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Chapter 642 Weakness is the original sin

The Ancestral God and the Holy Lord each frowned, feeling that he was a bit too much.

Xu Ying's eyes were a little deep, and a voice in his heart said silently: Meng Shanming, haven't you noticed yet? The power of leeks has changed. Now, your whole body is mine, what can you do to stop my harvest?

But he didn't say these words in front of the ancestors and saints.

If you don't expect victory, think about defeat first.

Xu Ying had already penetrated his two Taiyi Cave Abyss before the first Tianyuan decisive battle, leaving two cracks. His purpose is that even if the Immortal Emperor succeeds in harvesting and obtains his Cave Abyss, these two cracks will leave flaws in his Taoist and magical powers during cultivation!

Others may still need to look for the flaws in Taiyi Dongyuan, but they are clear and eye-catching to Xu Ying.

He can even guess the location of the loopholes in the Immortal Emperor's moves!

This is the most obvious trap he left for the Immortal Emperor!

The deeper level of the Immortal Realm is that Xu Ying knows every realm of his own. The Immortal Emperor cut off his realm, pretended to be the ancestor of the new way, and used his realm to practice, which was to help him hone and strengthen these realms.

The deeper the Immortal Emperor makes use of these realms and the deeper he relies on his Dao scenery, the easier it is to be harvested by him!

The former Meng Shanming was unfathomable to me, but the current Meng Shanming has flaws everywhere. Xu Ying said silently in his heart.

And these flaws were all planted by him because of that harvest.

Ancestral God, Holy Lord, you continue to teach Weiyang. I will practice for a while longer and I can help you two heal their injuries. Xu Yingzhan said with a smile.

The Holy Lord and the Ancestral God nodded silently.

The Immortal Emperor Supreme led Creation, Yao Luo and others away. Seeing his solemn expression, Taoist Master Luofu said with a smile: Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. Xu Ying's Tao injuries have not been healed, and they may not be healed after a year. He is gone. The foundation of the avenue has been cut into white ground. In his current state, he cannot hurt you at all. He will only be harvested by you again.

Taoist Master Yuanying frowned slightly and said: However, he doesn't look like he has no Tao foundation. In terms of the new Tao, he is now in the Six Paths realm. In five years, he was able to practice from nothing to the Six Paths in one go. Realm?

Taoist Master Luofu shook his head and said: Let alone the six realms, even if he can cultivate to the realm of Tao Jing, he will only be on the same level as before. But Ming Zun refined his realm, annexed his cave abyss, and used his hidden scene to make up for it. It’s all about my own shortcomings. Even among the six saints, Ming Zun’s cultivation strength is second only to the Holy Lord. How can Xu Ying compare with Ming Zun?”

Taoist Master Yuanying thought about it carefully and had to admit that his words made sense.

The Immortal Emperor sighed and said: My goal has never been Xu Ying. Xu Ying is just a crop that has been cut, with some roots left to sprout again. It is difficult for this kind of crop to grow any outstanding fruits, and it is not difficult to harvest. . My target is the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God. This opportunity is rare. If we lose this opportunity and are restored by the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God, it will be difficult to get rid of them.

Everyone looked solemn.

The Holy Lord is their biggest enemy and the goal of their trip!

It's just that their injuries are extremely serious at the moment, their bodies and souls are in the process of transformation, and their cultivation is contaminated by the Cuiyan Avenue, making it difficult to remove these injuries.

Supreme Yao Luo frowned slightly and said silently in his heart: Xu Ying should not be that simple. He is in the Six Paths Realm. It would be too outrageous to block the Great Luo Futian Sword I raised.

This time, neither Creation, Dan Xuanzi, Huoling Fairy, nor the Immortal Emperor had a head-on confrontation with Xu Ying. The only person who had ever collided with Xu Ying was Yao Luo Supreme.

Yao Luo was suppressed under the boat and used the Da Luo Futian Sword to assassinate Xu Ying. He was blocked by Shengzun Ancestral God and Yuan Weiyang, but he still had forty-nine Futian Swords to break out of the encirclement.

But all of his Futian Swords were taken over by Xu Ying!

Although he had to fight against the crushing of the World-Transcending Golden Ship at that time and was unable to exert the full power of the Futian Sword, the supreme magic weapon was so amazing. Even if it exerted 10% or 20% of its power, it was enough to destroy a six-level qigong practitioner for hundreds of years. Thousands of times!

No matter how fast Xu Ying grows, he will not be able to cultivate to the supreme level in one year. He said silently in his heart, without telling the Immortal Emperor about this.

After all, it would be embarrassing to say such a thing.

Moreover, the six twelve gods often help each other in times of need. The Supreme Immortal Emperor is not seriously injured and dying, how can he be the icing on the cake?

I harvested Xu Ying, and one of the Dao Scenery is the Cuiyan Dao Scenery. This Dao Scenery is the result of Xu Ying's understanding of the Cuiyan Dao Scenery, and it contains the key to solving the Taoist injuries on your body.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor had a gentle look on his face and said with a smile, Xu Ying's understanding of the Cuiyan Avenue relies on Taiyi Enlightenment. If any of you uncles have Taiyi Enlightenment, you might as well take it out and study the Cuiyan Avenue together, so as to get rid of the injury as soon as possible.

Taiyi Enlightenment is the method of enlightenment that Emperor Haotian learned from the green rocks in the earthly immortal world. It was by this method that Emperor Haotian understood the Great Way of Taiyi and summoned Taiyi Cave Abyss.

Immortal emperors and great ancestors of all dynasties also relied on the enlightenment of Taiyi to summon their respective caves and abyss. However, later Taiyi Enlightenment was banned from spreading and disappeared from the world.

This method of enlightenment is extremely precious. The Supreme Immortal Emperor is just a disciple of Qingxuan, a puppet supported by the six twelve gods, and is not qualified to have access to Taiyi Enlightenment. He has been coveting this method of enlightenment for a long time.

The Supreme Creation smiled and said: Your Majesty's words are reasonable. I have a scroll of Taiyi Enlightenment here, which I would like to dedicate.

He took out his treasured Taiyi Enlightenment. This method was stored in the Yujing Palace of Xuandu. When Xuandu was destroyed, it fell into his hands.

The Immortal Emperor was overjoyed and put Taiyi Enlightenment away and said: Don't worry, Taoist Brother Creation, I have understood the mystery of Cuiyan Taoism and will help you treat your injuries.

He no longer calls him Master Uncle, but instead calls Supreme Creation Brother Dao.

The Supreme Creation did not take it seriously and said with a smile: This scripture is profound and profound. Your Majesty, why not share it with all fellow Taoists and decipher the Taiyi Enlightenment and Cuiyan Tao Scenery together. There were many people who practiced Taiyi Enlightenment at that time, but they achieved some achievements and summoned them. There are only a few people in the Supreme Cave Abyss. It’s better to work together so that we can recover as soon as possible.”

How could the Immortal Emperor be willing to share it with them? But if I don't pass it on, I'm afraid that the Supreme Creation will become a favorite in the eyes of others. After all, the Supreme Creation will definitely keep a share.

I am willing to share it with all of you fellow Taoists. The Immortal Emperor smiled.

Everyone was very happy.

On the golden ship that crossed the world, Xu Ying recreated the hidden scene and repaired the cave. After more than ten days, he returned to the Taiyi Cave.

Not only that, Xu Ying also practiced Wuji, Taiji, Taicang, Taiying, and Taishang Dongyuan that Yuan Weiyang practiced.

Yuan Weiyang has six great caves. If he reaches the supreme realm, he will have six supreme caves, and Xu Ying has one more martial arts cave than her.

The scale of the seven promised abyss is still shallow, but the power contained in the abyss is extremely considerable, which makes his cultivation level improve many times faster. In just three months, he has regained the immortal true spirit. The immortal spirit.

The seven caves and abyss moved forward in unison, pushing his Six Paths Realm forward one step further and entering the Ascension Realm.

His seven caves and abyss were running behind him, and the spirit of the immortals and the spiritual power of heaven and earth continued to pour into his body, pushing his cultivation forward.

As for Yuan Weiyang, his cultivation has become more and more profound, and it is obviously comparable to Xu Ying who had overcome the tribulation and ascended.

She built the six great caves and abyss, while Xu Ying at that time only built the Taiyi Cave Abyss, which was far inferior to her in terms of number of caves.

The two stood together, their respective caves fully opened, reflecting each other's beauty.

During these days of getting along, the two became more and more emotionally involved. They studied the Taoist injuries of the ancestor gods and the saints together, and exchanged opinions with each other, which increased their understanding of each other.

The Ancestral God is proficient in the Dark Heavenly Way, but he is not very proficient in the Cuiyan Avenue and cannot speak out.

The Holy Lord did some research on Cuiyan Avenue, but whenever he interrupted, Xu Ying's cold eyes glanced over, and he wisely shut up.

After Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang's treatment, the injuries of the Ancestral God and the Holy Lord gradually improved a lot, and their cultivation strength became stronger and stronger.

During the treatment process, Ancestral God and Shengzun were surprised when they heard the exchange between Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang. These two young men were extremely intelligent and deciphered many mysteries of Cuiyan Avenue from their Taoist injuries, which also enabled them to obtain Very beneficial.

And the white-bone dragon often came over to listen to the exchanges between Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang, and practiced with Xu Ying on weekdays. His cultivation progressed faster and faster, and the dragon energy around his body was entangled, and the energy and blood were actually transformed, forming The shapes of bones, muscles, fascia, internal organs, beards, claws, scales and manes!

This is Master Zhong's false cultivation, and it has been verified by it!

This is what surprised the ancestors and the saints the most. Who would have thought that this guy who had been dead for tens of millions of years would be practicing martial arts with Xu Ying and be about to come back to life!

Xiao Bai can definitely cultivate into a physical body!

Xu Ying looked at the bone dragon and was quite surprised. Master Zhong's false cultivation is extremely difficult to practice, and not just anyone can achieve it. Even Master Zhong himself hid in Xu Ying's innate dojo and kept chewing on it, and then he finally cleared this path.

Xiao Bai's qualifications must be extremely powerful, not inferior to mine. Xu Ying thought to himself.

It was getting closer and closer to Yuan Weiyang's six-month ascension period. Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang sat on the green rock to give lectures, passing on their experience in treating the ancestors and saints to Jing Ming, Ming Wangsun and other disciples.

Under the green rock, thousands of maids who had successfully cultivated and returned to adulthood were sitting, concentrating and not daring to relax.

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang each had a good understanding, and they each spoke eloquently, making everyone listen intoxicated.

At this moment, I heard a thick voice coming from the darkness, saying: The explanations given by Fellow Daoist Xu and Fellow Daoist Yuan are indeed interesting, but they are not profound enough. I have taken the liberty of visiting and am willing to communicate with Fellow Daoist Xu and Fellow Daoist Yuan.

Xu Ying heard the words and followed the sound. The ancestors and the saints looked solemn and stood up suddenly, full of murderous intent!

Although the injuries of the two powerful men have not recovered, after this period of treatment, they have been mostly healed. At this moment, the momentum exploded, really crushing the surrounding void with lightning and thunder!

Three supreme abyss emerged behind the Holy Lord. They were vast, deep, and vast. Three supreme avenues almost boiled and poured into his body!

With a thought in his mind, thousands of Tao trees, Tao fruits and Tao scenery floated around!

The Ancestral God paused, and the sky above his head suddenly became half bright and half dark. Billions of stars in the universe appeared in the sky in an instant, as if being pulled very close by a great force, so close that they could be touched with a raised hand.

Even so, the two most powerful beings were still extremely nervous, staring at the source of the sound.

Xu Ying looked around and saw a tall, burly man approaching. He was polite and elegant. He came to the boat-shaped green rock and showed an inquiring look.

Xu Ying stretched out his hand to greet you and said with a smile, May I ask who you are?

Lu Yiren.

The tall man climbed onto the green rock and said with a smile, I saw you before, Taoist friend Xu, when he was enlightened in the human world last time, but I didn't bother you. This time, the two Taoist friends deciphered my magical power and preached on the green rock. I was so fascinated by it that I couldn’t help but want to say a few words.”

Xu Ying glanced at the Ancestral God and the Holy One, and Lu Yiren smiled and said: The Holy One, the Ancestral God, and I have some misunderstandings. And I am also injured. The misunderstanding has been resolved.

The Holy Lord and the Ancestral God were noncommittal and remained silent.

Xu Ying asked Lu Yiren to sit down, and said with a solemn expression: Since this is a sermon, then, fellow Taoist, please come. We are all ears.

Lu Yiren did not treat him politely, sat down, faced the many servants below, and spoke.

Xu Ying, Ancestor God, Shengzun and Yuan Weiyang each showed surprise. The language he spoke was not the language they were familiar with, but an extremely ancient language. Every syllable was a Taoist sound and contained the mystery of Taoism.

Although they have never heard this language, the moment they hear it, they can understand the meaning of each syllable and the mystery of Taoism contained in it.

Is this Lu Yiren really here to preach? they wondered.

As Lu Yiren spoke more and more ancient languages, various branch-like textures were seen flying around the green rock, gradually forming ancient gods of various forms, some sitting cross-legged, some standing, or independent in the void. Various poses!

The words that came out of his mouth gradually surpassed Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang's understanding and reached a new level of Cuiyan Avenue. Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were also fascinated by it!

Lu Yiren, what do you want to do? This thought would still pop up in their minds from time to time.

After a long time, Lu Yiren stopped talking when he got tired.

There was silence all around, except for the occasional cry in the distance that reached their ears.

Xu Ying, Yuan Weiyang and others were still immersed in their understanding of Cuiyan Avenue, but they felt that Lu Yiren's sermon was better than their previous understanding!

Xu Ying absorbed most of the Taoism taught by Lu Yiren. There were still some things that were difficult to understand, so he ignored them for the time being and said: Your Taoism is superb and admirable. I am absolutely inferior to you and I am willing to be inferior.

Lu Yiren laughed.

After a while, his laughter fell and he said: Since Xu Daoyou knows that Cuiyan Avenue is superior, why don't you completely convert it? You are a smart man, why do you still retain the inferior structure of the avenue? Why do you still maintain the relationship between mortals? Body? Look, how perfect the bodies of the ancient gods around us are?

He paused, smiled and said: Huanhua, you can have a perfect body like an ancient god.

Xu Ying thought for a moment and said: The Cuiyan Avenue is indeed superior. The various structures of the Three Realms, including dragon patterns, Dao patterns and runes, are far inferior to the theoretical structure that records the Cuiyan Avenue. We monks should learn from the Cuiyan Avenue , learning the structure.”

Lu Yiren shook his head and said: This is a temporary solution, not a fundamental solution. The fundamental solution is to fully transform. In the past, my parents came with good intentions in order to change the backward and barbaric status quo of this universe and bring us to the other side. The spark of civilization. How could I be misunderstood by the monks in your universe?

Xu Ying said coldly: Is the misunderstanding you are talking about releasing Cuiyan, destroying the Three Realms, and directly ruining the Dragon Court Era?

Lu Yiren said with a smile on his face: This is just what has to happen when a higher cultivation system encounters a lower cultivation system. In fact, my parents have no intention of destroying you. It's just that you are too weak. In the vast sea of ​​chaos, the weak That is original sin.”

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