is indispensable for this matter!

Taoist Yuxu also came to the Tiandao dojo, holding a whisk on the crook of his elbow, and said with a smile, Taoist saw the green rock falling in the Kunlun realm, how could he not go out to fight? Where is the Dao Lord? Where is the Dao Lord?

Master Xuhuang Daodao came over and said in a deep voice: Everyone, just us, even if you add your wonderful treasures, it is not enough.

Taoist Yuxu said: There is also the Demon Ancestor. He came back from the dead and is a hundred times better than us.

Taoist Taiqing sneered: How can you not know the temperament of the Demon Ancestor? He is responsible for showing his face, but he can slip away from fatal matters faster than anyone else!

Lord Xuhuang Daodao said: Although Demon Ancestor likes to take advantage of small things, he never loses his righteousness.

At this time, the voice of the Demon Ancestor came, and he laughed and said: Sure enough, Lord Dao understands me! Taiqing, if you show your face, I must be involved! How can I be absent from this appearance!

Everyone looked around and saw the Demon Ancestor striding towards him, looking energetic and energetic.

Xu Ying couldn't help but frown deeply. Although these old arms and legs in the ancestral court were very famous, except for the Demon Ancestor, none of them were very good at fighting!

The Demon Ancestor is equivalent to a supreme being, and the others together are equivalent to a supreme being. If two supremes go to stop it, they can't stop it at all!

Xu Ying was about to speak when suddenly the Ancestor God smiled and said: Since all the fellow Taoists are going, then I will go too. With your strength, it is difficult to suppress the strong men on the green rock opposite, but with me, you have a chance of winning. Holy Lord, this is The only ones who went to stop the Hualong Court this time were us old bones who were overthrown by you, but not the rebels like you.

There was a lot of irony in His words.

The Ancestral God is indeed very vengeful. Back then, the Six Masters and the Twelve Mysteries severely wounded him. Whenever he had the opportunity, he would mock the Holy Master.

The Holy Lord raised his eyebrows, took a step forward, and said in a deep voice: I'm going too! You bunch of rotten people dare to sacrifice your lives for righteousness, how can we, the monks, lag behind?

The Ancestor God sneered: What the hell are you doing? What kind of cultivation are you doing? You are not on board the Cuiyan Tower this time! You stay and practice well. When your cultivation is restored in the future, you will be the mainstay!

The Holy Lord was stunned: Ancestral God, you...

The Ancestral God snorted and said calmly: If we stab you, we may not be able to come back, so we have to leave a backbone. After Qingxuan's death, your six twelve masters are like a pile of scattered sand. You are the only one who can barely gather them. You are the backbone. If you practice hard, we can delay it for a while. If we fail, the Cuiyan Tower Boat will come back, and you and your Immortal Court members will be the ones on board at that time!

The Holy Lord nodded silently.

At this time, a woman's voice suddenly came, laughing loudly: Who said that we, the six deities and the twelve masters, have no one?

Everyone followed the sound and saw a handsome woman in white walking towards this side, the embroidered ribbon binding her hair fluttering in the wind. She was the handsome lady that Xu Ying saw on the other side of the river of time.

You corrupt people, even if you sacrifice your lives for righteousness, how can the six deities and the twelve wonders make you more beautiful than before?

Qiongtai came in front of everyone, offered the Zhangtian Ruler, and said with a smile, Holy Lord, you don't have to go, but someone from the Six Twelve Wonders must go!

When Taiqing, Yuqing and others saw her, they all snorted: Witch!

Qiongtai's willow eyebrows stood up, her almond-shaped eyes widened, and she sneered: I'm old!

Taoist Taoist Taiqing was so angry that his palms trembled and he shouted: The witch who deceived the master and destroyed the ancestors!

Fairy Qiongtai gritted her teeth and said, You stupid and incompetent old man!

Taoist Yuqing offered sacrifices to the Wuji Diagram of Tai Chi to refine the witch to death. Taoist Taiqing also sacrificed to the Bagua Alchemy Furnace to refine the witch to death.

Fairy Qiongtai's pretty face was full of evil spirits, so she wanted to knock two old men to death.

When he was about to get angry, the ancestor god coughed and said: The enemy is in front of us, each of you should say less and take a step back.

Yuqing and Taiqing each sneered and accepted the magic weapon, and Fairy Qiongtai also received the Zhangtian Ruler.

When Xu Ying saw this, he was suspicious in his heart: Is there any dispute between them? Yes, the essence of Qiongtai's Zhangtian Ruler is the evolution of mountains, rivers, lakes and seas by the two black and yellow qi. These two black and yellow qi are the origins of Taiqing Daomen and Shangqing Daomen. A unique skill. Then Qiongtai is most likely from the Taiqing Taoist sect or the Shangqing Taoist sect! She and Qingxuan are brothers and sisters!

Xu Ying took a step forward and said with a smile: The Cuiyan Avenue is engraved on the Cuiyan Tower. You still need someone to help you raise this ship. I will go with the ship.

The ancestor god shook his head and said with a smile: Xu Daozu, although you are the ancestor of the new way, don't rely on it. You can indeed sacrifice the Cuiyan Tower Boat, but you are not the only one who knows the Cuiyan Avenue. I also know some dark ways of heaven, It is difficult to move the Cuiyan Tower Ship.

Empress Ziwei smiled and said: Xu Daozu, unless you defeat Ming Zun, you will not be qualified to board the ship.

Xu Ying's face darkened.

When everyone saw that he was deflated, they looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

The Ancestral God smiled and said: Xu Daozu, if we die and the Holy Lord dies, then it will be your turn. Don't let us down. Fellow Taoists, it will take me about ten days to complete the Heavenly Dao in the Earthly Immortal Realm. , restricting ascension. You still have ten days to prepare. In ten days, we will be here, take a boat to stop the Hualong Court!

Everyone nodded and left.

Empress Ziwei brought Nan Ziyan back to Ziwei's ancestral court. He continued to teach Nan Ziyan, teaching him various skills and magical powers in detail many times, for fear that Nan Ziyan would not be able to learn them.

Nan Ziyan studied very hard, but after Empress Ziwei finished teaching him, she stayed for a long time, then suddenly laughed again and said to him: I taught you things, you can learn them or not. Now. Xindao Changlong, my method is outdated. If you can introduce new things from the old, that would be the best. If you can't, just throw them away. It's a pity.

Nan Zi expressed great sadness and choked with sobs: This disciple will definitely inherit the master's mantle.

Empress Ziwei's face darkened, and she said unhappily: Elm head! Don't you understand? I want you to practice a new way, take what I pass on to you, and express it in a new way, so that my old tree can sprout new shoots! Why not? Whether there is the Cuiyan Avenue or the Biangan Avenue, which is better than us, you must remember to learn it. After learning it, it becomes your own thing. But it cannot be transformed! Do you understand?

Nan Ziyan was confused and nodded in agreement.

Empress Ziwei sighed and said: I was supposed to do these things, but I'm dead, so I can only leave them to you. I don't feel comfortable leaving them to you, but I have more important things to do... …”

He was very embarrassed, but finally patted Nan Ziyan on the shoulder and walked towards the tombs of Emperor Haohong, Emperor Haoying, Emperor Shaohao and Emperor Taihao.

He entered the tombs of the four human immortal emperors, knocked open the coffins, and took out the bodies of the four emperors. Suddenly, the corpse aura was overwhelming, and the resentment soared into the sky. Even the Ziwei Ancestral Court could not suppress it!

These four human immortal emperors all died unexpectedly and were killed by their successors, with great resentment.

Empress Ziwei burned incense and worshiped, and recited: Four Taoist brothers, do you still have unfulfilled wishes that have turned into obsessions? If you have unfulfilled wishes, please show up.

The wisps of aroma penetrated into the nostrils of the four emperors' corpses. After a moment, Emperor Hao Hong sat up straight, his neck turned stiffly, he looked at him and sneered: Of course I have the traitor who killed the king and usurped the throne. My wish is not fulfilled!”

At this time, Emperor Haoying also sat up straight and said solemnly: Regicide and traitor, how can you have the face to reprimand others?

Emperor Shaohao also sat up and sneered: You are also a rebel!

Emperor Taihao just stood up and said: Shaohao seizes my throne...

The corpses of the other three great emperors all turned their heads and reprimanded: How dare you say more than the one who created the figurines?

Emperor Taihao had no choice but to ignore them and said to Empress Ziwei: Emperor Haocang wakes us up, what are your orders?

Don't dare.

Empress Ziwei said, Now that the Earthly Immortal World is about to fall into ruin, and at the moment of life and death, I am about to go to die. Therefore, I wake you up and invite you to go with me. I wonder what your thoughts are?

When the four emperors heard this, they each looked at each other.

Emperor Taihao said: All living beings in the earthly immortal world worship me, and I will enjoy hundreds of thousands of years of peace and happiness. At this time of life and death, instead of being a rotting corpse in a tomb, waiting to rot and decay, it is better to be like a meteor in the sky and shine again. Everyone Rebels, what do you think?

Emperor Shaohao stood up and said with a smile: I am the Emperor of Heaven. How can I be the rotting bones in the tomb when I am alive and dead?

Emperor Haoying said: Since there is no need to take revenge, what's the harm in smashing one's body to pieces for all sentient beings?

Emperor Hao Hong stood up slowly and walked past Master Ziwei: If the Immortal Emperor of the human race is not determined to fight to the death, how can he overthrow the demon race and stand on the top of the heavens?

————Yangjian update! Thanks to book friend 20200820080502268, Gudao Delan and Speechless Alliance Leader for the reward!

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