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Chapter 637 The Fourth Waste on the Ship (First Update)

The Holy Lord and the Ancestral God were each startled: This voice is...

The figure of a young man appeared on the golden ship and caught the eyes of the two supreme beings.

Promise? Both of them were startled.

Both the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God are no strangers to Xu Ying. Xu Ying is considered to be half a disciple of the ancestor god and the heir to the mantle. The Holy Lord summoned Xu Ying and asked about the secrets of Cuiyan Avenue and Dao Weeping.

The reason why the Holy Lord came to the human world was because Xu Ying told him that there was a piece of green rock here, and he also wrote a letter of introduction for him, allowing him to enter the Shiquan Dao Sect to practice.

However, the luck of these two supreme beings is not very good.

At that time, Qingxuan, Shengzun and others teamed up to severely injure the Ancestral God, causing it to languish for 600,000 years. This time the Ancestral God sought revenge and wanted to kill the Holy Lord. The Holy Lord wanted to prove his cultivation strength over the years, but both of them were seriously injured.

The Holy Lord was more seriously injured, and he encountered a being like Lu Yiren. As a result, his injuries were worsened. The ancestor god came to kill him, and he also encountered Lu Yiren, so that he was also severely injured.

The two of them were surprised and happy. Meeting Xu Ying was a lifeline for them. Xu Ying was proficient in Cuiyan Avenue. Although his attainments were not as good as that of the mysterious Lu Yiren, he was already the most accomplished being at present!

Promise can heal our Dao injuries, and our recovery speed will definitely be greatly accelerated! The two of them thought at the same time.

Xu Ying also noticed them, and felt a burst of ecstasy in his heart: Ancestral God! Holy Lord! God is so pitiful that I met them here! With their help, I will definitely be able to heal from the wounds left by the harvest! My cultivation strength You can also return to your peak!”

Xu Ying took these two ancient beings to the golden boat to transcend the world. The Holy Lord and the Ancestral God couldn't help but be extremely shocked when they saw that his cultivation was completely gone, all realms were completely cut off, and there were still wounds all over his body.

Xu Ying couldn't help but be horrified when he saw the two of them turned into old men.

The three of them felt sorry for each other and looked at each other with emotion.

Yuan Weiyang interrupted them, worried and asked: Who was the person I killed just now?

A Daluo Miaojing, whose Taoist name is Danxuanzi. He was born in the Dousita Palace of Lihentian. He is a disciple of Taiqing Taoist Ancestor.

The Holy Lord said, Dan Xuanzi formed the Lihen Rebel Army, proclaimed himself emperor, and called himself Dan Emperor. He alone has an army of millions, and is extremely powerful, ranking fifth among the Twelve Wonderful Realms. His attainments in formations are poor. Some, otherwise the ranking would be higher.”

Zu Shen said: Don't worry, girl Yuan, you didn't kill him. It's really difficult to kill a Daluo Miaojing. Let's leave here as soon as possible. In addition to Dan Xuanzi, there are also Zaixuan, Mingzun, Luofu and others here. , it won’t be long before they find this place.”

Upon hearing this, Yuan Weiyang immediately controlled the golden ship to leave this place and found another safe place. He asked curiously: Grandpa Ancestor God, do you recognize me?

Xu Ying smiled and said: Don't call him grandpa, ancestor god, or teacher. I am his disciple, so don't elevate his seniority.

The Ancestral God glanced at him and said displeasedly: I did not accept you as a disciple. Yuan Yatou, all the places in the heavenly realm are under my gaze, so I recognize you.

The Holy Lord asked: Xu Ying, were you harvested? When did it happen?

Xu Ying talked about his battle with the Immortal Emperor. When the Ancestral God heard that the Immortal Emperor decided that the place for the decisive battle was Tianyuan, he couldn't help but sigh. After Xu Ying finished speaking, he said: Tianyuan is the place of burial. The earth, the avenue of heaven and earth is buried here, and it is also one of the few places that my eyes cannot reach. He chose to fight you there in order to hide it from me.

The Holy Lord said: Mingzun has a deep mind and has already anticipated all kinds of consequences. He has a response plan. It is inevitable that you will be harvested by him.

Xu Ying was quite dissatisfied: I am still sure of defeating him. It's just that my first life interfered and I fell short.

The Holy Lord shook his head and said: If you have this kind of mentality, even if your cultivation level recovers and you meet Ming Zun again, you will still be defeated. Since the establishment of the New Immortal Realm, the six twelve gods have been almost completely destroyed, and he, a junior, is laughing. This is evident from the fact that he is so proud. Do you think he really didn’t hide his strength when he fought you in a decisive battle?

Xu Ying frowned slightly.

The Holy Lord said: He got the fragment of the distant ancestor of Longting, but it was never revealed. Even if you had the chance to kill him at that time, you would never be able to kill him. He left the fragment of the distant ancestor's spirit and has not moved it for a long time. The purpose is not Not against you, but against allies such as Creation and Danxuan. But if you push him to that point, he will also use it.

Xu Ying felt awe-struck in his heart. The Immortal Emperor had indeed collected some fragments of Dalong's soul, but he had indeed not used them during the fight with him!

I've been taught a lesson. He bowed.

You two, can you cure my Tao injury? Xu Ying asked.

The Holy Lord and the Ancestral God looked at each other and sighed. Ancestor God said: If my cultivation is still there, I can replenish your soul and recreate the immortal true spirit.

The Holy Lord said: You have been harvested from the foundation of the Dao, but my secret method of changing your destiny can make your various realms grow back. But the requirements for mana are relatively high...

Now that their injuries are so serious, it is difficult for them to protect themselves, let alone change their fate for Xu Ying to defy heaven and create an immortal true spirit?

The Holy Lord cheered up and said: If you can heal the wounds left by Cuiyan Avenue for us, we can quickly recover to the peak, and we can heal you...

At this point, he could no longer speak.

Xu Ying was harvested like a blank slate, and he definitely did not have enough cultivation strength to heal their Dao injuries. If their wounds are not healed, they will not have enough power to heal Xu Ying.

This is a dead end.

Xu Ying had no choice but to put the matter aside first, and then asked: Two seniors, why did you end up in this situation?

The Holy Lord told about his encounter with Lu Yiren. When Xu Ying heard the words, he was surprised and said: A tall master who is proficient in the magical power of the Cuiyan Avenue? He has practiced six supreme avenues and obtained the six supreme caves?

The Holy Lord nodded and said: He calls himself Lu Yiren. He studied Cuiyan together with Emperor Haotian, and said that Emperor Haotian realized the enlightenment of Taiyi from him. On the murals in his palace, there is also a picture of him offering sacrifices to Cuiyan in the earthly immortal world. Situation. After Cuiyan left the Earthly Immortal Realm, Dao Cry broke out and destroyed the ancient era. Therefore, I suspect that Dao Cry back then was not an emergency, but a conspiracy!

Ancestor God said: His cultivation level is extremely powerful, and he is not weaker than my peak.

Xu Ying took out the golden book left by Qin Daoquan, the historian of Longting, and said, Please read it, both of you.

The ancestor god read through it roughly, frowned, and handed the golden book to the holy lord. As the Holy Master continued reading, his brows furrowed more and more tightly.

That is to say, there were three pieces of green rock back then, one in the human world and one in the earthly immortal world, so the other one should have fallen into the heavenly world.

The Holy Lord thought, This Lu Yiren is most likely the alien child from the other side who did not die back then. The green rock hit the human world, broke the aura of the river, exterminated the Qi Refiners in the human world, changed the avenue of heaven and earth, and formed a dark world. That one Foreign children can only survive in this kind of place.

The ancestor god said in confusion: If Cuiyan comes from the other side, then what is the purpose of the strangers from the other side throwing the three pieces of Cuiyan? If they want to exterminate us, why do they leave Cuiyan Avenue and Cuiyan Kung Fu on Cuiyan? If they come To teach us more exquisite Taoism, why do you want to exterminate the Dragon Court and the ancient era?

Even though he is the oldest god in the world, he can't figure out the reason here.

Dan Xuanzi moved quickly, and suddenly he spat out blood and fell from the sky. The darkness of heaven that permeated the human world suddenly began to invade, causing his body to transform!

Dan Xuanzi looked pale. The collision of the golden ship only injured him a little, but the key was that the two unreasonable ones, the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God, had destroyed most of him with two palms.

Go to the other half of the human world to recuperate first...

Just when he thought of this, a vast spiritual consciousness suddenly came over, swept over him, and suddenly focused on him.

Dan Xuanzi felt awe-inspiring, took a deep breath, and straightened his back.

The next moment, a powerful aura in the darkness approached quickly, stopped in front of him, and said in surprise: Emperor Dan, are you injured?

It turns out to be Brother Yuanying.

Dan Xuanzi breathed a sigh of relief and said, I found the traces of the Ancestral God and the Holy Lord, and fought with them for three hundred rounds. I didn't expect that they were careless and actually ambush a large ship to hit me. I was unaware of it and was killed by these two Injured by people.”

The figure walked out of the darkness. She was a woman with gray hair. She was Taoist Master Yuanying of Daluo Miaojing among the six twelve wonders.

Although this woman is a woman, she is extremely violent and is also the leader of the rebel army that overthrew Ziwei Immortal Court.

Taoist Master Yuanying looked at Dan Xuanzi up and down, and said with a half-smile, You can actually fight them for three hundred rounds?

Dan Xuanzi's expression did not change, and he said: These two people are already dead trees and dead water. Fighting with them for three hundred rounds is not a hero. However, they have a ship, which is very big and heavy. Dao Brother Yuanying must Be careful.

Taoist Master Yuanying's eyes flashed, he really wanted to kill Dan Xuanzi now and eliminate an opponent for himself in the future.

When Qingxuan was alive, the six twelve gods could still cooperate, but after Qingxuan's death, they became a mess, fighting to the death for power.

There is also a bad relationship between Taoist Master Yuanying and Dan Xuanzi. If she can seize the opportunity to kill each other, she will definitely be willing to take action.

Dan Xuanzi said quietly: Brother Taoist, the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God are not dead yet.

Taoist Master Yuanying chuckled and quietly disappeared into the darkness.

Dan Xuanzi stood frozen on the spot, not moving for a long time, not daring to relax at all. After a long time, he stood up, still taking a defensive posture, and moved quietly towards the direction of heaven and earth.

Taoist Master Yuanying came to the place where Dan Xuanzi was injured, and suddenly noticed another breath coming. His heart moved slightly, and he hid in the darkness without appearing.

I saw a huge wheel of creation passing by in the darkness, shaped like a jade plate returning to the Dao, constantly shining all around. Wherever the wheel of creation shines, I can see the evolution of Taoism in the space, and it actually derives the general shape of a golden ship to cross the world. .

The Wheel of Creation suddenly flew up with another roar, shining uncertainly all the way, and flew into the darkness.

The Supreme Creation! He has been hiding in the dark world for so long, so he must be very familiar with this place. The person who can track down the Ancestral God and the Holy Lord will definitely be him!

Taoist Master Yuanying thought of this and quietly followed the wheel of creation.

At this time, Taoist Master Yuanying sensed several other vague auras in the darkness, and thought to himself: Besides me, there should be others who are also tracking the Supreme Creation, and use him to find the Ancestral God and the Holy One. !”

The Golden Ship is a building used by the Dragon Clan to rush out of the universe to find the other side. It is extremely fast and silent. It carries them through most of the human world and quietly stops in the sky of the human world, like a thick dark cloud. .

On the building boat, the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God watched Yuan Weiyang cultivate hard and understand the dark way of heaven, and each nodded quietly.

In just two days, Yuan Weiyang's attainments in the Dark Heavenly Way have advanced by leaps and bounds, and it won't be long before he can overcome the calamity and ascend!

What we lose is what we gain in the east. Xu Ying is dead, and this girl is our last straw.

The Holy Lord praised, If her attainments on the green rock are even higher, she can try to heal our wounds.

The Ancestral God was also full of joy and said: She is talented and intelligent. As long as she practices here for a year and a half, she will probably be able to understand the immortal soul and lay the foundation for the supreme realm.

Not far from Yuan Weiyang is the Cuiyan Building Ship. Xu Ying honed his martial arts on that ship, every move was precise and clear.

It was difficult to make progress in martial arts practice. Although Xu Ying practiced hard day and night and had two ginseng fruits, his progress was still not rapid.

On the other hand, the white-bone dragon accompanied Xu Ying to practice martial arts day and night, fighting fiercely, and gradually gained mana, with dragon patterns appearing all over his body.

The Holy Lord did not look at Xu Ying, but his eyes fell on it from time to time, showing surprise, and whispered: There is something strange about this white-bone dragon. Even great masters like Qin Daoquan died and died together with strangers. It Why can it survive? Moreover, it seems that it still has its sanity.

The ancestor god's eyes fell on Xu Ying, thoughtfully, but did not speak.

The Holy Lord said: Moreover, Girl Yuan said that the golden key to control this ship is hung on its neck. How precious is this golden key? How can it be placed on the dragon with the lowest cultivation level? It should be placed on the highest cultivation level. It’s just right for the Dragon Immortal! Moreover, there is something wrong with its martial arts training process, its cultivation has improved too fast!”

Ancestor God wondered: There is indeed something wrong. Even Yuan Yatou can't board that ship. How can Xu Ying with such little Qi resist the assimilation of the Cuiyan Tower ship?

The Holy Lord's eyes flashed and he said: I suspect that this white-bone dragon should be Bi Yanhai, the prime minister of Longting who was in charge of this ship in the golden book! Bi Yanhai must have practiced the secret method and be able to make himself Preserve your sanity in dangerous situations! He was probably injured in a confrontation with two strangers, and his cultivation level was greatly damaged, so he sealed himself! Although he was transformed, he still retains a certain degree of thinking ability.

Zu Shen said: His martial arts is absorbing the energy of two ginseng Tao fruits, and the refining Tao fruits are true energy! The martial arts true energy he has developed is definitely weird!

The Holy Lord said: When Bi Yanhai is in danger, he must seal all his consciousness in his head or his own magic weapon. As long as he finds this thing, he can be awakened! Then we will have an extra big one. Master!

Just when he thought of this, he saw the White Bone Divine Dragon fighting with Xu Ying again, one person and one dragon, fighting each other with fists and kicks. He didn't know what the grudge was, but the White Bone Divine Dragon always wanted to attack Xu Ying.

The White Bone Divine Dragon's moves were strange and extremely fierce, but after all, they were not as good as Xu Ying's flawless golden body. After a while, Xu Ying had four legs of the White Bone Divine Dragon broken.

The White Bone Divine Dragon crawled off the Cuiyan Tower Boat as a pupa to look for a suitable leg bone.

The Holy Lord frowned slightly.

Even if Longting Tian Prime Minister Bi Yanhai is still alive, he is probably a useless master. Like both of them, they are useless and useless.

Suddenly, Xu Ying jumped off the Cuiyan building and stalked the Bone Dragon.

The Holy Lord and the Ancestral God were also very curious and followed him furtively.

The White Bone Divine Dragon picked up the leg bones in the battlefield and installed them on himself. Then he looked around, tiptoed, and quietly came to a dragon mansion.

Xu Ying followed him on tiptoes, and the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God followed him on tiptoes. They saw the white-bone dragon arrived in the mansion, pointing and drawing on a jade wall, as if he was practicing the moves on the jade wall. .

Xu Ying suddenly jumped out and shouted: I knew you were practicing secretly behind my back!

The Bone Dragon was trembling with fear, and its bones collided with each other, making a rattling sound.

————First update

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