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Chapter 650 Three-legged Standing (Yang Realm)

Taoist Wukong seems to be very afraid of others touching his scalp. He doesn't know what happened, but I guess it's not a good thing.

When Xu Ying saw him hiding, he was suspicious: Has he been cut?

Taoist Wukong entered the immortal world very early, as early as six years ago. Lu Yiren once said that Taoist Wukong went to the human world and met him.

His perseverance is astonishing. As long as he can't be killed, he will become stronger. He can swim all the way through the aura river and even swim through the cesspit of the universe.

However, it is extremely difficult to enter the immortal world from the human world. You must either ascend and let the ascending rays of light take you through the gel zone, or find the passage through the green rock.

How did Brother Dao find the Cuiyan Passage? Xu Ying asked.

Simplicity, incarnating into millions, can always find the way.

Taoist Wukong looked at the golden ship curiously and said, If I had known that this ship could go to the immortal world, I would have taken the ship.

Xu Ying was shocked and transformed into billions, divided into different directions, and entered the gel material to search?

This is the stupidest method, but it is also the most effective.

But how to transform into billions? Xu Ying asked.

Do you have hair on your body? Use your own hair to become an incarnation.

I'm hairy too.

You definitely don't have as much as me.

Xu Ying asked Taoist Wukong about his experiences in the past few years. Taoist Wukong did not hide anything, and said: After I entered the world of immortals, I traveled around and found that the magic of this place is prosperous, which is better than many in the earthly immortal world, far superior to the Demon Court and the Immortal Court. . So I went around visiting the virtuous and powerful people in the world of immortals, asking for advice on Taoism, and honing my skills.

He speaks in a refined manner. He is obviously a golden ape, but he is very elegant.

However, Xu Ying knew that the monkey's visit was definitely not a genuine one. When he came to visit with a gift, he would probably knock on the door and argue with fists and sticks.

He is the founder of the flawless golden body. No one can break this body of copper and iron.

Xu Ying said with a smile: When the Taoist goes to the immortal world, he will probably shout and beat him all the way. If you can survive, it seems that the Wuluo Golden Body has become stronger.

Taoist Wukong shuddered and said calmly: I also encountered some setbacks.

Xu Ying inquired carefully, but Taoist Wukong did not tell whether he was dead or alive. That time, he was captured by the clan elder on the dragon clan's golden ship. The other party offered sacrifices to the soul of heaven and earth, and aimed at beheading him with a snow-white light.

The white light circled around his neck three times, cutting open his skin and flesh, almost killing him!

He was lucky enough to escape, but he was still frightened thinking about it now and didn't want to mention it again.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Taoist, I found a flaw in the flawless golden body. Let's talk about it.

Taoist Wukong said in surprise: Did you find it too? I was just going to tell you that when I was consulting with the dragon clan master on the other side of the road, someone found a flaw and almost didn't survive.

Speaking of this, he recalled his tragic experience in the world of immortals. When he challenged the eight supreme Taoist masters, he was almost killed by the opponent who found a flaw in the flawless golden body using the technique of transformation.

He encountered similar situations many times, and finally he learned from the experience and began to figure out where the flaw in Wu Leo's body was.

I practiced the Great Way of the Other Shore and gained great insights. I took the opportunity to make up for the flaw in the flawless golden body. I will pass it on to you. Taoist Wukong said.

Xu Ying was stunned. He originally planned to tell Taoist Wukong about the flaw in the flawless golden body he had found, and the two of them would study together how to fix the flaw. But I didn’t expect that the Taoist had already fixed the flaws by himself!

Xu Ying originally wanted to complete the flawless golden body by himself, but he did not have deep attainments in the Supreme Way, so he could not complete it and could only let it go first.

Taoist Wukong passed the completed gold body to Xu Ying, then came to the front of Empress Ziwei, sang a big song, and said: Old man, you are polite.

Empress Ziwei thought of her thick stack of notebooks, which were all filled with the word zheng for this monkey, but also thought that she was dead, and even if she had a powerful weapon like the glazed lamp, she would probably be unable to do anything to stop this monkey, so she Feeling a little open-minded, he smiled and said: Fellow Taoist, you are polite. What do you think of this Taoist going to the world of immortals?

Taoist Wukong stood on the bow of the boat with him, his clothes flying, looking at the earthly immortal world getting closer and closer, the golden hair on his face fluttering slightly in the wind, and said leisurely: The masters are like clouds, and the immortals are far away. The resources are abundant, and we can take advantage of them. It is inexhaustible. It is connected to the other side, and the hidden danger is huge. If the earthly immortal world wants to protect itself, unless it is unified, it will be destroyed at any time when facing the heavenly immortal world.

Empress Ziwei took the initiative to look up and said, Can you explain it in detail?

Taoist Wukong suddenly turned into a golden rainbow and escaped, saying with a smile: I am used to being undisciplined, and I always feel uncomfortable with officials like you. Let's talk about it another day!

This monkey can't sit still in its nest! Empress Zi Wei took the initiative to get angry, and with her pen flying, she wrote a few straight characters on the notebook.

Beside them, the White Bone Divine Dragon activated the golden key to steer the golden ship across the world, like a helmsman who had been tempered many times, finally arriving in the earthly immortal world.

Suddenly, the dragon woke up and stared blankly at the golden key, unable to regain consciousness for a while.

Xu Ying took over the golden key, glanced at it, and said to Dalong: Master Long, this guy is weird. See if you can restore his memory.

The dragon also noticed the extraordinary nature of the Bone Dragon, and suddenly turned into an immortal aura and penetrated into its head.

Xu Ying controlled the golden ship to cross the world, looked back at the world of immortals, and said in a deep voice: Let's go, let's go see the ancestor gods!

Empress Ziwei looked solemn and said: I really want to see the ancestral gods. It is best to go see the Holy Lord. If the earthly immortal world is still the same as before, a pile of scattered sand, it will definitely not be able to compete with the heavenly immortal world.

He said silently in his heart: By then, no one's scalp will be saved!

The golden ship that transcends the world flies towards the ancestral court.

Xu Ying looked into the distance. The Ancestral God was the strongest person on the Ancestral Court side, and the Holy Lord was the strongest person on the Immortal Court side. Both sides had the strength to suppress the heroes.

Only when the Ancestral God and the Holy Lord join forces and integrate the forces of both parties can they be able to compete with the Celestial Realm. But it is only a small competition.

The golden boat that crossed the world came to the Ancestral Court of Tiandao. Xu Ying moored the golden boat and took everyone into the Ancestral Court of Tiandao.

Senior Brother Tian was waiting for you in front of the door, stretched out his hand to invite you, and said, Teacher already knows that you are coming, and ordered me to wait here. Please come with me.

Xu Ying, Yuan Weiyang, Empress Ziwei and others quickly followed him, but after a while, they came to a river where the ancestor god was fishing.

This river is the long river of spiritual light in the earthly immortal world. Xu Ying washed the bucket here before, but never found anything strange. Now that I have returned to this place, I suddenly realize that the ancestral gods are unfathomable.

The Ancestral God was holding a fishing rod and the old god was there. Xu Ying threw the three demon kings of the demon clan into the cesspit of the universe, and it was he who fished out the three demon kings here.

Xu Ying came to the front quickly and talked about what they had seen and heard in the Celestial Realm, and said: The current plan can only be achieved if the Ancestral God integrates the power of the Ancestral Court, and the Holy Master integrates the power of the Celestial Court, and both parties cooperate sincerely. He has the strength to fight.

Empress Ziwei nodded and said: But it's just a battle. Ancestral God, in this world, you and the Holy Lord are respected in terms of strength. No one can surpass you. But when chasing us, I realized that the Celestial Realm can compete with There are three of you who are keeping pace with each other. And this is just the tip of the iceberg in the Celestial Immortal Realm. It is still unknown how many such powerful people there are in the Celestial Immortal Realm.

The Ancestral God sighed and said: Heaven, go and invite the Holy Lord to discuss things together.

Senior Brother Tian said yes.

After a while, Xu Ying saw Senior Brother Tian coming with Lou Mingyu and a young man with red lips and white teeth. Xu Ying couldn't help but stared at the young man in astonishment.

I told you, I want to practice a new way.

The young man looked as normal and said to Xu Ying, Since you want to practice a new way, of course you have to practice it yourself.

Xu Ying hurriedly asked the Ancestral God: Are the Ancestral Gods capturing the Holy Lord to kill him for revenge?

The ancestor god was stunned and said: How do you know that it was me who captured him and not him who came to be a guest?

The Holy Lord sneered: Xu Daozu knows that you have always been petty. After seeing me cutting off my cultivation, you will take the opportunity to take revenge on me for killing you back then.

Xu Ying nodded hurriedly.

The Ancestor God smiled and said: I don't want to kill him, but the Holy Lord is unruly and does many evil things, so I invited his master and disciple to come over and supervise him to prevent him from going out to do evil.

The Holy Lord sneered.

Lou Mingyu couldn't help but said: Since the ancestor god advised him to do good, why not allow him to practice?

The ancestor god did not answer. Of course He holds a grudge.

At that time, Shengzun and Qingxuan led other people from the Six Twelve Wonders to work together to deal with him and beat him until he continued to urinate blood for 600,000 years. It was not until the arrival of the promise that he was cured.

This hatred cannot be easily overcome.

Xu Ying said cautiously: Ancestral God, today the Immortal Realm hangs high above the Earthly Immortal Realm. It requires the sincere cooperation of both of you to unite the power of the Ancestral Court and the Immortal Court to fight against the Celestial Immortal Realm. Otherwise, the masters of the Celestial Immortal Realm will cut us off from the lower world. Not to mention your old scalp, I’ll also cut off your old scalp.”

The Ancestral God smiled and cursed, and said: The Holy Lord is not even an immortal now. He cannot scare the six saints and the Twelve Wonders, so it is useless.

The Holy Lord said calmly: When I practice the new way, I will only be faster than Xu Daozu, not slower than him.

The expression of the Ancestral God remained unchanged, but the sky in the Ancestral Court of Heaven was uncertain. Xu Ying, Empress Ziwei and others could not help but feel uneasy, knowing that the Ancestral God was at war between heaven and man.

After a while, the sky turned sunny, and Ancestor God said: The overall situation is the most important thing.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Ying thought: However, just the two masters of Ancestor God and Shengzun are not enough. We need to find more masters! Among the six masters and twelve masters, there are currently Qiongtai and three other masters. The realm has not yet appeared! Fairy Qiongtai should be suppressed in Zhangtianzhi. Where are the other three wonderful realms?

He frowned slightly, Qiongtai and these three wonderful realms alone were not enough, more masters were needed.

Suddenly, Xu Ying looked at the long river, and then at Dalong who was still studying the head of the Bone Divine Dragon, and his heart moved slightly, Perhaps, Dalong can be allowed to return to the physical body, and a complete Daojiu realm existence can be achieved. Shock the world of immortals.”

However, with only its head left, can the dragon still be able to control such a huge body?

The Great Dragon Soul is divided into four parts, and they fall into the hands of Mingzun, Jiugong, Taiyuan and Luo Shengren respectively. It must be taken back from the four of them!

Xu Ying's eyes flashed, But the most important thing is the Immortal Emperor. He has won the biggest share! Ignore him for now and save Fairy Qiongtai!

He offered sacrifices to the mountains and rivers and the ruler of the sky, and flew into it.

In the long river of spiritual light, another fleet from Immortal Court followed the long river formed by the immortal spiritual light and finally came to the human world. At the ferry in the human world, Immortal Emperor, Zaihua, Dan Xuanzi and others stood on the shore, quietly looking at the approaching Three Realms Golden Ship.

Suddenly, the Immortal Emperor said loudly: Jiugong Taoist, Taiyuan Taoist, Luo Shengren, three Taoist friends, this is the last chance to leave the human world. Do the three of them have to hide in the human world all the time?

After he finished speaking, a long time passed, but no one in the darkness responded.

The Immortal Emperor waited for a moment, and the Supreme Creation smiled and said: They are the direct descendants of the Holy Lord. They supported the Holy Lord against us back then, but now they are just afraid of our revenge.

He said loudly: Three fellow Taoists, please come out as long as we don't retaliate against you.

Still no one responded in the darkness.

The Immortal Emperor and others then boarded a golden ship and issued an order: All ships, return home immediately and seal the aura river forever!

As soon as he said this, the laughter of Jiugong Daojun suddenly came from the darkness: Your Majesty, the three of you are late!

The Immortal Emperor smiled and looked back, only to see Jiugong, Taiyuan and Luo Shengren walking out of the darkness, walking towards the ferry, waving to them.

The Immortal Emperor ordered people to stop the boat and go back to pick the three people up.

When Jiugong, Taiyuan and Luo Shengren arrived on the boat, Zaihua, Yaoluo, Dongshi and others all sneered.

Taiyuan Taoist chuckled and said: Brothers, we have never known each other before we fought. Although there are grievances between us, after all, we are all colleagues in the uprising and have saved each other's lives. We don't want to quarrel with each other, right?

The Immortal Emperor looked gentle and said with a smile: It's indeed not the case. It's just that several fellow Taoists are direct descendants of the Holy Lord, so it's hard for us to rest assured.

Jiugong, Taiyuan and Luo Shengren looked at each other and saw that the golden ship of the three realms had gradually sailed away from the human world and set off towards the earthly immortal world. If they jumped into the aura river at this time, they would probably be in bad luck.

After a while, Saint Luo sighed and said sincerely: What should we do to gain the trust of fellow Taoists?

The Supreme Creation smiled and said: Your Majesty only needs to leave a mark on the Taoist fruits of the three Taoist friends.

The faces of Jiugong, Taiyuan and Luo Shengren changed slightly, and they regretted boarding the ship. Daoguo is branded with the mark of others, which means leaving life and death under the control of others!

They stayed in the human world, and although their lives were a bit harder, their lives were still theirs. Boarding the thief ship of the Immortal Emperor, even your life is not your own!

Even the Holy Lord has never used such harsh conditions. On the contrary, the Holy Lord gave them a lot of freedom, but the resources were not under their control.

Ancestor Boshan said: Our Dao Fruits also have the imprint of His Majesty the Immortal Emperor.

Suddenly, Saint Luo jumped into the river of spiritual light and shouted: My fate is up to me and not up to God, not to mention you! I am willing to risk my life!

He was swallowed up by the river of spiritual light and disappeared without a trace.

Jiugong and Taiyuan's expressions were uncertain. If they jumped off, life or death would be uncertain. If they stayed on the ship, they could still survive as long as they stood in the Immortal Emperor's camp!

After a while, Taoist Master Jiugong offered his Taoist fruit and said with a forced smile: Fellow Taoists, please.

Taiyuan Taoist hesitated for a moment and then offered his Tao Fruit as a sacrifice.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor smiled slightly, stepped forward, and said warmly: You two uncles, don't worry, I left the mark just for temporary needs, and I will not intimidate you two because of it.

Taoist Lord Jiugong and Taoist Taiyuan looked pale and did not speak.

The golden ship set sail and sailed towards the earthly immortal world.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor was leisurely in his heart: Before my trip, I calculated that the trip would be auspicious, and it was indeed the case. This time, Zaifang, Yaoluo, Boshan and others were injured one after another, but they gave me the opportunity to control them. Isn't it auspicious? After returning to the Earthly Immortal Realm this time, I, the Ancestral God, and the Holy Lord will stand on three sides!

His ambition surged into his heart, and he thought about the showdown with Xu Ying a few months later. If he thought about it again, it would be a good thing.

The Immortal Emperor's confidence doubled and he couldn't help laughing loudly.

————Yangjian update!

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