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Chapter 638 Who can compete with him?

Xu Ying rushed over and kicked the bone dragon to the ground: I have noticed something is wrong with you kid! You learn my martial arts, but when you use it, some moves are not my martial arts. It turns out that you can't hit me, but these days you You hit me several times! You are indeed secretly practicing other martial arts behind my back!

There was a sudden thought in the Holy Lord's heart: This white-bone dragon may be Bi Yanhai, the Prime Minister of Longting Heaven. You kick him like this and you don't want to live anymore?

Xu Ying beat the Bone Dragon with punches and kicks, and begged for mercy before letting it go and turning around to read the content on the stone wall.

He let out a sigh and his eyes shone. What was engraved on this jade turned out to be martial arts techniques from the Dragon Court era!

Today, martial arts skills have actually declined. The most powerful martial arts master is Emperor Wu Shenluo. For others, even Xiao Tianzun, martial arts is only one of the means of their cultivation. There are also means to improve their cultivation realm.

But even if Emperor Wu sinks, his Taoist practice is still in the exploratory stage.

And the martial arts skills on the jade can reach the eighth level of the Tao realm!

Xu Ying carefully studied the dragon characters on the jade wall. This technique should be translated as Tianwu Zhengdao Lu. It was a technique practiced by a great emperor of the dragon clan who used martial arts to realize the Dao.

Xu Ying identified the words on it one by one and gradually understood the great emperor's path of cultivation.

The Dragon Clan is born with a shortcut, and has many magical powers that they can understand from birth. They have a body that is comparable to the Monster Clan, and a wisdom that is comparable to the Human Clan. However, this martial arts emperor was cursed by the enemy because of his bloodline. He was unable to sense the great path after birth, and therefore became a low-level dragon.

He was unwilling to let his life decline and decided to take a different path. He decided to enter the human world and learn from the human race, which was still very weak at that time.

He worshiped martial arts masters from the human race as his teachers and followed the human race to practice martial arts.

At that time, practicing martial arts was something that only lower races like the human race could do. Dragons did not have martial arts, but I didn’t expect that this dragon actually found a unique path and used martial arts to prove the Tao, pushing martial arts to the eighth level!

As a result, he became the most powerful master of that era and even challenged the Dragon Emperor!

His technique is therefore called Tianwu Zhengdao.

Xu Ying looked at the moves on the jade biscuit and the movement path of the skills. He glanced at the White Bone Divine Dragon thoughtfully.

Although the founder of Tianwu Zhengdao was from the dragon race, his disciples of the martial arts were from the human race. The White Bone Dragon practiced martial arts with Xu Ying and felt that it was somewhat similar to the exercises on the stone wall, so he came over to learn them secretly, hoping to be able to Go beyond Xu Ying and beat Xu Ying hard.

But it didn't expect that Xu Ying was so smart that he could see through its tricks and follow it all the way and discover its secrets.

Martial arts can also be practiced to the eighth level of Dao. The martial arts aptitude of this Tianwu Emperor is really unparalleled. Fortunately, although he is from the Dragon Clan, his skills are based on the human skills.

Xu Ying's eyes were sharp. He lacked a skill that could directly reach the deep realm. He only relied on polishing his Qi day and night. He didn't know what year or month he would be able to cultivate the cave abyss.

However, Tianwu Zhengdao Lu is after all a technique from the Dragon Court era. It is different from today's cultivation system. Forcible cultivation can only follow the path of the Dao realm.

But Xu Ying is the ancestor of the new Taoism, and he created the path of Dongyuan, which is faster and stronger than the path of Taoism.

It's just that this Tianwu Zhengdao needs to be modified to make it suitable for Dongyuan...

He stared at the jade, suddenly raised his hand, and punched the bone dragon's head that had just gotten up, knocking it to the ground.

Xu Ying said calmly: Follow me to practice from now on. I will teach you the techniques on the stone wall, but you will be the first to give it to me if you get any benefits. Do you understand?

The White Bone Divine Dragon staggered up, squatted on all fours, and nodded hurriedly.

Xu Ying was very satisfied.

Seeing this scene from a distance, the Holy Lord couldn't help but shake his head and thought to himself: Is he really Bi Yanhai, the Prime Minister of Longting Tian? If he practices with Xu Ying and gradually unlocks the seal by himself, I don't know what will happen if he thinks of today's events. I won’t beat this kid to death…”

He thought for a while, Bi Yanhai was a being who could fight with adult aliens without dying, and his cultivation strength was probably at the level of Qin Daoquan.

Definitely! he said decisively.

Xu Ying then took the Bone Divine Dragon to practice Tianwu Zhengdao Lu openly. He needed to modify this technique to be more suitable for himself, but there was no need to do this when teaching it to the Bone Divine Dragon.

The White Bone Divine Dragon has no body and has no luck. Xu Ying thought of Master Zhong and taught it the method of Master Zhong to refine the false and turn it into the real, allowing it to control a breath of its own and move along the path of Tianwu's enlightenment.

In just a few days, the aura of the White Bone Divine Dragon became stronger and stronger, spinning around it, drilling in and out, like a white dragon, getting thicker and more agile!

Xu Ying also revised the Tianwu Zhengdao Record and finally started his own practice.

Along with the movement of Tianwu's enlightenment, the Tao power in the two ginseng Tao fruits seemed to suddenly have a channel to pour out, and the Tao power was constantly being refined!

Xu Ying used his fists and kicks, practiced simple martial arts moves, and at the same time used Tianwu to prove his way. His cultivation level suddenly increased. In just half a day, he completed the cultivation of the Five Immortal Mountains!

The torrents of true energy came in one after another, immersing his tail entrance like a tide, nourishing the disappeared entrance, nourishing the disappeared Tianshan Mountains, pouring into the Tianhe River, rushing towards the hidden scenery realm!

Thirteen realm projections appeared behind Xu Ying. Among them, between the hidden scenes, the first entrance and the Tianshan Tianhe River gradually became clearer and more eye-catching under the nourishment of the martial arts true energy!

For Xindao, the first entrance is just an attack pass and is no longer a realm, but the first entrance is still there after all.

The Immortal Emperor directly cut off his realm and cut it away, leaving Xu Ying with no path for his vitality to circulate. It can be said that he cut off the barrier to the great road.

Until today, Xu Ying has truly embarked on the path of spiritual practice again!

He kept taking steps and continued to use his martial arts supernatural powers. Suddenly, he jumped up, walked on the air, and struck out in the air, punching and kicking, causing thunder in the sky. When the move went too far, thunder was generated in the void, no. The magical power exerted by mana is better than the magical power exerted by mana!

Along with his fists and kicks, the extremely strong martial arts spirit actually formed phantoms all around, practicing different martial arts together with his body!

The martial arts moves that Xu Ying practiced were all different, including fists and kicks, swords, axes, spears and halberds, and all kinds of weapons.

Behind him, the Five Sacred Mountains flew up, and more and more Xu Ying appeared, using different martial arts powers to fight and kill each other, like a war god and a martial immortal, with fierce auras. Xu Ying was killed one after another for a while, They were severely injured, died one by one, and returned to the spirit of martial arts!

The Holy Lord and the Ancestral God were shocked by this scene, and they looked up one after another, but saw that with countless promises fighting on the Five Mountains, corpses falling like rain, a strange Tao power was gradually forming, with the Five Mountains as the core, Forming the shape of a cave!

This is the sign of Xu Ying condensing the hidden scene!

Seeing this scene, the Holy Lord said slowly: He is already the ancestor of the new way. Mingzun is still incompetent and failed to completely eradicate the ancestor of the new way. The consequences are endless.

Although Xu Ying told him about the Battle of Tianyuan, he did not mention his creation of a new path. However, the Holy Lord is knowledgeable and saw that he had cultivated a new realm that he had never seen before so quickly, so he knew that Xu Ying's new way had been completed, and he must be the ancestor of the new way.

The Ancestral God's eyes fell on him, and he saw that the Holy Lord's face was as usual, showing no joy or anger, and said: Facing the new way, is the Holy Lord filled with murderous intent or ecstatic?

The Holy Lord said: I have been studying the new way in this life, so I naturally hope that the new way will succeed. However, I also know that the ancestor of the new way will definitely not be under my control, and may even threaten my rule in the future, so I hope that he will die in the hands of others.

You are so evil. Ancestral God couldn't help but say.

The Holy Lord said: If anyone does not care for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth. I only think about myself.

Ancestor God said: Since you sit on the highest position in the immortal world, you should not only think about yourself. You represent heaven, the immortal world, and all living beings.

The Holy Lord smiled and said: Goddess Ancestor, don't use your moral theories to restrain me. If I am restrained by benevolence, righteousness and morality, it will be difficult for me to reach the ultimate state of the Tao. My Taoist heart is strong and will never change, and you cannot shake it.

The ancestor god no longer persuades.

The two people's eyes fell behind Xu Ying, and they saw that Xu Ying's martial arts cave was completed, and it was magnificent. Hundreds of martial arts Xu Ying's shadows were fighting each other in the cave, deducing martial arts!

And from that cave, martial arts true energy surged out, impacting the golden elixir realm, nourishing the cut off sea of ​​water and fire, and condensing the elixir cauldron!

What a fast speed! Ancestor God couldn't help shouting.

The Holy Lord said: This is because all his realms are still there, but the realms are empty, and the fruits of his practice have been harvested. Now we only need to re-pouring these realms!

Zu Shen said: It's just that this time, he didn't use his vitality to build these realms, but his martial arts true energy. His martial arts true energy is definitely not the normal martial arts true energy. I have never seen any vitality that can resist Tao Weeping. , no vitality of heaven and earth can do it, only his martial arts true energy can.

After what he said, the Holy Lord also discovered something strange. He is a great expert in Taoism and is proficient in all kinds of Taoism. He has simulated countless Taoist fruits and countless Taoist scenes in the Daming Palace. But in the face of Dao's crying, no Dao can resist it, and it will soon be transformed.

However, Xu Ying's martial arts energy seemed to be unafraid of transformation!

Martial arts is extremely primitive. His martial arts true energy must be a kind of primitive heaven and earth vitality. It may not be superior to the innate Qi, Taichu Qi and other vitality. Shengzun said.

The Ancestral God nodded slightly. In just a few moments of their conversation, Xu Ying had already cultivated the golden elixir of martial arts, condensed the disappearing second profound entrance, and rushed towards the Cave Abyss Realm!

This level of cultivation really shocked these two supreme beings!

The Holy Lord said: It's not that martial arts is too strong, but that the power of his two ginseng Tao fruits is too strong! Previously, he had been unable to stimulate the medicinal power of the Tao fruits, but now the medicinal power has exploded, causing his martial arts true energy to skyrocket. !”

Ancestor God nodded and said: Your guesses are all correct, but they are still outrageous.

The Holy Lord nodded slowly.

The Tianwu Enlightenment Record that Xu Ying practiced was really ridiculously powerful, which is why the medicinal power of the ginseng fruit was transformed so quickly!

However, Xu Ying is the ancestor of the new Taoism. He created each realm by himself and verified it himself, so he can control the medicinal power of the ginseng Tao fruit so easily. Otherwise, if it had been anyone else, the medicinal power would have long since passed away, the Dao power would have collapsed, and they would not be able to utilize much.

At this moment, Ancestor God suddenly felt something in his heart and whispered: Someone is coming!

When the Holy Lord heard his voice, he felt something and hurriedly followed the Qi machine. After a while, he saw a ray of light shining from the darkness, shining on the golden ship hidden in the black clouds. !

The light contained strange power and illuminated the golden ship. However, many keel bones on the ship were rattling, and flesh and blood proliferated on the ship, as if it was about to be resurrected from the dead!

Creation Supreme Yin Yuan!

The faces of the Ancestral God and the Holy Lord changed. Both of them were no strangers to the Supreme Being. Before the Xindao Immortal Court was established, there were six supreme beings, Qingxuan ranked first, Shengzun second, and Creation third.

The Supreme Creation ranked second to the Holy Lord, and it once put great pressure on the Holy Lord!

The Supreme Being of Creation has arrived, and I'm afraid the worst will happen to us.

The Ancestral God said to the Holy Lord, You and I are both old people, so we should not drag Xu Daozu into trouble and have a life-or-death showdown with the Supreme Being. What do you think?

The Holy Lord sneered and said: God Ancestor, you have a good plan. If I die, I cannot be resurrected, but you are the soul of the universe and cannot die at all. If I agree, I will be the one who loses my life. But...

He changed the subject and said calmly: The Supreme Creation can threaten me, that was six hundred thousand years ago. For me today, even if I am seriously injured, even if I am transformed, I can still guarantee that I will not die. In his hands!

The two of them were filled with fighting spirit, each staggered towards the side of the boat, took a breath, and prepared to fight to the death with the Supreme Creation!

The two of them had to take action, because if they didn't take action, if Xu Ying or Yuan Weiyang were killed, it would be impossible for them to return to their peak state!

Suddenly, the Wheel of Creation paused, and the voice of the Supreme Creation came from the darkness, saying leisurely: How are you two fellow Taoists?

The Ancestral God and the Holy Lord were awe-inspiring: He has already seen us!

The voice of the Supreme Creation came again: ...You two, we have always been in harmony with each other, and we have always been in peace. Today, are you going to fall out with me because of a kid I have been with for half a year? Yin, what are you afraid of? ?”

The Ancestral God and the Holy Lord were a little confused, not knowing what he was talking about.

Suddenly, there was a terrifying supernatural power throbbing in the darkness, sweeping through the mountains and forests, destroying the mountains and rivers!

Vaguely, the Ancestral God and the Holy Lord saw two tall figures facing the Supreme Creation. Although Cuiyan's magical power was rough, it was so powerful that it even suppressed the Supreme Creation!

This battle was extremely short. Within a few moves, the Supreme Creation was at a disadvantage. After receiving a blow from the two powerful Huanhua warriors, he turned around with a muffled groan and disappeared into the darkness.

The two powerful warriors each converged their strange limbs formed by branch-like textures. One turned into a tall old man, and the other turned into a bird-headed monster. They each stood in the air, bowed to the golden ship of crossing the world and said: Master, disciple Jingming ( Ming Wangsun), help is late.

stand up.

Xu Ying's voice came from above the Ancestral God and the Holy Lord. They looked up and saw that Xu Ying was still practicing martial arts in the air.

Master is seriously injured and needs to practice martial arts to recuperate. You will protect the safety of this ship. Xu Ying's voice passed down.

Old servant Jing Ming and Prince Ming each bowed, and at the same time thousands of voices came from the darkness, overlapping together: Respect the decree of the law.

The Ancestral God and the Holy Lord looked over hurriedly, but saw countless servants cultivating human form hiding in the dark, bowing one after another to pay homage to Xu Ying!

————Chapter 2 is here! Third update on liver removal!

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