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Chapter 639 Give them a bit of human shock (third update)


The faces of the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God changed. Each of these disciples was not weak in cultivation, and they had already awakened their minds. Some of them had even recovered some of their past memories!

During their lifetime, they were often in the seventh realm of the Tao, and were people at the level of Daluo Jinxian in the human world!

Thousands of Da Luo Jinxian came here quietly and lurked around them, without even them noticing!

This shows that these people must be proficient in Cuiyan Avenue to be able to integrate with the dark world so easily.

Of course, the Ancestral God has mastered the way of heaven in the dark world, and he should have seen every move of these warriors, but unfortunately he was seriously injured and his abilities were greatly damaged. He did not notice it until the Supreme Creation approached, let alone these people who are good at lurking in the darkness. It's a hit.

The Holy Lord's eyes fell on Old Man Jingming and Prince Ming, and he thought to himself: These two old men are very accomplished on the Cuiyan Avenue. They were able to force the Supreme Creation back. It seems that I underestimated them.

He took the promised letter and came to the Shiquan Dao Gate in the Dark World. Jing Ming and Ming Wangsun had been polite to him after receiving the letter. Although he realized that the two Huan masters were not weak in strength, after all, their cultivation was After being transformed, I didn't expect it to be much better.

Unexpectedly, these two people could join forces to fight against the Supreme Being!

These two people, plus so many people, when did Xu Ying gain such power in the human world?

If Xu Ying did not fight to the death with the Immortal Emperor, but chose to return to the human world, lead these warriors, and carry that piece of green rock, he would definitely be able to sweep through the Immortal World and sweep away all unmatched ones!

At that time, he didn't have the golden ship from the Three Realms to come back, and the Ancestral God was also chasing me in the human world, so he couldn't come back.

The Holy Lord said in his heart, This is his destiny, and he must have this calamity. But if there had been a ship at that time, he would have brought so many people back to the immortal world, and I am afraid he would have been able to change the dynasty!

Xu Ying was still practicing martial arts, and the servants were silent one by one. Only the branch-like textures on their bodies were flying in the wind, and they were crying.

These Huns were all strong men from the Dragon Court era. Thousands of years ago, Cuiyan came and they couldn't resist. They were transformed into Huans and died one after another.

Xu Ying came here, cracked the Cuiyan Avenue, taught it to them, and was kind to them in rebuilding it.

Now, after six or seven years of practice, their wisdom is gradually opening up, and they gradually remember some things from their previous lives, but they still remember Xu Ying, their benefactor.

After Xu Ying returned to the human world this time, he had already spread the news through the nearby slaves, asking them to notify Jing Ming, Ming Wangsun and others to come to rescue him.

In just a short moment, Xu Ying entered the cave abyss realm to practice martial arts. Once he came out of the cave abyss, it was extremely deep, with innate true energy flowing out continuously from the cave abyss.

And in the void of the cave abyss, as Xu Ying achieved great success in each of his martial arts powers, a brand of the God of War appeared in the void!

His cave abyss has been completed, his aura is getting stronger and stronger, and he actually wants to turn the golden elixir into a martial arts soul!

Xu Ying's Tianwu Zhengdao Lu was already very different from the original Tianwu Zhengdao Lu when he had cultivated to the Hidden Scenery Realm. Now that he has cultivated to the Cave Abyss Realm, the operation of his skills is even more different!

As his cultivation level gets higher and higher, the Tianwu Zhengdao Lu he activated is completely different from the original Tianwu Zhengdao Lu!

He is taking the new path of using force to prove the Dao!

Suddenly, the warriors surrounding the golden ship of the Crossing World stood up one by one and faced a figure in the void. The voice of Taoist Master Yuanying came from the darkness, sneering: How bold! How dare just a few warriors. Stop me? I don’t know whether to live or die!

Master Yuanying is in the wonderful land of Daluo. As soon as the Tao tree comes out and the Tao fruit hangs on the branches, you will see thousands of rays of rays of light shining in all directions!

The woman shouted loudly, and her consciousness exploded, carrying a huge amount of magic power. As she pushed her palms forward, the space and time in front of her rumbled, and the space of thousands of miles around was overturned by her magic power!

At this moment, the hundred or so monks fell down, pressed into the space that was lifted up, and pushed out with both hands. The magical power of the green rock exploded, and for a while, weeping poured out. Countless branch-like textures flew all over the sky, and Taoist Master Yuanying was actually thrown away. Press down with the force of your palm!

Taoist Master Yuanying groaned, but he saw that behind the hundred or so warriors, another hundred or so warriors rose into the air, and each pushed them out with their hands. It was also the magical power of Cuiyan!

She raised her hand to greet him, but she couldn't hold on anymore. The cry invaded the dojo, and countless branch-like textures passed by her. In an instant, the Tao tree withered, the Tao fruit dimmed, and the Tao flowers drifted.

Taoist Master Yuanying's mouth was bleeding, and the attacks from the third group of warriors followed. Taoist Master Yuanying took the blow hard and vomited blood. There was a loud bang behind him, and the Taoist tree was uprooted. Invasion of Cuiyan Avenue!

Taoist Master Yuanying took a deep breath and escaped before the soldiers surrounded them.

She was shocked and angry: Where did so many masters come from?

The Holy Lord and the Ancestral God looked at each other with awe.

The Holy Lord whispered: Did Xu Ying really come to the human world to rescue Girl Yuan from the tribulation? Does it require such a big battle to rescue Girl Yuan from the tribulation? Could it be that his purpose is to deal with Ming Zun and the others?

The Ancestral God said faintly: Perhaps he is here to kill you? Holy Lord, you were sent to the human world by just a few words from him. Your current condition is extremely bad. If Xu Ying attacks you at this time, you have some hope of survival. ?”

The Holy Lord's heart tightened, and he said with a pinched neck: Even if he wants to kill me, it's not that easy. Although I have been severely injured, if I fight to the death, I can take a few good friends with me on the road.

The Ancestor God smiled and said, What if you add me to the list?

The Holy Lord sneered: You are that good friend.

The ancestor god suddenly said loudly: Xu Ying, why don't you give the order yet?

This roar was like thunder, and could be clearly heard for thousands of miles around.

However, Xu Ying was so absorbed in cultivation that he seemed not to hear it.

After a while, the Ancestral God laughed and said: The Holy Lord must be quite scared, right?

The Holy Lord sneered and said nothing.

Seeing that he was not interested, the Ancestral God ran over to watch Yuan Weiyang comprehend the dark way of heaven, and gave advice from time to time. After a while, the Holy Lord also came over and pointed out Zheng Yuan Weiyang's mistakes in Tai Chi, Wu Ji, Tai Ying and other avenues with warm words.

The two of them have unfathomable and profound cultivation. The Holy Lord's Taoism is all-encompassing, and the Ancestral God's Taoism is the four realms of heaven. At this moment, Yuan Weiyang is guiding Yuan Weiyang's practice, which makes Yuan Weiyang feel flattered. He doesn't know why they are so kind to him.

But the two old foxes had their own plans, thinking: I am so good to Yuan Weiyang, Xu Ying shouldn't do anything to me, right?

Even the ancestral god felt a little worried. He and Xu Ying have a close relationship, but he has seen a lot of power struggles and betrayals in his life. What if Xu Ying is so ambitious that he thinks now is the best time to kill him?

After all, no single husband wants to have an ancestor god on his head.

Yuan Weiyang made rapid progress under the guidance of the two men. The Holy Lord helped her perfect the five great ways of Wuji, Taiji, Taicang, Taiying, and Taishang. The ancestral god taught her the dark way of heaven and the way of heaven in the human world. The things she taught were better than what Xu Ying studied. It goes much deeper!

Yuan Weiyang thought that he had perfected his cultivation in all realms. After their guidance, he realized that he still had a big gap, so he continued to practice hard.

Has her current level caught up with Xu's level back then? the Holy Lord asked.

The ancestor god shook his head: There is still a long way to go. This girl has a weak foundation, especially her soul is very weak. She is far from what she should be this year. I don't know why.

He didn't know that Zitong Yuanjun had made herself into an incarnation in order to hide it from the Immortal Emperor. In order to prevent the Immortal Emperor from suspecting, the Yuan Shen she left to Yuan Weiyang was so weak that Yuan Weiyang was born with lack.

She needs to practice with me for a period of time before she can reach the level she promised that year.

Zu Shen said, With her qualifications and understanding, it will take at least half a year.

The Holy Lord said calmly: If she practices with me, it may not take half a year to refine her soul into immortal spiritual light.

The Ancestral God smiled and said: Your soul also learned from me.

Suddenly, the two of them felt something, stopped bickering, and looked in the direction of Xu Ying. They saw Xu Ying standing in the void, with the Yuan Shen Realm emerging behind him, and the 12th floor of the building became extremely clear.

On the first floor of the twelve-story building, the golden elixir floated like a round egg, surrounded by chaos, exuding a soul-stirring throbbing.

The throbbing in the golden elixir became stronger and stronger, making both the Ancestral God and the Holy Lord a little confused: This is...

The golden elixir suddenly shattered, and Xu Ying's Yuan Shen burst out of the golden elixir. His breath surged, causing the chaos to open up and turn into black and yellow energy.

Xu Ying's soul grew crazily from the two black and yellow qi, getting higher and higher, holding up the sky, stepping on the ground, and radiating immortal light!

The Ancestral God and the Holy Lord couldn't help but be stunned. The promised soul had obviously been harvested, and the immortal true spirit had been harvested by the Immortal Emperor until only a little bit remained. It was really just a little bit as big as a dust particle.

However, by what means did Xu Ying regain his immortal soul?

And this way of cultivating the soul is very similar to the process of forming the ancestral god!

The Ancestral God is born with immortal spiritual light, the soul of the universe, and Xu Ying Yuan Shen breaks out of the chaos, holding up the form of black and yellow Qi, which is very similar to the birth of the Ancestral God!

From being harvested with only a little spiritual light left, to cultivating the ancestral god Yuanshen, this leap really shocked the two of them!

As soon as this soul came out, Xu Ying went straight to the nine realms without stopping and cultivated the martial arts Dongyuan to the ninth level. Every time the martial arts cave abyss improves to one level, the innate energy flowing out of the cave abyss doubles. When it reaches the ninth level, it is already 256 times that of the first level!

Martial Arts Dongyuan's improvement in his cultivation was huge!

By the time Xu Ying reached the Yaochi realm, most of the two ginseng fruits had been lost. When he reached the Six Paths realm, the two ginseng fruits were completely consumed and no longer existed.

What's weird is that in the abyss of Xu Ying's martial arts cave, there is a small sapling, which was transformed from one of the ginseng fruits.

I no longer cultivate the old Tao, so where can I find the Tao tree?

Xu Ying was surprised and looked at the sapling. This sapling seemed to be just an ordinary sapling, a young sapling with two or three leaves, and new branches and leaves were sprouting from the top.

Let's see how it grows.

Xu Ying withdrew his consciousness, walked down from the air, and whispered: If there are more ginseng fruits, I can upgrade martial arts to the level of a dojo or even a Taoist scene! Unfortunately, there are only these two ginseng fruits... …”

He came to Yuan Weiyang and asked: How long will it take for Weiyang to overcome the disaster?

Yuan Weiyang looked at the Ancestral God and said with a smile: At least half a year.


Xu Ying smiled slightly, took the golden key from her, and suddenly said loudly, Prince Ming, Sun Jingming, where is Cuiyan?

Jing Ming, the old man, quickly gave the order, but saw more than ten men jumping up carrying the boat-shaped piece of green rock and landing on the golden ship.

They put Cuiyan down and stepped back respectfully.

Old Man Jing Ming and Prince Ming Sun each flew up and landed in front of Cuiyan. They bowed and said, Master, please take a seat.

Xu Ying's clothes trembled, he came to the green rock, sat down cross-legged, and said: You all come to the boat.

The thousands of servants flew up one after another and landed in front of the green rock. They sat cross-legged, in neat formation, without saying a word. Only their breath made bursts of cries in the air.

Xu Ying looked around and said in a deep voice: My teacher suffered a big loss in the immortal world. He was plotted against by some despicable people and was seriously injured. Now that these despicable people have come to the human world, it's time to give them a little help. The world is shocked!”

He activated the golden key, and the huge golden ship was launched, sailing over the human world, with a full sense of oppression.

Find them and kill them!

Xu Ying's voice came and said in a deep voice, Holy Lord, please spread your breath and attract them to come!

The Holy Lord frowned slightly and thought to himself, Are you using me as bait?

He felt quite unhappy, but Xu Ying's momentum was too great now. If he didn't obey, Xu Ying would threaten him just like he threatened Xu Ying back then.

He spread out his aura and made his aura disappear and appear. The three people in the Six Wonders noticed it and came to take his life.

The Supreme Creation noticed the Holy Lord's aura from afar, and his expression suddenly changed: Holy Lord, you have actually started to lay traps? It's useless for you to be honored as a saint, it turns out you are also a treacherous Xiaoxiao!

He groaned, and the green rock avenue contained in the palms that Jing Ming and Ming Wangsun attacked him started to attack again. Last time, Xu Ying helped him resolve the branch-like texture accumulated over 600,000 years, but now Xu Ying would never be able to help him again!

The Supreme Creation calmed down his injuries and quietly chased towards the direction where the Holy Lord was emitting his aura.

Before he could reach the vicinity, a sudden and terrifying wave came, which was caused by the action of a supreme being. However, this place is a place shrouded by the dark heaven, and there are Dao Cries everywhere. Even if a supreme-level existence takes action, the power of its magical power or magic weapon will not be able to spread widely, and it will be corroded by Dao Cries.

It's the Fire Bell Fairy from the Twelve Wonders!

The Supreme Creation looked from a distance and saw a series of fire bells as big as the stars and the moon, hanging in the sky, tinkling, and attacking the golden ship that crossed the world.

He rushed there quickly, and the next moment, he saw the string of fire bells being beaten in all directions, a young woman's mouth was bleeding, and the gauze on her face was shattered, revealing her beautiful face. She was the twelve wonderful women. The ninth-ranked Fire Bell Fairy!

This woman's cultivation level is much inferior to that of the Supreme Being, and she does not have the Supreme Cave. As soon as she meets her, the fire bell, the most precious treasure of the wonderland, is held up by the magic power of Jing Ming and Ming Wangsun and cannot fall down.

Then she was besieged by thousands of warriors. She was not afraid of these warriors in single combat, but there were too many of them and they severely injured her in just a moment.

The Supreme Creation flew over and was immediately noticed by the old man Jing Ming. The two exchanged palms from afar, and Ming Wangsun's attack followed closely. The Supreme Creation vomited blood in his mouth, and activated the wheel of creation behind his head. The energy of creation suddenly filled the air, affecting the bones on the golden ship that crossed the world!

Many bones and flesh have transformed into flesh and blood, and they have to stand up!

Old man Jing Ming stopped and returned to Xu Ying like a whirlwind, wary of those bones with flesh and blood.

The Supreme Creation looked towards Xu Ying and saw Xu Ying sitting on the green rock, looking at him with an indifferent expression.

The Supreme Creation had a sudden thought and took the opportunity to flee with the Fire Bell Fairy, far away from the building ship.

The Fire Bell Fairy was severely injured, the Tao tree was broken, the Tao fruit was in the process of alienation, and the Supreme Creation was also more seriously injured. She thought to herself: We must quickly return to the world of heaven! No one dares to go there!

After two or three days, he finally came to the heaven on earth, surrounded by bright scenery and beautiful mountains and clear waters.

He had just put down the Fire Bell Fairy and was about to heal her when suddenly another person coughed up blood and the Taoist priest in his body transformed into bursts of gray mist, escaping from the dark heaven to the human heaven.

The Supreme Creation looked at the man and was shocked: Taoist Boshan, who ranks third among the Twelve Wonders, has also been tricked!

When Taoist Boshan saw the Supreme Creation and the Fire Bell Fairy, he hesitated and struggled towards them. At this moment, another person rushed into the world of heaven. He was covered in injuries. Every part of his body was constantly transforming. The path he practiced was also constantly transforming and disintegrating. It was obvious that his injuries were extremely serious!

Mr. Dongshi!

The three of them were shocked, Are you even injured?

Mr. Dongshi's breath was scattered, and his injuries suddenly broke out. He could not control his body. He rolled down from the air and hit the ground in an extremely embarrassed state.

At this time, Dan Xuanzi's weak voice came: Brother Creation Dao, why are you injured too?

The four of them looked around and saw that Dan Xuanzi's energy and blood were withered, gray mist was surrounding his body, and his Taoism was constantly changing. The situation was extremely bad.

Taoist Master Yuanying coughed up blood and rushed towards this side, his voice hoarse: That ship is a trap!

The six people were reunited, each with a bleak look on their face. There were three Liumei who entered the human world this time, and most of them were seriously injured at this moment!

The Supreme Creation said: Don't be nervous, everyone. This is the land of heaven on earth. Those who enter the territory of heaven on earth will suffer great losses in their cultivation and strength. They don't dare to chase after them!

As soon as he finished speaking, darkness suddenly came over the border, and the black mist kept rolling forward. In the black mist, a huge thing was coming towards us. It was the Golden Ship!

On the golden ship, the green rock infects the world of heaven, creating great darkness, rushing towards the Supreme Creation and others.

——Chapter 3, nearly 5,000 words long! I updated 13,500 words today. I’m exhausted. Brothers, please support me with monthly tickets~~

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