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Chapter 643 The power of the Holy Lord is unparalleled in the world

As soon as he said this, even the ancestral god couldn't help but become furious and murderous.

At that time, Longting had sensed that the end was approaching, but the gods of the dragon clan could not calculate why they would perish. They went to look for the ancestor gods, but the ancestor gods could not tell the reason.

It wasn't until Cuiyan arrived and penetrated the three realms, and the Taoist cry swept across the earth, that they knew where the extinction came from.

Dragon Court, the most magnificent civilization, was wiped out, and countless extremely powerful beings turned into dust.

Destroying all living beings in the Three Realms, leaving only the fragmented Earth and Immortal Realm, which has flourished for tens of millions of years and has never recovered its vitality. How can it be dismissed with the words weakness is original sin?

Lu Yiren said sternly: My parents have no ill intentions. They are charitable and they just want to spread the principles recorded on the three green rocks to this backward universe. They did not expect that you are so weak and unable to accept this precious gift. Not to mention To think that you would misunderstand them and cause the tragedy of both my parents dying.

The Holy Lord said solemnly: It's a tragedy for your parents. The Dragon Court is extinct, and countless people in the human world die. Isn't it a tragedy? We are living well, and you come out to let us die. What's the point of dying if we don't die?

Lu Yiren sighed and said: This price is too high for both of us. But the matter has passed, why should the Holy Lord pursue the rights and wrongs of those years? We should focus on the present and the future.

He looked solemn and said: Today's world has gone through three generations of Demon Court, Old Way and New Way, but it is gradually declining. This is not what my parents want to see. What you call the Old Way and the New Way are all heretics. The real Great Way is Cuiyan Avenue. Emperor Haotian, Emperor Taihao, Emperor Shaohao, Emperor Haohong, Emperor Haoying, and Emperor Haocang all confirmed this. They studied the Avenue of Cuiyan, understood something, summoned Dongyuan, and thus ruled the roost world.”

He changed the subject and said: However, they have only learned the superficial skills of Cuiyan Avenue, and have not really learned the essence of Cuiyan Avenue. Fellow Daoist Xu, you have extraordinary knowledge and are the first human to decipher Cuiyan Avenue. . You are the only person who has followed the right path in these tens of millions of years. You are the first in the world, why don’t you transform into a human being and ascend to godhood?

The Holy Lord sneered: How can you be a human being if you are completely transformed?

Lu Yiren said calmly: Since you have become a god, why not be a human?

The Holy Lord raised his eyebrows, took a step forward, and said with a sneer: To transform all of them, you want me to exterminate the entire race! This is not cutting the leeks, this is pulling out the roots!

Lu Yiren couldn't help but lose his temper, and responded tit for tat: If we don't completely transform, won't we be able to exterminate the entire race? In my opinion, when the tide of the Three Realms comes, I'm afraid it will be destroyed even faster!

He sneered: Yuan Yu, are you worthy of being called the Holy Lord? You are headstrong, murdering Emperor Qingxuan for your own benefit, annexing other people's caves and refining them for your own use. The avenue you practice, the cave you use for practice Abyss, all come from Cuiyan! You are the one who has benefited the most from Cuiyan! You clearly knew that the tide of the Three Realms was coming, and you still had the dream of unifying the Three Realms without seeing the danger of extinction! What qualifications do you have to call yourself a saint? Honor?

The Holy Lord was furious, but every word Lu Yiren said was something he had done, which was heart-breaking.

The Ancestral God took a step forward and said coldly: The Holy Lord is selfish, but what he said is not wrong. Complete humanization is the annihilation of the entire race, and must not be carried out! Lu Yiren, you are the seed of a foreigner from a foreign land, not us. Bloodline of the Three Realms, you harbor evil intentions and have ulterior motives!

Lu Yiren laughed loudly, and suddenly his face darkened: The theory of a dead body is just a common man's opinion! Your name is the Ancestral God, the primordial god of the universe, but you only want to be respected by the rulers, and you only want to be sacrificed by the people of Li! The rotten wood in the temple does not dare to enter the human world and put oneself in danger, so I asked fellow Taoist Xu to come to explore the way. You are worthy of saying that you are selfish when you are acting like a villain!

The ancestor god's face was ashen.

Swearing reveals one's shortcomings, and Lu Yiren indeed reveals his shortcomings.

He indeed places great value on the respect of rulers. Whether it is the Demon Court era or the ancient era, no matter who ascends the throne of God, no matter how earth-shaking they kill for the throne, they must respect the ancestral gods.

The Ancestral God has unfathomable power and controls the sacrifices of Li people's lives. Without his approval, even the Immortal Emperor will not be able to secure his position!

This is the reason why Qingxuan and Shengzun had to get rid of the ancestor god first before eradicating the empress Ziwei!

As for Lu Yiren's statement that he did not dare to enter the human world, so he threw Xu Ying over to explore the way, it was actually the ancestral god's little thought. At that time, a little light appeared in the human world. The ancestor god didn't know what happened there, and was worried that he would not be able to return after going there, so he sent Xu Ying there to find out what happened while Xu Ying was going through the tribulation.

He didn't come until He promised to repair some of the highways of heaven and earth.

Lu Yiren was condescending, looking down at the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God, and said: Ancestral God, you can master the Dark Heavenly Dao because of my connivance. If I didn't allow you to master it, you would still be a sick man now! The Heavenly Dao in the human world has been restored, and the tide of the three realms has begun. You two Instead of thinking about how to send mortals to the human world and reclaim the wasteland, you immediately thought of killing each other for your petty profits, which is beyond stupid!

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang looked at each other, and Yuan Weiyang quietly sent a message with her spiritual consciousness: Why do I feel that he is right to scold him?

Xu Ying nodded repeatedly.

Yuan Weiyang said quickly: Don't nod randomly. If the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God see it, they will know that we are criticizing them.

Why don't you tell me if you did something wrong? Xu Ying said in surprise.

Yuan Weiyang covered his mouth.

Xu Ying stuck out his tongue and licked her fingers.

Yuan Weiyang quickly stopped her hand and glared at him fiercely.

Lu Yiren sneered and said: The Holy Lord doesn't know what will happen in the tide of the Three Realms. How can your ancestors not know? The Celestial Realm is coming, and you didn't prepare early to deal with the crisis. Instead, you killed each other and were complacent. You are such a low-level person. Why didn’t the gods and old men die ten million years ago?”

Ancestor God was angry: You, you...

Xu Ying hurriedly advised: God Ancestor, why should you be angry with him? Be careful of physical injuries.

The ancestor god was awe-inspiring, and the wounds on his body had not yet healed.

The Holy Lord looked solemn and said: Your Excellency, what you said is really good, but you are a strange person, not of my race...

You're worse than that monkey.

Lu Yiren glanced at him contemptuously and said, That monkey knew that the tide of the Three Realms was coming, and was worried about changes in the human world and the immortal world, so he was the first to cross the sea, cross the cesspit of the universe, and come to the human world. He came Here, after meeting me, I rushed to the world of immortals. A monkey who has been imprisoned for 700,000 years is so thoughtful. Are you worthy of being called the Holy Lord?

The Holy Lord was furious, filled with murderous intent, and said sternly: Am I not as good as Taoist Wukong?

Yuan Weiyang advised: Holy Lord, calm down and be careful of the wound bursting.

The Holy Lord snorted and said solemnly: A foreigner from the outside world calls himself a foreigner, but he keeps talking about morality and justice, as if he is thinking about my three realms, but in fact he has evil intentions. Lu Yiren, you can hide your trick from others, but you can't hide it from me. !”

Lu Yiren said leisurely: Why should I hide it from you? My dear fellow Taoist, as long as you nod and convert, I will immediately kill the Holy Lord, imprison the ancestral gods, and help you get rid of all opponents. If you ascend the throne of God and unify the three realms, you can use the Taoist ancestors to With my identity, I will promote the Cuiyan Avenue to the world, gather the faith of all living beings, build the supreme avenue, become a saint, and become an ancestor god!

The Holy Lord and the Ancestral God became nervous and watched Xu Ying, fearing that he would agree.

After all, what grew in that boy Xu Ying's head was not brains, but bones. He was able to shout that he wanted to kill the ancestor god and become the master of the ancestor god after emptying the bucket a few times.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Brother Dao, why are you obsessed with Huan Hua?

Lu Yiren shook his head and said: If you don't transform, you will still be a mortal. The so-called immortals you call are just mortals who have been cultivated and have not truly transcended. Only by transforming can you maximize the Cuiyan Avenue and magical powers. Huanhua is high enough.

Xu Ying pondered for a long time and didn't speak for a long time.

Lu Yiren was a little impatient and said: Fellow Daoist Xu, you have to make up your mind.

Xu Ying said cautiously: How about I worship you as my master? Let's push back the whole marriage. I have been wandering for half my life, and I just regret that I have never met my master. Otherwise, how about I worship you as my adoptive father? Let's first Don’t rush to complete the transformation, let’s localize Cuiyan Avenue first and evolve it into a new way of cultivation. Foster father, what do you think?”

Lu Yiren looked at him expressionlessly.

Xu Ying blinked and quietly poked Yuan Weiyang.

Yuan Weiyang stood behind him and said: Ah Ying, I think he, the Ancestral God, and the Holy Lord are both injured, and the injuries may not be healed. We don't have to bow our heads...

Xu Ying quietly waved his hand.

Yuan Weiyang raised his head and said: Father, I think Ah Ying is right. It's definitely not possible for you to rashly localize Cuiyan Avenue. How about we localize Cuiyan Avenue first, and then compare the advantages and disadvantages of localization and localization. If If localization is better, then localize. If localization is better, then localize.

Xu Ying nodded repeatedly.

Lu Yiren's face was indifferent and his eyes were fierce, obviously he did not agree with the words of the two fateful mandarin ducks.

Seeing this, Xu Ying immediately sacrificed the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler, pushed his cultivation to the extreme, and shouted with murderous intent: Lu Yiren, don't think we are afraid of you! The injuries of the ancestor god and the saint have been healed by me long ago, just wait for I'll throw you into a trap! Where are the disciples of my Shiquan Dao Sect?

Jingming's old servant, Ming Wangsun and the thousands of servants were full of murderous intent, and their voices were as loud as thunder.

The Ancestral God and the Holy Lord each have powerful auras, ready to fight Lu Yiren to the end.

Lu Yiren shook his head and said: Xu Ying, I just preached. Judging from your reaction to the lecture, I have already mastered the depth of your Cuiyan Avenue. I also know how much strength you can heal the ancestors and saints and restore them. . Do you think you can stop me with your strength?

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed upon hearing this.

Lu Yiren's sermon seemed to be communicating, but it was actually testing, but this kind of testing was really clever!

The murderous look in Lu Yiren's eyes became more and more intense. Suddenly he saw the murderous white-bone dragon carrying two axes. His expression suddenly changed, he turned and left, and said calmly: Let you live, it is a debt repayment!

His figure disappeared into the darkness.

Xu Ying, Yuan Weiyang and others couldn't help but be shocked, wondering why he didn't go on a killing spree at the last moment.

The Holy Lord said: It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. After you have overcome the tribulation, you should leave quickly to avoid causing trouble!

Xu Ying asked: Lu Yiren said that Taoist Wukong once swam through the cesspit of the universe, came here, and then went to the world of immortals. Is it true or false?

The Holy Lord said: He should not lie about this, it should be true.

Xu Ying looked up at the sky and saw a Milky Way running through the starry sky. That Milky Way is the immortal river of spiritual light transformed from the body of the ancient dragon. As for the earthly and celestial realms, they did not appear in the celestial phenomena.

Yuan Weiyang said: Lu Yiren said that his parents brought three green rocks to help the three realms get rid of ignorance and become civilized. Is it true or false?

The Ancestral God said calmly: Of course it's a lie. He brings you disaster and even claims to be helping you to be civilized. God allows this kind of people to kill one after another.

Xu Ying thought: Lu Yiren asked us to transform into human beings. It seems to be good for us, but in fact he has evil intentions. Summoning caves and abyss always makes people feel a little weird. Because the Taoist cry that swept through the ancient times came from these summoned caves and abyss. Emitted. These caves and abyss are a bit weird no matter how you look at them...

The Holy Lord frowned slightly and glanced at the three supreme caves behind him.

These three caves are the source of his achievements. Without these three caves, he would not be able to cultivate to the height he is today.

However, judging from the current situation, it is very likely that Dongyuan is a harvesting tool as Xu Ying said, rather than a tool to increase their combat power!

But giving up these three supreme caves will definitely be a huge blow to his strength!

With a gloomy expression on his face, he suddenly came to Xu Ying, invited Xu Ying to sit on the green rock, and then he knelt down and kowtowed three times in a row.

Xu Ying was so shocked that he stood up quickly, supported him with both hands, and said in shock: What does the Holy Lord mean by this?

You are the founder of the new way. I will cut myself off and practice the new way!

The Holy Lord said, If I follow your path and learn your Taoism, it is very likely that you and I will be enemies in the future. I will worship you as a teacher first and repay your grace for teaching Taoism. If I become an enemy in the future, then I will attack!

After that, he jumped off the golden ship and floated away.

Xu Ying raised his hand and said: Holy Lord, your injury has not healed yet!

The Holy Lord said from afar: I have listened to your sermons for so long, and it is enough for me to heal myself without the help of others!

Yuan Weiyang asked quietly: Ah Ying, do you want to take the opportunity to hit him with a boat?

The Holy Lord roared away at an extremely fast speed and disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ying was elated and said with a smile: You are my true helper. Next time I will bump into you directly, no need to ask.

When the ancestor god heard this, he wondered if he should leave early.

A few days later, the Holy Lord put his hands on his back and walked into the retreat of the Immortal Emperor, Creation, and Yaoluo. He was leisurely in his heart and said silently: Before I abolish the old realm, I still need to do something. Something. Since I became successful, I have never been in such a mess, let alone been forced into such a situation. I want to find the place myself!

With a movement of his body, he arrived in front of the Supreme Creation. He raised his hand and struck out with a palm. Suddenly, the Daming Palace where the Supreme Creation was hidden in the Supreme Cave jumped out. In an instant, thousands of Taoist scenes emerged, covering everyone!

The Supreme Creation shouted violently, activating the Qi of Creation to evolve into the Wheel of Creation, raising his cultivation level to the extreme!


The Wheel of Creation was blasted through by a palm and torn into pieces. The Supreme Creation vomited blood and flew straight away!

The Holy Lord raised his other hand, grabbed Yao Luo's Daluo Futian Sword, held all the flying swords in his hand, squeezed them hard, and kneaded them into a ball.

Yao Luo, it was Qingxuan and I who broke the Immortal Killing Sword, not you!

The Holy Lord shook his sleeves and threw out the chaotic sword. Yao Luo avoided the chaotic sword, but was pressed against his chest by the flowing cloud flying sleeves. Twelve of his twelve ribs were broken.

The figure of the Holy Lord flashed, and the next moment, Patriarch Boshan was put into his Ten Thousand Shas Star Bowl, Taoist Master Luofu was planted on his head and feet in his own Ziweidang Demon Cauldron, and Dan Xuanzi had his limbs broken and was closed. Enter your own Yuantu colorful lantern.

Master Yuanying was stuffed into the Taiyin Hundian Golden Ball, and Mr. Dongshi didn't fare well either. His Chaos Kong Yin-Yang Ring had two rings, one locked his neck, and the other locked his legs and ankles.

As for the Fire Bell Fairy, she was surrounded by nine fire bells, and she was covered with bruises and was dying.

The Holy Lord stepped forward to stand in front of the Immortal Emperor Supreme, and raised his right hand slightly, causing the thousands of Dao Tree Dao Fruits collected by the Immortal Emperor Supreme to fly up.

I really want to beat you to death.

The Holy Lord glanced at the Immortal Emperor. He didn't want any of the Dao Tree Dao Fruits, and said calmly, But I want to see how Xu Ying kills you. Ming Zun, live well.

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