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Chapter 640 Violent Crush

The expressions of the Supreme Creation and the others changed drastically, and they saw tall warriors rising into the air one after another, flying down diagonally from the huge golden ship that made the transition to the world, and approaching them.

Thousands of slaves have branch-like textures flying around their bodies, forming a gray fog. When your eyes fall on them, you will have a sandy texture, as if they are lives composed of gray branches.

The darkness was advancing, approaching them rapidly!

The Supreme Creation looked at the golden ship in the darkness, and the golden ship also became full of sandy texture.

On that golden ship, the ship-shaped green rock was so eye-catching that not even the gray fog could block it.

There was a gray-black figure sitting on the green rock, hazy.

Promise! The Supreme Creation looked pale.

Promise? Isn't he dead?

Dan Xuanzi, Mr. Dongshi, Huoling Fairy, Patriarch Boshan, Taoist Master Yuanying and others were all shocked and inexplicable.

Dan Xuanzi gasped and said: Xu Ying was harvested by Mingzun and turned into a corpse. How can he survive?

The Fire Bell Fairy said: That's right! We saw with our own eyes that he has no breath! He can't be resurrected!

When they attacked the Golden Ship, they did not see Xu Ying sitting on the green rock, so they were seriously injured and had to flee.

Only the Supreme Creation could clearly see that Xu Ying, who was supposed to die in the abyss of the earthly immortal world, was still alive now!

Not only was he alive, he even gathered such a huge force in the human world and began to cleanse the Three Deities and Six Wonders!

The auras of thousands of warriors were powerful and terrifying, overwhelming them. They suddenly understood why darkness could invade the world of heaven.

Back then, that piece of green rock polluted the entire human world, created the darkness of heaven, and turned the human world into a black domain in the universe. The power of Cuiyan is so powerful that for thousands of years, the human world has been shrouded by its avenue!

It was not until tens of millions of years later that sporadic resurgences of heaven on earth emerged, forming several inconspicuous settlements. Xu Ying had to go through the heavenly tribulations in these settlements, and then the heaven on earth expanded to compete with the dark heaven.

Then the Ancestral God arrived and fought against the darkness of the human world, but now the Ancestral God has been severely damaged and cannot control the way of heaven on earth. Xu Ying brought a piece of green rock with him. It can be said that if you want to invade, you can invade!

What's more, that old guy, the Ancestral God, is still on the promised golden ship!

Thinking of this, the Supreme Creation can confirm the most beneficial point for them, that is, the Ancestral God and the Holy Lord have indeed been severely damaged, and now is the best time to eradicate them!

But the opportunity is in front of them, but it is difficult to seize it.

Go quickly——

Patriarch Boshan shouted loudly, activated his magical power, and blasted towards the soldiers, hoping to stop them. But he forgot that in the darkness and under the influence of Tao Weeping, it was difficult for their magical powers to be transmitted to distant places.

Just as Patriarch Boshan's magical power flew a hundred miles away, it was completely submerged in the darkness and had no power at all.

However, there were sandy magical powers flying in the darkness. It was those warriors who were activating the Taoist magical powers formed on the Cuiyan Avenue and were rushing towards this side!

The power of these magical powers has not diminished. Although the magical powers are not very subtle, they are extremely powerful!

Everyone was running away while resisting the incoming magical powers. But the darkness behind quickly caught up with them and swallowed their bodies.

Ancestor Boshan offered sacrifices to the Ten Thousand Stars Sand Bowl and sprinkled countless stars, each of which was annihilated by the magical powers of those warriors.

The star bowl contained the innate yin and yang energy that gave birth to the stars, but it was beaten into pits, which made Patriarch Boshan extremely distressed.

Master Yuanying Taoist worshiped the Taiyin Huntian Golden Ball. When the ball was raised, it suddenly grew to the size of tens of thousands of miles, encompassing those warriors and their magical powers!

Taoist Master Yuanying suppressed the injury and activated the Taiyin Huntian Golden Ball, reversing Yin and Yang, and reversing the universe. This thing is so miraculous that it forms a world of its own. The avenues of heaven and earth change at will, and it can cut off human beings and magical powers!

If you are trapped by this treasure, you will not be able to use any magical powers, and you will be easily killed by Taoist Master Yuanying.

However, even this wonderful treasure cannot restrain the magical power of Cuiyan. The next moment, the golden ball of Taiyin Huntian was beaten into a sieve, leaking air everywhere.

Taoist Master Yuanying was so shocked that he vomited blood and forced himself to move the golden ball.

On the other side, Mr. Dongshi sacrificed the yin and yang ring in the sky, Dan Xuanzi sacrificed Yuantu's colorful lanterns, the Supreme Creation activated the cave abyss, and a ray of light from the Wheel of Creation shone on those people!

The Fire Bell Fairy also sacrificed her beaten fire bell, and everyone shared the same hatred and worked together to break out.

At this moment, the six masters united as one. Although they were all severely injured, they actually exploded with astonishing combat power and blocked the group of warriors!

Even where the Supreme Creation's mysterious light of creation shines, those human beings gradually come into contact from the state of human transformation and gradually become human beings.

Their bodies became humans, but they could not return to their previous cultivation, and they could not use the magical power of Cuiyan. This was the viciousness of the magical power of creation.

Suddenly, Old Man Jing Ming and Prince Ming Sun flew down from the Golden Ship and arrived at the front of the battlefield in an instant. Old man Jingming stamped his palm on the golden ball of Taiyin Huntian, which deflated this wonderful treasure. Taoist Master Yuanying spurted blood from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and fell down and flew away.

Old Man Jingming straightened his figure, opened the eighth level of Taoism, and shook the Supreme Creation's Xuan Guang, facing the Xuan Guang, and quickly approached the Supreme Creation.

Seeing this, the Supreme Creation didn't care about dealing with the other slaves, and concentrated all his mana on Jing Ming, the old slave, to prevent him from rushing to his side.

He was severely wounded twice, and before he could recover from his injuries, the second Dao injury followed him. If he were to be approached by a Taoist who was good at melee combat, it would definitely be a disaster!

On the other side, Ming Wangsun alone faced Mr. Dongshi's chaotic sky yin and yang ring, beat Dan Xuanzi's Yuantu colorful lanterns, faced off against the Fire Bell Fairy's string of fire bells, and faced Boshan Patriarch's Ten Thousand Stars Shabo. Still not falling behind!

On the contrary, Dan Xuanzi, Mr. Dongshi and others were seriously injured by him, and they kept coughing up blood.

They Wu Miao were injured to this extent only in the battle against the ancestral gods 600,000 years ago. Later, even if they failed in the struggle and were suppressed, imprisoned, and exiled successively, they were not injured so seriously!

The mysterious light of creation no longer shines, and those warriors suddenly become more energetic and aggressive, and they come to kill them. Wu Miao can't help but feel despair in his heart: This time, I'm afraid I will fall into the black realm!

The Supreme Creation was also killed by the old man Jing Ming, and he felt desperate: Perhaps I should have given Xu Ying a way to survive, so that we would not have suffered the disaster we have today...

The old man Jingming rushed into his Taoist scene, and his Taojing was transformed, one ebbing and the other ebbing. It was only a matter of time before he died in the hands of the old man Jingming.

In fact, he will die even faster. As long as Dan Xuanzi, Mr. Dongshi and other Wu Miao are killed, Ming Wangsun comes to besiege, plus those thousands of people, it will be difficult to escape.

The Supreme Creation was not originally in such a bad state, but for some reason, he encountered bad luck when he arrived in the human world. First, he was injured by Jing Ming and Ming Wang Sun, and then because he wanted to save the Fire Bell Fairy, he was injured by Jing Ming and Ming Wang Sun again. Now it’s even more hurt!

Could it be that five years ago, I sacrificed the Jade Plate of Returning to Dao to prevent Xu Ying from killing Ming Zun, so that Xu Ying was harvested. This incident touched Dao Ancestor's luck? Could it be that his luck is backlashing him now?

What happened back then, he did very unkindly, not only blowing Xu Ying away, but also suppressing Xu Ying and letting Ming Zun harvest it.

Xu Ying is the Taoist of the New Dao. When he recalled this incident, he felt anxious, but the next moment his heart returned to his determination: Not to mention the Taoist of the New Dao, even my master Xuhuang Daojun was the one who I personally Killed by force. If luck really had a backlash, the backlash would have come long ago!

Just when he thought of this, he suddenly heard a long roar, full of ethereal spirit: The morning light is shining, the purple clouds reflect the black sky. The cave is full of round light, shining brightly.

Another long whistle came, the voice was old and vigorous: The sky is full of light, the sky is clear, the sky is clear. The jade guests in the Jiutian Pavilion are singing in the sky.

The ethereal voice laughed and said: Brother Taoist Creation, fellow Taoists, don't panic. Yao Luo is here to help!

And the old and vigorous voice also laughed to himself: Fellow Taoists, Taoist Master Luofu is here to help!

Supreme Creation and others were surprised and happy, and felt a little resentful in their hearts.

Na Yaoluo Supreme is another Supreme among the Six Twelve Wonders, ranking sixth after Lu Daozun and Qionghua. But the Supreme is the Supreme after all. Even though he is ranked sixth, joining forces with him is enough to turn defeat into victory and kill the old man Jing Ming, Ming Wangsun and others!

Coupled with Taoist Master Luofu, who is ranked fourth among the twelve wonders, they might be able to kill all these slaves, board the golden ship to cross the world, kill the saint, suppress the ancestor gods, and execute Xu Ying!

Of course, the trace of resentment in their hearts was due to the fact that Supreme Yaoluo and Dao Master Luofu showed up when they were about to be unable to withstand any more. They must have been nearby and saw them seriously injured and dying, so they came to help. .

This is the tacit understanding between the six of them and the Twelve Miaos. If you were not seriously injured and dying, I would not be a help in times of need, and your gratitude would be much less and less sincere.

When this kind of thing happened to Master Luofu and the Supreme Immortal Emperor, the Supreme Creation felt very happy, but now that it happened to him, he didn't feel so happy.

Supreme Yaoluo activated the cave abyss behind his head. This cave abyss was the cave abyss summoned by Emperor Shaohao back then. It was also a supreme cave abyss, containing supreme-level avenues, fairy mountains and blessed lands, with tens of thousands of them, and full of spiritual energy and spiritual power. !

The supreme magic weapon of Yaoluo Supreme is called Daluo Futian Sword. Although this sword has a sword name, it is actually a set of swords. After being sacrificed, it can be spread all over Luo Tian to form a supreme sword.

Back then, in a battle with the Zhuxian Sword outside Biyou Palace, the Great Luo Futian Sword was completely destroyed, but it also bought time for a group of supremes to interrupt the Zhuxian Sword.

Afterwards, Taoist Yu Ji refinished the Great Futian Sword for him, using the hilt and part of the sword body of the Zhuxian Sword, making his Futian Sword even more powerful than before.

Supreme Yaoluo carries the Daluo Futian Sword on his back. He has a broad figure. Only the scabbard is higher than his arm. The sword is hidden in the scabbard. When it is unsheathed with a swish, the sky is filled with sword light, like a vast sea of ​​sword energy and sword light. , drowning those thousands of people!

Among the six masters, Yao Luo is the master of swordsmanship, and his swordsmanship is the best in the world.

Taoist Master Luofu also smiled and greeted Ming Wangsun.

At this moment, Taoist Master Luofu suddenly saw a big golden key flying towards him like a sword. He couldn't help but be startled: Who is so boring, trying to make a key into a magic weapon? What can a key be made into a magic weapon?

As soon as he thought of this, the void shattered, and the golden ship that crossed the world moved almost horizontally. In an instant, it appeared under the key, crashed into him with a bang!

Taoist Master Luofu felt that his head seemed to be still in place and his body was knocked away. But the next moment he knew that it was not his head that was in the same place, but his soul falling in place and his body was knocked away!

The attack from the World-Transcending Golden Ship was truly terrifying. It directly destroyed his Da Luo Wonderland, breaking his flesh, bones, tendons, and shattering all his internal organs.

The Da Luo Wonderful Realm was originally not weaker than the Supreme Realm, but due to the influence of the Dao Cry 600,000 years ago, the Da Luo Wonderful Realm has become an old path, which is incompatible with today's heaven and earth avenues, so the power it can exert is not as good as the ancient path. era.

If the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth is complete and there is the Supreme Cave Abyss, the strength of Wonderland and Supreme is actually about the same.

The place where the new way really surpasses the old way is not the Supreme Realm, but the major realms of the new way that Xu Ying created, pushing the Supreme Realm forward by half or one realm, so that the Supreme Realm can be comparable to the Immortal Realm. Only then Completely transcend the old ways.

The golden ship that crossed the world not only knocked down the Luofu Taoist Master, but even the thousands of great Luo Futian Swords were inserted into the golden ship.

The golden key rotated, and the golden ship that crossed the world also rotated, turned sideways, and crashed into Yao Luo Supreme!

Supreme Yao Luo was shocked and angry, and hurriedly activated the Great Luo Futian Sword. Thousands of sword lights circulated, heading straight for Cuiyan!

The moment he attacked Xu promised on the green rock, the golden ship had already crushed him, Luofu Flesh, Dan Xuanzi, Dongshi, Huoling, Boshan, Yuanying and others, and hit the ground diagonally. !

Supreme Yaoluo roared angrily, held his hands against the golden boat of crossing the world, and said sternly: Gentlemen, don't give up, hold on!

Everyone roared again and again, using all their strength to support the golden ship of crossing the world with both hands to share the pressure of Supreme Yao Luo. Everyone worked together, but the golden ship of crossing the world was made by gathering all the skilled craftsmen of Longting in the ancient times to smelt the world's magic weapons and refine it. It has become a treasure that can cross the void of the universe.

At that time, the two foreigners from the outside world fought with the human race Qin Daoquan, the dragon race's Prime Minister Bi Yanhai, and several other great masters of the Eighth Dao Realm. They fought on this treasure ship, and it was still undamaged!

Yao Luo Supreme gritted his teeth and desperately resisted the crushing of the World-Transcending Golden Ship. He was distracted to control the Great Luo Futian Sword, thinking in his heart: As long as you kill the man sitting on the green rock, you can turn defeat into victory!

Now he is the strongest fighter among all, and all hopes are focused on him. This blow was the key blow for him to sacrifice the Great Luo Futian Sword, and he couldn't afford to miss it.


The Golden Ship crushed them and hit the ground. Everyone roared loudly. They were crushed and slid backwards, crashing into mountains and cracking mountains, stepping on seas and flat seas. They used all their strength to compete with the Golden Ship!

Their skin exploded all over their bodies, their eyes, ears, mouths and noses bleeded, and the energy and blood all over their bodies steamed up like blood clouds!

On the golden boat, the Great Luo Futian Swords were attacking Xu Ying one after another. The Ancestral God and the Holy Lord immediately took action, dragging their seriously injured bodies, and blocked most of the Great Luo Futian Swords, but there were still many Futian Swords that were attacking Xu Ying. .

Suddenly, Yuan Weiyang raised twenty-seven golden swords and faced the Great Futian Sword. The flying swords of both sides collided, flying like golden butterflies, but there were still as many as forty Futian Swords that passed through Yuan Weiyang's defense and came to many places. In front of you.

Xu Ying sat firmly on the green rock, suddenly stood up, and faced the forty-nine Futian Swords with his bare hands!

He has a graceful figure, moves like a swimming dragon, and uses the simplest and purest martial arts magical power to face these Futian Swords!

In an instant, the sky was full of figures. Looking from a distance, it looked like the promises of forty-nine warrior gods imprinted in the sky to meet these sword lights!

Clang clang clang clang!

A series of crisp sounds came, and the forty-nine Futian Swords were each hit at their weakest point, and fell one after another, forming a big circle around the green rock.

All the promises in the air were suddenly withdrawn and fell gently on the green rock.

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