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Chapter 647 Replace the dragon with a handmaid

As soon as he said this, everyone felt awe-inspiring.

Yes, those who escaped from the Three Realms on the golden boat were the immortals of the Dragon Clan, but those who returned to the Immortal Realm on the golden boat may not be those Dragon Immortals!

Perhaps, it is possible that a group of strangers from the other side killed the dragon immortals on the ship and took over the ship. They came to the Celestial Realm, occupied the Celestial Realm, and had a perfect dove occupying the magpie's nest.

First throw out the green rock, exterminate all life in the immortal world, and use the green rock to change the avenue of heaven and earth, making it suitable for the survival of aliens. They can take the opportunity to come and occupy this place.

No matter what, there are people who have come back alive from the other side, and these people are in the Celestial Realm!

Dalong looked at the fairy mountains and cave abyss in the distance, and said solemnly, They are right in front. Those fairy mountains and cave abyss are where they live! We only need to go there to understand everything!

The big clock said: Yes! There is also the mystery of the disappearance of the two hundred thousand ascended people!

Xu Ying pondered for a moment and said: We can't go there in a golden boat. The golden boat is too big and easily attracts attention. We need one person to stay on the boat and be ready to drive the golden boat to meet us at any time.

Everyone on the boat looked at each other. There were not many people on the boat. Who should stay, Xu Ying, Yuan Weiyang, Da Long, Zhong Ye, Zi Wei Empress, and the White Bone Dragon?

Yuan Weiyang suddenly said: No one needs to stay, we only need to bring the golden key to summon the golden ship to cross the world at any time.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they secretly praised this woman's intelligence.

Xu Ying said: But one thing is that this ship comes with the key. When we summon this ship, we'd better jump up, otherwise we will end up like the Nine Nether Emperor.

Everyone nodded in awe.

They stepped off the golden ship and left it where it was. Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were bathed in two rising rays of light. The dragon and Zhong Ye merged and turned into a dragon bell. The white-bone dragon entrenched itself on the wall of the bell, following them.

Empress Ziwei put away the imperial chariot, reached out and squeezed it gently, and the canopy turned into a green umbrella.

He was holding a green umbrella, and the glass lamp was floating in the halo behind his head. The light was strange, the light was only three or four inches long, and it formed a circle around the flame of the lamp.

The ascending rays of light gradually accelerated, flying toward a place surrounded by caves and abyss.

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were surprised. They gradually felt the mellowness and simplicity of the Heaven and Earth Avenue. The Heaven and Earth Avenue in this Heavenly Immortal Realm was thicker than the Earthly Immortal Realm and the Human World. The vitality of Heaven and Earth was also surprisingly abundant. Practicing here, even without the Immortal Mountain Blessed Land. , I’m afraid the cultivation level will advance very quickly!

If we had this resource, Immortal Court wouldn't have to fight so fiercely.

Xu Ying sighed in his heart, However, if there are such resources, the Holy Lord, the Immortal Emperor and others may still take these resources for themselves. By then, the involution will still be serious. If you can't build the Cave Abyss by yourself, no matter how much resources you have, eventually It will all be concentrated in the hands of a few people. How did Dongyuan in the Celestial Realm come about?

He asked the big dragon, who flew close and said: The resources of the Celestial Realm are already extremely abundant. There are always many immortal mountains and blessed places here, and the vitality of the heaven and earth is also very abundant. However, such a thing as the Cave Abyss has never appeared before. .”

He looked at the large and small caves and abyss hanging in the air, shook his head and said: In the past, the spirit of the immortal world could condense into water, forming rivers and lakes, which are inexhaustible. As long as you have the ability, you can You can cultivate to an extremely high level. There is no need to worry about resources.

Yuan Weiyang asked curiously: Won't the resources of the Celestial Realm be exhausted?

Of course. But my dragon clan is very aggressive, and the Dragon Emperor is often killed. After death, everything returns to heaven and earth.

Dalong said, Even my distant ancestor, after giving up his body and flying up to the abyss, will turn his body into a long river of spiritual light between heaven and earth, and be used by the three realms. If there are more dragons fighting for life and death, the resources will not be exhausted. .”

Xu Ying asked in confusion: Are the dragon clan selfless and don't want to plunder all the resources and take them for themselves?

Dalong said matter-of-factly: Of course I do. Otherwise, why would we fight and kill to death? Every time I am summoned by my distant ancestor, it is because these little bastards are too selfish and want to plunder the world's resources to satisfy themselves for eternity. A dream to rule.

Every time he was called down, there was indeed something important to do.

Although he is playful, when faced with major issues that threaten the survival of the Dragon Clan, he is always able to turn the tide and save the Dragon Clan from danger.

While they were talking, they had followed the rising glow to the place surrounded by caves and abyss.

There, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is more abundant. The spiritual energy of the immortals in the caves and abyss falls from the sky like waterfalls, falling down and flowing onto the giant stone statue with a dragon head and body.

What flows out of those supreme-level cave abyss is not only the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but also the rich rhyme of the Tao. The supreme-level rhyme of the Tao, accompanied by the thick sound of the Tao, comes out of the cave abyss.

Those giant dragon-headed stone statues are the internal buildings of a magnificent fairy city. Different dragon-headed stone statues have different faces and should depict different dragon heroes.

The buildings in the city are also extremely tall and majestic.

It's the building of my dragon clan!

Da Long choked with excitement and said repeatedly to Xu Ying, My dragon clan has a huge body and needs such a majestic palace!

Xu Ying stared at it, a little confused.

He has been to the Dragon Court and seen the palaces of the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan has extremely high artistic talent, and its buildings are grand and beautiful with a long lasting charm. They are good at carving palace tiles and brick walls with various dragon-shaped patterns. Even the bricks on the walkway are laid out extremely beautifully.

But the buildings in this dragon city gave him a sense of paradox. Although the buildings were grand, they were wild and rough, without any refinement at all.

There are also dragons in the buildings in the city, but most of them are sculptures with dragon heads and bodies. Compared with the dragon patterns that can be seen everywhere in the Dragon Garden buildings in Mogasi Tokai, the art is obviously much lower level.

The closer he got to the Dragon City, the clearer Xu Ying could see. The buildings in the Dragon City were not covered with dragon pattern structures, but with branch-like texture structures!

The organizational structure...

Xu Ying was stunned, Could it be that these dragons who returned from the other side learned the principles from the other side and came back to teach them to the surviving dragons?

Dalong also noticed something was wrong, but he was still inexplicably excited and didn't take these little things to heart.

In the fairy city, the sound is loud and loud at the moment, and the noise is deafening.

Xu Ying couldn't help but raise the Heavenly Ruler, smash the ascending glow of herself and Yuan Weiyang, and whispered: Weiyang, Huanhua!

Yuan Weiyang understood and immediately activated Cuiyan Avenue.

The two people's bodies suddenly grew slowly, becoming taller and taller, with broad frames, like little aliens. Branch-like textures flew around their bodies, forming a gray mist that enveloped their figures.

Dazhong said quickly: Ah Ying, I don't know how to do this!

Xu Ying raised his hand, and the dragon bell flew over and landed on his palm. Xu Ying smiled and said: You don't need to know how, just follow me.

Dazhong felt a little relieved and said with a smile: I still want to learn this.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I am cultivating the Tao Domain, and you can enter my Tao Domain for enlightenment.

Dazhong was overjoyed and said to himself: This guy, Master Qi, can be said to have been left far behind by my Master Zhong!

Empress Ziwei strode to Yuan Weiyang's side and held an umbrella for her, but she was not under the umbrella.

Yuan Weiyang smiled and said: Thank you, Your Majesty, for holding the umbrella.

Empress Ziwei laughed and said: After this incident is over, I will kill your head.

Yuan Weiyang looked at Xu Ying with a questioning expression.

Xu Ying whispered: He was joking, there is no need to kill him.

Yuan Weiyang was relieved and said with a smile: Your Majesty is really good at joking.

Empress Ziwei was still frightened, always feeling that she had narrowly escaped death, and couldn't help but cast a grateful look at Xu Ying.

When they arrived at this fairy city, they only heard the noise getting louder. The soldiers guarding the gate of this dragon city saw them and came over. One of the dragon generals quickly stepped forward, bowed and said, Your Excellency, you are also here to watch the gladiatorial fight?

He was not using the dragon language, but the Taoist language that Lu Yiren had spoken when he preached in Cuiyan!

Glare fight?

With a smile on his face, Xu Ying nodded slowly and said in a jerky voice, Yes, my wife and I are here to watch the fight. You lead us there.

His accent was strange, but the dragon general had no doubts because the messenger's accent was indeed different from the accent in the Celestial World. The dragon general led them towards the city and said with a smile: My lord, please come this way.

Dalong became more and more confused and whispered: No, no! These guys should be speaking Dragon Language, not this weird language! Our Dragon Language is the most exquisite language in the world, and it expresses the Dao extremely accurately!

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and he asked the dragon general: Why don't you speak dragon language?

The dragon general quickly replied in the language of a foreigner, saying: Our dragon language words cannot convey the meaning and cannot describe the great road. It is an inferior language and is far inferior to the divine language on the other side. The divine language is wonderful and wonderful, describing the great road and clarifying right and wrong. As for the dragon language, it has long been It was abolished. Now in the entire Celestial World, there are probably less than a hundred people who understand Dragon Language.

Da Long was shocked and angry, and wanted to refute him. Da Zhong quickly comforted him and said, Lord Long, calm down! A little impatience will ruin the big plan!

Da Long felt extremely sad in his heart and said angrily: Dragon language is the root of my dragon clan. It records the history and inheritance of our dragon clan. Even the dragon language has been abandoned. How can we cultivate the divine language of the other side! These things returned from the Stealing Sky Plan, The roots of my dragon clan have all been dug up!

Xu Ying quietly sent a message: Master Long, please be patient. The Dragon Clan has survived after all, which is a happy thing. When we find the ascended immortals like Xiao Tianzun and Nan Ziyan, we can slowly understand this Something happened inside.

Xu Ying, Dazhong, and Yuan Weiyang are all relatively open-minded. Empress Ziwei writes the word 正 every day and is relatively open-minded. However, the distant ancestor Dalong has a hot temper and is never open-minded.

So Xu Ying had to appease him.

At this time, the sound of cracking whips was heard. Xu Yingxun looked out and saw several dragon immortals escorting a person and rushing forward. The person was tied up with a gold rope and was trying to change himself and try to get out of trouble. . When those dragon immortals saw that he was dishonest, they whipped him and beat him to pieces.

Emperor Jiuyou? Xu Ying was stunned.

The man who was whipped had a ghostly aura, and although his face was covered in blood and his face could not be seen clearly, Xu Ying and Jin Jian, who were enemies of Emperor Jiuyou, immediately recognized the man at a glance. Was it none other than Emperor Jiuyou?

This old boy also sneaked in? Xu Ying was extremely surprised.

Emperor Jiuyou was beaten until he screamed in agony and was in extreme pain. When Xu Ying saw this, he was suspicious: Didn't he get caught on purpose?

That golden rope could actually tie up a Da Luo Jinxian, making it unable to change, which made Xu Ying feel envious and wary at the same time.

The dragon immortals who beat Jiuyou Emperor didn't look very tyrannical, but the techniques they used were all the Cuiyan Way, and the golden ropes and whips in their hands were also refined using the Cuiyan Way. A perfect magic weapon!

The dragon clan in the heavenly world has no roots! Seeing this scene, Dalong hid in the clock and cried like a child.

Emperor Jiuyou noticed Xu Ying and the others and shouted quickly: He, he! He is also a human! Why didn't you beat him, just me? Arrest them, that kid! He is a spy who sneaked in! I want to make a meritorious deed and report him!”

Xu Ying turned his head and said to the soldiers in the divine language of the other side: Give me a few more whips on this kid.

When those dragon immortals heard this and saw that Xu Ying was a stranger from the other side, they whipped him even harder, beating Emperor Jiuyou until he was rolling all over the ground.

Xu Ying was satisfied and asked the dragon general beside him: What will you do if you capture this guy?

The dragon general smiled and said: Of course he will be sent to the Immortal Prisoner's Battlefield for the fun of you gentlemen. However, this man is seriously injured and needs to be recuperated before he can be sent to the battlefield.

Xu Ying blinked in confusion and let him lead the way.

There was an uproar in front of them, and they finally came to the so-called Prisoner Immortal Battlefield. They saw tens of thousands of Dragon Immortals sitting on futons, floating in the air, and the Prisoner Immortal battlefield was opened up like the heavens. A huge territory, with rivers, lakes, mountains and everything you need.

This Prisoner Immortal battlefield was imprisoned with great magic power and shrunk to a size of a hundred miles in length and width, but the internal space was still as huge as the heavens.

At this time, the Dragon Immortals were inexplicably excited and shouted continuously. Xu Ying looked down and saw an immortal who had ascended to the Heavenly Immortal Realm in the Prison Immortal Battlefield, fighting each other to the death!

Among these immortals, there was one who was unusually tall and burly, with karma burning all over his body, exuding monstrous evil energy, extremely powerful!

Evil Buddha Gatha Bodhi?

Xu Ying was stunned, He also ascended?

The evil Buddha should have abandoned his previous cultivation, cultivated a new way, and ascended to the Immortal Realm. Unexpectedly, he encountered the Dragon Immortal of the Immortal Realm, became a slave, and was sent to this battlefield of imprisoned immortals.

The immortal general next to Xu Ying said: Sir, there are a few adults over there who are also here to watch the fight. They occupy a good seat. They are the top ones. Do you want to go over?

Xu Ying shook his head and said, No need. I'll sit in front and you can make arrangements.

The Immortal General said so, rushed to the front, drove out the Dragon Immortal who was sitting there, and asked Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang to sit down with a smile.

Xu Yingluo sat down and saw that in the battlefield of prisoners of immortals, the evil Buddha Gao Bodhi was extremely ruthless. He quickly swept through all the immortals in the battlefield and killed those immortals!

Ji Bodhi raised his head, his eyes were fierce and vicious, and he swept upwards with an unruly look, as if he wanted to rush out of the battlefield and kill all the dragon immortals here.

At this moment, a big Senluo hand came out from outside the battlefield, with branch-like textures flying around, and it grabbed downwards!

Ji Bodhi roared angrily and went to kill the big hand, but he was gently turned over by the big hand, and the cover fell down, pressing him under the palm.

The Bodhisattva of Gatha makes all the changes possible, but there is no way to escape.

That palm captured Gao Bodhi and took him out of the battlefield.

Xu Ying followed the palm and saw another stranger from the other side sitting on top of a gorgeous Qingyun. There were two stranger women around him, and many dragons and immortals followed him, smiling apologetically.

The stranger captured Gao Bodhi, and his divine light fell on Gao Bodhi's head.

The divine light made a buzzing sound and circled around Ji Bodhi's head.

The other two strange women showed excitement. They saw the strange man grabbing Gao Bodhi's scalp, gently peeling it off, and then completely tearing off Gao Bodhi's scalp.

The three strangers regarded it as a treasure and put away Gao Bodhi's scalp. The dragon immortals around them also complimented them repeatedly, as if congratulating them on obtaining the treasure.

Gao Bodhi was still alive, his face was covered with blood, and he was thrown back into the battlefield.

Xu Ying was puzzled.

This scalp is not a treasure, so what can it be used for refining? Is it an honor?

The immortal general next to him smiled apologetically and said: The winner's scalp this time was taken off by that lord, so we can't fight for it. But the scalp in the next game must belong to the lord!

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