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Chapter 636: Hitting someone, hitting the remaining blood

Five years have passed, and A Ying's whereabouts have still not been found.

Xu Jing was carrying Yingzhou Dongyuan on his back, covered in dust, still searching for traces of Xu Ying. His hair is gray and he looks very old. Five years have passed since the Battle of Tianyuan. In the past five years, he has been traveling to one place after another, looking for Xu Ying's whereabouts.

That day, when Xu Ying was about to sink into the eye of the sea, Roaring Sky Dog carried Xu Ying's body and fled. Since then, there has been no news.

In this battle, Xu Ying was defeated and fell short of success. Demon Ancestor, Empress Ziwei, Lord Xuhuang Daojun and others did not dare to fight and went back.

Immortal Emperor Mingzun had no time to chase them because he had to refine the realms and Taoist scenes he had cut off from Xu Ying. The Supreme Creation and others rushed to the ancestral court, but were blocked by the mysterious and powerful man in Wangxiang Taichung.

The two sides looked at each other from a distance, and the Supreme Creation did not make any move. He only said: Lu Daozun.

Both sides retreated, and a brief peace was achieved.

Xu Jing did not continue to be a Dou Bu Tianzun in Xianting. With the help of the Goddess, he searched for Roaring Sky Dog and Xu Ying, but achieved little in the past five years.

In the Yingzhou Cave Abyss, there are immortals from Penglai taking care of Lan Suying, Yuan Tiangang and Fairy Gushe. The physical souls of these three people are still alive and breathing, but there is no consciousness in their bodies.

Over the past five years, the goddess had calculated countless hexagrams, which showed that Xu Ying was dead, but she did not tell Xu Jing this, only that Xu Ying was still alive.

She couldn't figure out Xu Ying, the dead person, but she could still figure out the Roaring Sky Dog, but for some reason, the Roaring Sky Dog disappeared and had no fixed place.

This dog actually ran for five years without stopping!

The goddess had been counting for five years, and Xu Jing had been chasing him for five years, but she just couldn't catch up with him!

We will definitely catch up with him this time! Don't worry, Mr. Xu Tianzun, I have calculated his escape route. Let's wait in front! said the goddess.

Xu Jing followed her instructions and came to the so-called escape route to wait. After two or three days, the roaring dog still didn't come. Just as he was getting anxious waiting, a huge head suddenly poked out from the sky, swallowing the sun and moon. Thunder and fire rolled around the head, biting down!

And below, there is an old Taoist with a short stature, who is the incarnation of Daluo Miaojing Danxuanzi.

Although this old Taoist is an external incarnation, his strength is extremely powerful, and his magic power is extremely powerful. He shakes his sleeves, and the sleeves rotate, getting bigger and bigger, like a black hole that swallows everything, and welcomes the Roaring Heavenly Dog, even more powerful than the Roaring Heavenly Dog. Her mouth was even bigger, as if she wanted to put him into her sleeve.

Xu Jing went forward without thinking, and when Dan Xuanzi's incarnation caught a glimpse of him coming to kill him, he couldn't help but sneer: A junior who has been played by Ming Zun, and the techniques he practices are all Ming Zun's traps, is he worthy of fighting with me?

He freed up a hand to meet Xu Jing, but the next moment, landscape paintings filled the sky. When Dan Xuanzi's incarnation saw this, his face changed drastically, and he cried out: The ruler of mountains and rivers is as big as the sky? Why is it in your hand?

He didn't care about dealing with the Roaring Sky Dog and immediately jumped into the air to dodge, but the Zhangtian Ruler, which was said to be a sure hit, hit him on the back of the heart with a snap, beating him until he vomited blood.

He was horrified and was about to run away, but unexpectedly, the Roaring Sky Dog jumped out, bit his calf, and bit off the leg with a snap.


Xu Jing raised another foot and hit him on the forehead. Dan Xuanzi's brain exploded and he died unexpectedly.

Even to his death, he did not understand why the Ruler of Mountains, Waters, and Heaven fell into Xu Jing's hands.

Xu Jing put away the Zhangtian Ruler and quickly said to the big black dog: Xiaotian, where is Ying'er?

The big black dog has been avoiding the pursuit of Dan Xuanzi's incarnation for these years. He has escaped for countless worlds and is finally free today. He knew that Xu Jing was Xu Ying's father, so he hesitated and said, Follow me.

He led Xu Jing to the Yuanshou world and found the cemetery where he buried Xu Ying. He said: My second brother had no chance of survival, so I buried him here. I was worried that those bad guys would destroy his life. The corpse, so it led away the incarnation of Dan Xuanzi... Hey, wait a minute, where did the corpse in the tomb go?

Only then did the big black dog notice that the tomb was cracked, as if something was crawling out of the tomb!

Second brother faked the corpse? He was shocked.

Xu Jing's expression was dull, and suddenly he was ecstatic. He couldn't help but burst into tears. He choked and said to the goddess: Senior Sister Feng has a clever plan, and my wife is far inferior to you. I am completely convinced now!

The Goddess's face remained unchanged, looking enigmatic, but she was muttering in her heart: Is Xu Ying really still alive? But I obviously calculated the death divination, and he is already dead!

At this time, the sky darkened. Roaring Sky Dog, Xu Jing and others looked up and saw an extremely huge ship tearing apart the sky of the Earthly Immortal Realm and descending on Yuanshou!

The scale of the building ship was astonishing, thousands of miles long, with huge buildings and magnificent architecture. The hull of the ship hung upside down, and the buildings pointed directly to the ground, heading towards the divine capital.

After the ship sailed out of the void, they saw that the hole left behind the ship was slowly healing, and at the other end of the hole was the realm of Taixu!

That ship is a building ship in the realm of Taixu!

Xu Jing recognized this ship and said in surprise, When I was practicing in Yingzhou, I often saw this ship passing over Yingzhou! But, why did this ship escape from the realm of Taixu?

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were on the World-Transcending Golden Boat at this time, and the World-Transmitting Golden Boat was sailing towards the divine capital in a leisurely manner. Yuan Weiyang floated above the golden ship, and the golden key floated in front of her.

This golden key is the centerpiece of the golden ship that transcends the world, and is the magic weapon to control this ship.

When controlling the golden ship, you only need to pour mana into the golden key. The tip of the key moves slowly, and the entire huge golden ship also moves slowly along with it.

The golden key rose slightly, and the golden ship of crossing the world also slowly tilted the bow a little, and then suddenly accelerated, picking up speed very quickly!

When the key is released steadily, the acceleration of the Golden Ship will stop and move forward at a constant speed. The tip of the key sank, and the bow of the golden ship sank slightly, then slowed down. Turn the key to the left and the golden ship will turn to the left. Turn the key to the right and the golden ship will turn to the right.

Because Xu Ying does not have any magic power, the only one who can control the golden ship is Yuan Weiyang.

They returned to Yuanshou from Taixu Realm this time, mainly to send Xiaobo back to Yuanshou Divine Capital, because there were cries everywhere on the Golden Ship, and the human world was also full of cries, so it was difficult for Xiaobo to survive.

At this time, Xu Ying was practicing his martial arts skills over and over again on the boat, invigorating his energy and blood. He had developed a habit of practicing several times whenever he had time.

The white-bone divine dragon lifted his head with one claw and placed it on his neck. He watched Xu Ying's postures and movements and imitated them in a decent manner.

Xu Ying was so immersed in the practice that suddenly the energy of the Five Aggregates emerged from the Immortal Mountain, and the energy of the Five Yuans turned towards the Yuan, turning into his first ray of vitality in the past five years!

He stood frozen on the spot, a great joy welling up in his heart, and he wanted to shout and vent the bitterness of these days.

However, he stood there quietly, with only two lines of tears falling from his eyes.

The first ray of newly born vitality nourished his body, flowing from the first realm to the thirteenth realm, circulating for a week.

This ray of vitality is not the Qi of Taiyi, nor the Qi of Hongmeng, nor the vitality of heaven and earth. It is also different from the innate Qi of Ruyi Daluotian.

It is just a martial arts true energy, but it is not inferior to the innate Qi, the vitality of heaven and earth, nor is it inferior to the Qi of Hongmeng and Taiyi!

This energy is extremely tough, with a primitive power and full of wildness!

This ray of true energy even began to intrude on the wounds in his wounds, constantly consuming the alien power in the wounds!

This ray of true energy is so weak, yet so powerful. The alien powers in Xu Yingdao's wounds are all left by supreme beings. This weak ray of true energy can actually compete with them. It is really unusual!

It took Xu Ying five years to develop this ray of true energy from scratch, and he finally saw the light of day!

The Five Sacred Mountains begin to produce true energy, and my cultivation speed will become faster and faster. When I have mastered the martial arts golden elixir, the martial arts soul, and the martial arts cave abyss, I can work hard to regain those lost realms. Back to the peak! No, stronger than at the peak!

Just when he thought of this, Xiaobo's voice suddenly came from the stern of the ship: Yingzhou! Yingzhou Dongyuan!

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he jumped as fast as he could, quickly arriving at the stern of the ship. I saw many chains hanging on the stern of the golden ship. These chains were connected to smaller fairy ships. Xiaobo was standing on one of the fairy ships, pointing down and shouting to Xu Ying: I saw Yingzhou Dongyuan!

Xu Ying looked down and saw the extremely familiar Yingzhou Dongyuan!

This place is... the hilltop where I was buried! Weiyang, stop the boat, stop the boat quickly! Xu Ying said loudly.

Xu Jing, Roaring Sky Dog and others watched the World-Transcending Golden Ship go away. Suddenly, the giant ship stopped, then slowly turned and flew towards them.

Everyone was shocked and confused. At this moment, a handsome young man descended from the sky, wrapped in a strong scent of incense, and landed in front of them.

The young man was much taller than five years ago, his face was a little wider, and his complexion was slightly darker, but not as dark as before, and he was already handsome.


Xu Jing was surprised and happy. He rushed forward and hugged the young man tightly. For a moment, he burst into tears and was speechless.

When the goddess saw Xu Ying, she was also surprised and uncertain. After counting with her fingers, she still couldn't calculate Xu Ying's life or death. She calculated over and over again, and although Xu Ying was clearly right in front of her, the divination showed that Xu Ying had died five years ago!

I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out... What's going on? Why can't you figure it out in front of me?

Xu Jing reunited with Xu Ying and his son, with mixed feelings. For Xu Jing, every day in the past five years has been torture. It is precisely because he believed that Xu Ying was still alive that he persisted until now.

This reunion, even as strong as him, still feels dizzy and unreal.

Ying'er, I should return the ruler of mountains and rivers to you.

Xu Jing took out the Zhangtian Ruler and said, This Zhangtian Ruler flew with your arm and fell into my hand. My heart hurt like a knife...

Xu Ying was slightly startled and said, Dad, are you saying that the Zhangtian Ruler flew into your hand on its own initiative?

Xu Jing nodded and said: At that time, you were in the Tianyuan, preparing to fight to the death with Ming Zun. For some reason, Zhang Tianzhi flew over with your arm.

Xu Ying was surprised and looked at the ruler repeatedly. This is not the first time that this Zhangtian ruler has been so magical. After the ruler was taken away by the Changsheng Emperor, it flew out of the Changsheng Emperor's control and flew back to his own hands.

This is the second time this has happened!

There must be something strange about this ruler. Could it be the beautiful lady across the river that I saw in the ruler?

He thought of the beautiful woman on the other side, and thought to himself, Could it be that she controlled the Zhangtian Ruler twice? Unfortunately, I am not in cultivation now, so I cannot use Taiyi Shenqiao to rescue her again. This woman should also be one of the six gods and twelve mysteries. One, I just don’t know whether she is good or evil?”

When Xu Jing saw Yuan Weiyang, he was also extremely surprised and murmured: Yuanjun Zitong, haven't you already...

Xu Ying tugged on his sleeves, Xu Jing did not continue, and quickly took out two ginseng Tao fruits and said: These two ginseng Tao fruits are your filial piety to us, but your mother and I have taken them. I haven’t been willing to use it, so you use it to replenish your body.”

When he said this, he glanced at Yuan Weiyang and became even more confused.

He originally had a third Ginseng Dao Fruit in his hand, but that Dao Fruit had already been given to Yuanjun Zitong. After taking it, Zitong Yuanjun cultivated the Dao Fruit and helped them overcome great difficulties.

The goddess was also confused and quickly calculated the calculations for Yuanjun Zitong. The result of the calculation turned out to be that Yuanjun Zitong was dead and nothing else could be calculated!

It's so weird. She thought to herself.

Dog brother!

Xu Ying walked towards Roaring Sky Dog and stretched out his arms. Roaring Sky Dog stood up on its hind legs and was about a head taller than him. He stretched out his front paws to stop him and said alertly: Second brother, I I remember you are obviously dead, are you pretending to be dead?

Xu Jing was a little nervous when he heard this, and hurriedly looked at his son to see if there was any corpse hair on his body.

Xu Ying smiled and scolded: You are the one who cheated!

The Roaring Sky Dog stuck out his head and sniffed around him suspiciously. He didn't notice the corpse aura, and then said, How did you survive?

Xu Ying looked a little sad when he thought of himself in his first life.

Roaring Sky Dog patted his shoulder and said: No matter what, just survive. Take that Laoshizi ginseng fruit as soon as possible, maybe it can cure your injuries. When we fight again in the future, call me, let's We are sworn brothers, not outsiders.

Xu Ying nodded lightly.

Xu Jing hesitated again and again, but still told the situation of Lan Suying, Fairy Gushe and Yuan Tiangang, saying: They have been sleeping for five years.

Xu Ying felt heavy and stayed with Lan Suying.

After a few days, he decided to leave, bowed to them and said: Dad, Brother Dog, I need to go to the human world with Weiyang. There is still a cry on this ship, so we can't let you go together. We Leave it alone for now.”

Xu Jing did not stop him and watched him go away.

On the Golden Ship, Xu Ying took out the ginseng Tao Fruit. Instead of taking it directly, he planted two Tao Fruits on the two fairy mountains and continued to sharpen his martial arts.

The aura of the Dao Fruit gradually spreads out. The treasure that should have been cultivated into the Dao Fruit, but the aura and spiritual power were captured by the Five Mountains Immortal Mountain. Along with Xu Ying's martial arts training, it was continuously smelted and turned into his true energy!

Xu Ying's true Qi cultivation is getting stronger and stronger, and the golden ship of crossing the world is sailing in the sky, floating above the long river of spiritual light, heading towards the human world.

Below, countless spiritual lights are flying, like long dragons connecting to the stars in the universe.

The stars are like a sea. Surrounding this long river of spiritual light, countless stars form a wonder of the sky and the sea.

The human world.

Found you!

A loud laugh came, and Dan Xuanzi appeared in front of the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God. At the same time, countless figures flashed in the darkness, walking towards Dan Xuanzi and entering his body!

The Holy Lord said calmly: Dan Xuanzi, you are my defeated general, and you dare to chase me? Even if I only have one breath left, I can easily kill you!

Dan Xuanzi smiled slightly and said leisurely: If that's the case, why did the Holy Lord turn into a human body? And the ancestor god, why did you also transform into a human body?

All over the body of the Holy Lord, branch-like textures float, which is the disintegration of his own great path!

The same goes for the Ancestral God. The cries around the two of them were extremely serious. It was the wounds left by Lu Yiren on them!

Dan Xuanzi said leisurely: I never thought that you would be weakened to such an extent. Today, maybe I can use you and others to fulfill my reputation as Dan Xuanzi!

His eyes flashed with excitement, and he suddenly jumped into the air, killing the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God.

The Holy Lord and the Ancestral God each sighed secretly, took a deep breath, and were about to take action when suddenly they heard a loud crack and the sky in the human world shook violently.

Dan Xuanzi was alert and quickly looked back, only to see a huge golden ship heading towards him!

Who dares to plot against me? How bold is it to plot against a great Luo Miaojing?

Dan Xuanzi was not afraid, he shouted violently, and continued to kill the ancestor god and the saint. At the same time, countless incarnations rushed out from the shadows behind him, and each raised their hands to push the building ship.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

His external avatars suddenly exploded one after another, their bones and tendons were broken, and some were even crushed!

Dan Xuanzi's face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly turned around and pushed the colliding building ship with both hands. Suddenly, an extremely terrifying force hit him. Even if he sacrificed himself to the Daoguo Dojo, he would not be able to compete with it!

Dan Xuanzi was pushed backwards and his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding.

At this time, the Holy Lord and the Ancestor God looked at each other, and the two old men reached out and patted him on the back of the heart.

Dan Xuanzi spit out blood, hurriedly rose into the air, and flew away.

The Holy Lord and the Ancestral God each breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, they heard a familiar voice coming from the golden ship: Weiyang, I just said you hit someone, right? You were driving too fast!

————I guess I won’t be able to finish the second chapter before twelve o’clock today. I’ll make up for it at noon tomorrow. Everyone should go to bed early after reading this chapter. Let’s take a rest and continue coding.

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