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Chapter 646 Suspicions in the Immortal Realm

The reason why the rays of light from the other side attracted Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang was because Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang practiced the Cuiyan Avenue and overcame the heavenly tribulation.

However, people such as Xiao Tianzun Nan Ziyan and others who practiced the new way and ascended, because they had nowhere to comprehend the Cuiyan Avenue, so they could only ascend to the world of immortals.

Where did these two rising rays of light come from? Empress Ziwei was quite surprised.

Xu Ying said: Coming from the other side. I have ascended to the immortal world twice, but was robbed by the other side. I have been there.

Have you ascended to the other side?

Empress Ziwei was inexplicably shocked, and Dazhong and Dalong quickly came over. The other shore has always been the most mysterious place. It is where the green rock comes from, where the cave abyss comes from, and where Buddha, Taoist ancestors and others went.

The avenues there are also higher, with advanced structures and perfect gods and demons.

Empress Ziwei calmed down and asked: Back then, Taiqing Daozu, Yuqing Daozu and others chased Cuiyan to go to the other side. Since you have ascended to the other side, have you seen them?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: I only saw Buddha. However, Buddha's situation does not seem to be so good.

He recounted the scene on the other side that he saw when he ascended for the first time, including the scene when the unparalleled giant swung a giant hammer and smashed it down on Buddha, and said: Buddha warned not to ascend.

Empress Ziwei was dumbfounded, shocked by the giant who swung the giant hammer at the Buddha, and did not recover for a long time.

He has always been worried about ascending to the other side. After the Taoist ancestors chased Cuiyan in the immortal world, he deeply regretted it. He only regretted that he could not throw away the shackles of power desire and fly to the other side with them.

He has all kinds of beautiful fantasies about the other side.

Now when I hear Xu Ying's description, I feel a sense of disillusionment.

I didn't chase Cuiyan with Daozu and the others. Could it be that it was the right choice? Empress Ziwei said with a smile.

Xu Ying reminded him kindly and said: Your Majesty has forgotten? After Cuiyan flew away, Tao weeping broke out, and then there was the Qingxuan uprising. You were defeated and demoted, and became the queen master. Later, you were killed. The situation may be worse than following Cuiyan to the other side. After all, Buddha and the others are still alive, while His Majesty is a corpse...

Yuan Weiyang quietly pulled the hem of his clothes, signaling him to stop talking.

Empress Ziwei's face was covered with frost and she said, I'm going out for a walk.

He walked far away, took out a small notebook, and with trembling hands, wrote dozens of zheng characters after Xu Ying's name.

Yuan Weiyang whispered: Ah Ying, you speak too directly, which makes Emperor Ai so angry.

Xu Ying smiled and said, So, do you like the hypocritical me or the straightforward me?

Yuan Weiyang smiled and said: I like everything about you.

Hearing this, the big bell clanged against the head of the Bone Dragon.

Pulled by two ascending rays of light, the golden ship flew along its keel, getting closer and closer to the world of immortals. When we got here, there were basically no stowaways, because the gel material was too thick, and it was difficult to pass through such a thick barrier without the ascending rays of light.

Xu Ying unconsciously thought of the situation where monk Ji Jue was frozen in the darkness, and thought to himself: I wonder if Ji Jue has practiced a new way? If he had practiced a new way, he would probably be promoted to the world of immortals. But in this world of immortals, What does it look like?”

Judging from Qin Daoquan's notes, there were three green rocks that attacked the three realms that year, and they fell on the three realms of heaven, earth and man.

The green rock in the human world almost completely destroyed the human world, forming the dark world. The impact on the Earthly Immortal Realm was not great, it just split the Earthly Immortal Realm into pieces and formed all the heavens and worlds.

What about the fairy world?

What impact will it have if it hits the green rock in the Immortal Realm?

The Celestial Immortal Realm should be where the Dragon Court is. The Dragon Court moved to the Earth Immortal Realm and was buried in the sky sea of ​​Yuanshou World. At that time, the Celestial Immortal Realm should be full of Dragon Immortals. How do they survive this upheaval?

Finally, the golden ship that crossed the world carried them to the huge gap in the heavenly world. When the Cuiyan penetrated the Celestial Realm, it fell all the way from this gap to the human world, causing great damage.

Xu Ying ascended twice, but after arriving here, he was robbed by the ascending glow on the other side.

Pulled by two rising rays of rays of light, the golden ship flew through the gap slowly and finally sailed into the world of immortals.

What caught their eyes were pieces of giant dragon bones, piled up like a mountain, with branches and branches intertwined, some of which even poked into the golden ship.

There were too many skeletons here, and the atmosphere was so depressing that everyone on the ship held their breath and made no sound.

Xu Ying looked around. Is this the horrific scene left behind by the catastrophe that destroyed the Dragon Court era?

There were large chunks of ashes flying in the air, smelling of decay, and the dragon's bones were rising and falling as far as the eye could see. The golden ship that transcends the world slowly rises from the skeleton, passes through the skull cavity of a giant dragon skeleton, and flies out of its eye sockets.

Xu Ying, Yuan Weiyang, Empress Ziwei and others stood on the bow of the boat, staring blankly ahead. The endless wasteland was littered with dragon bones scattered everywhere.

There are many flying dragons in the sky, as if they are fixed in time, gradually decaying and leaving only their skeletons.

They coiled around each other, the dragon's claws clasped in the decaying void, fixing their bodies, spiraling upward, like an unreachable tower.

Looking from the bottom up, this void tower composed of dragon bones rotates upwards, inserts diagonally into the sky, goes deep beyond the realm of heaven, passes through multiple layers of heaven, and reaches the depths of the universe.

Its magnificence is both shocking and frightening.

Under the Tower of the Void, countless dragon immortal skeletons are scattered all over the place, piled up into a wasteland. Their corpses are arranged in a regular pattern, and they look like formations.

The ashes of their flesh and blood are still floating in the air, flowing with the slow flow of air.

Some dragon immortals were so powerful during their lifetime that they had not completely decayed. The dragon scales peeled off their faces, and the edges of the dragon scales were filled with ash, slowly fluttering in the breeze.

Why is this happening? Dalong looked at all this and murmured.

Beside him, the Bone Dragon was roaring.

The scene in front of me is full of desolation. The most tragic thing in the Dragon Court era is not the human world that has been reduced to darkness, nor the earthly and immortal world that has been torn apart, but the heavenly and immortal world.

The Celestial World was the first place to be attacked by the green rock, and the damage was the most serious. The green rock in the human world penetrated the Celestial World, creating a huge gap.

As the distant ancestor of the Dragon Clan, Dalong was both shocked and ashamed. He did not expect that the Dragon Clan would be so tragic in this catastrophe.

These dragon warriors fought one after another, fearless of death, and formed a tower of void to fight against extinction. At that time, he was still sleeping in the abyss.

Is this the Dragon Clan Cemetery? A voice suddenly came from the bow of the ship. It was Emperor Jiuyou. He had woken up at some point and said, holding back the pain.

No, this should be the first place where the Celestial Realm is attacked by Cuiyan.

Empress Ziwei looked around and looked at the giant dragon bones in the air. He looked a little solemn and said, Look, those giant dragon bones in the air are often penetrated by something of the same size. I doubt that back then When Cuiyan attacked, the dragon immortals of the Celestial Realm had already discovered Cuiyan, so they decided to use their lives to resist Cuiyan’s attack.”

This was a striking move.

The mana, magical power, and Taoism that the Dragon Clan is proud of have no place in front of Cuiyan. Their Dao foundation was directly replaced by Cuiyan, and the dragon pattern structure was transformed into a physical structure, thus becoming a body with mana, magical power, and Taoism. All collapsed.

They can only use their own bodies to resist this world-destroying green rock.

They climbed on each other, forming a tower of flesh and blood, rushing into the sky, colliding with the green rock with their own bodies and heads, hoping to stop this world-destroying catastrophe!

However, it was all in vain.

Yuan Weiyang gradually stopped the golden ship that crossed the world and let it stay under the Tower of the Void. Xu Ying looked up and saw the penetrating wounds left by Cuiyan on these giant dragons.

Cuiyan broke through all the giant dragons that blocked it almost without any hindrance, killing the dragon immortals who formed the Tower of Void, ignoring the layers of formations laid out by the dragon immortals under the Tower of Void!

It directly shattered these formations, hit the ground of the Celestial Immortal Realm, killed all the dragon immortals who dared to stop it, crashed through the Celestial Immortal Realm, and fell towards the human world!

This green rock is the green rock in the human world. Xu Ying murmured.

Not long ago, this piece of green rock was moved to the golden ship to transcend the world. However, Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang wanted to transcend the tribulation and ascend, and could not take Jing Ming, Ming Wangsun and others with them, so they left the green rock behind and gave it to Jing Ming and others to guard.

Cuiyan has become a sacred object of Shiquan Dao Sect, but it is indeed the murderous weapon that exterminated the Dragon Court era.

The golden ship that transcends the world is pulled by two rising rays of light, and it is still flying forward. Yuan Weiyang no longer controls the golden key, and the two rays of light pull the golden ship away from the Tower of the Void.

The Ascension Xiaguang was going to take them to the heavenly world, but at this moment, the people on the ship were not happy at all.

The Immortal Realm has been destroyed, and there seems to be no fluctuations in the Heaven and Earth Avenue here. Even if you ascend here, what's the use?

The Golden Ship flew out of the bone burial ground under the pull of the glow. At this time, another Void Tower came into their sight.

That Void Tower is taller, and the dragon immortals that make up this bone tower are more numerous and more powerful!

Underneath the dragon tower, countless dragon bones undulate like mountains. The dragon formation is more complex and presumably more powerful.

But it was also a dead place.

After experiencing Wanlong Banner's plan to preserve the soul and the World-Transcending Golden Ship's plan to steal the sky, Longting no longer has enough power to resist the incoming Cuiyan.

At that time, the powerful men of the Dragon Court had their souls entrusted in the Ten Thousand Dragon Flags. There are also a group of powerful beings, such as Prime Minister Bi Yanhai and others, who drive the golden ship to cross the world and rush out of the universe to find the other side.

Those who stayed in the Dragon Court of the Celestial Realm were mostly the old, weak, sick and disabled, or those dragons whose cultivation strength and status were relatively low.

When they tried to resist Cuiyan, they were undoubtedly hitting the rocks with eggs.

There are heroes in the Dragon Clan, which are admirable. Empress Ziwei was in awe.

Two ascending rays of light pulled them farther away. Yuan Weiyang suddenly came to his senses and said: There is an ascending ray of light here, which means that the great avenue of heaven and earth here has not been destroyed, and there is still the existence of the Tao here!

The voice of Emperor Jiuyou came from the front, shouting: Of course there is Tao here. Not only is there Tao, but there are also countless treasures lost in the ancient Longting era, countless Da Luotian, countless Tao Ba Magic weapon, Daojiu magic weapon!

He suddenly escaped from the golden boat and turned into a streak of blue smoke and flew away. He said excitedly: Everything here belongs to me!

Xu Ying said loudly: Fellow Daoist Jiuyou, be careful! This place is extremely dangerous!

Xu Ying, there's no need for you to be pretentious!

The voice of Emperor Jiuyou came from far away, and he sneered, Sir, I have obtained the Dragon Clan's most valuable treasure and practiced the Dragon Clan's supreme martial arts. I will be the first to attack you!

Yuan Weiyang said angrily: Next time I will hit you to death!

The ascending rays of light took them away from the green rock impact area. After leaving this area, without the influence of countless dragon corpses and keels, Xu Ying and others only felt the pressure lighten, and gradually felt the breath of the great avenue of heaven and earth.

Surrounded by beautiful mountains and clear waters, fairy mountains are floating in the sky, spreading fairy spirit. In the distant sky, there are also bright caves and abyss, spinning quietly.

Everyone stared with wide eyes and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief!

Previously, in the Cuiyan impact area, there was an apocalyptic scene, but after walking out of the Cuiyan impact area, it was a high-level immortal world that even the Earthly Immortal World could not match!

Ha ha ha ha!

The laughter of Emperor Jiuyou could be heard in the distance, I'm rich!

The Avenue of Heaven and Earth here has not been destroyed by Cuiyan!

Xu Ying was surprised. He originally thought that the third piece of green rock falling in the Immortal Realm would destroy the Avenue of Heaven and Earth here, but when they came here, each of them could feel the vigorous atmosphere of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth!

Xu Ying has been through the Three Realms Heavenly Tribulation and is no stranger to the heavenly aura of the Immortal Realm. Yuan Weiyang has also gone through the Three Realms Heavenly Tribulation, and both of them are aware of it.

The avenue of heaven and earth here is extremely lively, without any sense of the end of the world, and is even stronger than the immortal world and the human world!

Moreover, those fairy mountains in the sky are really magnificent and extraordinary. There are so many fairy mountains that it is dazzling!

Is that the Supreme Cave Abyss?

Empress Ziwei was a little unbelievable and murmured, It's impossible, right? Can there be so many Supreme Cave Abyss in the Celestial Realm? Isn't this world destroyed?

Didn't the third green rock destroy the Immortal Realm back then?

Xu Ying asked in confusion, But why is the Celestial Immortal Realm so far away from the mortal world and has no contact with the Earthly Immortal Realm in these years?

Empress Ziwei raised her hand and said: Look! There is a golden ship over there too! Just like our ship!

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger and saw a huge golden ship in the distance. One end of the boat was planted in the ground, and the other end was tilted up. It was unknown how long it had been parked here.

Yuan Weiyang held up the golden key and controlled the golden ship to sail towards the golden ship that would transcend the world. Two rising rays of light tried their best to pull behind it, but they couldn't pull the golden ship.

When they arrived at the golden ship that would cross the world, Yuan Weiyang got off the boat and everyone stood up and landed on the golden ship.

I saw that this golden ship was covered with rust, and the hull was full of holes. It seemed that it had passed through infinite space and time, and it seemed that it had passed through the stomach of an unknown monster before being eroded. Like this.

But shouldn't the golden ships that cross the world be able to fly to different directions in the universe and escape from this universe? Xu Ying was greatly puzzled.

The dragon flew around, exploring the hidden corners of the ship. After a while, he returned to the deck and said: Perhaps, they have escaped from this universe. I feel that this ship has been to the other side. He It must have stayed on the other side for a period of time and been eroded by the structure of the system, so it became like this!

Everyone's eyes were wide open. A ship that had been to the other shore and returned?

Da Zhong murmured: Could it be that those people who left by boat have come back?

Empress Ziwei said sadly: Is it the Dragon Immortal who comes back, or a stranger from the other side?

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