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Chapter 648: Invincible

Xu Ying was both horrified and ridiculous. There was actually a custom of harvesting scalps in this world?

As for the winner's scalp, he didn't want it at all.

However, the Dragon Clan Immortal General quietly stepped away and walked towards the three strangers, intending to order a scalp for them.

The customs of foreigners are really barbaric. I must quickly find those immortals who ascended from the earthly immortal world and leave this place. Where were they suppressed?

Xu Ying looked at the Prisoner Immortal battlefield and frowned slightly.

He originally thought that there was no one in the Celestial Realm, and it was a land without one, or like the human world, people without cultivation survived, and other places were polluted by green rocks.

But this place is completely different from what he imagined. Today's world of immortals is by no means a good place, and the dragons here are not like the dragons of the past.

When people from the Earthly Immortal Realm ascend to the Celestial Immortal Realm, they are most likely captured as slaves and thrown into the Immortal Prisoner's Battlefield to duel.

But there was something that puzzled him, that is, how did these strangers from the other side get here?

Judging from his two experiences of ascension, the other shore did not know the location of the Three Realms, so Buddha and others warned Xu Ying not to ascend.

The purpose of Buddha and others should be to hide this universe so as not to be discovered by the other side.

The Three Realms have not been discovered on the other side, so how can the aliens on the other side know the location of the Celestial Realm and come to the Celestial Realm to dominate?

If they discovered the Celestial Realm, then the Earthly Immortal Realm and the Human Realm should also be discovered.

The isolation of the three realms may have been caused by the Cuiyan attack that year. Originally, the three realms were connected. In addition to being able to ascend from the human realm to the earthly and celestial realms, there are also three realms of gold ships that can travel between them. There is also a long river of spiritual light connecting the three realms. But Cuiyan destroyed the passages of the three realms and cut off communication.

Xu Ying thought, In addition, today's Dragon Clan in the Celestial Realm is no longer the Dragon Clan back then. They are all transformed. They probably don't even recognize the characters in the ancient Dragon Clan books. They cannot read the ancient books of the Dragon Clan. Naturally, they don't know anything except the Celestial Clan Realm. In addition, there are the earthly immortal world and the human world. But the question is, how did the aliens from the other side get in?

He looked up at the supreme caves hanging in the sky, and the corners of his eyes twitched, unconsciously remembering what he saw in the Taiyi Cave.

At that time, the good-for-nothing Qingxuan told him that Qingxuan left him in Taiyi Cave Abyss to prevent the things inside from escaping. So the waste Qingxuan has been guarding the other side of the Taiyi Cave Abyss for 600,000 years, killing those ancient gods of the other side who dare to invade!

This shows that there is a passage between the summoned supreme cave abyss and the other shore!

Strangers from the other side should be able to come through this passage!

After all, the Supreme Cave Abyss belongs to someone else. You can summon it and use it. It's not difficult for someone to put a back door in the abyss that you can open at any time.

He said silently in his heart, The real practice is not to summon the cave abyss, but to refine the cave abyss yourself. To summon the cave abyss, you are the swordsman, and I am the fish and meat! Practicing with the summoned cave abyss is just to feed yourself fatter Just a few.”

Suddenly, Yuan Weiyang quietly pointed at the Immortal Prisoner battlefield below. Xu Ying braced himself and saw portals appearing on the Immortal Prisoner battlefield, standing on the ground. There was nothing behind the doors.

But when the portals were opened, many ascended people from the earthly immortal world were seen walking out of those portals.

These portals are a kind of space magic weapon that connects to another space.

The destination for Weiyang and I to ascend is in this city, so the destination for other ascendants from the Earthly Immortal Realm should also be here. The place where they are imprisoned should be nearby.

Xu Ying looked around, and suddenly his heart moved slightly, and he thought, By the way, Lu Yiren said that Taoist Wukong has also gone to the immortal world, where is Taoist Wukong?

At this time, a figure in white walked out of the Prisoner Immortal battlefield, and Xu Ying raised his eyebrows. The young man in white was none other than his disciple Xiao Tianzun!

Xu Ying smiled and thought: My disciple Xu Ergou is sure to survive to the end due to his abilities, so this time it will be his turn to harvest his scalp for me. Speaking of which, last time I planned to cut off his face. Come on. We, master and disciple, are really destined.

The little Tianzun is majestic and proud, standing proudly in the prison battlefield. He is otherworldly, and he is a great figure at a glance.

On the opposite side of Qingyun, the foreigner who had harvested Gao Bodhi noticed the little Tianzun walking out of the door. He was quite surprised and said with a smile: This person is very strong! This person must survive this fight. Come out on top!”

Then Mr. Qi Xuan has a new collection. One of the strange women smiled flatteringly.

The foreigner Qixuan smiled and said: A few scalps are just exchanged for some rewards. I am not tempted by this small amount of money. I just want to cut off the scalps of these outstanding strong men and hang them in my temple. Just for appreciation.”

At this time, Long Jiang, who was next to Xu Ying earlier, came to the front, nodded and bowed to the two stranger women, and said with a smile: Master Qixuan, can you give up your scalp in the second round? There is a young master over there who also came from the other side. Come here and want the scalp of the winner of this round.”

The alien Qixuan said in surprise: There are other young masters here too? Which one is it?

The dragon general raised his hand and pointed to Xu Ying and said, The young master's name is Xu Ying, and next to him is his wife.

The alien Qixuan's eyes fell on Xu Ying, he looked up and down several times, and after a moment, he sneered: Is he a young master from the other side? You are so confused!

The expressions of the other Dragon Immortals on Qingyun changed greatly, and they all looked at Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang.

Empress Ziwei noticed this scene, lowered his head and whispered a few words to Yuan Weiyang. Yuan Weiyang raised his head, glanced at Qingyun, and said: Your Majesty, please be patient and don't be in a hurry. My ship is very fast and heavy, and we can arrive in an instant.

On Qingyun, the dragon general just now had a pale face and said in shock: Master Qixuan, isn't that Master Xu from the other side? He clearly has the body of an ancient god, and his aura is the same, but his body is a little smaller...

The alien Qixuan sneered: This person is definitely not a divine being on the other side! You are not familiar with the ancient gods and you think he is imitating him, but in my eyes, this person has no resemblance to a divine being!

The dragon general was so frightened and horrified that he was speechless for a moment.

The alien Qixuan looked puzzled and thought: Where does this person come from? Why can he imitate the gods and people on the other side of us?

The other two stranger women were also surprised and looked at Xu Ying one after another.

Suddenly, a strange woman smiled and said: Master Qixuan, I want his scalp!

The alien Qixuan smiled and said: My dear, if you want anyone else's scalp, I will allow it to you, but only this bold one, I want to collect it myself!

He was inexplicably excited: This is the best!

The strange woman curled her lips, feeling very unhappy. Her eyes fell on Yuan Weiyang again, and her eyes lit up: Where is the scalp of the girl next to him?

The alien Qixuan smiled and said: I want this too. However, I can give you the scalp of the guy holding the umbrella next to her.

The strange woman looked at Empress Ziwei and saw that this man's aura was extraordinary, so she turned from anger to joy.

An old Dragon Immortal stood up and said with a serious face: These audacious couple must be from the Earthly Immortal Realm just like those untouchables who ascended. There is no need to disturb Young Master Qi Xuan. I will order people to capture them!

He moved slightly, and an eighth-level Tao realm appeared behind him. The layers of Tao realm were deep and dark like demons. Countless branch-like textures in the Tao realm flew around, forming the phantoms of ancient gods and demons, filled with awe-inspiring Tao power!

The foreigner Qixuan smiled and said: Elder Long Dai, I would like to personally defeat him and cut off his scalp. Only by doing this can I feel a sense of accomplishment.

When Elder Long Dai heard this, he was in awe: The other side is so martial, how can it not be strong?

Other dragon clan experts also praised: As expected of the young master from the other side. I have learned a lesson! Listening to your words is better than my father's thousands of years of teaching!

The alien Qixuan laughed loudly, suddenly stood up, and turned into a gray light. The next moment, he landed on the Prisoner Immortal battlefield. His eyes swept towards Xu Ying and said loudly: Xu Ying, do you dare to come down and join me? A battle?”

Xu Ying sat on the futon, his face as sinking as water, and did not respond.


Xiao Tianzun, Gao Bodhi and other ascendants from the immortal world were each shocked, and they all raised their heads and looked up into the sky. Little Tianzun was even more excited, with tears in his eyes, and said silently in his heart: Master is still alive! Master is still alive!

His heart was filled with emotion: Master must have heard the news that I was trapped here, so he risked his life and came to save me!

He shed two lines of tears and finally saw Xu Ying's figure, sitting on the futon in the stands, floating in the air.

Little Tianzun was even more moved: My lifelong mentor!

Xu Ying still sat still, only Yuan Weiyang looked around.

The alien Qixuan laughed loudly, with a loud voice mixed with Taoist sounds, but to the ears of those ascending to the Earthly Immortal Realm, his voice was just Taoist crying!

Xu Ying, you dare to sneak into the immortal world, don't you dare to fight me?

The alien Qixuan said leisurely, Are you here for these people? Do you want to save them? As long as you defeat me, I can let you take them away.

Xu Ying still didn't answer.

The alien Qixuan frowned slightly.

At this time, powerful auras came from behind Xu Ying, and Elder Long Dai led many dragon masters to come behind Xu Ying with gloomy expressions.

The other dragon immortals in the stands also slowly stood up, each blooming on the green rock avenue, and various branch-like textures flew in the air for a while.

And in the sky, many huge phantoms of ancient gods emerged, as big as the stars and the moon, with solemn faces, suppressing the world!

Empress Ziwei's face changed slightly. This is just a dragon fairy city. I didn't expect it to contain such a powerful power!

One to two thousand powerful dragon clan men surrounded Xu Ying and others, and the atmosphere was depressing.

Elder Long Dai came over and said calmly: Xu Ying, Master Qi Xuan asked you, but you still don't answer? Could it be that you want me to force you?

Xu Ying glanced at him, but before he could say anything, Dalong couldn't bear it anymore and jumped out from the body of the big bell, revealing the true form of the head of the distant ancestor Yuanshen. It was huge and shouted: As people of the Dragon Clan, how can you do this? Spineless? Where is the Dragon Clan’s culture? Where is the Dragon Clan’s inheritance?”

Elder Long Dai raised his head and looked at him indifferently. The language of the dragon clan came from his mouth, and he stammered and spoke not fluently: What are you?

The dragon was furious: I am the distant ancestor of your dragon clan, your ancestor! It has been so long since you came back from the other side, but you did not sacrifice to me or summon me, but instead went to worship the gods of the other side...


Elder Long Dai scolded and said righteously, Only the ancient gods on the other side are the true gods. The ancestors are the ancestors, not the true gods. You are the alien god! Because you are the ancestor, I will let you go first. If you dare to insult the true gods again, you will be punished. You’re out of your mind!”

Dalong was so angry that he almost burst his soul. At this moment, Yuan Weiyang suddenly said: Jump!

Before he could recover, Xu Ying, Dazhong, Bone Dragon and Empress Ziwei jumped up into the air.


An extremely huge golden ship directly smashed into the city gate and tower of this fairy city, collapsing all kinds of tall buildings, and swept over with supreme power. Wherever the ship passed, the bones of powerful and extraordinary dragons were broken. The tendons are broken and blood spurts out of the mouth!

Some dragon immortals' physical bodies were directly smashed into pieces, and even their souls couldn't escape, so they were knocked into powder!

Elder Long Dai was worthy of being a being in the eighth realm of the Dao. He immediately reacted, let out a dragon roar, and pushed the golden boat with both hands towards the world. The shadow of an ancient god in the eighth realm of heaven also shouted violently, and all kinds of great power turned over. Fly, surge out from the Tao realm, resist the crushing golden ship of crossing the world!

He fully transformed, and his body transformed into a monster with a dragon head. He became taller and taller, with branch-like textures all over his body forming a branched skeletal structure and wing structure, as if he had the body of an ancient god!


His power came into contact with the golden ship, which even caused the golden ship to tremble, but it was still crushed by the golden ship and slid backwards.

This golden ship is too big, too heavy, and too strong!

More dragon warriors at the rear transformed themselves into majestic dragon bodies. They stretched out their palms and joined forces with him to fight against the golden ship. They were about to suppress the momentum of the golden ship!

Yuan Weiyang was startled, and was about to ask Empress Ziwei to take action when suddenly the distant ancestor Great Dragon let out an earth-shattering roar. The heavy sound waves sent Elder Long Dai flying away, and he rushed towards him angrily: You don't recognize your ancestors, do you? No. Even if you recognize your ancestors, your ancestors won’t recognize you either!”

This huge head of the soul, whose entire body was composed of immortal spiritual light, hit him, resisted Elder Long Dai, and hit the Dragon City. Countless buildings collapsed wherever it passed!

Yuan Weiyang got the opportunity, stretched out his hand, and his body rotated in the air, and the golden key on his finger also rotated accordingly.

The huge golden ship immediately followed the golden key and whirled around, sweeping around and almost demolishing the stands!

The strong man from the Dragon Clan was hit with blood spurting from his mouth. The two alien women were about to fight towards them when one of them was hit by the golden ship. She groaned and almost vomited out her internal organs.

Another strange woman jumped into the air, avoided the golden ship, and flew towards Yuan Weiyang. Just as she was about to kill her, a subtle light suddenly fell on her forehead. With a sneer, she opened her head half way. The brain was also chopped off.

Empress Ziwei spread out her extremely broad right hand, and the Taicang Cave True Glazed Lamp slowly flew up, shooting out streaks of light one after another from the flames, continuously slashing through the air.

No matter where the strong dragons flew from, they were all split into two by the light. Even the magical powers of Cuiyan and the magic weapons of strangers were all split open, making them invincible!

The emperor who suppressed an era, even if he was affected by Dao Cry and his cultivation strength was greatly damaged, could still force Qingxuan, Shengzun, Zaihua and others to join forces to deal with him, his style was evident.

The alien master Qi Xuan's face changed drastically, and suddenly his vision blurred, and he saw Xu Ying falling from the sky, landing in front of him with a thud.

You want to challenge me? Xu Ying glanced at him with a fierce look in his eyes.

An overwhelming aura surged in, overwhelming him.

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