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Chapter 641 One Year Period

Xu Ying's energy and blood fluctuated, and he restrained all martial arts moves. The high-speed martial arts cave behind him gradually calmed down, and the agitated martial arts energy slowly calmed down.

The young man looked down at his hands and whispered: It's done, I'm done...hahahaha!

He gradually laughed out loud, and his voice became louder and louder: My way has finally come true! This road has finally been cleared by me!

He activated the Martial Arts Cave Abyss, and the innate true energy poured in like a rainbow, flowing into his harvested realms, and began to reshape those realms that had been cut off!

His heart was so hot that his chest felt a little hot.

His purpose in practicing martial arts is to one day be able to refine the martial arts cave, regain those realms that were cut off, and surpass the past!

Now, he mobilized the martial arts Dongyuan and forcibly took the forty-nine-mouthed Great Luo Futian Sword from Supreme Yaoluo, finally confirming the excellence of this path!

He can finally recreate the realm that was cut off with confidence and boldness!

This time, based on the martial arts cave, the recreated realm is more perfect than before!

With the flow of his innate true energy, the second Hidden Scenery gradually formed, followed by the third Hidden Scenery, the fourth Hidden Scenery, the fifth Hidden Scenery...

Each hidden scene contains various extraordinary Taoist phenomena, including mountains, rivers, fields, and stars and rivers, which are extremely vast.

This is the moment for me to reshape the foundation of the Dao. The logical structure is far better than the Dao pattern and rune structure based on Dao images. Should I transform all my Dao symbols into logical structures?

Xu Ying suddenly came up with this idea, and the organizational structure had already proved its brilliance. Three pieces of green rock destroyed the most powerful Dragon Court era.

The skills on the green rock also allowed Emperor Haotian to summon Taiyi Cave Abyss to replace the Demon Court era. And the crying caused by the structure even led to the destruction of the ancient era.

If he transforms his Dao structure into a rational structure when reshaping the Dao foundation, then his cultivation and strength will be far superior to before!

In the second battle with the Immortal Emperor, he was confident enough to kill him, even if the Immortal Emperor used the Great Dragon Soul, even if he used the Holy Emperor's Daming Palace!

He only needs to fully transform to master such powerful strength!

However, perhaps because of being harvested twice, Xu Ying always had a sense of distrust towards Huan Hua and the administrative structure.

Although the organizational structure is tyrannical and the Green Rock Avenue is indeed brilliant, the three Green Rocks come from the other side where good and evil are unknown.

Who can guarantee that there are no unknown loopholes left in these three green rocks?

What if these three green rocks are also used to harvest leeks?

He couldn't help but think of his encounter with the Buddhas of Daleiyin Temple, and thought to himself: Judging from what happened to the Buddhas and others, they are not like leeks, but like fishes that have been caught.

The logical structure, Huanhua, is extremely tempting. As long as he practices, he can have powerful power. With his qualifications and understanding, he can thoroughly understand the great road recorded on the green rock, and then decipher the skills on the green rock carvings, he can definitely sweep through All obstacles!

But Xu Ying still gave up this temptation.

Why can the heaven on earth be revived in the darkness of heaven?

He thought of this again and said silently in his heart, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as the human heart. The local way of heaven and earth must be unique. If you look for its roots, you can beat the logical structure and the transformation!

He knows this better than anyone else, because he has experienced countless tribulations in the human world, witnessed with his own eyes the resurgence of the local Heavenly Dao, and forced back the dark Heavenly Dao formed by Cuiyan!

He vaguely felt that he had grasped a key that would allow him to achieve greater achievements than Daozu. As long as he continued to study along this path, he would definitely be able to transcend the theoretical structure!

On the other side, Supreme Yao Luo's heart sank, and he realized that his Da Luo Futian Sword was not effective.

If we were at our peak, these warriors and the two Dao Eight Powers wouldn't be a concern at all! We can even block this ship!

Yao Luo Zhizun and others were extremely aggrieved. The strength of Shu Ren was not very strong, and Jing Ming and Ming Wangsun were not invincible. However, most of them were injured and could not exert their full strength.

Yaoluo Supreme was not injured, but he was alone and unable to defeat the enemy with his own strength.

They were defeated one by one by Xu Ying and ended up in this situation.

After all, for them, the fame of killing the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God is too great, and the benefits are tempting enough, especially if they kill the Holy Lord, they can harvest the Holy Lord's three supreme caves!

The temptation of the three supreme caves and abyss alone is worth the risk for them.

Seeing that the golden ship was about to crush them, the speed of the golden ship became slower and slower, and finally stopped. Supreme Yaoluo, Supreme Creation, and others each breathed a sigh of relief. The power of this golden ship to cross the world has its upper limit, and it is not invincible.

After all, the World-Transcending Golden Ship is not a magic weapon made for fighting, but a treasure that helps the Dragon Clan survive. In terms of power, it does not far exceed the supreme magic weapon.

It was only because the Supreme Creation and others were injured first that they were suppressed so miserably.

At the moment when the Golden Ship was forced to stop by Yaoluo Supreme and others, suddenly a bright light suddenly appeared in the darkness, and thousands of Taoist scenes floated in the mid-air. The Immortal Emperor offered sacrifices to thousands of Taoist trees and Taoist fruits, and behind them floated The three great abyss of Haocang, Taiyi and Taiyi came in steps.

A revered warrior roared forward and rushed towards the Dao tree and Dao fruit of the Daming Palace. But the next moment, thousands of Dao trees shined brightly, and the Dao fruit erupted with layers of Dao power, destroying the thousands of warriors who were comparable to Daluo Jinxian. People block it!

My Daming Palace!

The Holy Lord snorted coldly, with an evil look in his eyes, Shan Ming, you are so brave!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor met his gaze, bowed slightly, and then looked past the Holy Lord, meeting Xu Ying's gaze.

He looked surprised and wanted to raise his hands to do calculations, but paused.

Xu Ying raised his hand gently, and Jing Ming and Ming Wangsun immediately flew down and attacked the array of Dao trees, Dao fruits and Dao scenery in the Daming Palace, shaking thousands of Dao trees and Dao fruits, and led the thousands of people to retreat.

They each rose into the sky and landed on the golden boat.

The golden key slowly rises, and the golden ship that transcends the world also slowly rises.

Xu Ying looked down at the Immortal Emperor from a high position and said nothing. There were still some harvested parts of his body, and the injuries were not gone, but suddenly there was a dull pain again.

When Yaoluo Supreme and others saw the arrival of Immortal Emperor Supreme, they each breathed a sigh of relief. Dan Xuanzi, Mr. Dongshi, Huoling Fairy and others coughed up blood, their breaths weakened, and they barely managed to survive.

The Immortal Emperor came at just the right time. Just when their strength was about to be exhausted, he came to provide help in the snow.

At this time, the Immortal Emperor was also playing the old rules of Six Deities and Twelve Wonders very well, and even Huo Hou was more sophisticated than them.

Shan Ming's help came too late.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor looked ashamed, bowed to Zaofan, Yao Luo and others, and said apologetically, If I had come a step earlier, you masters and uncles would not have to be injured.

The Supreme Creation said warmly: Don't say that, your Majesty has come at the right time.

He had always called the Immortal Emperor his nephew, and sometimes called him by his first name, but now he calls him Your Majesty.

He was quite emotional: I have always underestimated Meng Shanming, thinking that he was still the ineffective little guy under Qingxuan Sect. I didn't expect that he would become famous if he got a chance.

Taoist Master Luofu looked at the Tao fruits and Tao trees surrounding the Immortal Emperor with a complex expression. In addition to the creation and the Immortal Emperor, who forced their way into the Holy Lord Daming Palace that day, he was also present, and his contribution was definitely not small.

But when things came to an end, the Immortal Emperor suddenly stamped a palm on his back and severely injured him, so that he could not get a share of the pie!

Now that he sees the Immortal Emperor mobilizing these Dao trees and Dao fruits, one can imagine how he feels.

After he escaped, the ones who divided the Daming Palace were the Supreme Creation and the Immortal Emperor. Among them, the Supreme Creation moved the entire Daming Palace, and also divided up all the Taoist scenes, and the bulk of them were allocated.

The Immortal Emperor only received Dao Trees, Dao Flowers and Dao Fruits, and the small head. Most of the benefits have been obtained by the Supreme Being.

It's just that the Supreme Creation later discovered that if you want to activate Tao Jing, you must have an understanding of different Tao Scenes in order to be able to use Tao Jing skillfully. He is proficient in the way of creation and has cultivated the energy of creation, but it is really a difficult task for him to figure out the great way practiced by the Holy Lord.

What's more, he is one of the most powerful beings in the world. The way of creation is one of the strongest avenues in the world. The Haoying Cave Abyss is also one of the strongest abyss in the world. Why should he need to understand these things? What’s the truth behind Taoist scenery?

But the Immortal Emperor was different from him. After the Immortal Emperor obtained these Dao Trees, Dao Flowers, and Dao Fruits, he immediately started studying them from the Dao Trees. The principles contained in Tao trees are relatively simple, and he can use divine arithmetic to deduce the Tao methods contained in these Tao trees.

After understanding the truth contained in the Tao Tree, it will be much easier to understand the Tao Flower from the shallower to the deeper, and then deduce from the Tao Flower to the Tao Fruit.

In this way, he can use Dao flowers, Dao trees and Dao fruits.

Therefore, even if the Supreme Creation got the bulk of the Daming Palace, it would not be as much as he gained.

Xiao Ying, long time no see.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor's eyes fell on Xu Ying, and he seemed a little surprised. He smiled happily and said, I am very happy to see you alive. I have calculated your whereabouts more than once, and the calculated result is that you are dead. . Now that I see you, I finally understand that the promise that I controlled in reincarnation is indeed dead. But the snake catcher survived.

Xu Ying's eyes were dark. He had always thought that when he saw the Immortal Emperor again, he would be able to hold back his anger and fight to the death with him. However, when things came to an end, he found that he was much calmer than he expected.

Yuan Weiyang came to him and gently held his hand to reassure him.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor's gaze fell on Yuan Weiyang and said with a smile: The same is true for Yuanjun. There are very few people in the world who can fool me, and you are one of them.

Yuan Weiyang was a little confused. She had never seen the Immortal Emperor before, so she didn't know why he was so familiar with her.

The Immortal Emperor said leisurely: The word love is the most difficult to understand. I had good intentions and placed a reincarnation curse on you two 48,000 years ago, so that you can reincarnate life after life, and your love is still deeply rooted. . Even I myself can't break this curse of reincarnation that gathers the power of the Great Way of Reincarnation. But you, Yuanjun, broke it, you fooled me. Such talent is awesome.

He praised and admired: One is the promise made 48,000 years ago, and the other is Zitong Yuanjun, a pair of crazy men and resentful women, actually used self-sacrifice to break the curse of the Great Way of Reincarnation, and both escaped!

Yuan Weiyang asked in confusion: Ah Ying, what is he talking about?

Xu Ying looked calm and said: Nothing. Just his last words.

The Immortal Emperor was full of praise and said: When you had two bowls of rice at my master Qingxuan's place, I should have thought that you were no longer the real you at that time. How could I have thought that with forty-eight thousand You who have a memory of more than a thousand years are not your real body, but you who have a memory of twenty years are your true body? Well done, well done!

Xu Ying said calmly: Ming Zun, there is no need to show off your words. There is still a decisive battle between you and me.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor raised his eyebrows, and the three caves were lined up. The pure aura of the avenue spread out from the caves. He smiled and said: Xu Ying, when and where do you want to fight?

The pure Taoist aura exuding from the cave abyss was the thirteen Taoist scenes he cut off Xu Ying's body!

Not only that, he also deprived Xu Ying of various realms. At this moment, he integrated these realms with his own realm, and his cultivation strength increased steadily!

The Holy Lord looked solemn: Is this the promised state in the state of Dao Ancestor? The improvement brought to Ming Zun by transplanting the state of Dao Ancestor is really too great!

Although he was seriously injured, his vision was extraordinary.

Dao Ancestor was no small matter. Although Xu Ying's cultivation at that time had not reached the Supreme Realm, his cultivation strength was already comparable to that of the Supreme. Harvesting promises, improving the Immortal Emperor is not as simple as improving a supreme strength, but completely making up for his shortcomings!

The current Immortal Emperor's strength has surpassed that of Emperor Qingxuan back then, and surpassed Supreme Creation and Supreme Yaoluo in their heyday!

It is still unclear whether he or Lu Daozun is stronger or weaker.

The Holy Master said in his heart, Daozun Lu hid in Wangxiang Taichung and practiced for 600,000 years. His current cultivation strength is no longer that of Daozun Lu who was ranked fourth. If there is a new ranking of the six respects, Daozun Lu should surpass fate and be ranked behind me. !”

Lu Daozun is a peak master who has practiced for 600,000 years. In the eyes of the Holy Lord, it is a high praise for the Immortal Emperor to be on par with him!

It's a pity that Mingzun's qualifications and understanding are still a bit poor, and it is still difficult to achieve the ultimate achievement. Shengzun said in his heart.

At this time, Xu Ying's voice came: One year later, beside the Tianyuan.

The Ancestral God and the Holy Lord each had their hearts skipping a beat and turned to look at Xu Ying. One year is too short, and the two of them may not have even recovered from their injuries at that time!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor smiled and said: Okay! One year later, I will harvest you again!

He slowly retreated, while Dan Xuanzi, Dong Shi, Huo Ling and others struggled to keep up with him and retreated together.

Xu Ying stood on the green rock and watched them go away until the Immortal Emperor Supreme and others disappeared into the darkness.

The Ancestral God frowned slightly and said: Ah Ying, the one-year agreement you set is too fast. You should have agreed with him for ten years...

He also felt that ten years was a bit unstable, so he changed his words: A hundred years, a hundred years is the best!

Xu Ying smiled slightly and said: Don't worry, Ancestor God, I am fully confident that I will beat him to death in front of everyone in the immortal world in one year!

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