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Chapter 649 Breaking the Stubbornness

Without thinking, the Qixuan Yiren activated the magical power of the Great Dao on the other side. In an instant, gray fog seemed to rise all around, the sky and the earth changed color, and an unusually majestic ancient god stood in the gray fog.

He showed his true form as a stranger, tall and tall, with branch-like textures flying in the air, forming various extraordinary magical powers. Countless rotating blades crisscrossed up and down, rushing towards Xu Ying!

But the next moment Xu Ying's figure passed through those sharp blades and appeared in front of him. With a roar, he punched him in the face.


The space behind the alien Qixuan exploded with a bang. Pieces of space exploded, annihilated, and thunder and fire rolled!

The power of Xu Ying's punch hit him in the face. The power poured through his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, to his brain, and then passed through the back of his head. The excess power exploded the space behind his head. !

This is the martial arts magical power recorded in the Tianwu Zhengdao Lu compiled by the Dragon Clan's martial arts emperor. However, it was modified by Xu Ying to make it more suitable for him!

From the moment he dodged thousands of sharp blades, invaded the opponent's dojo, and punched the opponent on the door, it only took a moment. At the same time, the alien Qixuan's counterattacks followed one after another, and the phantoms of the ancient gods all around attacked Xu Ying one after another, with unparalleled power.

These ancient gods made promises, and the promises could be displayed, but they could not be mobilized. Obviously, the Qixuan Yiren had other secret methods that could mobilize the power of the ancient gods.

While the alien Qixuan mobilized the phantom of the ancient god, he also activated the Taoism of the other side, and the thousands of sharp blades that pierced the air turned back one after another, spinning towards Xu Ying's back!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

An ancient god's attack fell on Xu Ying. It was so powerful and domineering that the surrounding earth shook. The ground cracked and cracked. Mountains and rivers rose from the ground, and magma surged from the ground.

Immediately, thousands of sharp blades cut through Xu Ying's body in the air, and a series of fire broke out.

When the attacks from the phantoms of the ancient gods dissipated, Xu Ying was still standing on the spot. Neither the attacks from the phantoms of the ancient gods nor the alien Qixuan could leave any scars on his body.

The alien Qixuan said in surprise: You have such a strong body! I'm even more looking forward to cutting off your human skin!

Just as he said this, he suddenly felt dizzy and felt a warm current coming out of his nose. When he raised his hand and touched it, his palm was filled with blood.

You broke my nose! Qi Xuan, a foreigner, was shocked and angry.


Xu Ying raised his palm, gathered energy into a sword, and walked towards him, saying, This punch of mine will directly shatter your sea of ​​consciousness and blast your brain into paste, as hot as boiling magma. This punch, Pierce your soul's head, and I will blast a big hole in your soul's head.

The alien Qixuan blinked, and blood flowed out of his eyes.

He was panicked, roared angrily, and tried to activate the supreme caves in the sky.

He had underestimated Xu Ying just now and failed to mobilize the Supreme Cave Abyss. The Supreme Cave Abyss was the greatest support for the gods and people on the other side. As long as he activates the Supreme Cave Abyss, his cultivation strength will increase ten times or even ten times, which is equivalent to directly raising a large realm!

But it's okay if he doesn't practice. As soon as he practices, he can hear the sound of his soul cracking.

He yelled and sacrificed his soul, only to see a large transparent hole from the front and back appearing in the center of the head of the soul that looked like an ancient god!

Xu Ying's punch was really overbearing, with the posture of the Dragon Clan martial arts emperor back then. His physical body was cut off, and his soul was also killed with one punch!

Xu Ying came to him, cut off his scalp with a sword, and said calmly: When you scalped someone, did you ever think about how others would retaliate against you?

The alien Qixuan's head exploded with a bang.

Indeed, as Xu Ying said, his brain had been burned like surging lava by the energy burst out from Xu Ying's punch!


The little Tianzun was extremely happy and quickly ran towards Xu Ying, followed by many ascended immortals.

Xu Ying smiled and touched his scalp.

Little Tianzun's hair stood on end.

Xu Ying laughed and said, Lead the way, let's go rescue the others!

Gao Bodhi also flew over and said in a deep voice: Thank you so much, donor, for the rescue.

Evil Buddha, you don't have to be polite. It's important to save people.

Xu Ying ignored the pleasantries and rushed toward a portal with Xiao Tianzun and others. Xu Ying shouted: Weiyang, the key!

Yuan Weiyang threw the key over with a cry. Xu Ying did not use his magic power to catch it, but jumped up and reached out to grab the key.

He rushed into the portal with the key and saw that here was an extremely deep cave, with fairy mountains emitting this soft light, and goose cages hanging around these fairy mountains, like lanterns.

But the ones in the goose cage are not geese, but immortals who have ascended from the lower world to the upper world!

The number of fairy mountains in this cave abyss is huge, and the number of goose cages is even more astonishing, tens of thousands!

There are dragon-shaped chains tied to these goose cages, which are connected to the fairy mountain.

There are many dragon immortals cultivating on these fairy mountains and taking care of these goose cages. They are not aware of the changes in the outside world. When they see Xu Ying and others breaking in, they fly up one by one and ask questions in alien language. Said: What happened? What are you doing?

Furthermore, the Dragon Immortal from the Seventh Realm of Tao appeared in his true form, clinging to the Immortal Mountain with overwhelming arrogance.

Xu Ying couldn't help but say, he sacrificed the golden key and stabbed towards the fairy mountain.


The golden ship that transcended the world shattered the portals and suddenly appeared in the cave. It flew over the heads of Xu Ying, Xiao Tianzun, Ji Bodhi and others, and crashed into the fairy mountains.

Immortal mountains were torn apart, a Dragon Immortal was smashed to pieces, and even Dao Qi's giant dragon had its waist broken.

Xu Ying followed closely behind the Golden Ship, flew up, grabbed the broken chain, and dragged the tens of thousands of connected goose cages with all his strength.

When the golden ship flew over, Xu Ying tied the goose cages to the golden ship and let the golden ship drag the goose cages.

Xu Ying! Why is it you again?

One of the goose cages contained Emperor Jiuyou. When he saw Xu Ying, he couldn't help but look frightened.

Xu Ying had no time to question him and shouted to Xiao Tianzun and others: Come to the boat quickly!

Little Tianzun and others flew onto the golden boat respectively. Gai Bodhi, a tall man, grabbed the chain and pulled hard to pull the goose cages onto the golden boat.

Seeing that he was struggling, Little Tianzun activated the Nine Turns Mysterious Skill and stepped forward to help. Other immortals also came to help.

Xu Ying smiled and said: The evil Buddha actually does good deeds one day. Could it be that he has to turn around and be safe?

I am compassionate.

The evil Buddha Gao Bodhi was compassionate and said, After I ascended, I was forced to fight and killed too many people, so I did a good deed to make up for it a little.

Xu Ying originally planned to give him the scalp of the alien Qixuan, but when he heard this, he gave up the idea and sacrificed the golden key to urge the golden boat to rush outward.

The Golden Ship flew out of this cave, and Xu Ying's consciousness shook and turned into a voice: Weiyang, Emperor Ai, I have succeeded, leave quickly!

Yuan Weiyang and Empress Ziwei immediately rushed towards this side. The big bell showed its spiritual light body and joined forces with the Bone Dragon to fight around, killing the surrounding dragon immortals and flying towards the golden ship.

In the distance, the soul of the great dragon with only its head left was fighting with Elder Long Dai. Hearing Xu Ying's call, he ignored it.

Xu Ying immediately activated the golden key and headed straight there. At this moment, a powerful aura shook in the sky, coming from one of the Supreme Cave Abyss.

Xu Ying's expression suddenly changed and he shouted loudly: Master Long, leave quickly!

The array of dragon chants in the Supreme Cave Abyss is thick and long, and the magic power contained in it is so powerful that Xu Ying has only seen it in beings like the Holy Lord!

The dragon also suddenly knew that something was wrong. The existence that woke up from the cave was extremely ancient and powerful. It should be the powerful dragon clan who planned to take a boat to the other side!

Although it is not the ninth level of Dao Realm, the feeling of oppression is really amazing!

Unworthy descendants!

Da Long gritted his teeth, left Elder Long Dai who was beaten half to death, turned around and flew towards the golden ship.

Xu Ying picked him up on the boat, immediately changed course, and headed straight for the Tower of the Void.

At the same time, powerful auras revived in the supreme caves and abyss in this dragon city. It was the elders of the dragon clan who were awakening one after another. Each aura was no less than Elder Long Dai of the eighth level of the Tao Realm!

When the golden ship rushed out of the Dragon City, in the distance surrounded by fairy mountains, there was also an extremely powerful aura coming from another Dragon City. It was the elders of the Dragon Clan who were blooming aura to demonstrate to the enemy!

Then, there was also a resurgence of the aura in that dragon city that far exceeded the elders of the Eighth Dao Realm. It was powerful, ancient, and an existence of the level of the Holy Lord!

Xu Ying sailed away in a golden boat, and then sensed the strong aura erupting from the third dragon city!

Those powerful beings were moving very fast, chasing after the Golden Ship!

It's a hornet's nest!

Xu Ying's face darkened, and he urged the golden boat to roar away, getting faster and faster. At this time, someone ascended from the front and was enveloped by the ascending glow. When he saw Xu Ying and others from a distance, he shouted excitedly: Are you ascending too? I have ascended too! My name is Li Zhe'an! Senior? Senior?

The golden boat roared away, and a goose cage floated on the boat. A hand reached out from the goose cage, grabbed Li Zhe'an in the glow, and pulled him out of the glow.

Li Zhe'an was so angry that he cursed loudly and shouted: You monster, why are you arresting me? I want to ascend to the immortal world!

The Nine Nether Emperor in the cage looked gloomy and said solemnly: I am the Nine Nether Emperor, do you dare to scold me?

Li Zhe'an was furious and scolded him until he was furious.

Emperor Jiuyou snorted, but did not kill him. He thought to himself: I was saved by that bastard Xu Ying, so I will do a good deed today and not kill him.

Suddenly, the space around the Golden Ship collapsed in pieces. The space seemed to be made of glass. It collapsed and disintegrated, turning into earth, water, wind and fire, surging endlessly. Then the space in front was also annihilated, and the scale became larger and larger. Swallowed by earth, water, wind and fire!

This trend of collapse continues to spread, surpassing the Golden Ship of the World Crossing at a faster speed and coming to the front of the Golden Ship of the World Crossing.

The golden ship of crossing the world fluctuated violently, bumping up and down, swaying left and right. Suddenly, the ancient ship seemed to be out of control, its bow raised and flew towards the sky.

On the golden ship, Xu Ying tried his best to control the course of the golden ship, but it was beyond his control.

Because space with a radius of tens of thousands of miles is constantly twisting and deforming, forming a huge sphere!

And on the surface of the ball, there is still more space for the ball to fall.

The rare treasure of the World-Transcending Golden Ship, despite all its strength, can only travel in this sphere and cannot escape.

Everyone on the boat looked back and saw an old man with a dragon head and white beard and hair raising his hands in the air, and the tens of thousands of miles of space were surrounded by his hands.

The space surrounded by the dragon-headed old man's arms is getting smaller and smaller, and the space of thousands of miles is also constantly compressing. The Golden Ship is like a fish swimming in this shrinking sphere, always trying to escape before being crushed, but... There is no way to escape.

Suddenly, the Bone Dragon came to Xu Ying in a daze, and a burst of mana poured out into the golden key.

Xu Ying was slightly startled, but he saw that the buildings, palaces, ground, and fairy mountains of the Golden Ship were all bursting with light. Suddenly, with a roar, it rushed out of the space ball and flew away through the air!

Not only Xu Ying and others were stunned, but even the old man with the dragon head could not help but be stunned and did not continue to pursue.

The golden ship that crosses the world and breaks through the mysterious entrance of the universe. Only the leader of Longting who was in charge of the golden ship can perform these sacrificial and refining methods!

He looked at the golden boat going away and murmured, Which fellow Taoist is on the boat?

Behind him, a group of Dragon Clan elders were chasing after him, and they were about to catch up with the Golden Ship. At this moment, a golden light suddenly flashed across the sky, and a golden ape waved. He raised the cudgel and hit one of the Dragon Clan elders on the head with a loud bang.

The golden ape stepped on the gang to fight, volleyed in the sky, knocked the dragon elder into dust in a few moves, and then caught up with another dragon elder.

In the sky, golden light filled the sky in an instant, and the golden ape transformed into thousands, and thousands of them were all golden apes, fighting for their lives, and quickly knocked down the dragon clan elders one by one.

The golden apes that filled the sky suddenly retracted and turned into a golden rainbow, following closely behind the Golden Ship.

The elders of the Dragon Clan were frightened and angry. They chased him to the restricted area and came to the gap in the Celestial Realm. Everyone stood at the gap and looked down, only to see the golden ship carrying many ascended people flying past the keel and heading towards the boundless void.

The Earthly Immortal Realm was floating in the sky and sea, catching their eyes.

The golden ape swung his stick and hit the keel. The huge keel bones broke and were scattered in the gel material.

The golden ape put his hands on each other and looked up, smiled, and turned to leave.

The dragon elders each raised their eyebrows and looked at this scene. Suddenly, a dragon elder jumped down from the heavenly world, walked through the gel material, and tried to catch up with the golden ship.

However, the gel material is mysterious and unpredictable. The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the coagulation property. As a being at the eighth level of the Tao Realm, he was fully transformed and imprisoned in the gel material.

He could still struggle before, but then he lost all his strength and became motionless. He only stared at the golden ship in the distance with wide eyes.

Only Cuiyan can penetrate this formless and qualityless material.

From behind, the white-haired Dragon Clan elder came over and said in a deep voice, Or, wait for the next ascendant.

The ascension rays of the Ascended One can pass through the gel material.

On the golden boat, a golden rainbow flashed across the sky and turned into a golden ape with a wide robe and big sleeves. It walked very elegantly.

Taoist Wukong!

Xu Ying was surprised and happy, and hurriedly stepped forward to greet him and said with a smile, Taoist, long time no see. Have you been in the Immortal Realm all this time? Have you not been scalped?

He couldn't help but raise his hand, wanting to touch Taoist Wukong's scalp.

Taoist Wukong smiled and said: Who dares to cut my scalp? I went to the Celestial Realm to learn their Huanhua method, but I was delayed for several years... Don't touch my scalp, I'll beat you if you do!

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