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Chapter 644 The Golden Ship Soars

The Supreme Immortal Emperor watched the Holy Lord go away, his face indifferent, without any expression.

He walked over and wanted to pull Dan Xuanzi out of Yuantu's colorful lantern. When he stretched out his hand, he realized that his hand was shaking.

The more he tried to control his trembling hands, the worse they started to shake and he couldn't stop them.

He felt that his legs were too weak to stand up.

He calmed down and panted heavily, even more tired than when Tian Yuan and Xu Ying were fighting to the death.

That kind of fear and oppression was something he had never encountered before.

Lu Yiren looked at this scene from a distance, shook his head, and did not look for the Supreme Immortal Emperor.

Comprehensive humanization leaders do not need people like this. Mingzun will definitely not be able to withstand the temptation of comprehensive humanization. If I show up and tell him the benefits of comprehensive humanization, he will definitely comply, but his nature is not mine. The temperament required.”

He turned and left, whispering, What I need is a very charming person, strong and flexible, like a dragon, who can be big or small, invisible or visible. Just like the Holy Lord, he promises. Only such a person Only then can we guide the times and bring about the complete transformation of the Three Realms. Ming Zun obviously cannot do that, he does not have such courage.

He couldn't help but think of the Bone Dragon again, and frowned slightly: He is alive until now. I thought he had died under Taoist weeping...

He had a brief relationship with the Bone Dragon, after his parents died in the battle.

He didn't know why the battle broke out. He only knew that on the Golden Ship, the dragon tribe's strong men treated the three of them politely. A few days ago, they were chatting and laughing, and they were in harmony with each other. Suddenly, there was killing.

He has never seen his father and mother have such a ferocious side, and he has never seen those strong dragons who were teasing him a moment ago suddenly become terrifying.

In that battle, Qin Daoquan, the most inconspicuous historian of Longting, showed amazing fighting power, turned the tide, and died together with his father at the last moment.

In the end, his mother also died in that battle, and only he and Bi Yanhai, the Prime Minister of Longting, were left on the entire ship.

He still remembered Bi Yanhai's expression.

The vitality of Bi Yanhai has been exhausted. Standing on the golden boat of crossing the world, he saw the scene of Cuiyan breaking through the three realms.

Lu Yiren will never forget that scene, nor will he ever forget Bi Yanhai's expression of despair, anger, and powerlessness.

Bi Yanhai dragged his seriously injured body towards him and wanted to kill him. He hid everywhere, and the two of them chased each other in the place where corpses were everywhere.

Finally, Bi Yanhai caught him, but seeing that he was still a child, he raised the butcher knife several times, but in the end he failed to kill him.

At that time, he was just an ignorant child. His father and mother taught him to read and write in their spare time, and taught him the wonders of organizational structure. He didn't even understand the rationale.

At that time, he had no judgment of his own about good and evil. He thinks Bi Yanhai is a bad person, but he doesn't think Bi Yanhai is a bad person.

They had been together for dozens of days in this cosmic doomsday, which was also the most difficult few days for Lu Yiren to get through. During these dozens of days, Bi Yanhai had murderous intentions countless times, but he endured them all.

The golden ship that crossed the world carried them back to the Three Realms. When they arrived at the realm of Taixu, Bi Yanhai's injuries broke out and it was difficult to hold on.

He used his last strength to throw Lu Yiren out of the golden ship and towards the human world.

Your parents did a lot of evil, but you didn't. I'll give you a way out! He still remembered this sentence.

Recalling this, Lu Yiren sighed and whispered: He turned into a human after all and no longer recognized me. After he threw me out, he probably lost his cultivation and was gradually turned into white bones by Taoist tears. But the real Huan Hua is different. The real Huan Hua is to learn the magical powers and Taoism of the physical structure from an early age. If there is no conflict between Taoism and Taoism, it will not turn into bones.

His figure disappeared into the darkness.

The Holy Lord crossed the long river of spiritual light and took more than a month to finally reach the immortal world from the human world. Not long after, he found his disciple Lou Mingyu.

Lou Mingyu was leading hundreds of disciples at this time to teach the new Tao and explain Taoism in the great world of Taiyin. Six years have passed since Xu Ying's battle with the Immortal Emperor. In the past six years, Lou Mingyu and others have preached on Xu Ying's behalf, and more and more people have practiced the new way.

Lou Mingyu has also cultivated to the Dao Jing Realm. The Cave Abyss he cultivated is close to the Supreme Cave Abyss. He only needs to break through to the Supreme Realm to become the new Dao Supreme.

His cultivation level is powerful, even much deeper than Xu Ying's back then.

When he saw the Holy Lord, he couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive. When he paid half-master salute to Xu Ying, it was to show that he had not betrayed his master, but in the eyes of the Holy Lord, there was still some intention of betraying his master.

The Holy Lord came straight to the point and said straightforwardly: The method of cultivation back then contained traps, and the summoned caves and abyss contained loopholes. I have already become a disciple and promised to abandon the previous Taoism and modify the new Tao of Xu Daozu. Ming Yu, I want you to protect me!

Lou Mingyu was stunned, his mind buzzing.

The Holy Lord is the most powerful being in the world, but he is willing to abandon the old way and practice a new way?

How courageous is this?

However, that's not what he was thinking about.

Holy Lord, I am a disciple of Xu Daozu. I call Xu Daozu a Taoist friend, and of course he is a Taoist brother. Doesn't that mean that my master has to call me uncle?

He blinked his eyes and said to himself, Master, if you don't call me uncle, you have to call me brother. After all, I also paid half a master's courtesy to Xu Daozu. There seems to be a bit of confusion between us brothers. Let me figure it out. stroke……

The Holy Lord didn't know what he was thinking in his mind, and continued: Of my three great caves, only the cave in the Earth Immortal Realm was not summoned, but was refined from the Immortal Mountain Blessed Land in the Earth Immortal Realm. This Cave Abyss Safe. Now I will cut off the two big caves and then cultivate myself. After I abolished my cultivation, I am weak and need you to protect me for a period of time.

Lou Mingyu didn't care about clarifying his seniority, and said quickly: Master, what should I do with the two big caves that were cut off?

The Holy Lord said: Seal it up. Exploring the ninth realm may require extremely large mana to break through the ninth realm. Naturally, the more supreme caves and abyss, the better.

Lou Mingyu immediately left with the Holy Lord, looking for a safe place to seal the world with the Holy Lord.

The Holy Lord cut off his own cultivation, cut off each of his own realms, and refined them into treasures, called Taoist Saint Weapons, which were stored in the Daming Palace.

This Taoist body is composed of the seventeen realms of the Holy Lord. It is human-shaped in appearance and contains the Five Mountains, the Alchemy Cauldron, the Chonglou, the Yaochi, the Taoist Temple, the Taoist Tree, the Taoist Flower and other objects, as well as the Daluo Taoist Temple.

It’s just that there’s no one to control it.

He left his Tao body behind, firstly to avoid wasting it, to refine his cultivation into a treasure, and to be prepared for future dangers, and secondly, to verify whether his Tao body would die when the Dongyuan Dao Cry occurred.

If it dies, it means that summoning Dong Yuan is indeed a trap!

The teacher committed suicide.

Lou Mingyu was sitting outside the retreat place of the Holy Lord, with a gloomy expression on his face, thinking, Now is the best time to kill the teacher. He is so weak that he can't be killed with only his physical body. As long as he is killed... wait a moment , even if I kill him, I won’t be able to inherit the position of Holy Lord. What are you thinking about?”

His complexion returned to normal.

A few days later, Lou Mingyu returned to his disciples with the young man with red lips and white teeth, and continued to travel around the mountains and rivers, preaching in all directions.

This handsome young man is the Holy Lord. After his death, he even looks much younger, but his demeanor is still impressive. At first glance, he is not an ordinary person.

In these years of preaching, Lou Mingyu has the appearance of two saints, which made the Holy Lord sigh with emotion. His disciple will definitely become a great person, and his future achievements may not be lower than his own.

The Holy Lord practiced with him for two months, and his cultivation level had been promoted to the Six Paths Realm, where he stopped.

The Six Paths Realm is the eighth realm before ascension. It is very important. In this realm, you need to practice different avenues and accumulate a lot of cave abyss, especially the supreme-level avenues. If you practice the Heavenly King-level Dao in this realm, you have no hope of achieving the Supreme!

The Holy Lord has witnessed Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang's re-cultivation process. His vision is extremely sophisticated and he sees the key to the new way of practice. Therefore, we are extremely cautious in this realm and have not yet made a breakthrough.

He needs to refine more supreme avenues and only with full confidence can he break through to the next level.

On this day, a bright light suddenly appeared in the starry sky in the direction of the human world. Seeing this, the Holy Lord moved slightly in his heart and said: The half-year period has arrived. That is the light produced by Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang's tribulation.

Lou Mingyu looked into the starry sky and said, How many times has Xu Daozu transcended tribulations and ascended?

The Holy Lord also shook his head. Xu Ying ascended by overcoming tribulations and conquered half of the world in the human world. Who knows if he will do it again.

Xu Ying is going through the tribulation at this time. He should feel that his foundation is solid and he can no longer find any place to repair it.

The Holy Lord said, It's a pity that I still haven't fixed any of my own loopholes. I can still find flaws.

He thought to himself that he was definitely not as good as Xu Ying in terms of martial arts attainments and would not be able to refine the martial arts Dongyuan, but Xu Ying definitely did not have the Earthly Immortal Dongyuan.

This is where Xu Ying falls short of himself.

Can Xu Ying really break through the Dao realm, the six realms, the Dao field and the Dao scene within half a year?

He said silently in his heart, The Immortal Emperor at this time is no longer the Immortal Emperor who fought against him back then. His strength has improved by leaps and bounds in the past six or seven years. It will be difficult for Xu Ying to win if he does not break through the Dao Scenery Realm and enter the Supreme Realm!

However, in half a year, it is already difficult to go from Dao Domain to Dao Scenery, and it is even more difficult to break through to the Supreme Realm!

In the human world, Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang survived the tribulation at the same time. Although the two of them are practicing the new way and have reached similar levels, their calamities are different and their heavenly calamities are also different.

Yuan Weiyang's Heavenly Tribulation was extremely fierce and domineering, with constant lightning strikes and various thunder tribulations emerging one after another. Although it was not as good as the Zixiao Thunder Tribulation that Xu Ying had experienced before, it was better because of its variety.

The catastrophe promised was much simpler. A cloud of purple light floated in the sky, and along with countless chanting sounds, it turned into a bolt of lightning and fell.

This thunderbolt had no power. When it fell on Xu Ying, he felt a warm current flowing through his body, light and airy.

Xu Ying felt comfortable all over. When he looked again, he saw that the Hongmeng Purple Qi turned into the Hongmeng Dao Scenery and entered the abyss of his martial arts cave.

Xu Ying was quite surprised that there was no Zixiao Tribulation Thunder in this Heavenly Tribulation.

But then I thought about it, it should be the promise of death in the first life, so the misfortunes accumulated in the past also dissipated with the death of the first life.

The promises made in this life did not inherit the calamity of the first life. On the contrary, because they were Taoist ancestors, they were blessed by Hongmeng Ziqi.

The way of heaven is really simple.

Xu Ying couldn't help but shook his head and said silently in his heart, As far as Heaven is concerned, the me in the first life is dead, and what he did has nothing to do with me. But to the world, whether it is me in the first life or the one I am now, I, or the me of the past 48,000 years, are all me. They believe that I am the one who interrupts the heavenly path and prevents people from ascending, it is me who revives the ancestral court, it is I who causes trouble in the fairy court, and the immortal immortal is I am the new Taoist ancestor.

Xu Ying was calm.

There is a difference between who I am in my heart, who I am in the eyes of others, and who I am in the eyes of Heaven.

The rising rays of light fell down, and Xu Ying was bathed in the rays of light and felt enlightened.

I am not myself, but they are all me.

I am not the first person to make promises, but in the eyes of all living beings, I am the first person to make promises, so I am the first person to make promises.

I was promised in the first life, but in the eyes of Heaven, I am not promised in the first life, so I am not promised in the first life.

I am the eternal immortal immortal in the past 48,000 years, but I am not the eternal immortal immortal.

I am who I am physically, who I am spiritually, who I am in the eyes of all sentient beings, and who I am in the eyes of heaven.

I can go out independently again, not bound by the body, not by the spirit, not by all living beings, not by the way of heaven.

This is my true self.

When Yuan Weiyang's heavenly calamity ended, there was also a rising ray of light, which pulled them and floated towards the sky.

Xu Ying stretched out his palm and grabbed the golden ship that was crossing the world below. The entire huge golden ship creaked and was actually pulled by the rising glow of the sky, slowly rising into the sky.

When Yuan Weiyang saw this, he also grabbed the golden ship. The ship slowly accelerated and came to the feet of the two of them.

Two rising rays of light struggled to support them and the huge golden ship, slowly floating towards the sky.

Xu Ying was quite excited and said: Weiyang, the ascending rays of light will take us out of the human world, travel across the universe, in and out of the star-like lake, enter the Guixu black hole, fly out of the hole, and leap to the earthly immortal world. From there, we will go through all kinds of things. A magical, incredible place, ascending to the heavenly world! Then we will be hijacked by the ascending glow from the other shore and fly to the other shore!

Yuan Weiyang was moved by his words and looked at the sky, only to see that the golden boat of crossing the world was still moving slowly, but the two rays of light pulling the golden boat seemed to be getting more and more difficult.

Xu Ying was angry: One person can ascend to immortality, as well as chickens and dogs. I don't have a family, but only a boat, so I can't ascend?

Yuan Weiyang said: The Ancestor God is still on the boat, it should be for this reason.

She looked at the Ancestral God, only to find that the Ancestral God had disappeared without a trace, and she did not know when she left.

Xu Ying said: The Ancestral God left when we were going through the tribulation. In fact, most of his injuries have already healed. The reason why he stayed was just because he was worried that the Immortal Emperor and others would come to attack us.

Now there are only two of them and the bone dragon left on the ship.

Yuan Weiyang couldn't stand it as the rising ray of light dragged the golden ship across the world too slowly, and said with a smile: We have a golden ship here, why do we need to ascend to the ray of light to travel around the majestic wonders of the universe? We can ascend without the ray of light!

She held up the golden key, and the golden ship that crossed the world immediately accelerated and rushed towards the rising rays of light. With a whoosh, it passed through two rising rays of light and flew away through the air!

Ascension? Who cares?

Her clear laughter came, I can ascend whenever I want, without your glow!

On the golden boat, the Bone Dragon clung to the bow of the boat excitedly, and saw the golden boat breaking through the human world, with thousands of stars rushing toward it. The Bone Dragon opened his mouth and shouted excitedly. For the first time, there was no cry coming from his throat, but a thick dragon roar.

The golden ship that transcends the world leaps into the Milky Way with a hiss, and travels in the river flowing with countless stars. A ship of clear dreams stirs up countless starlights like ripples.

In the human world, the Ancestral God looked up at the ripples in the starry sky, smiled, and said: I won't kill you because I really want to see the showdown between you and Xu Ying in half a year.

He suddenly jumped up and turned into an immortal spiritual light flowing under the Milky Way, making the ship sail faster and further.

After he left, the Immortal Emperor breathed a long sigh of relief and walked towards Yuantu's colorful lantern tremblingly, trying to rescue Dan Xuanzi who was locked in the colorful lantern.

He wanted to calm down, but his hands kept shaking.

Around him, Supreme Creation, Supreme Yaoluo, Patriarch Boshan and others fell to the ground in confusion.

The Ancestor God did what the Holy Lord had done again.

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