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Chapter 651 Across six hundred thousand years of time and space

The mountains and rivers are as long as the sky, and when Xu Ying comes here again, he sees endless mountains and rivers. The inner space of this treasure is really vast and boundless. If you fly forward in one direction, you will never reach the end.

Because whenever you fly forward, the space in front of you will continue to expand and expand, and more mountains and rivers will come into view.

Qiongtai is really a strange woman.

Xu Ying sighed in his heart, searched for a while, and suddenly saw a long river in the corner of his eye, flowing turbulently and endlessly.

On the other bank of the long river, a woman in white came into his eyes. Her grace and appearance were peerless, just like a beautiful woman, on the other side of the water.

The fairy was breathtakingly beautiful, gentle and quiet, but every time Xu Ying turned around to look, she was nowhere to be seen, and neither was the river.

Xu Ying looked out of the corner of his eyes again, trying to determine the direction of the long river of time. Suddenly, he saw that besides the woman in white, there were other people on the other side of the river!


Xu Ying was surprised and happy, There are also Fairy Gushe and Mr. Yuan Tiangang Yuan! Why are they here?

He focused his gaze, and the river of time immediately disappeared, and the four figures disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ying was extremely excited. Those figures just now were indeed Lan Suying and others!

Before he went to the human world, he met Xu Jing and learned that his mother Lan Suying, Gushe Fairy and Yuan Tiangang had become the living dead and lost consciousness. He originally thought that only by defeating the Immortal Emperor Supreme could he be forced to reveal the whereabouts of his mother and others' consciousness.

I just didn't expect that the Supreme Immortal Emperor would actually seal Lan Suying and others on the other side of the long river of time, together with Fairy Qiongtai!

Xu made a quick decision and activated the Taiyi Shenqiao, only to see a golden bridge appear, crossing to the other side of the long river of time.

As soon as the bridge came out, the surrounding heaven and earth, time and space, turned into black and yellow water, roaring and rushing, falling towards the bridge. In the mountains and rivers, the infinite space was flowing rapidly towards the bridge, turning into an endless river.

Whenever the waves of the river hit the void, you can see a landscape jumping out from the waves, with high mountains and ridges, and picturesque landscapes.

But the next moment, these mountains and rivers fell back under the bridge and back into the river.

The space within the mountain, water, and sky ruler is collapsing rapidly. Even if this ruler is said to be infinite and continues to expand outwards, creating more mountains, rivers, and rivers, it can't beat the speed of collapse!

Xu Ying stood on the bridge and saw that the end of the world around him had appeared. At the end, mountains, rivers and rivers were constantly being born, and then he was pulled towards the Taiyi Bridge.

This divine bridge is Xu Ying's first supreme magical power, connecting Wuji and Tai Chi. Tai Chi is composed of the two black and yellow qi, and the core of the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler is also the two black and yellow qi!

Therefore, the changes in this ruler can be restrained by Taiyi Shenqiao.

Xu Ying stood on the bridge and saw Taiyi Shenqiao gradually extending to the other side of the bridge, getting closer and closer to Qiongtai, Lan Suying and others!

He stood at the end of the bridge, as if he had traveled through ancient times. Countless pictures and various noises came to his face, disturbing his Taoist mind.

He even saw the battle between himself and the Immortal Emperor in Tianyuan under the bridge, as if he could just jump off this golden bridge and jump into the river to go back to the past and change the history of his defeat.

He also saw the master of Niwan Palace harvesting all the fishermen, and it seemed that he could prevent this from happening by jumping off the sacred bridge.

He also saw the Queen Mother of the West opening Yuan Weiyang's seal on Kunlun's Jade Pearl Peak and awakening Fairy Zitong. It seemed that he only needed to jump down to save Yuan Weiyang.

He saw himself in history one by one, saw himself getting married to Feng Xueer, saw himself and Xu Fu boarding a ship out to sea, saw Yan Baoer saying goodbye to him in life and death, and saw how he had spared no effort in hatching gold.

He saw himself in the first life, the defeat on the road to heaven, and the murder of Kunlun.

It seems that if he jumps at any point in time, he can go back to the past and change the future!

Xu Ying remained motionless. All this was just an illusion caused by the passage of time. Even if he jumped, he would not be able to change history.

He continued to activate his magic power and looked back at time. He saw Tianzun creating the world of heaven, saw the rise of Yuanjun, and saw the emperor ascending.

The river flows under the bridge, and time continues to move forward, revealing the hidden years and restoring a magnificent scene of six statues and twelve gods competing for the orthodoxy of the world.

It's close, it's close!

Xu Ying looked to the other side. Taiyi Shenqiao was only a few steps away from the other side!

The boat built by Yuji Taoist this time was very fast, much faster than before. After more than ten days, the Immortal Emperor and others had already traveled half the distance.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor came to the bow of the boat, looked at the stars around the river, and said leisurely: There are only three months left before the decisive battle with Xu Ying. I don't know how far this kid's cultivation has reached.

Taoist Master Luofu complimented: Xu Ying was unable to defeat Ming Zun in his first life, let alone this life?

The Supreme Immortal Emperor smiled and said: After all, he is the ancestor of the new way and should not be underestimated.

The Fire Bell Fairy smiled and said: New Dao Ancestor, haven't you been harvested by your majesty? Now it's just another harvest.

The Immortal Emperor smiled slightly, and suddenly felt a sudden impulse. His face suddenly changed, and he exclaimed in shock: Good boy, you dare to break my magical power! If I hadn't noticed it, you would have succeeded!

Everyone on the boat was shocked and confused, but they saw the Immortal Emperor suddenly raised his foot and gave a heavy meal. Suddenly, the surrounding world suddenly changed, and another long river appeared, mighty and continuous flowing!

The Supreme Creation looked at the long river and whispered: Calculation of cause and effect must involve time. Ming Zun has actually come to this step! He can be considered as having blazed his own path.

At the other end of the long river of time, Lan Suying and others were bored. They stayed here for six years. No matter how fresh they were when they came and how mysterious the long river of time was, they were tired of staying.

Don't worry, Ying'er will definitely come to rescue us. Lan Suying said to them.

Fairy Qiongtai looked gloomy and said: My lord is probably dead. He can't possibly fight against Meng Shanming. Meng Shanming's clever calculations are better than yours. Every step he makes is carefully calculated. Do you know who sent me to this place? From here? It’s Meng Shanming.”

She recalled the past and said: Back then, when we besieged Qingxuan, Qingxuan died in my hands. I smashed his head with the Zhangtian Ruler. Meng Shanming must have regarded me as the enemy who killed the master. He took advantage of the six of us and ten When Er Miao was at odds with each other, he pointed the finger at me. Six hundred thousand years ago, he could only send me one day away from the long river of time, but now, they can send you six hundred thousand years ago.

Just as she said this, the fog suddenly began to rise on the river and became thicker and thicker. There seemed to be something making waves in the fog, accompanied by bursts of strange sounds.

Xu Ying, it turns out to be you! Do you want to break my magical power?

The voice of the Immortal Emperor suddenly came from the mist, loud and resonant, coming from the distant future, Since you took the initiative to go back to the past, then I will help you and keep you here forever!

Lan Suying, Yuan Tiangang, and Fairy Gushe's expressions suddenly changed, and they hurriedly looked into the mist.

Suddenly, they noticed that the terrifying magical power was coming from the distant future and blasting into the fog. Even though the power has passed through the long river of time, it is still incredibly powerful!


Violent vibrations came from the long river, and a familiar voice came from the mist: Mingzun, have you forgotten that only the supreme ones are not affected by cause and effect, because they can jump out of the long river of time in a short time. I walk on the long river without falling into Time, how could you hurt me if you used your magical powers in six hundred thousand years?

my son!

Lan Suying was inexplicably excited and smiled at Fairy Qiongtai, We are not married yet. I can introduce you to her!

There seemed to be two behemoths fighting in the mist, which made the four people on the shore extremely nervous, wondering what the outcome of the battle would be.

Suddenly, there was a tall old man's figure walking toward the present from the end of time in the mist. He was vaguely the shadow of the Immortal Emperor!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor actually planned to cross time directly and come to the long river. He wanted to come in person and kill Xu Ying!

Suddenly, the energy and blood in the mist surged in all directions, giving Lan Suying and others the feeling as if countless suns had exploded in the mist!


A fist blasted out from the fog, tearing apart the countless fogs in front of him, sweeping them away, and headed straight for the figure of the Supreme Immortal Emperor who had come from afar!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor raised his hand to receive the blow, but after hundreds of thousands of years, the fog disappeared.

Fairy Qiongtai, Lan Suying and others looked at the river of time, and suddenly they saw a tall young man standing on a golden bridge. He was sixteen or seventeen years old, his eyebrows had grown, and he looked a little... Heroic.

At the other end of the long river is the Immortal Emperor Meng Shanming, who has become old and vicissitudes of life.

When the fog cleared, it seemed that the path of the Immortal Emperor was also interrupted, making it impossible for him to go back to the past and fight with Xu Ying himself.

An old man and a young man look at each other across time.

After a while, the Immortal Emperor turned around and left, disappearing into the mist without a trace.

The heroic young man walked to the end of the Golden Bridge and his eyes fell on Lan Suying and others, showing his gentleness.

He stood on the bridge, stretched out his palms to them, and said with a smile: Mother, I will take you home.

Everyone boarded the Golden Bridge one after another, and Qiongtai also held Xu Ying's hand and was pulled to the Golden Bridge.

Xu Ying rescued her, turned around and hugged Lan Suying, and did not let go for a long time.

Qiongtai quietly looked at Xu Ying's profile, her heart pounding: He looks like my favorite husband.

Under the bridge, various scenes in the long river of time change unpredictably. The past history continues to evolve forward, and the golden bridge shrinks and moves towards the other side.

On the long river of spiritual light, the Supreme Immortal Emperor's face sank like water, and at that time the long river of time disappeared without a trace.

Just now he planned to step into the long river and kill Xu Ying on the other side, but Xu Ying beat him to it and shattered his passage, making it impossible for him to come down for a while.

Xu Ying's cultivation has advanced faster than I expected.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor was talking to himself, no one behind him dared to speak, and murmured, His current cultivation level is probably that he has reached the new realm of dojo. But his strength is comparable to that of Daluo Jinxian. His progress is real. too fast……

He looked solemn, exhaled a breath, and said to himself: I have set a date for the decisive battle with him, but if he unexpectedly dies before the decisive battle, I can only sigh with regret.

As soon as he said this, the Supreme Creation and others all came to their own understanding.

The Immortal Emperor was hinting to them to kill Xu Ying before the decisive battle!

On Yuxu Peak in Kunlun, Xu Jing has been staying on Yuxu Peak these days, rebuilding Xujiaping brick by brick. Now Xujiaping and the palace have been paved. He also went to the Taixu Realm to capture The broken sacred bridge was connected to the sacred bridge in Kunlun.

The goddess and other Penglai immortals took care of Lan Suying, Fairy Gushe and Yuan Tiangang for him, but six years had passed and Lan Suying and others still hadn't woken up.

The goddess repeatedly calculated, but still couldn't figure out where the consciousness of these three people was, so she couldn't help but sigh.

Suddenly, Lan Suying opened her eyes faintly and said with a smile: Why did Senior Sister Feng sigh?

The goddess was extremely surprised. She turned around and saw that Lan Suying had sat up, while Fairy Gushe and Yuan Tiangang also woke up in a daze.

The goddess was overjoyed and said with a smile: How did you survive? Where did the Immortal Emperor imprison you? Tell me quickly! I counted six years... Mr. Xu Tianzun! Mr. Xu Tianzun! Your mother-in-law is awake, come quickly ah--

In the distance, Xu Jing was piecing together the sacred bridge at the top of the mountain. Hearing the sound, he hurried over like lightning.

On the other side, Fairy Qiongtai also woke up. She opened her eyes and saw herself kneeling in front of a crystal coffin, surrounded by luminous pearls, illuminating the tomb as if it were daytime.

Fairy Qiongtai straightened up and saw Di Qingxuan's body lying there quietly in the crystal coffin, his face still the same as before, as if there was still breath.

Meng Shanming believed that I was the culprit who killed Qingxuan, so he buried me with Qingxuan. He also hated my actions, so he made me kneel in front of Qingxuan's coffin.

Fairy Qiongtai smiled slightly, the Emperor's thoughts could not be hidden from her.

But, among the five deities and the twelve mystics, everyone is a murderer. Why only target me?

She recalled that she was lucky enough to be one of the leaders of the rebel army. Many people were attracted by her, but she didn't have this in her heart.

She is actually very pure, she just wants to overthrow the empress Zi Wei and find a way to survive for the common people. But when Shengzun, Zaixuan and others attacked Emperor Qingxuan, she knew that if she didn't take action, she would also be eliminated.

Shengzun and others gave her the last move to kill Qingxuan, and later suppressed and sealed her because of this move, and threw her away 600,000 years ago.

When I raised the Zhangtian Ruler and attacked Qingxuan, my behavior was no longer righteous.

She walked out of the tomb, broke open the door of Emperor Qingxuan's tomb, and walked out.

Surrounded by beautiful mountains and clear waters, the scenery is pleasant, but this is not a paradise for immortals, it is just an ordinary place with good scenery.

Fairy Qiongtai looked back and saw that there was no tombstone in front of Emperor Qingxuan's mausoleum, but people often came to clean it, so it was fairly clean. In fact, after Emperor Qingxuan died, all the history about him was erased and ceased to exist.

If Xu Ying and others hadn't dug it out, no one would have known that there had been such a human emperor in history.

Fairy Qiongtai knelt down, gathered some earth to make incense, and offered a few sticks of incense to Emperor Qingxuan. She said in a low voice: I never thought that I would be addicted to lust for power. Brother Tao, I will attack you. At that moment, desire had already shattered my Taoist heart.”

She stood up: Just realizing this, the price is too high.

She drifted away.

In the Ancestral Court of Heavenly Dao, the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler in Xu Ying's hand suddenly vibrated slightly, flew through the air with a hiss, and disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ying looked up and saw no trace of the mountains and rivers flying away, but only saw the extremely distant world of immortals appearing on the sky of the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court.

At this time, the Ancestral God is casting a spell, preparing to seal the heavenly way in the earthly immortal world, locking all opportunities for ascension, so that even if the Qi Refiner practices a new way to overcome the tribulation, he will not be able to ascend.

At this time, He also felt something and raised his head.

At the gap in the Immortal Realm, there were dozens of powerful dragon clan men pushing a huge emerald-green stone to the edge of the gap and throwing the green rock down!

————Well, Chapter 2 is an hour ahead of yesterday, so keep up the good work tomorrow!

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